Jeremiah 7:25
Jeremiah 7:25
From the time your ancestors left Egypt until now, day after day, again and again I sent you my servants the prophets.

From the day your ancestors left Egypt until now, I have continued to send my servants, the prophets--day in and day out.

From the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have persistently sent all my servants the prophets to them, day after day.

"Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have sent you all My servants the prophets, daily rising early and sending them.

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

Since the day your ancestors came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have sent all My servants the prophets to you time and time again.

From the day your ancestors left the land of Egypt to this present time, I've sent all my servants, the prophets, to you, again and again.

From the time your ancestors departed the land of Egypt until now, I sent my servants the prophets to you again and again, day after day.

From the time that your ancestors left Egypt until now, I have sent all my servants the prophets to you again and again.

since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day. I have even sent unto you all my slaves, the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them;

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day I have even sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt to this day I have even sent to you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day, I have sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

From the day that their fathers came out of the land of Egypt, even to this day. And I have sent to you all my servants the prophets from day to day, rising up early and sending.

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt, unto this day, have I sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them;

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt unto this day, I have sent unto you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

Since the day that your fathers came forth from the land of Egypt to this day I have even sent to you all my servants the prophets, daily rising early and sending them:

Since the day that your fathers came forth out of the land of Egypt to this day, I have sent to you all my servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them:

Even from the day when your fathers Went out of the land of Egypt till this day, I send to you all my servants the prophets, Daily rising early and sending,

Jeremia 7:25
Nga dita në të cilën etërit tuaj dolën nga vendi i Egjiptit e deri më sot, ju kam dërguar tërë shërbëtorët e mi, profetët çdo ditë me urgjencë dhe insistim.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 7:25
فمن اليوم الذي خرج فيه آباؤكم من ارض مصر الى هذا اليوم ارسلت اليكم كل عبيدي الانبياء مبكرا كل يوم ومرسلا

Dyr Ierymies 7:25
Seit enkerne Vätter aus Güptn austrochend hinst heut, gschick i enk allweil wider meine Knecht, d Weissagn.

Еремия 7:25
От деня, когато излязоха бащите ви из Египетската земя, до днес Пращах всичките Си слуги пророците при вас, Като ставах рано всеки ден и ги пращах;

耶 利 米 書 7:25
自 從 你 們 列 祖 出 埃 及 地 的 那 日 , 直 到 今 日 , 我 差 遣 我 的 僕 人 眾 先 知 到 你 們 那 裡 去 , 每 日 從 早 起 來 差 遣 他 們 。

自 从 你 们 列 祖 出 埃 及 地 的 那 日 , 直 到 今 日 , 我 差 遣 我 的 仆 人 众 先 知 到 你 们 那 里 去 , 每 日 从 早 起 来 差 遣 他 们 。



Jeremiah 7:25
Od dana kad oci vaši iziđoše iz zemlje egipatske pa do dana današnjeg slao sam vam tolike sluge svoje, proroke, iz dana u dan, neumorno.

Jermiáše 7:25
Od toho času, jakž vyšli otcové vaši z země Egyptské, až do tohoto dne posílal jsem k vám všecky služebníky své proroky, každý den ráno vstávaje, a to ustavičně.

Jeremias 7:25
Fra den Dag eders Fædre drog ud af Ægypten, og til i Dag har jeg Dag efter Dag, aarle og silde sendt eder alle mine Tjenere Profeterne;

Jeremia 7:25
Van dien dag af, dat uw vaders uit Egypteland zijn uitgegaan, tot op dezen dag, zo heb Ik tot u gezonden al Mijn knechten, de profeten, dagelijks vroeg op zijnde en zendende.

ירמיה 7:25
לְמִן־הַיֹּ֗ום אֲשֶׁ֨ר יָצְא֤וּ אֲבֹֽותֵיכֶם֙ מֵאֶ֣רֶץ מִצְרַ֔יִם עַ֖ד הַיֹּ֣ום הַזֶּ֑ה וָאֶשְׁלַ֤ח אֲלֵיכֶם֙ אֶת־כָּל־עֲבָדַ֣י הַנְּבִיאִ֔ים יֹ֖ום הַשְׁכֵּ֥ם וְשָׁלֹֽחַ׃

כה למן היום אשר יצאו אבותיכם מארץ מצרים עד היום הזה--ואשלח אליכם את כל עבדי הנביאים יום השכם ושלח

למן־היום אשר יצאו אבותיכם מארץ מצרים עד היום הזה ואשלח אליכם את־כל־עבדי הנביאים יום השכם ושלח׃

Jeremiás 7:25
Attól a naptól fogva, a melyen kijöttek a ti atyáitok Égyiptom földébõl e mai napig küldtem hozzátok minden én szolgámat, a prófétákat napról-napra, szüntelen küldöttem;

Jeremia 7:25
De post la tago, kiam viaj patroj eliris el la lando Egipta, gxis la nuna tago Mi sendadis al vi cxiujn Miajn servantojn, la profetojn, cxiutage Mi sendis;

Ja siitä päivästä, kun teidän isänne läksivät Egyptin maalta, niin tähän päivään asti, olen minä lähettänyt joka päivä teille kaikki minun palveliani, prophetat, minä nousin varhain ja lähetin.

Jérémie 7:25
Depuis le jour que vos pères sortirent du pays d'Égypte, jusqu'à ce jour, je vous ai envoyé tous mes serviteurs les prophètes, chaque jour me levant de bonne heure, et les envoyant.

Depuis le jour où vos pères sont sortis du pays d'Egypte, Jusqu'à ce jour, Je vous ai envoyé tous mes serviteurs, les prophètes, Je les ai envoyés chaque jour, dès le matin.

Depuis le jour que vos pères sont sortis du pays d'Egypte, jusqu’à aujourd'hui, je vous ai envoyé tous mes serviteurs Prophètes, me levant [chaque] jour dès le matin, et les envoyant.

Jeremia 7:25
Ja, von dem Tage an, da ich eure Väter aus Ägyptenland geführet habe, bis auf diesen Tag habe ich stets zu euch gesandt alle meine Knechte, die Propheten.

Ja, von dem Tage an, da ich eure Väter aus Ägyptenland geführt habe, bis auf diesen Tag habe ich stets zu euch gesandt alle meine Knechte, die Propheten. {~}

Wohl habe ich von dem Tag an, da eure Väter aus Ägypten wegzogen, bis auf den heutigen Tag alle meine Knechte, die Propheten, Tag für Tag unermüdlich zu euch gesandt:

Geremia 7:25
Dal giorno che i vostri padri uscirono dal paese d’Egitto fino al dì d’oggi, io v’ho mandato tutti i miei servi, i profeti, e ve l’ho mandati ogni giorno, fin dal mattino;

Dal dì che i vostri padri uscirono del paese di Egitto, infino a questo giorno, io vi ho mandati tutti i miei servitori profeti, mandandoli ogni giorno, fin dalla mattina;

Dari pada masa nenek moyang kamu keluar dari negeri Mesir datang kepada hari ini sudah Kusuruhkan segala hamba-Ku, nabi-nabi itu, kepadamu, pada sebilang hari Aku bangun dan menyuruhkan dia dari pagi-pagi;

예레미아 7:25
너희 열조가 애굽 땅에서 나온 날 부터 오늘까지 내가 내 종 선지자들을 너희에게 보내었으되 부지런히 보내었으나

Ieremias 7:25
a die qua egressi sunt patres eorum de terra Aegypti usque ad diem hanc et misi ad vos omnes servos meos prophetas per diem consurgens diluculo et mittens

Jeremijo knyga 7:25
Nuo tos dienos, kai jūsų tėvai išėjo iš Egipto krašto, iki šios dienos Aš nuolat siunčiau pas jus savo tarnus, pranašus, keldamas juos anksti rytą.

Jeremiah 7:25
No te ra i haere mai ai o koutou matua i te whenua o Ihipa tae mai ki tenei ra taku tononga atu i aku pononga katoa, i nga poropiti, ki a koutou, maranga wawe ana ahau i tenei ra, i tenei ra, unga ana ratou e ahau.

Jeremias 7:25
Like fra den dag eders fedre drog ut av Egyptens land, helt til denne dag sendte jeg til eder alle mine tjenere, profetene, daglig, tidlig og sent.

Jeremías 7:25
Desde el día que vuestros padres salieron de la tierra de Egipto hasta hoy, os he enviado a todos mis siervos los profetas, madrugando cada día y enviándo los .

"Desde el día que los padres de ustedes salieron de la tierra de Egipto hasta hoy, les he enviado a todos Mis siervos los profetas, madrugando cada día y enviándolos .

desde el día que vuestros padres salieron de la tierra de Egipto hasta hoy. Y os envié a todos los profetas mis siervos, madrugando cada día y enviándolos:

Desde el día que vuestros padres salieron de la tierra de Egipto hasta hoy. Y os envié á todos los profetas mis siervos, cada día madrugando y enviándolos:

desde el día que vuestros padres salieron de la tierra de Egipto hasta hoy. Y os envié a todos los profetas mis siervos, cada día madrugando y enviándolos;

Jeremias 7:25
Sendo assim, desde a época em que os vossos antepassados foram libertos do Egito até o dia de hoje, Eu vos enviei grande numero dos meus servos: os profetas; dia após dia.

Desde o dia em que vossos pais saíram da terra do Egito, até hoje, tenho-vos enviado insistentemente todos os meus servos, os profetas, dia após dia;   

Ieremia 7:25
Din ziua cînd au ieşit părinţii voştri din Egipt, pînă în ziua de azi, v'am trimes pe toţi slujitorii Mei, proorocii, i-am trimes în fiecare zi, de dimineaţă.

Иеремия 7:25
С того дня, как отцы ваши вышли из земли Египетской, до сего дня Я посылал к вам всех рабов Моих – пророков, посылал всякий день с раннего утра;

С того дня, как отцы ваши вышли из земли Египетской, до сего дня Я посылал к вам всех рабов Моих--пророков, посылал всякий день с раннего утра;[]

Jeremia 7:25
Allt ifrån den dag då edra fäder drogo ut ur Egyptens land ända till nu har jag dag efter dag, titt och ofta, sänt till eder alla mina tjänare profeterna.

Jeremiah 7:25
Mula nang araw na ang inyong mga magulang ay magsilabas sa lupain ng Egipto hanggang sa araw na ito, aking sinugo sa inyo ang lahat kong lingkod na mga propeta, na araw-araw ay bumabangon akong maaga at sinusugo ko sila:

เยเรมีย์ 7:25
ตั้งแต่วันที่บรรพบุรุษของเจ้าทั้งหลายออกจากแผ่นดินอียิปต์จนทุกวันนี้ เราได้ส่งบรรดาผู้พยากรณ์ผู้รับใช้ของเราไปยังเขาอย่างไม่หยุดยั้ง วันแล้ววันเล่า

Yeremya 7:25
Atalarınızın Mısırdan çıktığı günden bu yana, size her gün defalarca peygamber kullarımı gönderdim.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 7:25
Từ ngày tổ phụ các ngươi ra khỏi đất Ê-díp-tô cho đến ngày nay, ta đã sai mọi đầy tớ ta, tức các tiên tri, đến cùng các ngươi; mỗi ngày ta dậy sớm sai họ đến.

Jeremiah 7:24
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