Joshua 10:13
Joshua 10:13
So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, till the nation avenged itself on its enemies, as it is written in the Book of Jashar. The sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed going down about a full day.

So the sun stood still and the moon stayed in place until the nation of Israel had defeated its enemies. Is this event not recorded in [The Book of Jashar]? The sun stayed in the middle of the sky, and it did not set as on a normal day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day.

So the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, Until the nation avenged themselves of their enemies. Is it not written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not hasten to go down for about a whole day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

And the sun stood still and the moon stopped until the nation took vengeance on its enemies. Isn't this written in the Book of Jashar? So the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and delayed its setting almost a full day.

So the sun remained still and the moon stood in place until the nation settled their score with their enemies. This is recorded, is it not, in the book of Jashar? The sun stood in place in the middle of the sky and seemed not to be in a hurry to set for nearly an entire day.

The sun stood still and the moon stood motionless while the nation took vengeance on its enemies. The event is recorded in the Scroll of the Upright One. The sun stood motionless in the middle of the sky and did not set for about a full day.

The sun stood still, and the moon stopped until a nation got revenge on its enemies. Isn't this recorded in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the middle of the sky, and for nearly a day the sun was in no hurry to set.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed until the nation had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of righteousness? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven and hastened not to go down about a whole day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hastened not to go down about a whole day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves on their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the middle of heaven, and hurried not to go down about a whole day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, Until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

And the sun and the moon stood still, till the people revenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of the just? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down the space of one day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon remained where it was, until the nation had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? And the sun remained standing in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a full day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jashar? And the sun stayed in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

And the sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies. Is not this written in the book of Jasher? So the sun stood still in the midst of heaven, and hasted not to go down about a whole day.

The sun stood still, and the moon stayed, until the nation had avenged themselves of their enemies. Isn't this written in the book of Jashar? The sun stayed in the midst of the sky, and didn't hurry to go down about a whole day.

and the sun standeth still, and the moon hath stood -- till the nation taketh vengeance on its enemies; is it not written on the Book of the Upright, 'and the sun standeth in the midst of the heavens, and hath not hasted to go in -- as a perfect day?'

Jozueu 10:13
Kështu dielli u ndal dhe hëna qëndroi në vend deri sa mbaroi hakmarrja e popullit kundër armiqve të tij. A nuk është shkruar kjo në librin e të Drejtit? Kështu dielli u ndal në mes të qiellit dhe nuk u nxitua të perëndojë pothuajse një ditë të tërë.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 10:13
فدامت الشمس ووقف القمر حتى انتقم الشعب من اعدائه. أليس هذا مكتوبا في سفر ياشر. فوقفت الشمس في كبد السماء ولم تعجل للغروب نحو يوم كامل.

Dyr Josen 10:13
D Sunn blib steen, dyr Maand blib scheinen, hinst däß s Volk an n Feind si gröcht hiet." Yso steet s in n "Buech der Wackern" gschribn. D Sunn blib also mittn eyn n Himml obn steen, und si gieng aangfaer ainn Tag lang nit unter.

Исус Навиев 10:13
И слънцето застана и луната се спря, Догдето мъздовъздадоха людете на неприятелите си. Това не е ли записано в Книгата на Праведния? Слънцето застана всред небето, и не побърза да дойде почти цял ден.

約 書 亞 記 10:13
於 是 日 頭 停 留 , 月 亮 止 住 , 直 等 國 民 向 敵 人 報 仇 。 這 事 豈 不 是 寫 在 雅 煞 珥 書 上 麼 ? 日 頭 在 天 當 中 停 住 , 不 急 速 下 落 , 約 有 一 日 之 久 。

於 是 日 头 停 留 , 月 亮 止 住 , 直 等 国 民 向 敌 人 报 仇 。 这 事 岂 不 是 写 在 雅 煞 珥 书 上 麽 ? 日 头 在 天 当 中 停 住 , 不 急 速 下 落 , 约 有 一 日 之 久 。



Joshua 10:13
I stade sunce i zaustavi se mjesec sve dok se nije narod osvetio neprijateljima svojim. Ne piše li to u knjizi Pravednika? I stade sunce nasred neba i nije se nagnulo k zapadu gotovo cio dan.

Jozue 10:13
I zastavilo se slunce, a stál měsíc, dokudž nepomstil se lid nad nepřátely svými. Zdali není toho napsáno v knize Upřímého? Tedy stálo slunce u prostřed nebe, a nepospíchalo k západu, jako za jeden celý den.

Josua 10:13
Og Solen stod stille, og Maanen standsed, til Folket fik Hævn over Fjenden. Saaledes staar der jo skrevet i de Oprigtiges Bog. Og Solen blev staaende midt paa Himmelen og tøvede næsten en hel Dag med at gaa ned.

Jozua 10:13
En de zon stond stil, en de maan bleef staan, totdat zich het volk aan zijn vijanden gewroken had. Is dit niet geschreven in het boek des oprechten? De zon nu stond stil in het midden des hemels, en haastte niet onder te gaan omtrent een volkomen dag.

יהושע 10:13
וַיִּדֹּ֨ם הַשֶּׁ֜מֶשׁ וְיָרֵ֣חַ עָמָ֗ד עַד־יִקֹּ֥ם גֹּוי֙ אֹֽיְבָ֔יו הֲלֹא־הִ֥יא כְתוּבָ֖ה עַל־סֵ֣פֶר הַיָּשָׁ֑ר וַיַּעֲמֹ֤ד הַשֶּׁ֙מֶשׁ֙ בַּחֲצִ֣י הַשָּׁמַ֔יִם וְלֹא־אָ֥ץ לָבֹ֖וא כְּיֹ֥ום תָּמִֽים׃

יג וידם השמש וירח עמד עד יקם גוי איביו--הלא היא כתובה על ספר הישר ויעמד השמש בחצי השמים ולא אץ לבוא כיום תמים

וידם השמש וירח עמד עד־יקם גוי איביו הלא־היא כתובה על־ספר הישר ויעמד השמש בחצי השמים ולא־אץ לבוא כיום תמים׃

Józsué 10:13
És megálla a nap, és vesztegle a hold is, a míg bosszút álla a nép az õ ellenségein. Avagy nincsen-é ez megírva a Jásár könyvében? És megálla a nap az égnek közepén és nem sietett lenyugodni majdnem teljes egy napig.

Josuo 10:13
Kaj la suno haltis, kaj la luno staris tiel longe, Kiel la popolo faris vengxon al siaj malamikoj. Tio estas ja skribita en la libro de la Justulo. Kaj la suno staris meze de la cxielo, kaj ne rapidis subiri preskaux dum tuta tago.

JOOSUA 10:13
Ja aurinko ja kuu seisahtivat, siihenasti kuin kansa kosti vihamiehensä. Eikö tämä ole kirjoitettu hurskaan kirjassa? Niin seisoi aurinko keskellä taivasta ilman laskemata koko päivän.

Josué 10:13
Et le soleil s'arrêta, et la lune demeura où elle était, jusqu'à ce que la nation se fût vengée de ses ennemis. Cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre de Jashar? Et le soleil demeura au milieu des cieux, et ne se hâta point de se coucher, environ un jour entier.

Et le soleil s'arrêta, et la lune suspendit sa course, Jusqu'à ce que la nation eût tiré vengeance de ses ennemis. Cela n'est-il pas écrit dans le livre du Juste? Le soleil s'arrêta au milieu du ciel, Et ne se hâta point de se coucher, presque tout un jour.

Et le soleil s'arrêta, et la lune aussi s'arrêta, jusqu'à ce que le peuple se fût vengé de ses ennemis. Ceci n'est-il pas écrit au Livre du Droiturier? Le soleil donc s'arrêta au milieu des cieux et ne se hâta point de se coucher environ un jour entier.

Josua 10:13
Da stund die Sonne und der Mond stille, bis daß sich das Volk an seinen Feinden rächete. Ist dies nicht geschrieben im Buch des Frommen? Also stund die Sonne mitten am Himmel und verzog unterzugehen einen ganzen Tag.

da stand die Sonne und der Mond still, bis daß sich das Volk an ihren Feinden rächte. Ist dies nicht geschrieben im Buch des Frommen? Also stand die Sonne mitten am Himmel und verzog unterzugehen beinahe einen ganzen Tag. {~} {~}

Da stand die Sonne still und der Mond blieb stehen, bis das Volk Rache nahm an seinen Feinden. Das steht ja geschrieben im Buche der Rechtschaffenen. Da blieb die Sonne mitten am Himmel stehen und beeilte sich nicht unterzugehen, fast einen ganzen Tag lang.

Giosué 10:13
E il sole si fermò, e la luna rimase la suo luogo, finché la nazione si fosse vendicata de’ suoi nemici. Questo non sta egli scritto nel libro del Giusto? E il sole si fermò in mezzo al cielo e non s’affrettò a tramontare per quasi un giorno intero.

E il sole si fermò e la luna si arrestò, finchè il popolo si fu vendicato de’ suoi nemici. Questo non è egli scritto nel Libro del Diritto? Il sole adunque si arrestò in mezzo del cielo, e non si affrettò a tramontare, per lo spazio d’intorno ad un giorno intiero.

YOSUA 10:13
Maka mataharipun berhentilah dan bulanpun tetaplah sampai sudah orang banyak itu membalas musuhnya. Bukankah hal ini tersebut dalam kitab al Mustakim? Maka mataharipun berhentilah di tengah-tengah langit dan tiada bersegera ia masuk sehari suntuk.

여호수아 10:13
여호수아가 온 이스라엘로 더불어 길갈 진으로 돌아왔더라

Iosue 10:13
steteruntque sol et luna donec ulcisceretur se gens de inimicis suis nonne scriptum est hoc in libro Iustorum stetit itaque sol in medio caeli et non festinavit occumbere spatio unius diei

Jozuës knyga 10:13
Saulė ir mėnulis stovėjo vietoje, kol tauta atkeršijo savo priešams. Argi tai neparašyta Josaro knygoje? Taip saulė sustojo danguje ir neskubėjo nusileisti beveik ištisą dieną.

Joshua 10:13
Na mau tonu mai te ra, tu tonu mai hoki te marama, a whiwhi noa te iwi ki te utu i o ratou hoariri. Kahore ianei tenei mea i tuhituhia ki te pukapuka a Tahera? Tu ana tera te komaru i waenganui o te rangi, kahore ano hoki i hohoro te heke a rite noa tetahi ra tuturu.

Josvas 10:13
Og solen stod stille, og månen blev stående inntil folket hadde fått hevn over sine fiender. Således står det jo skrevet i Den rettskafnes bok * - Solen blev stående midt på himmelen og drygde næsten en hel dag, før den gikk ned.

Josué 10:13
Y el sol se detuvo, y la luna se paró, hasta que la nación se vengó de sus enemigos. ¿No está esto escrito en el libro de Jaser? Y el sol se detuvo en medio del cielo y no se apresuró a ponerse como por un día entero.

Y el sol se detuvo, y la luna se paró, Hasta que la nación se vengó de sus enemigos. ¿No está esto escrito en el Libro de Jaser? Y el sol se detuvo en medio del cielo y no se apresuró a ponerse como por un día entero.

Y el sol se detuvo y la luna se paró, hasta tanto que la gente se hubo vengado de sus enemigos. ¿No está esto escrito en el libro de Jaser? Y el sol se paró en medio del cielo, y no se apresuró a ponerse casi un día entero.

Y el sol se detuvo y la luna se paró, Hasta tanto que la gente se hubo vengado de sus enemigos. ¿No está aquesto escrito en el libro de Jasher? Y el sol se paró en medio del cielo, y no se apresuró á ponerse casi un día entero.

Y el sol se detuvo y la luna se paró, hasta tanto que la nación se vengó de sus enemigos. ¿No está escrito esto en el libro de la rectitud? Y el sol se paró en medio del cielo, y no se apresuró a ponerse casi un día entero.

Josué 10:13
O sol parou, e a lua ficou imóvel até que o povo se vingou totalmente dos seus inimigos, derrotando-os. Ora, não está isto escrito no Livro de Iashar, dos Justos? O sol se aquietou no meio do céu e não se apressou a pôr-se no horizonte, quase um dia inteiro.

E o sol se deteve, e a lua parou, até que o povo se vingou de seus inimigos. Não está isto escrito no livro de Jasar? O sol, pois, se deteve no meio do céu, e não se apressou a pôr-se, quase um dia inteiro.   

Iosua 10:13
Şi soarele s'a oprit, şi luna şi -a întrerupt mersul, Pînă ce poporul şi -a răzbunat pe vrăjmaşii lui. Lucrul acesta nu este scris oare în Cartea Dreptului? Soarele s'a oprit în mijlocul cerului, şi nu s'a grăbit să apună, aproape o zi întreagă.

Иисус Навин 10:13
И остановилось солнце, и луна стояла, доколе народ мстил врагам своим. Не это ли написано в книге Праведного: „стояло солнце среди неба и не спешило к западу почти целый день"?

И остановилось солнце, и луна стояла, доколе народ мстил врагам своим. Не это ли написано в книге Праведного: `стояло солнце среди неба и не спешило к западу почти целый день`?[]

Josuaé 10:13
Då stod solen stilla, och månen blev stående, till dess folket hade tagit hämnd på sina fiender. Detta finnes ju upptecknat i »Den redliges bok». Solen blev stående mitt på himmelen nästan en hel dag och hastade icke att gå ned.

Joshua 10:13
At ang araw ay tumigil, at ang buwan ay huminto, Hanggang sa ang bansa ay nakapanghiganti sa kaniyang mga kaaway. Hindi ba ito nakasulat sa aklat ni Jasher? At ang araw ay tumigil sa gitna ng langit, at hindi nagmadaling lumubog sa isang buong araw.

โยชูวา 10:13
ดวงอาทิตย์ก็หยุดนิ่ง และดวงจันทร์ก็ตั้งเฉยอยู่จนประชาชนได้แก้แค้นศัตรูของเขาเสร็จ เรื่องนี้มิได้จารึกไว้ในหนังสือยาชาร์ดอกหรือ ดวงอาทิตย์หยุดนิ่งอยู่กลางท้องฟ้า หาได้รีบตกไปตามเวลาประมาณวันหนึ่งไม่

Yeşu 10:13
Halk, düşmanlarından öcünü alıncaya dek güneş durdu, ay da yerinde kaldı. Bu olay Yaşar Kitabında da yazılıdır. Güneş, yaklaşık bir gün boyunca göğün ortasında durdu, batmakta gecikti.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 10:13
Mặt trời bèn dừng, mặt trăng liền ngừng, Cho đến chừng dân sự đã báo thù quân nghịch mình. Ðiều đó há không có chép trong sách Gia-sa sao? Mặt trời dừng lại giữa trời, và không vội lặn ước một ngày trọn.

Joshua 10:12
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