Jeremiah 26:5
Jeremiah 26:5
and if you do not listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent to you again and again (though you have not listened),

and if you will not listen to my servants, the prophets--for I sent them again and again to warn you, but you would not listen to them--

and to listen to the words of my servants the prophets whom I send to you urgently, though you have not listened,

to listen to the words of My servants the prophets, whom I have been sending to you again and again, but you have not listened;

To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;

and by listening to the words of My servants the prophets I have been sending you time and time again, though you did not listen,

and listen to the words of my servants, the prophets, whom I've sent to you over and over —but you wouldn't listen—

You must pay attention to the exhortations of my servants the prophets. I have sent them to you over and over again. But you have not paid any attention to them.

Suppose you don't listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent to you again and again, even though you didn't listen.

to hearken to the words of my slaves the prophets, whom I send unto you, rising up early and sending them, unto whom ye have not hearkened,

To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent unto you, both rising up early, and sending them, but you have not hearkened;

To listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent to you, both rising up early, and sending them, but you have not listened;

to hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I send unto you, even rising up early and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;

To give ear to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I sent to you rising up early: and sending, and you have not hearkened:

to hearken unto the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent unto you, even rising early and sending them, but ye have not hearkened,

to hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I send unto you, even rising up early and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;

To hearken to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I have sent to you, both rising early, and sending them, but ye have not hearkened;

to listen to the words of my servants the prophets, whom I send to you, even rising up early and sending them, but you have not listened;

To hearken to the words of My servants the prophets, whom I am sending unto you, yea, rising early and sending, and ye have not hearkened,

Jeremia 26:5
dhe duke u kushtuar kujdes fjalëve të shërbëtorëve të mi, të profetëve, që ju kam dërguar me urgjencë dhe këmbëngulje (por që ju nuk i keni dëgjuar),

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 26:5
لتسمعوا لكلام عبيدي الانبياء الذين ارسلتهم انا اليكم مبكرا ومرسلا اياهم فلم تسمعوا.

Dyr Ierymies 26:5
wenntß nit auf dös lostß, was meine Knecht sagnd, d Weissagn, die was i enk allweil wider schick, obwol s bei enk nix bringt,

Еремия 26:5
да слушате думите на слугите Ми пророците, които пращам при вас, като ставам рано и ги пращам, (но вие не послушахте),

耶 利 米 書 26:5
不 聽 我 從 早 起 來 差 遣 到 你 們 那 著 去 我 僕 人 眾 先 知 的 話 ( 你 們 還 是 沒 有 聽 從 ) ,

不 听 我 从 早 起 来 差 遣 到 你 们 那 着 去 我 仆 人 众 先 知 的 话 ( 你 们 还 是 没 有 听 从 ) ,



Jeremiah 26:5
slušajući riječi slugu mojih proroka koje vam neumorno šaljem, premda ih do sada niste slušali,

Jermiáše 26:5
Poslouchajíce slov služebníků mých proroků, kteréž já posílám k vám, jakož jste, když jsem je, ráno přivstávaje posílal, neposlouchali:

Jeremias 26:5
saa I hører mine Tjenere Profeternes Ord, som jeg aarle og silde sendte eder, skønt I ikke vilde høre,

Jeremia 26:5
Horende naar de woorden Mijner knechten, de profeten, die Ik tot u zende, zelfs vroeg op zijnde en zendende; doch gij niet gehoord hebt;

ירמיה 26:5
לִשְׁמֹ֗עַ עַל־דִּבְרֵ֨י עֲבָדַ֣י הַנְּבִאִ֔ים אֲשֶׁ֥ר אָנֹכִ֖י שֹׁלֵ֣חַ אֲלֵיכֶ֑ם וְהַשְׁכֵּ֥ם וְשָׁלֹ֖חַ וְלֹ֥א שְׁמַעְתֶּֽם׃

ה לשמע על דברי עבדי הנבאים אשר אנכי שלח אליכם והשכם ושלח ולא שמעתם

לשמע על־דברי עבדי הנבאים אשר אנכי שלח אליכם והשכם ושלח ולא שמעתם׃

Jeremiás 26:5
Hogy hallgassatok a prófétáknak, az én szolgáimnak beszédére, a kiket én küldék hozzátok, és pedig jó reggel küldém, de nem hallgattatok rájok:

Jeremia 26:5
por obei la vortojn de Miaj servantoj, la profetoj, kiujn Mi sendas al vi, kiujn Mi konstante sendadis, sed vi ilin ne auxskultis:

Että te kuulette minun palveliaini, prophetain sanat, jotka minä varhain ja usiasti teille lähettänyt olen, ja ette kuitenkaan tahtoneet kuulla;

Jérémie 26:5
pour écouter les paroles de mes serviteurs, les prophètes que je vous envoie, me levant de bonne heure et les envoyant, -mais vous ne les avez pas écoutés,

d'écouter les paroles de mes serviteurs, les prophètes, que je vous envoie, que je vous ai envoyés dès le matin, et que vous n'avez pas écoutés,

Pour obéir aux paroles des Prophètes mes serviteurs que je vous envoie, me levant dès le matin, et [les] envoyant, lesquels vous n'avez point écoutés :

Jeremia 26:5
daß ihr höret die Worte meiner Knechte, der Propheten, welche ich stets zu euch gesandt habe, und ihr doch nicht hören wolltet,

daß ihr hört auf die Worte meiner Knechte, der Propheten, welche ich stets zu euch gesandt habe, und ihr doch nicht hören wolltet:

indem ihr auf die Worte meiner Knechte, der Propheten, hört, die ich unermüdlich immer wieder zu euch sende, ohne daß ihr auf sie hört:

Geremia 26:5
se non date ascolto alle parole de’ miei servitori, i profeti, i quali vi mando, che vi ho mandati fin dal mattino e non li avete ascoltati,

per ascoltar le parole dei miei servitori profeti, i quali io vi mando; a’ quali, benchè io li abbia mandati del continuo per ogni mattina, voi non avete però ubbidito;

serta enggan mendengar akan kata hamba-Ku, yaitu segala nabi-nabi, yang Kusuruhkan kepadamu, yaitu Kusuruhkan dari pagi-pagi, tetapi tiada kamu mau dengar;

예레미아 26:5
내가 너희에게 보내고 부지런히 보낸 나의 종 선지자들의 말을 이미 듣지 아니하였거니와 너희가 만일 다시 듣지 아니하면

Ieremias 26:5
ut audiatis sermones servorum meorum prophetarum quos ego misi ad vos de nocte consurgens et dirigens et non audistis

Jeremijo knyga 26:5
neklausysite mano tarnų pranašų, kuriuos, anksti keldamas, jums siunčiu, nors neklausote jų,

Jeremiah 26:5
E rongo ki nga kupu a aku pononga, a nga poropiti e unga nei e ahau ki a koutou, maranga wawe ai i te ata a ka unga i a ratou, otiia kihai koutou i rongo;

Jeremias 26:5
og hører på mine tjenere profetenes ord, dem som jeg sender til eder både tidlig og sent, uten at I hører,

Jeremías 26:5
escuchando las palabras de mis siervos los profetas que os he enviado repetidas veces, pero no los habéis escuchado,

para que escuchen las palabras de Mis siervos los profetas que les he enviado repetidas veces, pero no los han escuchado,

para atender a las palabras de mis siervos los profetas que yo os envío, madrugando en enviarlos, a los cuales no habéis oído;

Para atender á las palabras de mis siervos los profetas que yo os envío, madrugando en enviarlos, á los cuales no habéis oído;

para oír a las palabras de mis siervos los profetas que yo os envío, madrugando y enviando, a los cuales no habéis oído;

Jeremias 26:5
e para ouvirdes as palavras dos meus servos, os profetas, os quais vos tenho enviado, embora não lhes tenhais dado ouvidos;

e para ouvirdes as palavras dos meus servos, os profetas, que eu com insistência vos envio, mas não ouvistes;   

Ieremia 26:5
dacă nu ascultaţi cuvintele robilor Mei prooroci, pe cari vi -i trimet, pe cari vi i-am trimes disde dimineaţă, şi pe cari nu i-aţi ascultat,

Иеремия 26:5
чтобы внимать словам рабов Моих, пророков, которых Я посылаю к вам, посылаю с раннего утра, и которых вы не слушаете, –

чтобы внимать словам рабов Моих, пророков, которых Я посылаю к вам, посылаю с раннего утра, и которых вы не слушаете, --[]

Jeremia 26:5
och höra vad mina tjänare profeterna tala -- de som jag titt och ofta sänder till eder, fastän I icke viljen höra --

Jeremiah 26:5
Na makinig sa mga salita ng aking mga lingkod na mga propeta, na aking sinusugo sa inyo, na bumabangon akong maaga at sinusugo ko sila, nguni't hindi ninyo pinakinggan;

เยเรมีย์ 26:5
และเชื่อฟังถ้อยคำของบรรดาผู้รับใช้ของเรา คือบรรดาผู้พยากรณ์ ซึ่งเราได้ส่งไปหาเจ้าอย่างไม่หยุดยั้ง คือส่งพวกเขาไปถึงเจ้าจะมิได้เชื่อฟัง

Yeremya 26:5
size defalarca gönderdiğim kullarım peygamberlerin sözlerine kulak vermezseniz, ki kulak vermiyorsunuz,[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 26:5
nếu các ngươi không nghe lời của các đầy tớ ta, là các tiên tri mà ta sai đến cùng các ngươi, và đã dậy sớm sai đến, nhưng các ngươi không nghe họ,

Jeremiah 26:4
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