Jeremiah 39:10
Jeremiah 39:10
But Nebuzaradan the commander of the guard left behind in the land of Judah some of the poor people, who owned nothing; and at that time he gave them vineyards and fields.

But Nebuzaradan left a few of the poorest people in Judah, and he assigned them vineyards and fields to care for.

Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, left in the land of Judah some of the poor people who owned nothing, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But some of the poorest people who had nothing, Nebuzaradan the captain of the bodyguard left behind in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at that time.

But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

However, Nebuzaradan, the commander of the guards, left in the land of Judah some of the poor people who owned nothing, and he gave them vineyards and fields at that time.

Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left in the land of Judah some of the poor people who did not have anything, and he gave them vineyards and fields on that day.

But he left behind in the land of Judah some of the poor people who owned nothing. He gave them fields and vineyards at that time.

But Nebuzaradan, the captain of the guard, left some poor people who had nothing in the land of Judah. At that time he gave them vineyards and farms.

But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard left some of the poor of the people, who had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, that had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nabuzardan the general left some of the poor people that had nothing at all, in the land of Juda, and he gave them vineyards, and cisterns at that time.

But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the body-guard left certain of the people, the poor who had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, which had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nebuzar-adan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, who had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left of the poor of the people, who had nothing, in the land of Judah, and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time.

And of the poor people, who have nothing, hath Nebuzar-Adan, chief of the executioners, left in the land of Judah, and he giveth to them vineyards and fields on the same day.

Jeremia 39:10
Por Nebuzaradani, komandanti i rojeve, la në vendin e Judës më të varfërit e popullit që nuk kishin asgjë, duke u dhënë në atë kohë vreshta dhe ara.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 39:10
ولكن بعض الشعب الفقراء الذين لم يكن لهم شيء تركهم نبوزرادان رئيس الشرط في ارض يهوذا واعطاهم كروما وحقولا في ذلك اليوم

Dyr Ierymies 39:10
Grad von de ganz armen Schlucker ließ dyr Leibwachgöbl Nebysäret aynn Tail z Judau hint und gaab ien Weinleittnen und Äcker.

Еремия 39:10
А началникът на телохранителите Навузардан остави в Юдовата земя някои от людете, по-сиромасите, които нямаха нищо, като същевременно им даде лозя и ниви.

耶 利 米 書 39:10
護 衛 長 尼 布 撒 拉 旦 卻 將 民 中 毫 無 所 有 的 窮 人 留 在 猶 大 地 , 當 時 給 他 們 葡 萄 園 和 田 地 。

护 卫 长 尼 布 撒 拉 旦 却 将 民 中 毫 无 所 有 的 穷 人 留 在 犹 大 地 , 当 时 给 他 们 葡 萄 园 和 田 地 。



Jeremiah 39:10
A od siromašnoga puka koji nije ništa posjedovao, Nebuzaradan, zapovjednik tjelesne straže, ostavi neke u zemlji judejskoj i porazdijeli im vinograde i polja.

Jermiáše 39:10
Toliko nejchaternějších z lidu, kteříž nikdež neměli nic, zanechal Nebuzardan, hejtman nad žoldnéři, v zemi Judské, jimž rozdal vinice a rolí v ten den.

Jeremias 39:10
og kun nogle af den fattigste Befolkning, der intet ejede, lod Livvagtsøversten Nebuzar'adan blive tilbage i Judas Land, idet han samtidig gav dem Vingaarde og Agre.

Jeremia 39:10
Maar van het volk, die arm waren, die niet met al hadden, liet Nebuzaradan, de overste der trawanten, enigen overig in het land van Juda; en hij gaf hun te dien dage wijngaarden en akkers.

ירמיה 39:10
וּמִן־הָעָ֣ם הַדַּלִּ֗ים אֲשֶׁ֤ר אֵין־לָהֶם֙ מְא֔וּמָה הִשְׁאִ֛יר נְבוּזַרְאֲדָ֥ן רַב־טַבָּחִ֖ים בְּאֶ֣רֶץ יְהוּדָ֑ה וַיִּתֵּ֥ן לָהֶ֛ם כְּרָמִ֥ים וִֽיגֵבִ֖ים בַּיֹּ֥ום הַהֽוּא׃

י ומן העם הדלים אשר אין להם מאומה השאיר נבוזראדן רב טבחים בארץ יהודה ויתן להם כרמים ויגבים ביום ההוא

ומן־העם הדלים אשר אין־להם מאומה השאיר נבוזראדן רב־טבחים בארץ יהודה ויתן להם כרמים ויגבים ביום ההוא׃

Jeremiás 39:10
A nép szegényeit pedig, a kiknek semmijök sem vala, ott hagyá Nabuzáradán, a poroszlók feje, Júda földében, és ada nékik szõlõket és szántóföldeket azon a napon.

Jeremia 39:10
Sed la malricxulojn el la popolo, kiuj nenion havis, Nebuzaradan, estro de la korpogardistoj, restigis en la lando Juda kaj donis al ili tiam vinbergxardenojn kaj kampojn.

Mutta muutamat köyhästä väestä, joilla ei mitään ollut, antoi Nebusaradan, huovinhaltia, jäädä Juudan maalle, ja antoi heille viinamäkiä ja peltoja sinä päivänä.

Jérémie 39:10
Mais d'entre le peuple, Nebuzaradan, chef des gardes, laissa les pauvres, ceux qui n'avaient rien, dans le pays de Juda; et en ce jour-là il leur donna des vignes et des champs.

Mais Nebuzaradan, chef des gardes, laissa dans le pays de Juda quelques-uns des plus pauvres du peuple, ceux qui n'avaient rien; et il leur donna alors des vignes et des champs.

Mais Nébuzar-adan, prévôt de l'hôtel, laissa d'entre le peuple les plus pauvres qui n'avaient rien dans le pays de Juda, et en ce jour-là il leur donna des vignes et des champs.

Jeremia 39:10
Aber von dem geringen Volk, das nichts hatte, ließ zur selbigen Zeit Nebusar-Adan, der Hauptmann, etliche im Land Juda und gab ihnen Weinberge und Dörflein ein.

Aber von dem geringen Volk, das nichts hatte, ließ zu derselben Zeit Nebusaradan, der Hauptmann, etliche im Lande Juda und gab ihnen Weinberge und Felder. {~}

von den geringen Leuten jedoch, die gar nichts ihr Eigen nannten, ließ Nebusar-Adan, der Oberste der Leibwächter, etliche im Lande Juda zurück und verlieh ihnen an jenem Tage Weinberge und Äcker.

Geremia 39:10
Ma Nebuzaradan, capo delle guardie, lasciò nel paese di Giuda alcuni de’ più poveri fra il popolo i quali non avevano nulla, e diede loro in quel giorno vigne e campi.

Ma Nebuzaradan, capitano delle guardie, lasciò nel paese di Giuda i più poveri d’infra il popolo, i quali non avevano nulla; e diede loro in quel giorno vigne e campi.

Tetapi dari pada rakyat yang hinadina, yang satupun tiada padanya, ditinggalkan Nebuzaradan, penghulu biduanda itu, beberapa orang di tanah Yehuda, dan pada masa itu diberinya akan mereka itu beberapa kebun anggur dan bendang.

예레미아 39:10
시위대장 느부사라단이 아무 소유가 없는 빈민을 유다 땅에 남겨두고 그 날에 포도원과 밭을 그들에게 주었더라

Ieremias 39:10
et de plebe pauperum qui nihil penitus habebant dimisit Nabuzardan magister militum in terra Iuda et dedit eis vineas et cisternas in die illa

Jeremijo knyga 39:10
Bet Nebuzaradanas, sargybos viršininkas, paliko krašte kai kuriuos beturčius ir davė jiems vynuogynų ir žemės.

Jeremiah 39:10
Otiia i mahue iho i a Neputaraarana, rangatira o nga kaitiaki, nga ware o te iwi, kahore nei o ratou rawa, ki te whenua o Hura, a hoatu ana e ia he mara waina me etahi atu mara ki a ratou i taua ra.

Jeremias 39:10
Bare nogen av almuen, som ikke eide noget, lot Nebusaradan, høvdingen over livvakten, bli tilbake i Juda land, og på samme tid gav han dem vingårder og akrer.

Jeremías 39:10
Pero a algunos de los más pobres del pueblo que no tenían nada, Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, los dejó en la tierra de Judá, y aquel día les dio viñas y campos.

Pero a algunos de los más pobres del pueblo que no tenían nada, Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, los dejó en la tierra de Judá, y aquel día les dio viñas y campos.

Mas Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, hizo quedar en la tierra de Judá a los más pobres del vulgo que no tenían nada, y en ese tiempo les dio viñas y campos.

Empero Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, hizo quedar en tierra de Judá del vulgo de los pobres que no tenían nada, y dióles entonces viñas y heredades.

Pero Nabuzaradán, capitán de la guardia, hizo quedar en tierra de Judá del vulgo de los pobres que no tenían nada, y les dio entonces viñas y heredades.

Jeremias 39:10
Contudo, Nebuzaradã, capitão da guarda babilônica, decidiu deixar na terra de Judá somente alguns pobres dentre o povo, que nada possuíam. E concedeu-lhes vinhas e campos.

Mas aos pobres dentre o povo, que não tinham nada, Nebuzaradão, capitão da guarda, deixou-os ficar na terra de Judá; e ao mesmo tempo lhes deu vinhas e campos.   

Ieremia 39:10
Dar Nebuzaradan, căpetenia străjerilor, a lăsat în ţara lui Iuda pe unii din cei mai săraci din popor, pe ceice n'aveau nimic; şi le -a dat atunci vii şi ogoare.

Иеремия 39:10
Бедных же из народа, которые ничего не имели, Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, оставил в Иудейской земле и дал им тогда же виноградники и поля.

Бедных же из народа, которые ничего не имели, Навузардан, начальник телохранителей, оставил в Иудейской земле и дал им тогда же виноградники и поля.[]

Jeremia 39:10
Men av de ringaste bland folket, av dem som ingenting hade, lämnade Nebusaradan, översten för drabanterna, några kvar i Juda land, och gav dem samtidigt vingårdar och åkerfält.

Jeremiah 39:10
Nguni't iniwan ni Nabuzaradan na kapitan ng bantay ang mga dukha sa bayan, na walang tinatangkilik sa lupain ng Juda, at binigyan sila ng mga ubasan at ng mga bukid sa panahon ding yaon.

เยเรมีย์ 39:10
เนบูซาระดาน ผู้บัญชาการทหารรักษาพระองค์ได้ทิ้งคนจนแห่งประชาชนที่ไม่มีสมบัติอะไรไว้ในแผ่นดินยูดาห์บ้าง และในเวลาเดียวกันได้มอบสวนองุ่นและไร่นาให้แก่เขา

Yeremya 39:10
Ancak hiçbir şeyi olmayan bazı yoksulları Yahudada bıraktı, onlara bağ ve tarla verdi.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 39:10
Còn những những kẻ nghèo khó, không có sản nghiệp chi hết, thì Nê-bu-xa-a-đan, làm đầu thị vệ, để chúng nó lại trong đất Giu-đa; cùng một lúc ấy, người cấp cho chúng nó những vườn nho và ruộng.

Jeremiah 39:9
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