Jeremiah 46:16
Jeremiah 46:16
They will stumble repeatedly; they will fall over each other. They will say, 'Get up, let us go back to our own people and our native lands, away from the sword of the oppressor.'

They stumble and fall over each other and say among themselves, 'Come, let's go back to our people, to the land of our birth. Let's get away from the sword of the enemy!'

He made many stumble, and they fell, and they said one to another, ‘Arise, and let us go back to our own people and to the land of our birth, because of the sword of the oppressor.’

"They have repeatedly stumbled; Indeed, they have fallen one against another. Then they said, 'Get up! And let us go back To our own people and our native land Away from the sword of the oppressor.'

He made many to fall, yea, one fell upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He continues to stumble. Indeed, each falls over the other. They say, "Get up! Let's return to our people and to the land of our birth, away from the sword that oppresses."

They repeatedly stumble and fall. They say to each other, 'Get up! Let's go back to our people and to the land of our birth, away from the oppressor's sword.'

I will make many stumble. They will fall over one another in their hurry to flee. They will say, 'Get up! Let's go back to our own people. Let's go back to our homelands because the enemy is coming to destroy us.'

They have repeatedly stumbled, and now they have fallen. They say to each other, 'Get up! Let's go back to our people, to the land where we were born, and escape our enemy's sword.'

He multiplied the fallen; yea, one fell upon another; and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people and to the land of our nativity, away from the overcoming sword.

He made many to fall, yea, one fell upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He made many to fall, yes, one fell on another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He made many to stumble, yea, they fell one upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He hath multiplied them that fall, and one hath fallen upon another, and they shall say: Arise, and let us return to our own people, and to the land our nativity, from the sword of the dove.

He made many to stumble, yea, one fell upon another; and they said, Arise, and let us return to our own people and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He made many to stumble, yea, they fell one upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He made many to fall, yes, one fell upon another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our nativity, from the oppressing sword.

He made many to stumble, yes, they fell one on another: and they said, Arise, and let us go again to our own people, and to the land of our birth, from the oppressing sword.

He hath multiplied the stumbling, Yea one hath fallen upon his neighbour, And they say: Rise, and we turn back to our people, And unto the land of our birth, Because of the oppressing sword.

Jeremia 46:16
Ai bën që të lëkunden shumë prej tyre, bien njëri mbi tjetrin dhe thonë: "Ja, të kthehemi te populli ynë dhe në vendlindje, larg shpatës vrastare".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 46:16
كثر العاثرين حتى يسقط الواحد على صاحبه ويقولوا قوموا فنرجع الى شعبنا والى ارض ميلادنا من وجه السيف الصارم.

Dyr Ierymies 46:16
Vil seind durch iem z Fall kemmen; reihennweis seind s hingfalln. "Auf", gsagnd s, "zrugg eyn d Haimet, sünst fraess üns dyr Waansin!"

Еремия 46:16
Той накара мнозина да се спъват; Даже паднаха един върху друг; И казваха: Станете да се върнем при людете си И в родната си земя От лютия нож,

耶 利 米 書 46:16
使 多 人 絆 跌 ; 他 們 也 彼 此 撞 倒 , 說 : 起 來 罷 ! 我 們 再 往 本 民 本 地 去 , 好 躲 避 欺 壓 的 刀 劍 。

使 多 人 绊 跌 ; 他 们 也 彼 此 撞 倒 , 说 : 起 来 罢 ! 我 们 再 往 本 民 本 地 去 , 好 躲 避 欺 压 的 刀 剑 。



Jeremiah 46:16
On učini te mnogi posrnuše, popadaše jedan na drugoga. I gle, govore: Na noge! Vratimo se svom narodu, rodnoj grudi svojoj, pred mačem koljačkim!

Jermiáše 46:16
Mnohoť bude těch, kteříž klesnou a padnou jeden na druhého, a řeknou: Vstaň, a navraťme se k lidu svému, a do země, v níž jsme se zrodili, před mečem toho zhoubce.

Jeremias 46:16
Din brogede Folkesværm falder og styrter; de siger til hverandre: »Kom, lad os vende hjem til vort Folk og vort Fædreland for det hærgende Sværd!«

Jeremia 46:16
Hij maakte der struikelenden veel; ja, de een viel op den ander; zodat zij zeiden: Staat op en laat ons wederkeren tot ons volk, en tot het land onzer geboorte, vanwege het verdrukkende zwaard.

ירמיה 46:16
הִרְבָּ֖ה כֹּושֵׁ֑ל גַּם־נָפַ֞ל אִ֣ישׁ אֶל־רֵעֵ֗הוּ וַיֹּֽאמְרוּ֙ ק֣וּמָה ׀ וְנָשֻׁ֣בָה אֶל־עַמֵּ֗נוּ וְאֶל־אֶ֙רֶץ֙ מֹֽולַדְתֵּ֔נוּ מִפְּנֵ֖י חֶ֥רֶב הַיֹּונָֽה׃

טז הרבה כושל גם נפל איש אל רעהו ויאמרו קומה ונשבה אל עמנו ואל ארץ מולדתנו מפני חרב היונה

הרבה כושל גם־נפל איש אל־רעהו ויאמרו קומה ׀ ונשבה אל־עמנו ואל־ארץ מולדתנו מפני חרב היונה׃

Jeremiás 46:16
Megsokasította a tántorgót, egyik a másikra hullott, és ezt mondották: Kelj fel, és menjünk vissza a mi népünkhöz és a mi szülõföldünkre az erõszakoskodó fegyver elõl.

Jeremia 46:16
Li multigis la falpusxigxantojn; falis unu sur la alian; kaj ili diras:Levigxu, ni reiru al nia popolo kaj al la lando de nia naskigxo, for de la glavo de la tirano.

Hän tekee, että monta heistä kaatuvat, että yksi toisen kanssa makaa maassa ylösalaisin. Niin he sanoivat: ylös, käykäämme meidän kansamme tykö isäimme maahan jälleen, murhaajan miekan edestä.

Jérémie 46:16
Il multiplie ceux qui bronchent; même un homme est tombé sur son compagnon, et ils ont dit: Lève-toi, retournons vers notre peuple et au pays de notre naissance, de devant l'épée qui ravage.

Il en fait chanceler un grand nombre; Ils tombent l'un sur l'autre, et ils disent: Allons, retournons vers notre peuple, Dans notre pays natal, Loin du glaive destructeur!

Il en a terrassé un grand nombre, et même chacun est tombé sur son compagnon, et ils ont dit : lève-toi, retournons à notre peuple, et au pays de notre naissance, loin de l'épée de l'oppresseur.

Jeremia 46:16
Er macht, daß ihrer viele fallen, daß einer mit dem andern daniederliegt. Da sprachen sie: Wohlauf, laßt uns wieder zu unserm Volk ziehen in unser Vaterland vor dem Schwert des Tyrannen!

Er macht, daß ihrer viel fallen, daß einer mit dem andern darniederliegt. Da sprachen sie: Wohlauf, laßt uns wieder zu unserm Volk ziehen, in unser Vaterland vor dem Schwert des Tyrannen!

gar viele brachte er zum Straucheln, und einer stürzte über den andern, so daß sie riefen: Auf, laßt uns zu unserm Volke, zu unserm Heimatlande heimkehren vor dem gewaltigen Schwerte!

Geremia 46:16
Egli ne fa vacillar molti; essi cadono l’un sopra l’altro, e dicono: "Andiamo, torniamo al nostro popolo e al nostro paese natìo, sottraendoci alla spada micidiale".

Egli ne ha traboccati molti, ed anche l’uno è caduto sopra l’altro; ed han detto: Or su, ritorniamo al nostro popolo, e al nostro natio paese, d’innanzi alla spada di quel disertatore.

Adalah banyak yang tergelincuh, lagi rebah timpa-menimpa, sehingga katanya: Mari kita balik kepada bangsa kita dan ke negeri tempat jadi kita, dari sebab pedang yang membinasakan sekaliannya.

예레미아 46:16
그가 많은 자로 넘어지게 하시매 사람이 사람 위에 엎드러지며 이르되 일어나라 우리가 포악한 칼을 피하여 우리 민족에게로 우리 고토로 돌아가자 하며

Ieremias 46:16
multiplicavit ruentes ceciditque vir ad proximum suum et dicent surge et revertamur ad populum nostrum et ad terram nativitatis nostrae a facie gladii columbae

Jeremijo knyga 46:16
Tavo daugybė susvyravo ir krito vienas po kito. Jie sakė: ‘Grįžkime pas savo tautą, į savo gimtinę, bėkime nuo žudančio kardo!’

Jeremiah 46:16
He tini nga mea nana i tukoki ai, ae ra, i hinga ratou tetahi ki runga ki tetahi: i mea ano, Whakatika, tatou ka haere ki to tatou nei iwi, ki te whenua i whanau ai tatou, i te hoari tukino.

Jeremias 46:16
Han får mange til å snuble, ja, den ene faller ovenpå den andre, og de sier: Op, la oss vende tilbake til vårt folk og vårt fødeland for det herjende sverd!

Jeremías 46:16
Han tropezado muchas veces; en verdad, han caído uno sobre otro. Entonces dijeron: ``Levántate y volvamos a nuestro pueblo y a nuestra tierra natal, ante la espada opresora.

Han tropezado muchas veces; En verdad, han caído uno sobre otro. Entonces dijeron: 'Levántate y volvamos A nuestro pueblo y a nuestra tierra natal, Ante la espada opresora.'

Multiplicó los caídos, y cada uno cayó sobre su compañero, y dijeron: Levántate y volvámonos a nuestro pueblo, y a la tierra de nuestro nacimiento, de delante de la espada vencedora.

Multiplicó los caídos, y cada uno cayó sobre su compañero, y dijeron: Levántate y volvámonos á nuestro pueblo, y á la tierra de nuestro nacimiento, de delante de la espada vencedora.

Multiplicó los caídos, y cada uno también cayó sobre su compañero; y dijeron: Levántate y volvámonos a nuestro pueblo, y a la tierra de nuestro nacimiento, de delante de la espada vencedora.

Jeremias 46:16
Fez tropeçar a multidão; caíram uns sobre os outros e gritaram: ‘Levantai-vos, e voltemos todos para o nosso povo, para a terra do nosso nascimento, por causa da violenta espada que nos oprime e destrói!

Fez tropeçar a multidão; caíram uns sobre os outros, e disseram: Levanta-te, e voltemos para o nosso povo, para a terra do nosso nascimento, por causa da espada que oprime.   

Ieremia 46:16
El face pe mulţi să se poticnească; cad unul peste altul, şi zic: ,Haidem să ne întoarcem la poporul nostru, în ţara noastră de naştere, departe de sabia nimicitorului!`

Иеремия 46:16
Он умножил падающих, даже падали один на другого и говорили: „вставай и возвратимся к народу нашему в родную нашу землю от губительного меча".

Он умножил падающих, даже падали один на другого и говорили: `вставай и возвратимся к народу нашему в родную нашу землю от губительного меча`.[]

Jeremia 46:16
Han kom många att stappla, och så föllo de, den ene över den andre; de ropade: »Upp, låt oss vända tillbaka till vårt folk och till vårt fädernesland, undan det härjande svärdet.»

Jeremiah 46:16
Kaniyang itinisod ang marami, oo, sila'y nangabuwal na patongpatong, at kanilang sinabi, Bumangon ka, at magsiparoon tayo uli sa ating sariling bayan, at sa lupain na kinapanganakan sa atin, mula sa mapagpighating tabak.

เยเรมีย์ 46:16
พระองค์ทรงทำให้คนเป็นอันมากสะดุด เออ เขาล้มลงกันและกัน และเขาทั้งหลายพูดว่า `ลุกขึ้นเถอะ ให้เรากลับไปยังชนชาติของเรา ไปยังแผ่นดินที่เราถือกำเนิด เพราะเรื่องดาบของผู้บีบบังคับ'

Yeremya 46:16
Boyuna tökezleyip birbirlerinin üzerine düşecekler.
‹Kalkın, acımasızların kılıcı yüzünden halkımıza,
Yurdumuza dönelim› diyecekler.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 46:16
Ngài làm cho nhiều người đi xiêu tó, người nầy ngã trên kẻ khác, mà rằng: Ði hè, trở về nơi dân ta, trong đất chúng ta sanh ra, xa nơi gươm dao ức hiếp!

Jeremiah 46:15
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