Jeremiah 8:21
Jeremiah 8:21
Since my people are crushed, I am crushed; I mourn, and horror grips me.

I hurt with the hurt of my people. I mourn and am overcome with grief.

For the wound of the daughter of my people is my heart wounded; I mourn, and dismay has taken hold on me.

For the brokenness of the daughter of my people I am broken; I mourn, dismay has taken hold of me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me.

I am broken by the brokenness of my dear people. I mourn; horror has taken hold of me.

Because my people are crushed, I'm crushed. I mourn, and dismay overwhelms me.

My heart is crushed because my dear people are being crushed. I go about crying and grieving. I am overwhelmed with dismay.

I am crushed because my dear people have been crushed. I mourn; terror grips me.

For the destruction of the daughter of my people I am devastated; I am in darkness; astonishment has taken hold on me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am mourning; dismay has taken hold on me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment has taken hold on me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt: I mourn; dismay hath taken hold on me.

For the affliction of the daughter of my people I am afflicted, and made sorrowful, astonishment hath taken hold on me.

For the breach of the daughter of my people am I crushed; I go mourning; astonishment hath taken hold of me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt: I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt; I am black; astonishment hath taken hold on me.

For the hurt of the daughter of my people am I hurt: I mourn; dismay has taken hold on me.

For a breach of the daughter of my people have I been broken, I have been black, astonishment hath seized me.

Jeremia 8:21
Për plagën e bijës së popullit tim jam i dëshpëruar, po mbaj zi, jam i tmerruar.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 8:21
من اجل سحق بنت شعبي انسحقت. حزنت اخذتني دهشة.

Dyr Ierymies 8:21
I leid mit meinn Volk mit; so zafrichtig bin i, däß i s gar nit sagn kan.

Еремия 8:21
Съкрушен съм поради съкрушението на дъщерята на людете Ми; Помрачен съм; ужас ме обзе.

耶 利 米 書 8:21
先 知 說 : 因 我 百 姓 的 損 傷 , 我 也 受 了 損 傷 。 我 哀 痛 , 驚 惶 將 我 抓 住 。

先 知 说 : 因 我 百 姓 的 损 伤 , 我 也 受 了 损 伤 。 我 哀 痛 , 惊 惶 将 我 抓 住 。



Jeremiah 8:21
Satrven sam što je kći naroda mojega satrvena, žalostan sam, stravom obuzet.

Jermiáše 8:21
Pro potření dcery lidu mého potřín jsem, smutek nesu, užasnutí podjalo mne.

Jeremias 8:21
Ved mit Folks Datters Sammenbrud er jeg brudt sammen, jeg sørger, grebet af Rædsel.

Jeremia 8:21
Ik ben gebroken vanwege de breuk der dochter mijns volks; ik ga in het zwart, ontzetting heeft mij aangegrepen.

ירמיה 8:21
עַל־שֶׁ֥בֶר בַּת־עַמִּ֖י הָשְׁבָּ֑רְתִּי קָדַ֕רְתִּי שַׁמָּ֖ה הֶחֱזִקָֽתְנִי׃

כא על שבר בת עמי השברתי קדרתי שמה החזקתני

על־שבר בת־עמי השברתי קדרתי שמה החזקתני׃

Jeremiás 8:21
Az én népem leányának romlása miatt megromlottam, szomorkodom, iszonyat fogott el engem!

Jeremia 8:21
La malfelicxo de mia popolo min afliktas, mi malgxojas, mi sentas teruron.

Minä suren suuresti, että minun kansani tytär, niin turmeltu on; minä surkuttelen ja olen hämmästyksissä.

Jérémie 8:21
Je suis brisé de la ruine de la fille de mon peuple; je mène deuil, l'épouvante m'a saisi.

Je suis brisé par la douleur de la fille de mon peuple, Je suis dans la tristesse, l'épouvante me saisit.

Je suis amèrement affligé à cause de la calamité de la fille de mon peuple, j'en suis en deuil, j'en suis tout désolé.

Jeremia 8:21
Mich jammert herzlich, daß mein Volk so verderbet ist; ich gräme mich und gehabe mich übel.

Mich jammert herzlich, daß mein Volk so verderbt ist; ich gräme mich und gehabe mich übel.

Weil mein Volk gebrochen ist, bin ich gebrochen, gehe ich trauernd einher, hat mich Entsetzen erfaßt.

Geremia 8:21
Per la piaga della figliuola del mio popolo io son tutto affranto; sono in lutto, sono in preda alla costernazione.

Io son tutto rotto per la rottura della figliuola del mio popolo; io ne vo vestito a bruno; stupore mi ha occupato.

Bahwa hatiku luka parah dari karena lupa puteri bangsaku; aku berpakaikan kain perkabungan dan aku sudah kena dahsyat.

예레미아 8:21
딸 내 백성이 상하였으므로 나도 상하여 슬퍼하며 놀라움에 잡혔도다

Ieremias 8:21
super contritionem filiae populi mei contritus sum et contristatus stupor obtinuit me

Jeremijo knyga 8:21
Dėl savo tautos nelaimės aš kenčiu ir gedžiu, siaubas apėmė mane.

Jeremiah 8:21
He mamae ki te tamahine a taku iwi i mamae ai ahau, mangu iho ahau, mau pu ahau i te miharo.

Jeremias 8:21
Over mitt folks sønderknuselse er jeg sønderknust; jeg går i sørgeklær, forferdelse har grepet mig.

Jeremías 8:21
Por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo estoy quebrantado; ando enlutado, el espanto se ha apoderado de mí.

Por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo estoy quebrantado; Ando enlutado, el espanto se ha apoderado de mí.

Quebrantado estoy por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo; entenebrecido estoy, espanto me ha arrebatado.

Quebrantado estoy por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo; entenebrecido estoy, espanto me ha arrebatado.

Quebrantado estoy por el quebrantamiento de la hija de mi pueblo; entenebrecido estoy, espanto me ha arrebatado.

Jeremias 8:21
Estou destruído com a devastação que se abateu sobre todo o meu povo. Choro e lamento ao extremo do meu ser. O pavor e a tristeza se apoderaram de mim.

Estou quebrantado pela ferida da filha do meu povo; ando de luto; o espanto apoderou-se de mim.   

Ieremia 8:21
,,Sînt zdrobit de durerea fiicei poporului meu, mă doare, m'apucă groaza.

Иеремия 8:21
О сокрушении дщери народа моего я сокрушаюсь, хожу мрачен, ужас объял меня.

О сокрушении дщери народа моего я сокрушаюсь, хожу мрачен, ужас объял меня.[]

Jeremia 8:21
Jag är förkrossad, därför att dottern mitt folk så krossas, jag går sörjande, häpnad har gripit mig.

Jeremiah 8:21
Dahil sa sugat ng anak na babae ng aking bayan ay nasasakitan ako; ako'y luksa; ako'y natigilan.

เยเรมีย์ 8:21
เพราะแผลแห่งบุตรสาวประชาชนของข้าพเจ้า หัวใจข้าพเจ้าจึงเป็นแผล ข้าพเจ้าเศร้าหมอง และความสยดสยองก็ยึดข้าพเจ้าไว้มั่น

Yeremya 8:21
Halkımın yarasından ben de yaralandım.
Yasa büründüm, dehşete düştüm.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 8:21
Con gái dân ta bị thương, ta vì đó bị thương; ta đương sầu thảm; bị sự kinh hãi bắt lấy.

Jeremiah 8:20
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