Joshua 10:27
Joshua 10:27
At sunset Joshua gave the order and they took them down from the poles and threw them into the cave where they had been hiding. At the mouth of the cave they placed large rocks, which are there to this day.

As the sun was going down, Joshua gave instructions for the bodies of the kings to be taken down from the poles and thrown into the cave where they had been hiding. Then they covered the opening of the cave with a pile of large rocks, which remains to this very day.

But at the time of the going down of the sun, Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees and threw them into the cave where they had hidden themselves, and they set large stones against the mouth of the cave, which remain to this very day.

It came about at sunset that Joshua gave a command, and they took them down from the trees and threw them into the cave where they had hidden themselves, and put large stones over the mouth of the cave, to this very day.

And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.

At sunset Joshua commanded that they be taken down from the trees and thrown into the cave where they had hidden. Then large stones were placed against the mouth of the cave, and the stones are there to this day.

When evening had come, Joshua gave a command to remove the bodies from the gallows and bury them in the cave where they had hidden. The army sealed the mouth of the cave with large stones that remain there to this very day.

At sunset Joshua ordered his men to take them down from the trees. They threw them into the cave where they had hidden and piled large stones over the mouth of the cave. (They remain to this very day.)

When the sun went down, Joshua gave the order to take them down from the poles. Then they threw them into the cave where they had been hiding and put large stones over the mouth of the cave. These stones are still there today.

And at the time of the going down of the sun, Joshua commanded that they take them down off the trees and cast them into the cave in which they had been hid, and they laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.

And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave in which they had been hid, and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.

And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had been hid, and laid great stones in the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.

And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had hidden themselves, and laid great stones on the mouth of the cave, unto this very day.

And when the sun was down, he commanded the soldiers to take them down from the gibbets. And after they were taken down, they cast them into the cave where they had lain hid, and put great stones at the mouth thereof, which remain until this day.

And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave where they had been hid, and laid great stones before the cave's mouth, which remain to this very day.

And it came to pass at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave wherein they had hidden themselves, and laid great stones on the mouth of the cave, unto this very day.

And it came to pass at the time of the setting of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down from the trees, and cast them into the cave in which they had been hid, and laid great stones upon the cave's mouth, which remain until this very day.

It happened at the time of the going down of the sun, that Joshua commanded, and they took them down off the trees, and cast them into the cave in which they had hidden themselves, and laid great stones on the mouth of the cave, which remain to this very day.

And it cometh to pass, at the time of the going in of the sun, Joshua hath commanded, and they take them down from off the trees, and cast them unto the cave where they had been hid, and put great stones on the mouth of the cave till this very day.

Jozueu 10:27
Në perëndim të diellit, Jozueu urdhëroi t'i ulnin nga drurët dhe t'i hidhnin në shpellën ku ishin fshehur; pastaj në hyrje të shpellës vunë gurë të mëdhenj, që kanë mbetur aty deri sot.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 10:27
وكان عند غروب الشمس ان يشوع امر فانزلوهم عن الخشب وطرحوهم في المغارة التي اختبأوا فيها ووضعوا حجارة كبيرة على فم المغارة حتى الى هذا اليوم عينه

Dyr Josen 10:27
Wie d Sunn untergieng, befalh dyr Josen, däß s is von de Baeum abhertuend und eyn dö Höln einhinschmeissnd, wo sö si drinn verstöckt hietnd. Es wurdnd risige Stäin zuehingrollt. Dort lignd de Künig +heut non.

Исус Навиев 10:27
А при захождането на слънцето Исус заповяда, та ги снеха от дърветата, хвърлиха ги в пещерата, гдето бяха се скрили, и във входа на пещерата туриха големи камъни, [които стоят там] и до днес.

約 書 亞 記 10:27
日 頭 要 落 的 時 候 , 約 書 亞 一 吩 咐 , 人 就 把 屍 首 從 樹 上 取 下 來 , 丟 在 他 們 藏 過 的 洞 裡 , 把 幾 塊 大 石 頭 放 在 洞 口 , 直 存 到 今 日 。

日 头 要 落 的 时 候 , 约 书 亚 一 吩 咐 , 人 就 把 尸 首 从 树 上 取 下 来 , 丢 在 他 们 藏 过 的 洞 里 , 把 几 块 大 石 头 放 在 洞 口 , 直 存 到 今 日 。



Joshua 10:27
A o zalasku sunčanom zapovjedi Jošua te ih skidoše s drveća i baciše u istu onu pećinu u koju se bijahu sklonili te na otvor navališe golemo kamenje, koje je i danas ondje.

Jozue 10:27
Když pak zapadlo slunce, k rozkazu Jozue složili je s dřev, a uvrhli je do jeskyně, v kteréž se byli skryli, a přivalili kamení veliké k díře jeskyně, kteréž jest tu až do tohoto dne.

Josua 10:27
Men ved Solnedgang lod Josua dem tage ned af Pælene og kaste ind i den Hule, de havde skjult sig i, og for Indgangen til Hulen væltede man store Sten, som ligger der den Dag i Dag.

Jozua 10:27
En het geschiedde, ten tijde als de zon onderging, beval Jozua, dat men hen van de houten afname, en zij wierpen hen in de spelonk, alwaar zij verborgen geweest waren; en zij legden grote stenen voor den mond der spelonk, die daar zijn tot op dezen zelven dag.

יהושע 10:27
וַיְהִ֞י לְעֵ֣ת ׀ בֹּ֣וא הַשֶּׁ֗מֶשׁ צִוָּ֤ה יְהֹושֻׁ֙עַ֙ וַיֹּֽרִידוּם֙ מֵעַ֣ל הָעֵצִ֔ים וַיַּ֨שְׁלִכֻ֔ם אֶל־הַמְּעָרָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר נֶחְבְּאוּ־שָׁ֑ם וַיָּשִׂ֜מוּ אֲבָנִ֤ים גְּדֹלֹות֙ עַל־פִּ֣י הַמְּעָרָ֔ה עַד־עֶ֖צֶם הַיֹּ֥ום הַזֶּֽה׃ פ

כז ויהי לעת בוא השמש צוה יהושע וירידום מעל העצים וישלכם אל המערה אשר נחבאו שם וישמו אבנים גדלות על פי המערה עד עצם היום הזה  {ס}

ויהי לעת ׀ בוא השמש צוה יהושע וירידום מעל העצים וישלכם אל־המערה אשר נחבאו־שם וישמו אבנים גדלות על־פי המערה עד־עצם היום הזה׃ פ

Józsué 10:27
Lõn pedig a nap lementének idején, parancsola Józsué, és levevék õket a fákról, és behányák õket a barlangba, a melyben elbújtak vala, és nagy köveket rakának a barlang szája elé, mind e napig.

Josuo 10:27
Kaj post la subiro de la suno Josuo ordonis, kaj oni deprenis ilin de la arboj, kaj jxetis ilin en la kavernon, en kiu ili estis kasxintaj sin; kaj oni almetis al la aperturo de la kaverno grandajn sxtonojn, kiuj restis gxis la nuna tago.

JOOSUA 10:27
Ja kuin aurinko laski, käski Josua heitä, ja he ottivat heidät puista alas ja heittivät luolaan, johonka he itsensä lymyttivät, ja panivat suuret kivet luolan suulle, jotka siellä vielä tänäpänä ovat.

Josué 10:27
Et au temps du coucher du soleil, il arriva que Josué commanda, et on les descendit des arbres, et on les jeta dans la caverne où ils s'étaient cachés; et on mit à l'ouverture de la caverne de grandes pierres, qui sont demeurées jusqu'à ce jour même.

Vers le coucher du soleil, Josué ordonna qu'on les descendît des arbres, on les jeta dans la caverne où ils s'étaient cachés, et l'on mit à l'entrée de la caverne de grosses pierres, qui y sont demeurées jusqu'à ce jour.

Et comme le soleil se couchait Josué fit commandement qu'on les ôtât de ces potences, et on les jeta dans la caverne où ils s'étaient cachés; et on mit à l'entrée de la caverne de grandes pierres [qui y sont demeurées] jusqu'à ce jour.

Josua 10:27
Da aber die Sonne war untergegangen, gebot er, daß man sie von den Bäumen nähme und würfe sie in die Höhle, darinnen sie sich verkrochen hatten; und legten große Steine vor der Höhle Loch. Die sind noch da auf diesen Tag.

Da aber die Sonne war untergegangen, gebot er, daß man sie von den Bäumen nähme und würfe sie in die Höhle darin sie sich verkrochen hatten. Und sie legten große Steine vor der Höhle Loch; die sind noch da bis auf diesen Tag. {~}

Als aber die Sonne eben untergehen wollte, befahl Josua, sie von den Pfählen herabzunehmen. Da warf man sie in die Höhle, in der sie sich versteckt hatten, und legte große Steine vor den Eingang der Höhle; die befinden sich dort bis auf diesen selbigen Tag.

Giosué 10:27
E sul tramontar del sole, Giosuè ordino che fossero calati dagli alberi e gettati nella spelonca dove s’erano nascosti; e che all’imboccatura della caverna fossero messe delle grosse pietre, le quali vi son rimaste fino al dì d’oggi.

E in sul tramontar del sole, per comandamento di Giosuè furon messi giù dalle forche, e gittati nella spelonca, nella quale si erano nascosti; e furon poste delle pietre grandi alla bocca della spelonca, le quali vi son restate infino a questo giorno.

YOSUA 10:27
Maka sesungguhnya pada waktu masuk matahari disuruh Yusak turunkan mereka itu dari pada tiang itu dan campakkan mereka itu ke dalam gua, tempat mereka itu telah menyembunyikan dirinya, lalu dibubuh oranglah beberapa batu yang besar-besar pada pintu gua itu, yang ada di sana sampai kepada hari ini.

여호수아 10:27
여호수아가 온 이스라엘로 더불어 막게다에서 립나로 나아가서 립나와 싸우매

Iosue 10:27
cumque occumberet sol praecepit sociis ut deponerent eos de patibulis qui depositos proiecerunt in speluncam in qua latuerant et posuerunt super os eius saxa ingentia quae permanent usque in praesens

Jozuës knyga 10:27
Saulei leidžiantis, Jozuei įsakius, jie nuėmė juos nuo medžių ir sumetė į olą, kurioje jie buvo pasislėpę, o olos angą užrito dideliais akmenimis, tebegulinčiais iki šios dienos.

Joshua 10:27
Na i te wa o te tonga o te ra ka whakahaua e Hohua kia tangohia ki raro o nga rakau, kia maka hoki ki roto ki te ana i piri ai ratou, kia whakatakotoria hoki etahi kohatu nunui ki te kuwaha o te ana; e takoto mai nei a taea noatia tenei ra.

Josvas 10:27
Men på den tid solen gikk ned, bød Josva sine folk å ta dem ned av trærne og kaste dem i den hule de hadde skjult sig i; og for inngangen til hulen la de store stener, som ligger der den dag idag.

Josué 10:27
Y sucedió que a la hora de la puesta del sol, Josué dio órdenes y los bajaron de los árboles, y los echaron en la cueva donde se habían escondido; y sobre la boca de la cueva pusieron grandes piedras que permanecen hasta el día de hoy.

A la hora de la puesta del sol, Josué dio órdenes y los bajaron de los árboles, y los echaron en la cueva donde se habían escondido, y sobre la boca de la cueva pusieron grandes piedras que permanecen hasta el día de hoy.

Y cuando el sol se iba a poner, mandó Josué que los quitasen de los maderos, y los echasen en la cueva donde se habían escondido: y pusieron grandes piedras a la boca de la cueva, que permanecen hasta hoy.

Y cuando el sol se iba á poner, mandó Josué que los quitasen de los maderos, y los echasen en la cueva donde se habían escondido: y pusieron grandes piedras á la boca de la cueva, hasta hoy.

Y cuando el sol se iba a poner, mandó Josué que los quitasen de los maderos, y los echasen en la cueva donde se habían escondido; y pusieron grandes piedras a la boca de la cueva, hasta hoy.

Josué 10:27
Ao final do dia, por ordem de Josué, tiraram-nos das árvores e lançaram-nos na caverna onde haviam buscado refúgio. Foram colocadas grandes pedras à entrada da caverna, as quais permanecem lá até o dia de hoje.

Ao pôr do sol, por ordem de Josué, tiraram-nos dos madeiros, lançaram-nos na caverna em que se haviam escondido, e puseram à boca da mesma grandes pedras, que ainda ali estão até o dia de hoje.   

Iosua 10:27
Pela apusul soarelui, Iosua a poruncit să -i pogoare din copaci, i-au aruncat în peştera în care se ascunseseră, şi au pus la intrarea peşterii nişte pietre mari, cari au rămas acolo pînă în ziua de azi.

Иисус Навин 10:27
При захождении солнца приказал Иисус, и снялиих с дерев, и бросили их в пещеру, в которой они скрывались, и привалили большие камни к отверстию пещеры, которые там даже до сего дня.

При захождении солнца приказал Иисус, и сняли их с дерев, и бросили их в пещеру, в которой они скрывались, и привалили большие камни к отверстию пещеры, [которые там] даже до сего дня.[]

Josuaé 10:27
Men vid solnedgången togos de på Josuas befallning ned från pålarna och kastades in i grottan där de hade varit gömda; och framför ingången till grottan lade man stora stenar, som ligga kvar där ännu i denna dag.

Joshua 10:27
At nangyari sa paglubog ng araw, na si Josue ay nagutos at kanilang ibinaba sa mga punong kahoy, at kanilang inihagis sa yungib na kanilang pinagtaguan, at kanilang nilagyan ng mga malaking bato ang bunganga ng yungib hanggang sa araw na ito.

โยชูวา 10:27
ต่อมาเมื่อถึงเวลาดวงอาทิตย์ตก โยชูวาได้บัญชาและเขาก็ปลดศพลงจากต้นไม้และทิ้งไว้ในถ้ำซึ่งกษัตริย์เหล่านั้นได้ซ่อนตัวอยู่ และเอาหินใหญ่ๆปิดปากถ้ำนั้นไว้ ซึ่งยังอยู่จนกระทั่งวันนี้

Yeşu 10:27
Yeşunun buyruğu üzerine gün batımında kralların cesetlerini ağaçlardan indirdiler, gizlendikleri mağaraya atıp mağaranın ağzını büyük taşlarla kapadılar. Bu taşlar bugün de orada duruyor.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 10:27
Khi mặt trời chen lặn, Giô-suê biểu người ta hạ thây xuống khỏi cây; họ liệng những thây trong hang đá, là chỗ các vua ấy đã núp, rồi lấy những đá lớn lấp miệng hang lại, hãy còn cho đến ngày nay.

Joshua 10:26
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