Jeremiah 29:28
Jeremiah 29:28
He has sent this message to us in Babylon: It will be a long time. Therefore build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce.'"

Jeremiah sent a letter here to Babylon, predicting that our captivity will be a long one. He said, 'Build homes, and plan to stay. Plant gardens, and eat the food they produce.'"

For he has sent to us in Babylon, saying, “Your exile will be long; build houses and live in them, and plant gardens and eat their produce.”’”

"For he has sent to us in Babylon, saying, 'The exile will be long; build houses and live in them and plant gardens and eat their produce.'"'"

For therefore he sent unto us in Babylon, saying, This captivity is long: build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

For he has sent word to us in Babylon, claiming, "The exile will be long. Build houses and settle down. Plant gardens and eat their produce."'"

So he sent a message to us in Babylon: 'The exile will be long, so build houses and live in them. Plant gardens and eat their produce.'"'"

For he has even sent a message to us here in Babylon. He wrote and told us, "You will be there a long time. Build houses and settle down. Plant gardens and eat what they produce."'"

That's why Jeremiah sent this message to us in Babylon: You will be captives a long time. Build houses, and live in them. Plant gardens, and eat what they produce.'"

For therefore he sent unto us in Babylon, saying, This captivity is long: build houses and dwell in them and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

For therefore he sent unto us in Babylon, saying, This captivity is long: build yourselves houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

For therefore he sent to us in Babylon, saying, This captivity is long: build you houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

forasmuch as he hath sent unto us in Babylon, saying, The captivity is long: build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them?

For he hath also sent to us in Babylon, saying: It is a long time: build ye houses, and dwell in them: and plant gardens, and eat the fruits of them.

Forasmuch as he hath sent unto us in Babylon, saying, It will be long; build houses, and dwell in them, and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

forasmuch as he hath sent unto us in Babylon, saying, The captivity is long: build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them?

For therefore he sent to us in Babylon, saying, This captivity is long: build ye houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them.

because he has sent to us in Babylon, saying, [The captivity] is long: build houses, and dwell in them; and plant gardens, and eat the fruit of them?

Because that he hath sent unto us to Babylon, saying, It is long, build ye houses, and abide; and plant ye gardens, and eat their fruit.'

Jeremia 29:28
Në fakt ai na ka dërguar fjalë në Babiloni: "Robëria do të jetë e gjatë, ndërtoni shtëpi dhe banoni në to, mbillni kopshte dhe hani frytet e tyre"".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 29:28
لانه لذلك ارسل الينا الى بابل قائلا انها مستطيلة. ابنوا بيوتا واسكنوا واغرسوا جنات وكلوا ثمرها.

Dyr Ierymies 29:28
Und was dyr Gipfl ist: Schickt üns der ayn Botschaft auf Bäbl umher, es daureb non lang, mir sollebnd Häuser baun und drinn haimisch werdn, und Gärtn pflantzn und ienerne Frücht gniessn!

Еремия 29:28
тъй като е пратил до нас във Вавилон да каже: [Това пленение] ще бъде дълго; постройте си къщи и живейте в тях и насадете градини, и яжте плода им?

耶 利 米 書 29:28
因 為 他 寄 信 給 我 們 在 巴 比 倫 的 人 說 : 被 擄 的 事 必 長 久 。 你 們 要 蓋 造 房 屋 , 住 在 其 中 ; 栽 種 田 園 , 吃 其 中 所 產 的 。

因 为 他 寄 信 给 我 们 在 巴 比 伦 的 人 说 : 被 掳 的 事 必 长 久 。 你 们 要 盖 造 房 屋 , 住 在 其 中 ; 栽 种 田 园 , 吃 其 中 所 产 的 。



Jeremiah 29:28
TÓa on nam je poslao poruku u Babilon: Dugo će još trajati: Gradite kuće i nastanite se! Sadite vrtove i uživajte urod njihov!'

Jermiáše 29:28
Nebo posílal k nám do Babylona, řka: Protáhneť se to dlouho, stavějte domy, a osazujte se, štěpujte také štěpnice, a jezte ovoce jejich.

Jeremias 29:28
Nu har han kunnet sende Bud til os i Babel og ladet sige: Det trækker i Langdrag! Byg Huse og bo deri, plant Haver og spis deres Frugt!« —

Jeremia 29:28
Want daarom heeft hij tot ons naar Babel gezonden, zeggende: Het zal lang duren; bouwt huizen, en woont daarin en plant hoven, en eet de vrucht daarvan.

ירמיה 29:28
כִּ֣י עַל־כֵּ֞ן שָׁלַ֥ח אֵלֵ֛ינוּ בָּבֶ֥ל לֵאמֹ֖ר אֲרֻכָּ֣ה הִ֑יא בְּנ֤וּ בָתִּים֙ וְשֵׁ֔בוּ וְנִטְע֣וּ גַנֹּ֔ות וְאִכְל֖וּ אֶת־פְּרִיהֶֽן׃

כח כי על כן שלח אלינו בבל לאמר--ארכה היא בנו בתים ושבו ונטעו גנות ואכלו את פריהן

כי על־כן שלח אלינו בבל לאמר ארכה היא בנו בתים ושבו ונטעו גנות ואכלו את־פריהן׃

Jeremiás 29:28
Sõt még hozzánk küldött Babilonba, ezt mondván: Hosszú lesz az! Építsetek házakat és lakjatok bennök, plántáljatok kerteket és éljetek azoknak gyümölcseivel.

Jeremia 29:28
CXar ankaux al ni en Babelon li sendis, por diri:La kaptiteco estos longa; konstruu domojn kaj logxu, plantu gxardenojn kaj mangxu iliajn fruktojn.

Sillä hän on lähettänyt meidän tykömme Babeliin, ja antanut meille sanoa: vielä nyt pitää oleman aikaa, rakentakaat huoneita ja asukaat niissä, ja istuttakaat puutarhoja, syödäksenne niistä hedelmiä.

Jérémie 29:28
parce qu'il a envoyé vers nous à Babylone, disant: Ce sera long; bâtissez des maisons, et habitez-y; plantez des jardins, et mangez-en les fruits.

qui nous a même envoyé dire à Babylone: Elle sera longue, la captivité; bâtissez des maisons, et habitez-les; plantez des jardins, et mangez-en les fruits! -

Car à cause de cela il nous a envoyé dire à Babylone : la [captivité] sera longue : bâtissez des maisons, et [y] demeurez; plantez des jardins, et mangez-en les fruits.

Jeremia 29:28
darum daß er zu uns gen Babel geschickt hat und lassen sagen: Es wird noch lange währen; bauet Häuser, darin ihr wohnet, und pflanzet Gärten, daß ihr die Früchte davon esset.

darum daß er uns gen Babel geschickt hat und lassen sagen: Es wird noch lange währen; baut Häuser, darin ihr wohnt, und pflanzt Gärten, daß ihr die Früchte davon eßt.

Hätte er sonst wohl eine Botschaft an uns nach Babel geschickt, des Inhalts: Es währt noch lange! Baut Häuser und wohnt darin, pflanzt Gärten und genießt ihre Früchte!

Geremia 29:28
e ci ha perfino mandato a dire a Babilonia: La cattività sarà lunga; fabbricate delle case e abitatele; piantate de’ giardini e mangiatene il frutto?"

Perciocchè egli ci ha mandato a dire in Babilonia: La cosa andrà in lungo; edificate pur delle case, ed abitate in esse; piantate de’ giardini, e mangiatene il frutto.

Karena tambahan pula disuruhkannya ke Babil kepada kami mengatakan: Lagi lama kamu akan di sana; perbuatlah rumah dan duduklah dalamnya, tanamilah kebun-kebun dan makanlah dari pada hasilnya.

예레미아 29:28
대저 그가 바벨론에 있는 우리에게 편지하기를 때가 오래리니 너희는 집을 짓고 거기 거하며 전원을 만들고 그 열매를 먹으라 하였다 하였느니라

Ieremias 29:28
quia super hoc misit ad nos in Babylonem dicens longum est aedificate domos et habitate et plantate hortos et comedite fructum eorum

Jeremijo knyga 29:28
Jis juk pasiuntė mums į Babiloną tokią žinią: ‘Tremtis bus ilga! Statykite namus ir gyvenkite juose, sodinkite sodus ir valgykite jų vaisius’ ”.

Jeremiah 29:28
Kua tukua mai nei hoki e ia he kupu ki a matou ki Papurona, e mea ana, Ka roa te whakaraunga: hanga he whare mo koutou, ka noho i roto; whakatokia he kari, kainga o ratou hua.

Jeremias 29:28
For han har sendt brev til oss i Babel og sagt: Det vil vare lenge; bygg hus og bo i dem, plant haver og et deres frukt!

Jeremías 29:28
`Porque él nos ha enviado un mensaje a Babilonia, diciendo: `` El destierro será largo; edificad casas y habitad las, plantad huertos y comed su fruto.'

"Porque él nos ha enviado un mensaje a Babilonia, diciéndonos: 'El destierro será largo; edifiquen casas y habítenlas, planten huertos y coman de su fruto.'"'"

Porque por eso nos envió a decir en Babilonia: Largo va el cautiverio; edificad casas, y morad; plantad huertos y comed el fruto de ellos.

Porque por eso nos envió á decir en Babilonia: Largo va el cautiverio: edificad casas, y morad; plantad huertos, y comed el fruto de ellos.

Porque por eso nos envió a decir en Babilonia: Largo es el cautiverio ; edificad casas, y morad; plantad huertos, y comed el fruto de ellos.

Jeremias 29:28
Pois ele até mesmo nos enviou esta mensagem para que nós que estamos na Babilônia, informando que: ‘Eis que o tempo da expatriação será longo; edificai, pois, casas e habitai nelas; plantai pomares e alimentai-vos dos seus frutos!’

Pois que até nos mandou dizer em Babilônia: O cativeiro muito há de durar; edificai casas, e habitai-as; e plantai jardins, e comei do seu fruto.   

Ieremia 29:28
Ba încă a trimes chiar să ne spună în Babilon: ,Robia va fi lungă; zidiţi case, şi locuiţi-le; sădiţi grădini, şi mîncaţi din roadele lor!`` -

Иеремия 29:28
Ибо он и к нам в Вавилон прислал сказать: плен будет продолжителен: стройте домы и живите в них; разводите сады и ешьте плоды их".

Ибо он и к нам в Вавилон прислал сказать: плен будет продолжителен: стройте домы и живите в них; разводите сады и ешьте плоды их`.[]

Jeremia 29:28
Därigenom att du har underlåtit detta har han kunnat sända bud till oss i Babel och låta säga: 'Ännu är lång tid kvar, byggen eder hus och bon i dem, och planteren trädgårdar och äten deras frukt.'»

Jeremiah 29:28
Yamang siya'y nagsugo sa Babilonia, na nagsasabi, Ang pagkabihag ay malaon: kayo'y mangagtayo ng mga bahay at inyong tahanan; at kayo'y mangaghalaman, at inyong kanin ang bunga ng mga yaon?

เยเรมีย์ 29:28
เพราะเขาได้ส่งจดหมายมายังเราในบาบิโลนว่า `การที่เจ้าเป็นเชลยนั้นจะเนิ่นนาน จงสร้างเรือนของเจ้าและอาศัยอยู่ในเรือนนั้น และปลูกสวนและรับประทานผลที่ได้นั้น'"

Yeremya 29:28
Çünkü Yeremya biz Babildekilere şu haberi gönderdi: Sürgün uzun olacak. Onun için evler yapıp içinde oturun; bahçe dikip ürününü yiyin.› ››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 29:28
Vả, chính nó đã gởi lời đến Ba-by-lôn nói cùng chúng ta rằng: Sự bị phu tù còn lâu ngày; hãy xây nhà và ở; hãy trồng vườn và ăn trái.

Jeremiah 29:27
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