Jeremiah 8:22
Jeremiah 8:22
Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then is there no healing for the wound of my people?

Is there no medicine in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why is there no healing for the wounds of my people?

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has the health of the daughter of my people not been restored?

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? Why then has not the health of the daughter of my people been restored?

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? So why has the healing of my dear people not come about?

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? So why is there no healing for my people?

There is still medicinal ointment available in Gilead! There is still a physician there! Why then have my dear people not been restored to health?

Isn't there medicine in Gilead? Aren't there doctors there? Then why hasn't the health of my dear people been restored?

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? Why then was there no medicine for the daughter of my people?

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then has not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Is there no balm in Galaad? or is no physician there? Why then is not the wound of the daughter of my people closed?

Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? Why then is there no dressing applied for the healing of the daughter of my people?

Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Is there no balm in Gilead: is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered.

Is there no balm in Gilead? is there no physician there? why then isn't the health of the daughter of my people recovered?

Is there no balm in Gilead? Is there no physician there? For wherefore hath not the health of the daughter of my people gone up?

Jeremia 8:22
A nuk ka vallë ndonjë balsam në Galaad, a nuk ka atje ndonjë mjek? Pse, pra, nuk po i vjen shërimi bijës së popullit tim?

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 8:22
أليس بلسان في جلعاد أم ليس هناك طبيب. فلماذا لم تعصب بنت شعبي

Dyr Ierymies 8:22
Geit s n z Gilet kain Salbn niemer; werd diend eyn Ort ayn Dokter sein?! Däß n mein Volk +gar niemer gsund werd?!

Еремия 8:22
Няма ли балсам в Галаад? Няма ли там лекар? Защо, прочее, изцеляването на дъщерята на людете Ми не се усъвършенствува?

耶 利 米 書 8:22
在 基 列 豈 沒 有 乳 香 呢 ? 在 那 著 豈 沒 有 醫 生 呢 ? 我 百 姓 為 何 不 得 痊 愈 呢 ?

在 基 列 岂 没 有 乳 香 呢 ? 在 那 着 岂 没 有 医 生 呢 ? 我 百 姓 为 何 不 得 痊 愈 呢 ?



Jeremiah 8:22
Zar u Gileadu nema balzama? Nema li ondje liječnika? TÓa zašto ne dolazi ozdravljenje kćeri naroda mojega?

Jermiáše 8:22
Což není žádného lékařství v Galád? Což není žádného lékaře tam? Proč tedy není zhojena dcera lidu mého?

Jeremias 8:22
Er der ikke Balsam i Gilead, ingen Læge der? Hvorfor heles da ikke mit Folks Datters Saar?

Jeremia 8:22
Is er geen balsem in Gilead? Is er geen heelmeester aldaar? Want waarom is de gezondheid der dochter mijns volks niet gerezen?

ירמיה 8:22
הַצֳרִי֙ אֵ֣ין בְּגִלְעָ֔ד אִם־רֹפֵ֖א אֵ֣ין שָׁ֑ם כִּ֗י מַדּ֙וּעַ֙ לֹ֣א עָֽלְתָ֔ה אֲרֻכַ֖ת בַּת־עַמִּֽי׃

כב הצרי אין בגלעד אם רפא אין שם  כי מדוע לא עלתה ארכת בת עמי  {ס}

הצרי אין בגלעד אם־רפא אין שם כי מדוע לא עלתה ארכת בת־עמי׃

Jeremiás 8:22
Nincsen-é balzsamolaj Gileádban? Nincsen-é ott orvos? Miért nem gyógyíttatott meg az én népem leánya?

Jeremia 8:22
CXu ne ekzistas balzamo en Gilead? cxu ne ekzistas tie kuracisto? kial do ne venas resanigxo al la filino de mia popolo?

Eikö Gileadissa ole voidetta, eli eikö siellä ole parantajaa? miksi ei minun kansani tytär ole terveeksi tehty?

Jérémie 8:22
N'y a-t-il point de baume en Galaad? N'y a-t-il point là de médecin? Car pourquoi n'a-t-on pas appliqué un appareil de pansement à la fille de mon peuple?

N'y a-t-il point de baume en Galaad? N'y a-t-il point de médecin? Pourquoi donc la guérison de la fille de mon peuple ne s'opère-t-elle pas?

N'y a-t-il point de baume en Galaad? n'y a-t-il point là de médecin? pourquoi donc la plaie de la fille de mon peuple n'est-elle pas consolidée?

Jeremia 8:22
Ist denn keine Salbe in Gilead? oder ist kein Arzt nicht da? Warum ist denn die Tochter meines Volks nicht geheilet?

Ist denn keine Salbe in Gilead, oder ist kein Arzt da? Warum ist denn die Tochter meines Volks nicht geheilt?

Giebt es denn keinen Balsam mehr in Gilead, oder ist kein Arzt mehr da? Warum doch wird meinem Volke kein Verband angelegt?

Geremia 8:22
Non v’è egli balsamo in Galaad? Non v’è egli colà alcun medico? Perché dunque la piaga della figliuola del mio popolo non è stata medicata?

Non vi è egli alcun balsamo in Galaad? non vi è egli alcun medico? perchè dunque non è stata risaldata la piaga della figliuola del mio popolo?

Tiadakah minyak pekat di Gilead? Tiadakah barang seorang tabib di sana? aduh! mengapa maka penyakit puteri bangsaku tiada disembuhkan?

예레미아 8:22
길르앗에는 유향이 있지 아니한가 그곳에는 의사가 있지 아니한가 딸 내 백성이 치료를 받지 못함은 어찜인고

Ieremias 8:22
numquid resina non est in Galaad aut medicus non est ibi quare igitur non est obducta cicatrix filiae populi mei

Jeremijo knyga 8:22
Argi nėra balzamo Gileade, argi nėra ten gydytojo? Kodėl neužgyja mano tautos žaizda?

Jeremiah 8:22
Kahore ianei he hinu whakaora i Kireara? Kahore ianei o reira rata? he aha ra te hoki mai ai te ora ki te tamahine a taku iwi?

Jeremias 8:22
Er det da ingen balsam i Gilead? Eller er det ingen læge der? Hvorfor er det ikke lagt forbinding på mitt folks datter?

Jeremías 8:22
¿No hay bálsamo en Galaad? ¿No hay allí médico? ¿Por qué, pues, no se ha restablecido la salud de la hija de mi pueblo?

¿No hay bálsamo en Galaad? ¿No médico hay allí? ¿Por qué, pues, no se ha restablecido la salud de la hija de mi pueblo?

¿No hay bálsamo en Galaad? ¿No hay allí médico? ¿Por qué, pues, no se ha restablecido la salud de la hija de mi pueblo?

¿No hay bálsamo en Galaad? ¿no hay allí médico? ¿Por qué pues no hubo medicina para la hija de mi pueblo?

¿No hay bálsamo en Galaad? ¿No hay allí médico? ¿Por qué, pues, no hubo medicina para la hija de mi pueblo?

Jeremias 8:22
Não há bálsamo em Gileade? Não há médico? Por que será, então, que não há sinal de melhora e cura para a enfermidade de meu povo?

Porventura não há bálsamo em Gileade? ou não se acha lá médico? Por que, pois, não se realizou a cura da filha do meu povo?   

Ieremia 8:22
Nu este nici un leac alinător în Galaad? Nu este niciun doftor acolo? Pentruce nu se face dar vindecarea fiicei poporului meu?`` -

Иеремия 8:22
Разве нет бальзама в Галааде? разве нет там врача? Отчего же нетисцеления дщери народа моего?

Разве нет бальзама в Галааде? разве нет там врача? Отчего же нет исцеления дщери народа моего?[]

Jeremia 8:22
Finnes då ingen balsam i Gilead, finnes ingen läkare där? Eller varför bliver dottern mitt folk icke helad från sina sår?

Jeremiah 8:22
Wala bagang balsamo sa Galaad? wala bagang manggagamot doon? bakit nga hindi gumaling ang anak na babae ng aking bayan?

เยเรมีย์ 8:22
ไม่มีพิมเสนในกิเลอาดหรือ ไม่มีแพทย์ที่นั่นหรือ ทำไมอนามัยแห่งบุตรสาวประชาชนของข้าพเจ้าจึงไม่กลับสู่สภาพเดิมได้

Yeremya 8:22
Gilat'ta merhem yok mu,
Hekim yok mu?
Öyleyse halkımın yarası neden iyi edilmedi?[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 8:22
Trong Ga-la-át há chẳng có nhũ hương sao? há chẳng có thầy thuốc ở đó sao? Vậy thì làm sao mà bịnh con gái dân ta chẳng chữa lành?

Jeremiah 8:21
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