Joshua 13:12
Joshua 13:12
that is, the whole kingdom of Og in Bashan, who had reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei. (He was the last of the Rephaites.) Moses had defeated them and taken over their land.

and all the territory of King Og of Bashan, who had reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei. King Og was the last of the Rephaites, for Moses had attacked them and driven them out.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (he alone was left of the remnant of the Rephaim); these Moses had struck and driven out.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (he alone was left of the remnant of the Rephaim); for Moses struck them and dispossessed them.

All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.

the whole kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei; he was one of the remaining Rephaim. Moses struck them down and drove them out,

Also included was the entire kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and Edrei. (He was the sole survivor left of the Rephaim.) Although Moses had defeated these people and driven them out,

the whole kingdom of Og in Bashan, who ruled in Ashtaroth and Edrei. (He was one of the few remaining Rephaites.) Moses defeated them and took their lands.

(the whole kingdom of Og in Bashan). Og ruled in Ashtaroth and Edrei. He was the last of the Rephaim. Moses had defeated them and forced them out.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the Rephaim, for these did Moses smite and cast them out of the land.

All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses defeat, and cast them out.

All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants: for these did Moses smite, and cast them out.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (the same was left of the remnant of the Rephaim); for these did Moses smite, and drove them out.

All the kingdom of Og in Basan, who reigned in Astaroth and Edrai, he was of the remains of the Raphaims: and Moses overthrew and destroyed them.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned at Ashtaroth and at Edrei, who remained of the residue of the giants; and Moses smote them and dispossessed them.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, which reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (the same was left of the remnant of the Rephaim); for these did Moses smite, and drave them out.

All the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei, who remained of the remnant of the giants. For these did Moses smite, and cast them out.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei (the same was left of the remnant of the Rephaim); for Moses attacked these, and drove them out.

all the kingdom of Og in Bashan, who reigned in Ashtaroth and in Edrei; he was left of the remnant of the Rephaim, and Moses doth smite them, and dispossess them;

Jozueu 13:12
tërë mbretërinë e Ogut, në Bashan, që mbretëronte në Ashtaroth dhe në Edrei dhe ishte i vetmi gjigant i mbetur gjallë. Në fakt Moisiu i kishte mundur dhe dëbuar.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 13:12
كل مملكة عوج في باشان الذي ملك في عشتاروث وفي اذرعي. هو بقي من بقية الرفائيين وضربهم موسى وطردهم.

Dyr Josen 13:12
dös gantze Reich von n Og z Bäsn, der was von Ästerott und Edrei aus sein Land gabherrscht. Er war von de Räfeitterrisn überblibn, die wo dyr Mosen gschlagn und vertribn hiet.

Исус Навиев 13:12
цялото царство на Ога във Васан, който царуваше в Астарот и в Едраи, и който бе оцелял от останалите от исполините; защото тях Моисей порази и ги изгони.

約 書 亞 記 13:12
又 有 巴 珊 王 噩 的 全 國 ─ 他 在 亞 斯 他 錄 和 以 得 來 作 王 ( 利 乏 音 人 所 存 留 的 只 剩 下 他 ) 。 這 些 地 的 人 都 是 摩 西 所 擊 殺 、 所 趕 逐 的 。

又 有 巴 珊 王 噩 的 全 国 ─ 他 在 亚 斯 他 录 和 以 得 来 作 王 ( 利 乏 音 人 所 存 留 的 只 剩 下 他 ) 。 这 些 地 的 人 都 是 摩 西 所 击 杀 、 所 赶 逐 的 。



Joshua 13:12
a u Bašanu sve kraljevstvo Oga, koji je vladao u Aštarotu i Edreju i bio posljednji potomak Refaima. Mojsije ih je pobijedio i protjerao.

Jozue 13:12
Všecko království Oga v Bázan, kterýž kraloval v Astarot a v Edrei, kterýž byl pozůstal z ostatků Refaim, když je pobil Mojžíš, a zahladil je.

Josua 13:12
hele det Rige, der havde tilhørt Og af Basan, som herskede i Asjtarot og Edre'i, den sidste, der var tilbage af Refaiterne; Moses havde overvundet dem alle og drevet dem bort.

Jozua 13:12
Het ganse koninkrijk van Og, in Bazan, die geregeerd heeft te Astharoth, en te Edrei; deze is overig gebleven uit het overblijfsel der reuzen, dewelke Mozes heeft verslagen, en heeft ze verdreven.

יהושע 13:12
כָּל־מַמְלְכ֥וּת עֹוג֙ בַּבָּשָׁ֔ן אֲשֶׁר־מָלַ֥ךְ בְּעַשְׁתָּרֹ֖ות וּבְאֶדְרֶ֑עִי ה֤וּא נִשְׁאַר֙ מִיֶּ֣תֶר הָרְפָאִ֔ים וַיַּכֵּ֥ם מֹשֶׁ֖ה וַיֹּרִשֵֽׁם׃

יב כל ממלכות עוג בבשן אשר מלך בעשתרות ובאדרעי  הוא נשאר מיתר הרפאים ויכם משה וירשם

כל־ממלכות עוג בבשן אשר־מלך בעשתרות ובאדרעי הוא נשאר מיתר הרפאים ויכם משה וירשם׃

Józsué 13:12
Básánban Ógnak egész országát, a ki uralkodik vala Astarótban és Edreiben. Ez maradt vala meg a Refaim maradékai közül, de leveré és kiûzé õket Mózes.

Josuo 13:12
la tutan regnon de Og en Basxan, kiu regis en Asxtarot kaj Edrei. Li restis el la Rafaidoj. Kaj Moseo venkobatis ilin, kaj forpelis ilin.

JOOSUA 13:12
Koko Ogin Basanin kuninkaan valtakunnan, joka hallitsi Astarotissa ja Edreissä, joka vielä jäänyt oli uljaista, ja Moses löi heitä ja ajoi heitä pois.

Josué 13:12
tout le royaume d'Og, en Basan, qui régnait à Ashtaroth et à Édréhi; (il était demeuré du reste des Rephaïm); et Moïse les frappa et les déposséda.

tout le royaume d'Og en Basan, qui régnait à Aschtaroth et à Edréï, et qui était le seul reste des Rephaïm. Moïse battit ces rois, et les chassa.

Tout le Royaume de Hog en Basan, lequel Hog régnait à Hastaroth, et à Edréhi, [et] était demeuré de reste des Réphaïms, lesquels [Rois] Moïse défit, et les déposséda.

Josua 13:12
das ganze Reich Ogs zu Basan, der zu Astharoth und Edrei saß, welcher noch ein übriger war von den Riesen. Mose aber schlug sie und vertrieb sie.

(das ganze Reich Ogs von Basan, der zu Astharoth und Edrei saß, welcher noch übrig war von den Riesen. Mose aber schlug sie und vertrieb sie. {~}

das gesamte Königreich Ogs in Basan, der zu Astaroth und Edrei herrschte. Derselbe war von den Überresten der Rephaiter übrig geblieben; diese besiegte Mose und vertrieb sie.

Giosué 13:12
tutto il regno di Og, in Basan, che regnava a Astaroth e a Edrei, ultimo superstite dei Refaim. Mosè sconfisse questi re e li cacciò.

tutto il regno d’Og in Basan, il qual regnò in Astarot, e in Edrei, ed era restato del rimanente dei Rafei; Mosè percosse questi re, e li scacciò.

YOSUA 13:12
Segala kerajaan Og di Bazan, yang dipertuan di Astarot dan di Ederei (maka iapun lagi tinggal dari pada sisa orang Refai), yang dialahkan dan diambil oleh Musa akan milik.

여호수아 13:12
곧 르바의 남은 족속으로서 아스다롯과 에드레이에 도읍하였던 바산 왕 옥의 온 나라라 모세가 이 땅의 사람들을 쳐서 쫓아내었어도

Iosue 13:12
omne regnum Og in Basan qui regnavit in Astharoth et Edraim ipse fuit de reliquiis Rafaim percussitque eos Moses atque delevit

Jozuës knyga 13:12
visą Ogo, kuris karaliavo Aštarote ir Edrėjyje, karalystę Bašane. Jis buvo iš milžinų palikuonių, kuriuos Mozė nugalėjo ir išvarė.

Joshua 13:12
Te kingitanga katoa o Oka i Pahana; i kingi hoki ia ki Ahataroto, ki Eterei, he toenga ia no nga oranga o nga Repaima; i patua hoki enei e Mohi, a peia atu ana.

Josvas 13:12
hele det rike som tilhørte Og i Basan, han som regjerte i Astarot og Edre'i; han var den siste som var tilbake av refa'ittene, og Moses slo dem og drev dem bort.

Josué 13:12
todo el reino de Og en Basán, el cual reinaba en Astarot y en Edrei (sólo él quedaba del remanente de los refaítas); porque Moisés los hirió y los desposeyó.

todo el reino de Og en Basán, el cual reinaba en Astarot y en Edrei (sólo él quedaba del remanente de los Refaítas); porque Moisés los hirió y los desposeyó.

todo el reino de Og en Basán, el cual reinó en Astarot y Edrei, el cual había quedado del resto de los refaítas; pues Moisés los hirió, y los echó.

Todo el reino de Og en Basán, el cual reinó en Astaroth y Edrei, el cual había quedado del residuo de los Rapheos; pues Moisés los hirió, y echó.

Todo el reino de Og en Basán, el cual reinó en Astarot y en Edrei, el cual había quedado del residuo de los refaítas; pues Moisés los hirió, y los echó de la tierra .

Josué 13:12
quer dizer, todo o reino de Ogue, em Basã, que tinha reinado em Asterote e Edrei, um dos últimos refains sobreviventes. Moisés os tinha vencido e tomado as suas terras.

todo o reino de Ogue em Basã, que reinou em Astarote e em Edrei (ele era dos refains que ficaram); pois que Moisés os feriu e expulsou.   

Iosua 13:12
toată împărăţia lui Og în Basan, care domnea în Aştarot şi în Edrei, şi care era singura rămăşiţă a Refaimiţilor. Moise a bătut pe aceşti împăraţi, şi i -a izgonit.

Иисус Навин 13:12
все царство Ога Васанского, который царствовал в Астарофе и в Едреи. Он оставался один из Рефаимов, которых Моисей поразил и прогнал.

все царство Ога Васанского, который царствовал в Астарофе и в Едреи. Он оставался один из Рефаимов, которых Моисей поразил и прогнал.[]

Josuaé 13:12
hela Ogs rike i Basan, hans som regerade i Astarot och Edrei, och som levde kvar såsom en av de sista rafaéerna, sedan Mose hade slagit och fördrivit dem.

Joshua 13:12
Ang buong kaharian ni Og sa Basan, na naghari sa Astaroth at sa Edrei (na siyang naiwang labi sa mga Rephaim); sapagka't sinaktan ang mga ito ni Moises at mga itinaboy.

โยชูวา 13:12
ตลอดราชอาณาจักรของโอกในบาชาน ผู้ครอบครองอยู่ในอัชทาโรทและในเอเดรอี ท่านเป็นพวกมนุษย์ยักษ์ที่เหลืออยู่ เมืองเหล่านี้โมเสสรบชนะ และได้ขับไล่ให้ออกไป

Yeşu 13:12
sağ kalan Refalılardan biri olup Aştarot ve Edreide egemenlik sürmüş olan Kral Ogun Başanda kalan topraklarının tümü. Musanın, krallarını yenilgiye uğratıp ele geçirdiği topraklar bunlardı.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 13:12
cũng được toàn nước vua Oùc trong Ba-san, vốn trị vì tại Ách-ta-rốt và Ết-ri -i; người là kẻ chót trong dân Rê-pha-im còn sót lại. Môi-se đánh bại và đuổi chúng nó đi.

Joshua 13:11
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