Jeremiah 52:30
Jeremiah 52:30
in his twenty-third year, 745 Jews taken into exile by Nebuzaradan the commander of the imperial guard. There were 4,600 people in all.

In Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year he sent Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, who took 745 more--a total of 4,600 captives in all.

in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Judeans 745 persons; all the persons were 4,600.

in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadnezzar, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried into exile 745 Jewish people; there were 4,600 persons in all.

In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guards, deported 745 Jews. All together 4,600 people were deported.

in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year, Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard took 745 people from Judah into exile. All the people taken into exile numbered 4,600.

in Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year, Nebuzaradan, the captain of the royal guard, carried into exile 745 Judeans. In all 4,600 people went into exile.

In Nebuchadnezzar's twenty-third year as king, Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, took away 745 Jews. In all, 4,600 people were taken away.

In the twenty-third year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty-five persons: all the persons were four thousand six hundred.

In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

in the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

In the three and twentieth year of Nabuchodonosor, Nabuzardan the general carried away of the Jews seven hundred and forty-five souls. So all the souls were four thousand six hundred.

in the twenty-third year of Nebuchadrezzar, Nebuzar-adan the captain of the body-guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred and forty-five persons: all the persons were four thousand six hundred.

in the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

In the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar, Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty and five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

in the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadnezzar Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive of the Jews seven hundred forty-five persons: all the persons were four thousand and six hundred.

in the three and twentieth year of Nebuchadrezzar, hath Nebuzar-Adan chief of the guard removed of Jewish souls, seven hundred forty and five; all the souls are four thousand and six hundred.

Jeremia 52:30
Në vitin e njëzetë e tretë të Nebukadnetsarit, Nebuzaradani, komandanti i rojes, internoi shtatëqind e dyzet e pesë Judej: gjithsej katërmijë e gjashtëqind veta.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 52:30
في السنة الثالثة والعشرين لنبوخذراصر سبى نبوزرادان رئيس الشرط من اليهود سبع مئة وخمسا واربعين نفسا. جملة النفوس اربعة آلاف وست مئة

Dyr Ierymies 52:30
Eyn n dreuyzwainzigstn Jaar von n Nebykädnezer gfüert dyr Leibwachgöbl Nebysäret 745 Judauer wögg. Mitaynand warnd s 4600 Leut.

Еремия 52:30
а в двадесет и третата година на Навуходоносора, началникът на телохранителите Навузардан, плени от юдеите седемстотин четиридесет и пет души; всичките бяха четири хиляди и шестстотин души.

耶 利 米 書 52:30
尼 布 甲 尼 撒 二 十 三 年 , 護 衛 長 尼 布 撒 拉 旦 擄 去 猶 大 人 七 百 四 十 五 名 ; 共 有 四 千 六 百 人 。

尼 布 甲 尼 撒 二 十 三 年 , 护 卫 长 尼 布 撒 拉 旦 掳 去 犹 大 人 七 百 四 十 五 名 ; 共 有 四 千 六 百 人 。



Jeremiah 52:30
dvadeset i treće godine Nabukodonozorove, Nebuzaradan, zapovjednik tjelesne straže, odvede sedam stotina četrdeset i pet Judejaca. U svemu: četiri tisuće i šest stotona osoba.

Jermiáše 52:30
Léta třimecítmého Nabuchodonozora zavedl Nebuzardan, hejtman nad žoldnéři, Judské, duší sedm set čtyřidceti a pět, všech duší čtyry tisíce a šest set.

Jeremias 52:30
i Nebukadrezars tre og tyvende Aar bortførte Nebuzar'adan, Øversten for Livvagten, 745 af Judæerne; tilsammen 4600.

Jeremia 52:30
In het drie en twintigste jaar van Nebukadrezar voerde Nebuzaradan, de overste der trawanten, gevankelijk weg van de Joden zevenhonderd vijf en veertig zielen. Alle zielen zijn vier duizend en zeshonderd.

ירמיה 52:30
בִּשְׁנַ֨ת שָׁלֹ֣שׁ וְעֶשְׂרִים֮ לִנְבֽוּכַדְרֶאצַּר֒ הֶגְלָ֗ה נְבֽוּזַרְאֲדָן֙ רַב־טַבָּחִ֔ים יְהוּדִ֕ים נֶ֕פֶשׁ שְׁבַ֥ע מֵאֹ֖ות אַרְבָּעִ֣ים וַחֲמִשָּׁ֑ה כָּל־נֶ֕פֶשׁ אַרְבַּ֥עַת אֲלָפִ֖ים וְשֵׁ֥שׁ מֵאֹֽות׃ פ

ל בשנת שלש ועשרים לנבוכדראצר הגלה נבוזראדן רב טבחים יהודים נפש שבע מאות ארבעים וחמשה כל נפש ארבעת אלפים ושש מאות  {ס}

בשנת שלש ועשרים לנבוכדראצר הגלה נבוזראדן רב־טבחים יהודים נפש שבע מאות ארבעים וחמשה כל־נפש ארבעת אלפים ושש מאות׃ פ

Jeremiás 52:30
Nabukodonozor huszonharmadik esztendejében fogságba vitete Nabuzáradán, a vitézek feje hétszáznegyvenöt Júdabelit. Összesen négyezer és hatszáz lélek.

Jeremia 52:30
en la dudek-tria jaro de Nebukadnecar la korpogardistestro Nebuzaradan elhejmigis sepcent kvardek kvin homojn el la Judoj:la kvanto de cxiuj estis kvar mil sescent homoj.

Ja Nebukadnetsarin kolmantena vuonna kolmattakymmenentä vei Nebusaradan, huovinhaltia, pois seitsemänsataa ja viisiviidettäkymmentä sielua Juudasta; kaikki sielut ovat neljätuhatta ja kuusisataa.

Jérémie 52:30
et la vingt-troisième année de Nebucadnetsar, Nebuzaradan, chef des gardes, transporta d'entre les Juifs sept cent quarante-cinq âmes: toutes les âmes furent quatre mille six cents.

la vingt-troisième année de Nebucadnetsar, Nebuzaradan, chef des gardes, emmena sept cent quarante-cinq Juifs; en tout quatre mille six cents personnes.

La vingt-troisième année de Nébucadnetsar, Nébuzar-adan, prévôt de l'hôtel, transporta sept cent quarante-cinq personnes des Juifs; toutes les personnes donc furent quatre mille six cents.

Jeremia 52:30
Und im dreiundzwanzigsten Jahr des Nebukadnezar führete Nebusar-Adan, der Hauptmann, siebenhundert und fünfundvierzig Seelen weg aus Juda. Aller Seelen sind viertausend und sechshundert.

und im dreiundzwanzigsten Jahr des Nebukadnezars führte Nebusaradan, der Hauptmann, siebenhundert und fünfundvierzig Seelen weg aus Juda. Alle Seelen sind viertausend und sechshundert.

im dreiundzwanzigsten Jahre Nebukadrezars führte Nebusar-Adan, der Oberste der Leibwächter, von den Judäern 745 Seelen hinweg: insgesamt waren es 4600 Seelen.

Geremia 52:30
il ventitreesimo anno di Nebucadnetsar, Nebuzaradan, capitano della guardia, menò in cattività settecento quarantacinque Giudei: in tutto, quattromila seicento persone.

l’anno ventesimoterzo di Nebucadnesar, Nebuzaradan, capitano delle guardie, menò in cattività settecenquarantacinque anime di Giudei. Tutte le anime furono quattromila seicento.

Dan pada tahun yang ketiga likur dari pada kerajaan Nebukadnezar dipindahkan oleh Nebuzaradan, penghulu biduanda itu, dari pada orang Yahudi tujuh ratus empat puluh lima orang. Jumlah segala orang itu empat ribu enam ratus banyaknya.

예레미아 52:30
유다 왕 여호야긴이 사로잡혀 간지 삼십 칠년 곧 바벨론 왕 에윌므로닥의 즉위 원년 십이월 이십 오일에 그가 유다 왕 여호야긴을 옥에서 내어놓아 그 머리를 들게 하고

Ieremias 52:30
in anno vicesimo tertio Nabuchodonosor transtulit Nabuzardan magister militiae Iudaeorum animas septingentas quadraginta quinque omnes ergo animae quattuor milia sescentae

Jeremijo knyga 52:30
dvidešimt trečiaisiais metais sargybos viršininkas Nebuzaradanas ištrėmė septynis šimtus keturiasdešimt penkis žydus. Iš viso keturis tūkstančius šešis šimtus žmonių.

Jeremiah 52:30
I te rua tekau ma toru o nga tau o Nepukareha, e whitu rau e wha tekau ma rima nga tangata o nga Hurai i whakaraua atu e Neputaraarana, e te rangatira o nga kaitiaki: ko aua tangata katoa e wha mano e ono rau.

Jeremias 52:30
i Nebukadnesars tre og tyvende år bortførte Nebusaradan, høvdingen over livvakten, syv hundre og fem og firti sjeler av jødene; det var i alt fire tusen og seks hundre sjeler.

Jeremías 52:30
en el año veintitrés de Nabucodonosor, Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, llevó al destierro a setecientos cuarenta y cinco judíos; en total fueron cuatro mil seiscientas personas.

en el año veintitrés de Nabucodonosor, Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, llevó al destierro a 745 Judíos; en total fueron 4,600 personas.

En el año veintitrés de Nabucodonosor, Nabuzaradán capitán de la guardia, llevó cautivas a setecientas cuarenta y cinco personas de los judíos: todas las personas fueron cuatro mil seiscientas.

El año veintitrés de Nabucodonosor, trasportó Nabuzaradán capitán de la guardia, setecientas cuarenta y cinco personas de los Judíos: todas las personas fueron cuatro mil seiscientas.

El año veintitrés de Nabucodonosor, transportó Nabuzaradán capitán de la guardia, setecientas cuarenta y cinco personas de los judíos; todas las personas son cuatro mil seiscientas.

Jeremias 52:30
em seu vigésimo terceiro ano, 745 judeus mandados ao cativeiro pelo capitão da guarda imperial Nebuzaradã. E assim, naquela época, ao todo, foram desterrados e levados ao cativeiro: 4600 judeus.

no ano vinte e três de Nabucodonozor, Nebuzaradão, capitão da guarda, levou cativas, dentre os judeus, setecentas e quarenta e cinco pessoas; todas as pessoas foram quatro mil e seiscentas.   

Ieremia 52:30
în al douăzeci şi treilea an al lui Nebucadneţar, Nebuzaradan, căpetenia străjerilor, a luat şapte sute patruzeci şi cinci de Iudei; de toţi: patru mii şase sute de inşi.

Иеремия 52:30
в двадцать третий год Навуходоносора Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, выселил Иудеев семьсот сорок пять душ: всего четыре тысячишестьсот душ.

в двадцать третий год Навуходоносора Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, выселил Иудеев семьсот сорок пять душ: всего четыре тысячи шестьсот душ.[]

Jeremia 52:30
Men i Nebukadressars tjugutredje regeringsår bortförde Nebusaradan, översten för drabanterna, av judarna sju hundra fyrtiofem personer. Hela antalet utgjorde fyra tusen sex hundra personer.

Jeremiah 52:30
Nang ikadalawang pu't tatlong taon ni Nabucodonosor ay nagdala ng bihag sa mga Judio si Nabuzaradan na kapitan ng bantay na pitong daan at apat na pu't limang tao: lahat na tao ay apat na libo at anim na raan.

เยเรมีย์ 52:30
ในปีที่ยี่สิบสามแห่งรัชกาลเนบูคัดเนสซาร์ เนบูซาระดานผู้บังคับบัญชาทหารรักษาพระองค์จับยิวเป็นเชลยเจ็ดร้อยสี่สิบห้าคน รวมคนทั้งหมดเป็นสี่พันกับหกร้อยคน

Yeremya 52:30
yirmi üçüncü yılında, muhafız birliği komutanı Nebuzaradanın sürdüğü 745 Yahudi. Hepsi 4 600 kişiydi.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 52:30
Năm thứ hai mươi ba đời vua ấy, Nê-bu-xa-a-đan, quan đầu thị vệ, đem đi bảy trăm bốn mươi lăm người Giu-đa. Hết thảy là bốn ngàn sáu trăm người.

Jeremiah 52:29
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