Job 21:32
Job 21:32
They are carried to the grave, and watch is kept over their tombs.

When they are carried to the grave, an honor guard keeps watch at their tomb.

When he is carried to the grave, watch is kept over his tomb.

"While he is carried to the grave, Men will keep watch over his tomb.

Yet shall he be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.

He is carried to the grave, and someone keeps watch over his tomb.

when he is carried away to the cemetery and guardians are placed to watch his tomb?

And when he is carried to the tombs, and watch is kept over the funeral mound,

He is carried to the cemetery, and his grave is guarded.

He shall yet be brought to the grave and shall remain in the tomb.

Yet shall he be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.

Yet shall he be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.

Yet shall he be borne to the grave, And men shall keep watch over the tomb.

He shall be brought to the graves, and shall watch in the heap of the dead.

Yet is he carried to the graves, and watch is kept over the tomb.

Yet shall he be borne to the grave, and shall keep watch over the tomb.

Yet he shall be brought to the grave, and shall remain in the tomb.

Yet he will be borne to the grave. Men shall keep watch over the tomb.

And he -- to the graves he is brought. And over the heap a watch is kept.

Jobi 21:32
Atë e çojnë në varr dhe i bëjnë roje varrit të tij.

ﺃﻳﻮﺏ 21:32
هو الى القبور يقاد وعلى المدفن يسهر.

Dyr Hieb 21:32
Feierlich werd er in d Gruft glögt; d Eernwach ghoert aft aau dyrzue.

Йов 21:32
Но и той ще бъде донесен в гроба, И ще пази над гробницата [си].

約 伯 記 21:32
然 而 他 要 被 抬 到 塋 地 ; 並 有 人 看 守 墳 墓 。

然 而 他 要 被 抬 到 茔 地 ; 并 有 人 看 守 坟 墓 。



Job 21:32
A kad ga na kraju na groblje odnesu, na grobni mu humak postavljaju stražu.

Jobova 21:32
A však i on k hrobu vyprovozen bude, a tam zůstane.

Job 21:32
Til Graven bæres han hen, ved hans Gravhøj holdes der Vagt;

Job 21:32
Eindelijk wordt hij naar de graven gebracht, en is gedurig in den aardhoop.

איוב 21:32
וְ֭הוּא לִקְבָרֹ֣ות יוּבָ֑ל וְֽעַל־גָּדִ֥ישׁ יִשְׁקֹֽוד׃

לב והוא לקברות יובל  ועל-גדיש ישקוד

והוא לקברות יובל ועל־גדיש ישקוד׃

Jób 21:32
Még ha a sírba vitetik is ki, a sírdomb felett is él.

Ijob 21:32
Kaj li estas akompanata al la tomboj, Kaj sur la tomba altajxeto estas starigataj gardistoj.

JOB 21:32
Mutta hän viedään hautaan, ja täytyy joukossa pysyä.

Job 21:32
Il sera conduit dans un sépulcre, et sur le tertre il veillera.

Il est porté dans un sépulcre, Et il veille encore sur sa tombe.

Il sera néanmoins porté au sépulcre, et il demeurera dans le tombeau.

Hiob 21:32
Aber er wird zum Grabe gerissen und muß bleiben bei dem Haufen.

Und er wird zu Grabe geleitet und hält Wache auf seinem Hügel.

Zur Gräberstätte wird er hingeleitet und hält noch über dem Hügel Wacht.

Giobbe 21:32
Egli è portato alla sepoltura con onore, e veglia egli stesso sulla sua tomba.

Poi appresso egli è portato ne’ sepolcri, E non attende più ad altro che all’avello.

AYUB 21:32
Dengan hormat dihantar orang akan dia ke kubur; adalah seperti ia lagi menunggui keramatnya.

욥기 21:32
그를 무덤으로 메어 가고 사람이 그 무덤을 지키리라

Iob 21:32
ipse ad sepulchra ducetur et in congerie mortuorum vigilabit

Jobo knyga 21:32
Jis bus nuvežtas į kapines ir pasiliks kape.

Job 21:32
Heoi ka kawea ia ki te urupa; kei te puranga he wahi mona.

Jobs 21:32
Til graven bæres han med ære, og over gravhaugen holder de vakt.

Job 21:32
Mientras es llevado al sepulcro, velarán sobre su túmulo.

Mientras es llevado al sepulcro, Velarán sobre su tumba.

Porque será llevado al sepulcro, y en su tumba permanecerá.

Porque llevado será él á los sepulcros, Y en el montón permanecerá.

Porque él ya será llevado a los sepulcros, y en el montón permanecerá.

Jó 21:32
Ele é conduzido para a sepultura, e vigiam-lhe o túmulo.

Ele é levado para a sepultura, e vigiam-lhe o túmulo.   

Iov 21:32
Este dus la groapă, şi i se pune o strajă la mormînt.

Иов 21:32
Его провожают ко гробам и на его могиле ставят стражу.

Его провожают ко гробам и на его могиле ставят стражу.[]

Job 21:32
Och när han har blivit bortförd till graven, så vakar man sedan där vid kullen.

Job 21:32
Gayon ma'y dadalhin siya sa libingan, at magbabantay ang mga tao sa libingan.

โยบ 21:32
แม้กระนั้นเขาจะถูกหามไปยังหลุมศพ และจะยังอยู่ในอุโมงค์

Eyüp 21:32
Mezarlığa taşınır,
Kabri başında nöbet tutulur.[]

Gioùp 21:32
Nó sẽ được đưa đến huyệt mả, Và người ta sẽ canh giữ phần mộ nó.

Job 21:31
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