Jeremiah 23:19
Jeremiah 23:19
See, the storm of the LORD will burst out in wrath, a whirlwind swirling down on the heads of the wicked.

Look! The LORD's anger bursts out like a storm, a whirlwind that swirls down on the heads of the wicked.

Behold, the storm of the LORD! Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest; it will burst upon the head of the wicked.

"Behold, the storm of the LORD has gone forth in wrath, Even a whirling tempest; It will swirl down on the head of the wicked.

Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

Look, a storm from the LORD! Wrath has gone out, a whirling storm. It will whirl about the heads of the wicked.

Look, the storm of the LORD's wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest, and it will swirl down around the head of the wicked.

But just watch! The wrath of the LORD will come like a storm! Like a raging storm it will rage down on the heads of those who are wicked.

The storm of the LORD will come with his anger. Like a windstorm, it will swirl down on the heads of the wicked.

Behold, that the whirlwind of the LORD shall go forth with fury, and the whirlwind which is ready shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD has gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously on the head of the wicked.

Behold, the tempest of Jehovah, even his wrath, is gone forth, yea, a whirling tempest: it shall burst upon the head of the wicked.

Behold the whirlwind of the Lord's indignation shall come forth, and a tempest shall break out and come upon the head of the wicked.

Behold, a tempest of Jehovah, fury is gone forth, yea, a whirling storm: it shall whirl down upon the head of the wicked.

Behold, the tempest of the LORD, even his fury, is gone forth, yea, a whirling tempest: it shall burst upon the head of the wicked.

Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the wicked.

Behold, the storm of Yahweh, [even his] wrath, is gone forth, yes, a whirling storm: it shall burst on the head of the wicked.

Lo, a whirlwind of Jehovah -- Fury hath gone out, even a piercing whirlwind, On the head of the wicked it stayeth.

Jeremia 23:19
Ja furtuna e Zotit po shpërthen me tërbim, një furtunë e tmerrshme do të shpërthejë mbi kryet e të pabesëve.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 23:19
ها زوبعة الرب. غيظ يخرج ونوء هائج. على رؤوس الاشرار يثور.

Dyr Ierymies 23:19
Schaugtß; yn n Herrn sein grimmiger Sturm bricht schoon loos. Ayn Zwirbl rumplt yn de Gotloosn über de Köpff überhin.

Еремия 23:19
Ето, ураган от Господа, Неговата ярост, излезе, Дори ураган вихрушка; Ще избухне върху главата на нечестивите.

耶 利 米 書 23:19
看 哪 ! 耶 和 華 的 忿 怒 好 像 暴 風 , 已 經 發 出 ; 是 暴 烈 的 旋 風 , 必 轉 到 惡 人 的 頭 上 。

看 哪 ! 耶 和 华 的 忿 怒 好 像 暴 风 , 已 经 发 出 ; 是 暴 烈 的 旋 风 , 必 转 到 恶 人 的 头 上 。



Jeremiah 23:19
Gle, nevrijeme Jahvino: jarost provaljuje, razmahuje se vihor silan i svaljuje na glave bezbožničke.

Jermiáše 23:19
Aj, vichřice Hospodinova s prchlivostí vyjde, a to vichřice trvající; nad hlavou nešlechetných trvati bude.

Jeremias 23:19
Se, HERRENS Stormvejr, Vreden, er brudt frem, et hvirvlende Stormvejr; det hvirvler over de gudløses Hoved.

Jeremia 23:19
Ziet, een onweder des HEEREN, een grimmigheid is uitgegaan, ja, een pijnlijk onweder, het zal blijven op der goddelozen hoofd.

ירמיה 23:19
הִנֵּ֣ה ׀ סַעֲרַ֣ת יְהוָ֗ה חֵמָה֙ יָֽצְאָ֔ה וְסַ֖עַר מִתְחֹולֵ֑ל עַ֛ל רֹ֥אשׁ רְשָׁעִ֖ים יָחֽוּל׃

יט הנה סערת יהוה חמה יצאה וסער מתחולל על ראש רשעים יחול

הנה ׀ סערת יהוה חמה יצאה וסער מתחולל על ראש רשעים יחול׃

Jeremiás 23:19
Ímé, az Úrnak szélvésze nagy haraggal kitör, és a hitetlenek fejére forgószél zúdul.

Jeremia 23:19
Jen eliros ventego de la Eternulo en kolero, ventego turnigxanta; gxi falos sur la kapon de la malpiuloj.

Katso, Herran tuuli on julmuuden kanssa tuleva, ja hirmuinen ilma on lankeeva jumalattomain pään päälle.

Jérémie 23:19
Voici, une tempête de l'Éternel, la fureur, est sortie; et une tempête tourbillonnante fondra sur la tête des méchants.

Voici, la tempête de l'Eternel, la fureur éclate, L'orage se précipite, Il fond sur la tête des méchants.

Voici la tempête de l'Eternel, sa fureur va se montrer, et le tourbillon prêt à fondre tombera sur la tête des méchants.

Jeremia 23:19
Siehe, es wird ein Wetter des HERRN mit Grimm kommen und ein schrecklich Ungewitter den Gottlosen auf den Kopf allen.

Siehe, es wird ein Wetter des HERRN mit Grimm kommen und ein schreckliches Ungewitter den Gottlosen auf den Kopf fallen.

Schon bricht der Sturmwind Jahwes los, und ein Wirbelsturm - auf das Haupt der Frevler wälzt er sich herab:

Geremia 23:19
Ecco, la tempesta dell’Eterno, il furore scoppia, la tempesta scroscia, scroscia sul capo degli empi.

Ecco il turbo del Signore, l’ira è uscita, il turbo soprasta, caderà sopra il capo degli empi.

Bahwasanya adalah keluar suatu tofan dari pada Tuhan, kehangatan murka dan puting beliung, yang akan turun kepada kepala segala orang fasik dengan hebatnya.

예레미아 23:19
보라, 나 여호와의 노가 발하여 폭풍과 회리바람처럼 악인의 머리를 칠 것이라

Ieremias 23:19
ecce turbo dominicae indignationis egredietur et tempestas erumpens super caput impiorum veniet

Jeremijo knyga 23:19
Ateina Viešpaties pykčio audra, viesulas užgrius ant nedorėlių galvų.

Jeremiah 23:19
Nana, kua puta te tukauati i a Ihowa, koia ano ko tona riri, ae ra, he tukauati powaiwai: tera e pakaru ki runga ki te upoko o te hunga kino.

Jeremias 23:19
Se, Herrens storm, hans vrede farer ut, en hvirvlende stormvind; den hvirvler over hodet på de ugudelige.

Jeremías 23:19
He aquí, la tempestad del SEÑOR ha salido con furor, un torbellino impetuoso descargará sobre la cabeza de los impíos.

La tempestad del SEÑOR ha salido con furor, Un torbellino impetuoso Descargará sobre la cabeza de los impíos.

He aquí que la tempestad de Jehová saldrá con furor; impetuosa tempestad descargará sobre la cabeza de los malos.

He aquí que la tempestad de Jehová saldrá con furor; y la tempestad que está aparejada, caerá sobre la cabeza de los malos.

He aquí que la tempestad del SEÑOR saldrá con furor; y la tempestad que está aparejada, caerá sobre la cabeza de los malos.

Jeremias 23:19
Aí está a tempestade de Yahweh! A sua fúria já foi desencadeada; eis que um vendaval vem sobre a cabeça dos ímpios.

Eis a tempestade do Senhor! A sua indignação, qual tempestade devastadora, já saiu; descarregar-se-á sobre a cabeça dos impios.   

Ieremia 23:19
Iată că furtuna Domnului, urgia izbucneşte, se năpusteşte vijelia şi cade peste capul celor răi!

Иеремия 23:19
Вот, идет буря Господня с яростью, буря грозная, и падет на главу нечестивых.

Вот, идет буря Господня с яростью, буря грозная, и падет на главу нечестивых.[]

Jeremia 23:19
Se, en stormvind från HERREN är här, hans förtörnelse bryter fram, en virvlande storm! Över de ogudaktigas huvuden virvlar den ned.

Jeremiah 23:19
Narito, ang bagyo ng Panginoon, ang kaniyang kapusukan, ay lumabas, oo, ipoipong bagyo: babagsak sa ulo ng masama.

เยเรมีย์ 23:19
ดูเถิด นั่นลมบ้าหมูของพระเยโฮวาห์ได้ออกไปแล้วด้วยพระพิโรธ เป็นลมบ้าหมูอย่างรุนแรง มันจะตกหนักบนศีรษะของคนชั่ว

Yeremya 23:19
İşte, RABbin fırtınası öfkeyle kopacak,
Kasırgası döne döne kötülerin başına patlayacak.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 23:19
Nầy, cơn giận của Ðức Giê-hô-va đã phát ra như bão, như gió lốc, nổ trên đầu những kẻ dữ.

Jeremiah 23:18
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