Jeremiah 49:18
Jeremiah 49:18
As Sodom and Gomorrah were overthrown, along with their neighboring towns," says the LORD, "so no one will live there; no people will dwell in it.

It will be like the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring towns," says the LORD. "No one will live there; no one will inhabit it.

As when Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighboring cities were overthrown, says the LORD, no man shall dwell there, no man shall sojourn in her.

"Like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors," says the LORD, "no one will live there, nor will a son of man reside in it.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD, no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.

As when Sodom and Gomorrah were overthrown along with their neighbors," says the LORD, "no one will live there; no human being will even stay in it as a temporary resident.

Just like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and their neighbors," says the LORD, "no one will live there. No human being will reside in it.

Edom will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrah and the towns that were around them. No one will live there. No human being will settle in it," says the LORD.

Edom will be like Sodom, Gomorrah, and their neighboring cities when they were destroyed. No one will live there. No human will stay there," says the LORD.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, said the LORD, no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and its neighboring cities, says the LORD, no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbor cities thereof, said the LORD, no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbor cities thereof, saith Jehovah, no man shall dwell there, neither shall any son of man sojourn therein.

As Sodom was overthrown and Gomorrha, and the neighbours thereof, saith the Lord: there shall not a man dwell there, and there shall no son of man inhabit it.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, and their neighbour cities, saith Jehovah, no one shall dwell there, neither shall a son of man sojourn therein.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbour cities thereof, saith the LORD, no man shall dwell there, neither shall any son of man sojourn therein.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighboring cities, saith the LORD, no man shall abide there, neither shall a son of man dwell in it.

As in the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah and the neighbor cities of it, says Yahweh, no man shall dwell there, neither shall any son of man live therein.

As the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah, And its neighbours, said Jehovah, No one doth dwell there, Nor sojourn in her doth a son of man.

Jeremia 49:18
Ashtu si në shkatërrimin e Sodomës dhe të Gomorrës, si dhe të qyteteve afër tyre", thotë Zoti, "askush nuk do të banojë më në to dhe asnjë bir njeriu nuk do të gjejë strehë.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 49:18
كانقلاب سدوم وعمورة ومجاوراتها يقول الرب لا يسكن هناك انسان ولا يتغرب فيها ابن آدم.

Dyr Ierymies 49:18
Wie Sodham und Gmorren und de Derffer umydum veroedt seind, yso gaat aau dortn kain Mensch meer wonen.

Еремия 49:18
Както при разорението на Содома и Гомора И ближните им градове, казва Господ, [Така] никой човек няма да живее там, Нито ще пришелствува там човешки син.

耶 利 米 書 49:18
耶 和 華 說 : 必 無 人 住 在 那 裡 , 也 無 人 在 其 中 寄 居 , 要 像 所 多 瑪 、 蛾 摩 拉 , 和 鄰 近 的 城 邑 傾 覆 的 時 候 一 樣 。

耶 和 华 说 : 必 无 人 住 在 那 里 , 也 无 人 在 其 中 寄 居 , 要 像 所 多 玛 、 蛾 摩 拉 , 和 邻 近 的 城 邑 倾 覆 的 时 候 一 样 。



Jeremiah 49:18
Razorit će ga kao Sodomu i Gomoru i susjede njihove - govori Jahve. Čovjek ondje neće stanovati, sin čovječji neće u njem boraviti.

Jermiáše 49:18
Jako podvrácení Sodomy a Gomory a sousedů jejich, praví Hospodin. Neosadí se tam žádný, aniž bydliti bude v ní syn člověka.

Jeremias 49:18
Som det gik, da Sodoma og Gomorra og Nabobyerne omstyrtedes, siger HERREN, skal intet Menneske bo der, intet Menneskebarn dvæle der.

Jeremia 49:18
Gelijk de omkering van Sodom en Gomorra en haar naburen, zal het zijn, zegt de HEERE; niemand zal daar wonen, en geen mensenkind daarin verkeren.

ירמיה 49:18
כְּֽמַהְפֵּכַ֞ת סְדֹ֧ם וַעֲמֹרָ֛ה וּשְׁכֵנֶ֖יהָ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֑ה לֹֽא־יֵשֵׁ֥ב שָׁם֙ אִ֔ישׁ וְלֹֽא־יָג֥וּר בָּ֖הּ בֶּן־אָדָֽם׃

יח כמהפכת סדם ועמרה ושכניה--אמר יהוה לא ישב שם איש ולא יגור בה בן אדם

כמהפכת סדם ועמרה ושכניה אמר יהוה לא־ישב שם איש ולא־יגור בה בן־אדם׃

Jeremiás 49:18
A mint Sodomának és Gomorának és az õ szomszédainak elsüllyedésekor [volt], azt mondja az Úr, ott sem lakik [több ]ember, és benne emberek fia nem tartózkodik.

Jeremia 49:18
Kiel renversitaj estas Sodom kaj Gomora kaj iliaj najbarlokoj, diras la Eternulo, tiel ankaux tie neniu restos, neniu homido tie logxos.

Niinkuin Sodoma ja Gomorra lähikyläinsä kanssa kukistetut ovat, sanoo Herra, niin ettei kenkään siellä asu, eikä joku ihminen siellä olla taida.

Jérémie 49:18
Comme dans la subversion de Sodome et de Gomorrhe et des villes voisines, dit l'Éternel, personne n'y habitera et aucun fils d'homme n'y séjournera.

Comme Sodome et Gomorrhe et les villes voisines, qui furent détruites, Dit l'Eternel, Il ne sera plus habité, Il ne sera le séjour d'aucun homme...

Il n'y demeurera personne, a dit l'Eternel, et aucun fils d'homme n'y séjournera, comme dans la subversion de Sodome et de Gomorrhe, et de leurs lieux circonvoisins.

Jeremia 49:18
gleichwie Sodom und Gomorrha samt ihren Nachbarn umgekehret ist, spricht der HERR, daß niemand daselbst wohnen noch kein Mensch drinnen hausen soll.

gleichwie Sodom und Gomorra samt ihren Nachbarn umgekehrt ist, spricht der HERR, daß niemand daselbst wohnen noch kein Mensch darin hausen soll.

Wie Sodom und Gomorrha und ihre Nachbarstädte von Grund aus zerstört wurden, spricht Jahwe, wird auch dort niemand mehr wohnen, noch ein Mensch darin weilen.

Geremia 49:18
Come avvenne al sovvertimento di Sodoma di Gomorra e di tutte le città a loro vicine, dice l’Eterno, nessuno più abiterà quivi, non vi dimorerà più alcun figliuol d’uomo.

Siccome Sodoma, e Gomorra, e le città lor vicine, furono sovvertite, ha detto il Signore; così non abiterà più quivi alcun uomo, e niun figliuol d’uomo vi dimorerà.

Seperti sudah dibongkar akan Sodom dan Gomorah dan segala daerahnya, demikianlah seorangpun tiada akan duduk di sana dan seorang anak Adampun tiada mendapat tumpangan di sana; demikianlah firman Tuhan.

예레미아 49:18
나 여호와가 말하노라 소돔과 고모라와 그 이웃 성읍들의 멸망된 것같이 거기 거하는 사람이 없으며 그 중에 우거할 아무 인자가 없으리라

Ieremias 49:18
sicuti subversa est Sodoma et Gomorra et vicinae eius ait Dominus non habitabit ibi vir et non incolet eam filius hominis

Jeremijo knyga 49:18
Kaip sunaikinta Sodoma ir Gomora bei jų apylinkės, taip ir čia nepasiliks ir negyvens joks žmogus.

Jeremiah 49:18
Ka rite ki te hurihanga o Horoma, o Komora, o nga pa hoki i tata ki reira, e ai ta Ihowa, e kore tetahi tangata e whai kainga ki reira, e kore hoki tetahi tama a te tangata e noho ki reira.

Jeremias 49:18
Som da Sodoma og Gomorra og dets nabobyer blev lagt i grus, sier Herren, skal ingen mann bo der, og intet menneskebarn opholde sig der.

Jeremías 49:18
Como en la destrucción de Sodoma y Gomorra y de sus ciudades vecinas--dice el SEÑOR-- nadie habitará allí, ni residirá en él hijo de hombre.

"Como en la destrucción de Sodoma y Gomorra y de sus ciudades vecinas," dice el SEÑOR, "nadie habitará allí, ni residirá en él hijo de hombre.

Como el trastornamiento de Sodoma y de Gomorra, y de sus ciudades vecinas, dice Jehová, no morará allí nadie, ni la habitará hijo de hombre.

Como el trastornamiento de Sodoma y de Gomorra, y de sus ciudades vecinas, dice Jehová, no morará allí nadie, ni la habitará hijo de hombre.

Como en el trastornamiento de Sodoma y de Gomorra, y de sus ciudades vecinas, será , dijo el SEÑOR, no morará allí nadie, ni la habitará hijo de hombre.

Jeremias 49:18
Do mesmo modo como ocorrera na destruição de Sodoma e Gomorra, e das cidades circunvizinhas”, Palavra do SENHOR, “e ninguém mais habitará ali, nenhum ser humano fixará residência nessas terras.”

Como na subversão de Sodoma e Gomorra, e das cidades circunvizinhas, diz o Senhor, não habitará ninguém ali, nem peregrinará nela filho de homem.   

Ieremia 49:18
Ca şi Sodoma şi Gomora şi cetăţile vecine, cari au fost nimicite, zice Domnul, nici el nu va mai fi locuit, şi nimeni nu se va mai aşeza acolo...

Иеремия 49:18
Как ниспровергнуты Содом и Гоморра и соседние города их, говорит Господь, так и там ни один человек не будет жить, и сын человеческий не остановится в нем.

Как ниспровергнуты Содом и Гоморра и соседние города их, говорит Господь, так [и] там ни один человек не будет жить, и сын человеческий не остановится в нем.[]

Jeremia 49:18
Likasom när Sodom och Gomorra med sina grannstäder omstörtades, säger HERREN, så skall ingen mer bo där och intet människobarn där vistas.

Jeremiah 49:18
Kung paano ang nangyari sa Sodoma at Gomorra, at sa mga kalapit bayan niyaon, sabi ng Panginoon, gayon walang lalake na tatahan doon, ni sinomang anak ng tao ay mangingibang bayan doon.

เยเรมีย์ 49:18
อย่างเมื่อเมืองโสโดม และเมืองโกโมราห์ และหัวเมืองใกล้เคียงของมันถูกทำลายล้าง พระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสว่า ไม่มีใครจะพำนักอยู่ที่นั่น ไม่มีบุตรของมนุษย์คนใดจะอาศัยในเมืองนั้น

Yeremya 49:18
Sodomla Gomorayı ve çevredeki köyleri
Nasıl yerle bir ettimse›› diyor RAB,
‹‹Orada da kimse oturmayacak,
İnsan oraya yerleşmeyecek.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 49:18
Ấy sẽ giống như sự hủy hoại của Sô-đôm, Gô-mô-rơ, và các thành lân cận, Ðức Giê-hô-va phán vậy. Ê-đôm sẽ không có người ở nữa, chẳng có một con người kiều ngụ tại đó.

Jeremiah 49:17
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