Jeremiah 39:9
Jeremiah 39:9
Nebuzaradan commander of the imperial guard carried into exile to Babylon the people who remained in the city, along with those who had gone over to him, and the rest of the people.

Then Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, sent to Babylon the rest of the people who remained in the city as well as those who had defected to him.

Then Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, carried into exile to Babylon the rest of the people who were left in the city, those who had deserted to him, and the people who remained.

As for the rest of the people who were left in the city, the deserters who had gone over to him and the rest of the people who remained, Nebuzaradan the captain of the bodyguard carried them into exile in Babylon.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guards, deported the rest of the people to Babylon--those who had remained in the city and those deserters who had defected to him along with the rest of the people who had remained.

Nebuzaradan, the captain of the Babylonian guard, took into exile in Babylon the rest of the people who remained in the city, those who had deserted to Nebuchadnezzar, and the rest of the people who remained.

Then Nebuzaradan, the captain of the royal guard, took captive the rest of the people who were left in the city. He carried them off to Babylon along with the people who had deserted to him.

Nebuzaradan, Babylon's captain of the guard, captured the few people left in the city, those who surrendered to him, and the rest of the people.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that had come over to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Then Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that deserted fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the residue of the people that remained in the city, the deserters also that fell away to him, and the residue of the people that remained.

And Nabuzardan the general of the army carried away captive to Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and the fugitives that had gone over to him, and the rest of the people that remained.

And Nebuzar-adan the captain of the body-guard carried away captive into Babylon the rest of the people that were left in the city, and the deserters that had deserted to him, with the rest of the people that were left.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the residue of the people that remained in the city, the deserters also, that fell away to him, and the residue of the people that remained.

Then Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the remnant of the people that remained in the city, and those that fell away, that fell to him, with the rest of the people that remained.

Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive into Babylon the residue of the people who remained in the city, the deserters also who fell away to him, and the residue of the people who remained.

And the remnant of the people who are left in the city, and those falling who have fallen to him, and the remnant of the people who are left, hath Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, removed to Babylon.

Jeremia 39:9
Pastaj Nebuzaradani, komandanti i rojeve, e çoi në robëri pjesën e popullit që kishte mbetur në qytet dhe ata që kishin dezertuar nga ana e tij së bashku me pjesën e popullit që kishte mbetur.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 39:9
وبقية الشعب الذين بقوا في المدينة والهاربون الذين سقطوا له وبقية الشعب الذين بقوا سباهم نبوزرادان رئيس الشرط الى بابل.

Dyr Ierymies 39:9
Die Leut, wo non in dyr Stat blibn warnd, und allsand, wo zo n Künig von Bäbl überglaauffen warnd, und önn Rest von de Handwercher gverschlöppt dyr Nebysäret, dyr Leibwachgöbl, auf Bäbl.

Еремия 39:9
Тогава началникът на телохранителите Навузардан закара пленници във Вавилон оцелелите от людете, които останаха в града, бежанците, прибягнали при него, и оцелелите от людете, които останаха.

耶 利 米 書 39:9
那 時 , 護 衛 長 尼 布 撒 拉 旦 將 城 裡 所 剩 下 的 百 姓 和 投 降 他 的 逃 民 , 以 及 其 餘 的 民 都 擄 到 巴 比 倫 去 了 。

那 时 , 护 卫 长 尼 布 撒 拉 旦 将 城 里 所 剩 下 的 百 姓 和 投 降 他 的 逃 民 , 以 及 其 馀 的 民 都 掳 到 巴 比 伦 去 了 。



Jeremiah 39:9
Ostatak pučanstva koje još ostade u gradu, izbjeglice što su mu se predale i sav ostali narod, izagna u Babilon Nebuzaradan, zapovjednik tjelesne straže.

Jermiáše 39:9
Ostatek pak lidu, kterýž byl zůstal v městě, i poběhlce, kteříž byli ustoupili k němu, a jiný lid pozůstalý zavedl Nebuzardan, hejtman nad žoldnéři, do Babylona.

Jeremias 39:9
Resten af Folket, der var levnet i Byen, Overløberne, der var løbet over til ham, og Resten af Haandværkerne førte Livvagtsøversten Nebuzar'adan som Fanger til Babel,

Jeremia 39:9
Het overige nu des volks, die in de stad waren overgebleven, en de afvalligen, die tot hem gevallen waren, met het overige des volks, die overgebleven waren, voerde Nebuzaradan, de overste der trawanten, gevankelijk naar Babel.

ירמיה 39:9
וְאֵת֩ יֶ֨תֶר הָעָ֜ם הַנִּשְׁאָרִ֣ים בָּעִ֗יר וְאֶת־הַנֹּֽפְלִים֙ אֲשֶׁ֣ר נָפְל֣וּ עָלָ֔יו וְאֵ֛ת יֶ֥תֶר הָעָ֖ם הַנִּשְׁאָרִ֑ים הֶגְלָ֛ה נְבֽוּזַר־אֲדָ֥ן רַב־טַבָּחִ֖ים בָּבֶֽל׃

ט ואת יתר העם הנשארים בעיר ואת הנפלים אשר נפלו עליו ואת יתר העם הנשארים--הגלה נבוזראדן רב טבחים בבל

ואת יתר העם הנשארים בעיר ואת־הנפלים אשר נפלו עליו ואת יתר העם הנשארים הגלה נבוזר־אדן רב־טבחים בבל׃

Jeremiás 39:9
A nép többi részét pedig, a mely a városban maradt vala: és a szökevényeket, a kik hozzá szöktek vala, a nép többi részét, a még megmaradottakat elvivé Nabuzáradán, a poroszlók feje, Babilonba.

Jeremia 39:9
Kaj la ceteran popolon, kiu restis en la urbo, kaj la transkurintojn, kiuj transkuris al li, kaj la tutan reston de la popolo Nebuzaradan, estro de la korpogardistoj, forkondukis en Babelon.

Mutta mitä jäljellä oli kaupungissa kansasta, ja ne, jotka muutoin olivat hänen allensa itsensä antaneet, ja jääneen kansan, vei Nebusaradan, huovinhaltia, Babeliin.

Jérémie 39:9
Et le reste du peuple, qui était demeuré de reste dans la ville, et les transfuges qui étaient allés se rendre à lui; et le reste du peuple, ceux qui étaient de reste, Nebuzaradan, chef des gardes, les transporta à Babylone.

Nebuzaradan, chef des gardes, emmena captifs à Babylone ceux du peuple qui étaient demeurés dans la ville, ceux qui s'étaient rendus à lui, et le reste du peuple.

Et Nébuzar-adan, prévôt de l'hôtel, transporta à Babylone le reste du peuple qui était demeuré dans la ville, et ceux qui s'étaient allés rendre à lui, le résidu, dis-je, du peuple qui était demeuré de reste.

Jeremia 39:9
Was aber noch von Volk in der Stadt war und was sonst zu ihnen gefallen war, die führete Nebusar-Adan, der Hofmeister, alle miteinander gen Babel gefangen.

Was aber noch von Volk in der Stadt war, und was sonst zu ihnen gefallen war, die führte Nebusaradan, der Hauptmann der Trabanten, alle miteinander gen Babel gefangen. {~} {~} {~} {~} {~}

Und den Rest des Volks, die in der Stadt Übriggebliebenen, und die Überläufer, die zu ihm übergelaufen waren, und den Rest des Volks, die Übriggebliebenen, führte Nebusar-Adan, der Oberste der Leibwächter, hinweg nach Babel;

Geremia 39:9
e Nebuzaradan, capo delle guardie, menò in cattività a Babilonia il residuo della gente ch’era ancora nella città, quelli ch’erano andati ad arrendersi a lui, e il resto del popolo.

E Nebuzaradan, capitano delle guardie, menò in cattività in Babilonia il rimanente del popolo ch’era restato nella città; e quelli che si erano andati ad arrendere a lui, e tutto l’altro popolo ch’era restato.

Adapun lebihnya segala orang yang lagi tinggal di dalam negeri dan segala pembelot yang sudah jatuh kepadanya, serta dengan lebihnya mereka sekalian yang lagi tinggal itu, ia itu dibawa oleh Nebuzaradan, penghulu biduanda itu, ke Babil dengan tertawan.

예레미아 39:9
시위대장 느부사라단이 성 중에 남아 있는 백성과 자기에게 항복한 자와 그 외의 남은 백성을 바벨론으로 잡아 옮겼으며

Ieremias 39:9
et reliquias populi quae remanserunt in civitate et perfugas qui transfugerant ad eum et superfluos vulgi qui remanserant transtulit Nabuzardan magister militum in Babylonem

Jeremijo knyga 39:9
Nebuzaradanas, sargybos viršininkas, ištrėmė į Babiloną mieste likusius gyventojus, tuos, kurie perbėgo pas jį, ir amatininkus.

Jeremiah 39:9
Katahi ka whakaraua e Neputaraarana, rangatira o nga kaitiaki, ka mauria ki Papurona te toenga o te iwi i mahue ki te pa, me te hunga i papahoro atu, i taka atu ki a ia, me era atu o te iwi i mahue ki te pa.

Jeremias 39:9
Og resten av folket, dem som var blitt tilbake i byen, og overløperne som var gått over til ham, og resten av folket, dem som var blitt tilbake, dem bortførte Nebusaradan, høvdingen over livvakten, til Babel.

Jeremías 39:9
Y en cuanto al resto del pueblo que quedaba en la ciudad, a los desertores que se habían pasado a él, y los demás del pueblo que quedaban, Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, los llevó cautivos a Babilonia.

En cuanto al resto del pueblo que quedaba en la ciudad, a los desertores que se habían pasado a él, y los demás del pueblo que quedaban, Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, los llevó cautivos a Babilonia.

Y al resto del pueblo que había quedado en la ciudad, y a los que se habían adherido a él, con todo el resto del pueblo que había quedado, los trasportó a Babilonia Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia.

Y el resto del pueblo que había quedado en la ciudad, y los que se habían á él adherido, con todo el resto del pueblo que había quedado, trasportólos á Babilonia Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia.

Y el resto del pueblo que había quedado en la ciudad, y los que se habían adherido a él, con todo el resto del pueblo que había quedado, los transportó a Babilonia Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia.

Jeremias 39:9
Nebuzaradã, o comandante da guarda imperial, deportou para a Babilônia o povo que restou na cidade, junto com aqueles que haviam se entregado a ele, e o restante dos artesãos e outros trabalhadores.

Então, ao resto do povo, que ficara na cidade, aos desertores que se tinham passado para ele e ao resto do povo que havia ficado, levou-os Nebuzaradão, capitão da guarda, para Babilônia.   

Ieremia 39:9
Nebuzaradan, căpetenia străjerilor, a luat robi la Babilon, pe aceia din popor cari rămăseseră în cetate, pe cei ce se supuseseră lui, şi pe rămăşiţa poporului.

Иеремия 39:9
А остаток народа, остававшийся в городе, и перебежчиков, которые перешли к нему, и прочий оставшийся народ Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, переселил в Вавилон.

А остаток народа, остававшийся в городе, и перебежчиков, которые перешли к нему, и прочий оставшийся народ Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, переселил в Вавилон.[]

Jeremia 39:9
Och återstoden av folket, dem som voro kvar i staden, och de över löpare som hade gått över till honom, och vad som för övrigt var kvar av folket, dem förde Nebusaradan, översten för drabanterna, bort till Babel.

Jeremiah 39:9
Nang magkagayo'y dinalang bihag sa Babilonia ni Nabuzaradan na kapitan ng bantay, ang nalabi sa mga tao na naiwan sa bayan, gayon din ang nagsilipat na nagsikampi sa kaniya, at ang nalabi sa bayan na naiwan.

เยเรมีย์ 39:9
แล้วเนบูซาระดานผู้บัญชาการทหารรักษาพระองค์ ได้จับส่วนประชาชนที่เหลืออยู่ในกรุงเป็นเชลยพาไปยังบาบิโลน ทั้งคนที่เล็ดลอด คือคนที่เล็ดลอดมาหาท่าน และส่วนคนที่เหลืออยู่

Yeremya 39:9
Komutan Nebuzaradan kentte sağ kalanları, kendi safına geçen kaçakları ve geri kalan halkı Babile sürgün etti.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 39:9
Nê-bu-xa-a-đan, làm đầu thị vệ, bắt những người dân còn sót lại trong thành, và những kẻ hàng đầu, cùng dân sót lại trong đất, đem về làm phu tù bên nước Ba-by-lôn.

Jeremiah 39:8
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