Jeremiah 7:18
Jeremiah 7:18
The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger.

No wonder I am so angry! Watch how the children gather wood and the fathers build sacrificial fires. See how the women knead dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. And they pour out liquid offerings to their other idol gods!

The children gather wood, the fathers kindle fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes for the queen of heaven. And they pour out drink offerings to other gods, to provoke me to anger.

"The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven; and they pour out drink offerings to other gods in order to spite Me.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The sons gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven, and they pour out drink offerings to other gods so that they provoke Me to anger.

The children gather wood, the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough to make cakes for the Queen of Heaven, and they pour out liquid offerings to other gods in order to provoke me.

Children are gathering firewood, fathers are building fires with it, and women are mixing dough to bake cakes to offer to the goddess they call the Queen of Heaven. They are also pouring out drink offerings to other gods. They seem to do all this just to trouble me.

Children gather wood, fathers light fires, and women knead dough to make cakes for the queen of heaven. They pour out wine offerings to other gods in order to make me furious.

The sons gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough to make cakes to the queen of heaven and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead their dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink-offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to offer libations to strange gods, and to provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink-offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink offerings unto other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead dough, to make cakes to the queen of heaven, and to pour out drink-offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The children gather wood, and the fathers kindle the fire, and the women knead the dough, to make cakes to the queen of the sky, and to pour out drink offerings to other gods, that they may provoke me to anger.

The sons are gathering wood, And the fathers are causing the fire to burn, And the women are kneading dough, To make cakes to the queen of the heavens, And to pour out libations to other gods, So as to provoke Me to anger.

Jeremia 7:18
Bijtë mbledhin drutë, etërit ndezin zjarrin dhe gratë mbrujnë mjellin për të përgatitur kulaç për mbretëreshën e qiellit, dhe pastaj u bëjnë libacione perëndive të tjera për të më zemëruar mua.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 7:18
الابناء يلتقطون حطبا والآباء يوقدون النار والنساء يعجنّ العجين ليصنعن كعكا لملكة السموات ولسكب سكائب لآلهة اخرى لكي يغيظوني.

Dyr Ierymies 7:18
De Kinder klaubnd s Holz zamm, d Mänder kenddnd s Feuer an, und d Weiber walglnd önn Taig, däß s yn dyr Himmlsküniginn Opferküechln bachend. Yn anderne Götter bringend s Trankopfer dar, däß s myr wee tuend.

Еремия 7:18
Чадата събират дърва, и бащите кладат огъня, А жените месят тестото, За да направят пити на небесната царица, И да направят възлияния на други богове, Та да Ме разгневят.

耶 利 米 書 7:18
孩 子 撿 柴 , 父 親 燒 火 , 婦 女 摶 麵 做 餅 , 獻 給 天 后 , 又 向 別   神 澆 奠 祭 , 惹 我 發 怒 。

孩 子 捡 柴 , 父 亲 烧 火 , 妇 女 抟 面 做 饼 , 献 给 天 后 , 又 向 别   神 浇 奠 祭 , 惹 我 发 怒 。



Jeremiah 7:18
Djeca kupe drva, oci pale vatru, žene mijese tijesto da ispeku kolače 'kraljici neba' i lijevaju ljevanice tuđim bogovima da me pogrde.

Jermiáše 7:18
Synové zbírají dříví, a otcové zaněcují oheň, ženy pak zadělávají těsto, aby pekly koláče tvoru nebeskému, a obětovali oběti mokré bohům cizím, aby mne popouzeli.

Jeremias 7:18
Børnene sanker Brænde, Fædrene tænder Ild, og Kvinderne ælter Dejg for at bage Offerkager til Himmelens Dronning og udgyde Drikofre for fremmede Guder og krænke mig.

Jeremia 7:18
De kinderen lezen hout op, en de vaders steken het vuur aan, en de vrouwen kneden het deeg, om gebeelde koeken te maken voor de Melecheth des hemels, en anderen goden drankofferen te offeren, om Mij verdriet aan te doen.

ירמיה 7:18
הַבָּנִ֞ים מְלַקְּטִ֣ים עֵצִ֗ים וְהָֽאָבֹות֙ מְבַעֲרִ֣ים אֶת־הָאֵ֔שׁ וְהַנָּשִׁ֖ים לָשֹׁ֣ות בָּצֵ֑ק לַעֲשֹׂ֨ות כַּוָּנִ֜ים לִמְלֶ֣כֶת הַשָּׁמַ֗יִם וְהַסֵּ֤ךְ נְסָכִים֙ לֵאלֹהִ֣ים אֲחֵרִ֔ים לְמַ֖עַן הַכְעִסֵֽנִי׃

יח הבנים מלקטים עצים והאבות מבערים את האש והנשים לשות בצק  לעשות כונים למלכת השמים והסך נסכים לאלהים אחרים--למען הכעסני

הבנים מלקטים עצים והאבות מבערים את־האש והנשים לשות בצק לעשות כונים למלכת השמים והסך נסכים לאלהים אחרים למען הכעסני׃

Jeremiás 7:18
A fiak fát szedegetnek, az atyák gyujtják a tüzet, az asszonyok pedig dagasztanak, hogy az ég királynõjének béleseket készítsenek, és az idegen isteneknek italáldozatokkal áldoznak, hogy engem felingereljenek.

Jeremia 7:18
La filoj kolektas la lignon, kaj la patroj ekbruligas la fajron, kaj la virinoj knedas la paston, por fari kukojn por la regxino de la cxielo, kaj ili faras versxoferojn al aliaj dioj, por cxagreni Min.

Lapset kantavat puita, ja isät tekevät valkiaa, ja vaimot tekevät taikinaa uhrataksensa leipiä taivaan kuningattarelle, ja antaaksensa juomauhria vieraille jumalille, että he minua vihoittaisivat.

Jérémie 7:18
Les fils ramassent le bois, et les pères allument le feu, et les femmes pétrissent la pâte pour faire des gâteaux à la reine des cieux, et pour répandre des libations à d'autres dieux, afin de me provoquer à colère.

Les enfants ramassent du bois, Les pères allument le feu, Et les femmes pétrissent la pâte, Pour préparer des gâteaux à la reine du ciel, Et pour faire des libations à d'autres dieux, Afin de m'irriter.

Les fils amassent le bois, et les pères allument le feu, et les femmes pétrissent la pâte pour faire des gâteaux à la Reine des cieux; et pour faire des aspersions aux dieux étrangers, afin de m'irriter.

Jeremia 7:18
Die Kinder lesen Holz, so zünden die Väter das Feuer an, und die Weiber kneten den Teig, daß sie der Melecheth des Himmels Kuchen backen und Trankopfer den fremden Göttern geben, daß sie mir Verdrieß tun.

Die Kinder lesen Holz, so zünden die Väter das Feuer an, und die Weiber kneten den Teig, daß sie der Himmelskönigin Kuchen backen, und geben Trankopfer den fremden Göttern, daß sie mir Verdruß tun.

Die Kinder sammeln Holz und die Väter zünden das Feuer an, die Weiber aber kneten den Teig, um Kuchen für die Himmelskönigin herzurichten und fremden Göttern Trankopfer zu spenden, um mich so zu ärgern.

Geremia 7:18
I figliuoli raccolgon le legna, i padri accendono il fuoco, e le donne intridon la pasta per far delle focacce alla regina del cielo e per far delle libazioni ad altri dèi, per offendermi.

I figliuoli ricolgono le legne, e i padri accendono il fuoco, e le donne intridono la pasta, per far focacce alla regina del cielo, e per fare offerte da spandere ad altri dii, per dispettarmi.

Bahwa anak-anaknya memungut kayu dan bapanyapun memasang api dan orang perempuan mereka itu meramas tepung basah, diperbuatnya juadah bertulisan bagi Permaisuri di langit dan dicucurkannya persembahan minuman bagi dewa-dewa, hendak mendukakan Aku.

예레미아 7:18
자식들은 나무를 줍고 아비들은 불을 피우며 부녀들은 가루를 반죽하여 하늘 황후를 위하여 과자를 만들며 그들이 또 다른 신들에게 전제를 부음으로 나의 노를 격동하느니라

Ieremias 7:18
filii colligunt ligna et patres succendunt ignem et mulieres conspergunt adipem ut faciant placentas Reginae caeli et libent diis alienis et me ad iracundiam provocent

Jeremijo knyga 7:18
Vaikai prirenka malkų, tėvai sukuria ugnį, moterys minko tešlą, kepa pyragaičius ir aukoja juos dangaus karalienei. Jie aukoja geriamąsias aukas svetimiems dievams, sukeldami mano rūstybę.

Jeremiah 7:18
Ko nga tamariki kei te kohikohi wahie, ko nga matua kei te whakau i te ahi, ko nga wahine kei te pokepoke i te paraoa hei hanga i etahi keke, he mea ki te kuini o te rangi, riringi tonu iho i te ringihanga ki nga atua ke, hei whakapataritari i a hau.

Jeremias 7:18
Barna sanker ved, og fedrene tender op ild, og kvinnene elter deig for å lage kaker for himmelens dronning, og de utøser drikkoffer for andre guder, for å volde mig sorg.

Jeremías 7:18
Los hijos recogen la leña, los padres encienden el fuego, las mujeres preparan la masa para hacer tortas a la reina del cielo, y derraman libaciones a otros dioses para ofenderme.

"Los hijos recogen la leña, los padres encienden el fuego, las mujeres preparan la masa para hacer tortas a la reina del cielo, y derraman libaciones a otros dioses para ofenderme."

Los hijos recogen la leña, y los padres encienden el fuego, y las mujeres amasan la masa, para hacer tortas a la reina del cielo y para hacer ofrendas a dioses ajenos, para provocarme a ira.

Los hijos cogen la leña, y los padres encienden el fuego, y las mujeres amasan la masa, para hacer tortas á la reina del cielo y para hacer ofrendas á dioses ajenos, por provocarme á ira.

Los hijos cogen la leña, y los padres encienden el fuego, y las mujeres amasan la masa, para hacer tortas a la reina del cielo y para hacer ofrendas a dioses ajenos, para provocarme a ira.

Jeremias 7:18
Os filhos ajuntam a lenha, os pais acendem o fogo e as mulheres preparam a massa para fazerem tortas à deusa que é chamada de Rainha dos Céus; depois ainda fazem libações, ofertas de bebidas derramadas, a outras falsas divindades; tudo isso para me ferir e provocar a minha ira.

Os filhos apanham a lenha, e os pais acendem o fogo, e as mulheres amassam a farinha para fazerem bolos à rainha do céu, e oferecem libações a outros deuses, a fim de me provocarem à ira.   

Ieremia 7:18
Copiii strîng lemne, părinţii aprind focul, şi femeile frămîntă plămădeala, ca să pregătească turte împărătesei cerului, şi să toarne jertfe de băutură altor dumnezei, ca să Mă mînie.``

Иеремия 7:18
Дети собирают дрова, а отцы разводят огонь, и женщины месят тесто, чтобы делать пирожки для богини неба и совершать возлияния иным богам, чтобы огорчать Меня.

Дети собирают дрова, а отцы разводят огонь, и женщины месят тесто, чтобы делать пирожки для богини неба и совершать возлияния иным богам, чтобы огорчать Меня.[]

Jeremia 7:18
Barnen samla tillhopa ved, fäderna tända upp eld och kvinnorna knåda deg, allt för att baka offerkakor åt himmelens drottning; och drickoffer utgjuta de åt andra gudar, mig till sorg.

Jeremiah 7:18
Ang mga anak ay nangamumulot ng kahoy, at ang mga ama ay nangagpapaningas ng apoy, at ang mga babae ay nangagmamasa ng masa, upang igawa ng mga tinapay ang reina ng langit, at upang magbuhos ng mga handog na inumin sa ibang mga dios, upang kanilang mungkahiin ako sa galit.

เยเรมีย์ 7:18
พวกเด็กๆก็เก็บฟืน พวกพ่อๆก็ก่อไฟ พวกผู้หญิงก็นวดแป้ง เพื่อทำขนมถวายแด่เจ้าแม่แห่งฟ้าสวรรค์ และเขาเทเครื่องดื่มบูชาถวายแด่พระอื่นๆ เพื่อยั่วยุให้เราโกรธ"

Yeremya 7:18
Çocuklar odun topluyor, babalar ateş yakıyor, kadınlar Gök Kraliçesine pide pişirmek için hamur yoğuruyor. Beni öfkelendirmek için başka ilahlara dökmelik sunular sunuyorlar.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 7:18
Con lượm củi, cha nhen lửa, đờn bà nhồi bột, đặng làm bánh dâng cho nữ vương trên trời, và làm lễ quán cho các thần khác, để chọc giận ta.

Jeremiah 7:17
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