Joshua 10:21
Joshua 10:21
The whole army then returned safely to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah, and no one uttered a word against the Israelites.

Then the Israelites returned safely to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah. After that, no one dared to speak even a word against Israel.

then all the people returned safe to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah. Not a man moved his tongue against any of the people of Israel.

that all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace. No one uttered a word against any of the sons of Israel.

And all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

The people returned safely to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah. And no one dared to threaten the Israelites.

the entire army returned safely to Joshua's encampment at Makkedah. No one could speak so much as a single word against any of the Israelis.

Then the whole army safely returned to Joshua at the camp in Makkedah. No one dared threaten the Israelites.

Then the whole army returned safely to Joshua in the camp at Makkedah. Not a single person dared to speak against any of the Israelites.

And all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace; there was no one to move his tongue against any of the sons of Israel.

And all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

And all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

that all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

And all the army returned to Josue in Maceda, where the camp then was, in good health and without the loss of any one: and no man durst move his tongue against the children of Israel.

and all the people returned to the camp to Joshua, at Makkedah, in peace; none moved his tongue against the children of Israel.

that all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

And all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace: none moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

that all the people returned to the camp to Joshua at Makkedah in peace. None moved his tongue against any of the children of Israel.

that all the people turn back to the camp, unto Joshua, at Makkedah, in peace; none moved sharply his tongue against the sons of Israel.

Jozueu 10:21
tërë populli u kthye shëndoshë e mirë pranë Jozueut në kampin e Makedahut. Askush nuk guxoi të flasë kundër ndonjërit prej bijve të Izraelit.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 10:21
رجع جميع الشعب الى المحلّة الى يشوع في مقيدة بسلام. لم يسن احد لسانه على بني اسرائيل.

Dyr Josen 10:21
Feind wurd bis auf ayn Par Flüchtige, wo eyn d Föstungsstötn entkaamend, vollstöndig vernichtt, und niemdd taat meer aynn Muxer gögn d Isryheeler.

Исус Навиев 10:21
тогава всичките люде се върнаха с мир в стана при Исуса у Макида; никой не поклати език против някого от израилтяните.

約 書 亞 記 10:21
眾 百 姓 就 安 然 回 瑪 基 大 營 中 , 到 約 書 亞 那 裡 。 沒 有 一 人 敢 向 以 色 列 人 饒 舌 。

众 百 姓 就 安 然 回 玛 基 大 营 中 , 到 约 书 亚 那 里 。 没 有 一 人 敢 向 以 色 列 人 饶 舌 。



Joshua 10:21
vrati se narod zdrav i čitav k Jošui u tabor u Makedi. I nitko više ni da pisne protiv sinova Izraelovih.

Jozue 10:21
Navrátil se všecken lid do ležení k Jozue do Maceda ve zdraví; nepohnul proti synům Izraelským žádný jazykem svým.

Josua 10:21
vendte hele Folket uskadt tilbage til Josua i Lejren ved Makkeda, uden at nogen havde vovet saa meget som at knurre imod Israeliterne.

Jozua 10:21
Zo keerde al het volk tot Jozua in het leger, bij Makkeda, in vrede; niemand had zijn tong tegen de kinderen Israels geroerd.

יהושע 10:21
וַיָּשֻׁבוּ֩ כָל־הָעָ֨ם אֶל־הַמַּחֲנֶ֧ה אֶל־יְהֹושֻׁ֛עַ מַקֵּדָ֖ה בְּשָׁלֹ֑ום לֹֽא־חָרַ֞ץ לִבְנֵ֧י יִשְׂרָאֵ֛ל לְאִ֖ישׁ אֶת־לְשֹׁנֹֽו׃

כא וישבו כל העם אל המחנה אל יהושע מקדה בשלום  לא חרץ לבני ישראל לאיש--את לשנו

וישבו כל־העם אל־המחנה אל־יהושע מקדה בשלום לא־חרץ לבני ישראל לאיש את־לשנו׃

Józsué 10:21
Visszatére az egész nép Józsuéhoz a táborba, Makkedába békességgel; nyelvét se mozdította senki Izráel fiai ellen.

Josuo 10:21
kaj la tuta popolo revenis al Josuo en la tendaron en Makedan sendifekta, kaj neniu movis sian langon kontraux la Izraelidojn,

JOOSUA 10:21
Niin tuli kaikki kansa jälleen leiriin Josuan tykö Makkedaan rauhassa, ja ei kenkään rohjennut Israelin lasten edessä hiiskuakaan.

Josué 10:21
et tout le peuple retourna en paix au camp, vers Josué, à Makkéda; personne ne remua sa langue contre les fils d'Israël.

et tout le peuple revint tranquillement au camp vers Josué à Makkéda, sans que personne remuât sa langue contre les enfants d'Israël.

Tout le peuple retourna en paix au camp vers Josué à Makkéda; [et] personne ne remua sa langue contre aucun des enfants d'Israël.

Josua 10:21
Also kam alles Volk wieder ins Lager zu Josua gen Makeda mit Frieden, und durfte niemand vor den Kindern Israel seine Zunge regen.

da kam alles Volk wieder ins Lager zu Josua gen Makkeda mit Frieden, und wagte niemand vor den Kindern Israel seine Zunge zu regen.

da kehrte die gesamte Mannschaft wohlbehalten zu Josua ins Lager nach Makeda zurück, und es wagte niemand mehr gegen die Israeliten zu mucksen.

Giosué 10:21
tutto il popolo tornò tranquillamente a Giosuè al campo di Makkeda, senza che alcuno osasse fiatare contro i figliuoli d’Israele.

tutto il popolo ritornò a Giosuè nel campo, in Maccheda, in pace; niuno mosse pur la lingua contro ad alcuno de’ figliuoli d’Israele.

YOSUA 10:21
lalu orang banyak itupun kembalilah semuanya ke tempat tentara kepada Yusak di Makeda dengan selamat; bahwa seorangpun tiada yang mengelelotkan lidahnya kepada barang seorang dari pada segala bani Israel.

여호수아 10:21
그들이 그대로 하여 그 다섯 왕 곧 예루살렘 왕과, 헤브론 왕과, 야르뭇 왕과, 라기스 왕과, 에글론 왕을 굴에서 그에게로 끌어내니라

Iosue 10:21
reversusque est omnis exercitus ad Iosue in Maceda ubi tunc erant castra sani et integro numero nullusque contra filios Israhel muttire ausus est

Jozuës knyga 10:21
Visa kariuomenė saugiai sugrįžo į Jozuės stovyklą Makedoje; niekas nedrįso išsižioti prieš izraelitus.

Joshua 10:21
Na hoki marie ana te iwi katoa ki a Hohua, ki te puni, ki Makera: kihai rawa hoki i oraora te arero o tetahi tangata ki tetahi o nga tama a Iharaira.

Josvas 10:21
da vendte hele folket i fred tilbake til Josva i leiren ved Makkeda, og ingen vågde mere å kny mot nogen av Israels barn.

Josué 10:21
todo el pueblo volvió en paz al campamento y a Josué en Maceda. Nadie profirió palabra alguna contra ninguno de los hijos de Israel.

todo el pueblo volvió en paz al campamento y a Josué en Maceda. Nadie profirió palabra alguna contra ninguno de los Israelitas.

Y todo el pueblo volvió en paz al campamento a Josué en Maceda; no hubo quien moviese su lengua contra ninguno de los hijos de Israel.

Y todo el pueblo se volvió salvo al campo á Josué en Maceda; que no hubo quien moviese su lengua contra los hijos de Israel.

Y todo el pueblo se volvió en paz al campamento a Josué en Maceda; que no hubo quien moviese su lengua contra los hijos de Israel.

Josué 10:21
Todo o povo israelita voltou ao acampamento são e salvo, junto com Josué, em Maquedá, e depois desse acontecimento, ninguém mais ousou abrir a boca para provocar os israelitas.

todo o povo voltou em paz a Josué, ao arraial em Maqueda. Não havia ninguém que movesse a sua língua contra os filhos de Israel.   

Iosua 10:21
şi tot poporul s'a întors liniştit în tabără la Iosua în Macheda, fără ca cineva să fi crîcnit cu limba lui împotriva copiilor lui Israel.

Иисус Навин 10:21
весь народ возвратился в стан к Иисусу в Макед с миром, и никтона сынов Израилевых не пошевелил языком своим.

весь народ возвратился в стан к Иисусу в Макед с миром, и никто на сынов Израилевых не пошевелил языком своим.[]

Josuaé 10:21
vände allt folket välbehållet tillbaka till Josua i lägret vid Mackeda, ty ingen vågade mer ens röra sin tunga mot någon av Israels barn.

Joshua 10:21
Na ang buong bayan ay bumalik sa kampamento kay Josue sa Maceda na tiwasay: walang maggalaw ng kaniyang dila laban sa kaninoman sa mga anak ni Israel.

โยชูวา 10:21
ประชาชนทั้งปวงก็กลับมาหาโยชูวา ณ ค่ายที่มักเคดาห์โดยสันติภาพทุกคน หามีผู้ใดกล้ากระดิกลิ้นถึงคนอิสราเอลต่อไปไม่

Yeşu 10:21
Sonra bütün halk güvenlik içinde Makkedadaki ordugaha, Yeşunun yanına döndü. Hiç kimse ağzını açıp İsraillilere karşı bir şey söyleyemedi.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 10:21
thì cả dân sự trở về với Giô-suê bình yên nơi trại quân tại Ma-kê-đa, chẳng một ai dám khua môi nghịch cùng dân Y-sơ-ra-ên.

Joshua 10:20
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