Joshua 1:4
Joshua 1:4
Your territory will extend from the desert to Lebanon, and from the great river, the Euphrates--all the Hittite country--to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.

from the Negev wilderness in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north, from the Euphrates River in the east to the Mediterranean Sea in the west, including all the land of the Hittites.'

From the wilderness and this Lebanon as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites to the Great Sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your territory.

"From the wilderness and this Lebanon, even as far as the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and as far as the Great Sea toward the setting of the sun will be your territory.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

Your territory will be from the wilderness and Lebanon to the great Euphrates River--all the land of the Hittites--and west to the Mediterranean Sea.

Your territorial border will extend from the wilderness to the Lebanon Mountains, to the river—that great River Euphrates—all the land of the Hittites—as far as the Mediterranean Sea where the sun sets.

Your territory will extend from the wilderness in the south to Lebanon in the north. It will extend all the way to the great River Euphrates in the east (including all of Syria) and all the way to the Mediterranean Sea in the west.

Your borders will be the desert [on the south], nearby Lebanon to the Euphrates River (the country of the Hittites) [on the north], and the Mediterranean Sea on the west.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun shall be your borders.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your territory.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.

From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border.

From the desert and from Libanus unto the great river Euphrates, all the land of the Hethites unto the great sea toward the going; down of the sun, shall be your border.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon to the great river, the river Euphrates, the whole land of the Hittites, to the great sea, toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border.

From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border.

From the wilderness and this Lebanon even to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea towards the setting of the sun, shall be your border.

From the wilderness, and this Lebanon, even to the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and to the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your border.

From this wilderness and Lebanon, and unto the great river, the river Phrath, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great Sea -- the going in of the sun -- is your border.

Jozueu 1:4
Territori yt do të shtrihet nga shkretëtira dhe nga Libani deri në lumin e madh, në lumin e Eufratit, nga tërë vendi i Hitejve deri në Detin e Madh, në perëndim.

ﻳﺸﻮﻉ 1:4
من البرية ولبنان هذا الى النهر الكبير نهر الفرات جميع ارض الحثّيين والى البحر الكبير نحو مغرب الشمس يكون تخمكم.

Dyr Josen 1:4
Von dyr Wüestn und n Weissnberg hinst eyn n Euffret, also dös gantze Hettnland, und hinst eyn s Mittermör in n Wöstn sollt allss +enk ghoern.

Исус Навиев 1:4
От пустинята и тоя Ливан до голямата река, реката Ефрат, цялата земя на хетейците, и до голямото море към захождането на слънцето, ще бъдат пределите ви.

約 書 亞 記 1:4
從 曠 野 和 這 利 巴 嫩 , 直 到 伯 拉 大 河 , 赫 人 的 全 地 , 又 到 大 海 日 落 之 處 , 都 要 作 你 們 的 境 界 。

从 旷 野 和 这 利 巴 嫩 , 直 到 伯 拉 大 河 , 赫 人 的 全 地 , 又 到 大 海 日 落 之 处 , 都 要 作 你 们 的 境 界 。



Joshua 1:4
Od pustinje i od Libanona pa do Velike rijeke, rijeke Eufrata, i sve do Velikog mora na sunčanom zapadu - sve će to biti vaše područje.

Jozue 1:4
Od pouště a Libánu toho až k řece veliké, řece Eufrates, všecka země Hetejská až do moře velikého na západ slunce bude pomezí vaše.

Josua 1:4
Fra Ørkenen og Libanon til den store Flod, Eufratfloden, hele Hetiternes Land, og til det store Hav i Vest skal eders Landemærker naa.

Jozua 1:4
Van de woestijn en dezen Libanon af tot aan de grote rivier, de rivier Frath, het ganse land der Hethieten, en tot aan de grote zee, tegen den ondergang der zon, zal ulieder landpale zijn.

יהושע 1:4
מֵהַמִּדְבָּר֩ וְהַלְּבָנֹ֨ון הַזֶּ֜ה וְֽעַד־הַנָּהָ֧ר הַגָּדֹ֣ול נְהַר־פְּרָ֗ת כֹּ֚ל אֶ֣רֶץ הַֽחִתִּ֔ים וְעַד־הַיָּ֥ם הַגָּדֹ֖ול מְבֹ֣וא הַשָּׁ֑מֶשׁ יִֽהְיֶ֖ה גְּבוּלְכֶֽם׃

ד מהמדבר והלבנון הזה ועד הנהר הגדול נהר פרת כל ארץ החתים ועד הים הגדול מבוא השמש--יהיה גבולכם

מהמדבר והלבנון הזה ועד־הנהר הגדול נהר־פרת כל ארץ החתים ועד־הים הגדול מבוא השמש יהיה גבולכם׃

Józsué 1:4
A pusztától és a Libánontól fogva a nagy folyóvízig, az Eufrates folyóvízig, a Khitteusoknak egész földe és a nagy tengerig napnyugat felé lesz a ti határotok.

Josuo 1:4
De la dezerto kaj de cxi tiu Lebanon gxis la granda rivero, la rivero Euxfrato, la tuta lando de la HXetidoj, gxis la Granda Maro okcidente, estu viaj limoj.

Korvesta ja tästä Libanonista suuren Phratin virtaan asti, koko Hetiläisten maan, niin isoon mereen länteen päin, pitää teidän maanne rajat oleman.

Josué 1:4
Vos frontières seront depuis le désert et ce Liban jusqu'au grand fleuve, le fleuve Euphrate, tout le pays des Héthiens, et jusqu'à la grande mer, vers le soleil couchant.

Vous aurez pour territoire depuis le désert et le Liban jusqu'au grand fleuve, le fleuve de l'Euphrate, tout le pays des Héthiens, et jusqu'à la grande mer vers le soleil couchant.

Vos frontières seront depuis ce désert et ce Liban-là, jusqu'à ce grand fleuve, le fleuve d'Euphrate; tout le pays des Héthiens jusqu'à la grande mer, au soleil couchant.

Josua 1:4
Von der Wüste an und diesem Libanon bis an das große Wasser Phrath, das ganze Land der Hethiter, bis an das große Meer gegen dem Abend, sollen eure Grenze sein.

Von der Wüste an und diesem Libanon bis an das große Wasser Euphrat, das ganze Land der Hethiter, bis an das große Meer gegen Abend sollen eure Grenzen sein. {~} {~}

Von der Steppe an und dem Libanon dort bis an den großen Strom, den Euphratstrom, das ganze Land der Hethiter, bis zum großen Meer im Westen soll euer Gebiet reichen.

Giosué 1:4
dal deserto, e dal Libano che vedi là, sino al gran fiume, il fiume Eufrate, tutto il paese degli Hittei sino al mar grande, verso occidente: quello sarà il vostro territorio.

I vostri confini saranno dal deserto fino a quel Libano; e dal gran fiume, il fiume Eufrate, tutto il paese degli Hittei, infino al mar grande, dal Ponente.

Dari pada padang Tiah dan dari pada Libanon ini sampai kepada sungai besar, yaitu sungai Ferat, seluruh tanah orang Heti, dan sampai kepada lautan besar yang di sebelah matahari masuk, sekalian itu menjadi perhinggaan tanah kamu.

여호수아 1:4
곧 광야와 이 레바논에서부터 큰 하수 유브라데에 이르는 헷 족속의 온 땅과 또 해 지는 편 대해까지 너희 지경이 되리라

Iosue 1:4
a deserto et Libano usque ad fluvium magnum Eufraten omnis terra Hettheorum usque ad mare Magnum contra solis occasum erit terminus vester

Jozuës knyga 1:4
Nuo dykumos ir Libano kalnų iki Eufrato upės, visa hetitų šalis, ir iki Didžiosios jūros vakaruose bus jūsų ribos.

Joshua 1:4
Ko te rohe ki a koutou kei te koraha, kei Repanona nei, a te awa nui atu ana, ara te Awa Uparati, ko te whenua katoa o nga Hiti, a tae noa ki te moana nui, ki te toenetanga o te ra.

Josvas 1:4
Fra ørkenen og Libanon der nord like til den store elv, elven Frat - over hele hetittenes land og helt til det store hav i vest skal eders land nå.

Josué 1:4
Desde el desierto y este Líbano hasta el gran río, el río Eufrates, toda la tierra de los hititas hasta el mar Grande que está hacia la puesta del sol, será vuestro territorio.

"Desde el desierto y este Líbano hasta el gran río, el Río Eufrates, toda la tierra de los Hititas hasta el Mar Grande (el Mediterráneo) que está hacia la puesta del sol, será territorio de ustedes.

Desde el desierto y este Líbano hasta el gran río Éufrates, toda la tierra de los heteos hasta el Mar Grande donde se pone el sol, será vuestro término.

Desde el desierto y este Líbano hasta el gran río Eufrates, toda la tierra de los Hetheos hasta la gran mar del poniente del sol, será vuestro término.

Desde el desierto y este Líbano hasta el gran río Eufrates, toda la tierra de los heteos hasta el gran mar del poniente del sol, será vuestro término.

Josué 1:4
Desde o deserto e o Líbano até o grande rio, o Eufrates, toda a terra dos hititas, até o mar Grande, o Mediterrâneo, no oeste.

Desde o deserto e este Líbano, até o grande rio, o rio Eufrates, toda a terra dos heteus, e até o grande mar para o poente do sol, será o vosso termo.   

Iosua 1:4
Ţinutul vostru se va întinde dela pustie şi Liban pînă la rîul cel mare, rîul Eufrat, toată ţara Hetiţilor, şi pînă la marea cea mare, spre apusul soarelui.

Иисус Навин 1:4
от пустыни и Ливана сего до реки великой, реки Евфрата, всю землю Хеттеев; и до великого моря к западу солнца будут пределы ваши.

от пустыни и Ливана сего до реки великой, реки Евфрата, всю землю Хеттеев; и до великого моря к западу солнца будут пределы ваши.[]

Josuaé 1:4
Från öknen till Libanon däruppe och ända till den stora floden, floden Frat, över hetiternas land och ända till Stora havet västerut skall edert område sträcka sig.

Joshua 1:4
Mula sa ilang, at ang Libanong ito, hanggang sa malaking ilog, na ilog Eufrates, buong lupain ng mga Hetheo, at hanggang sa malaking dagat sa dakong nilulubugan ng araw, ay magiging inyong hangganan.

โยชูวา 1:4
ตั้งแต่ถิ่นทุรกันดารและภูเขาเลบานอนนี้ไกลไปจนถึงแม่น้ำใหญ่ คือแม่น้ำยูเฟรติส แผ่นดินทั้งหมดของคนฮิตไทต์ ถึงทะเลใหญ่ทางทิศตะวันตก จะเป็นอาณาเขตของเจ้า

Yeşu 1:4
Sınırlarınız çölden Lübnana, büyük Fırat Irmağından -bütün Hitit ülkesi dahil- batıdaki Akdenize kadar uzanacak.[]

Gioâ-sueâ 1:4
Ðịa phận các ngươi sẽ lan ra từ đồng vắng và Li-ban này cho đến sông cái, là sông Ơ-phơ-rát, tràn cả xứ dân Hê-tít cho đến biển cả về hướng mặt trời lặn.

Joshua 1:3
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