Jeremiah 22:6
Jeremiah 22:6
For this is what the LORD says about the palace of the king of Judah: "Though you are like Gilead to me, like the summit of Lebanon, I will surely make you like a wasteland, like towns not inhabited.

Now this is what the LORD says concerning Judah's royal palace: "I love you as much as fruitful Gilead and the green forests of Lebanon. But I will turn you into a desert, with no one living within your walls.

For thus says the LORD concerning the house of the king of Judah: “‘You are like Gilead to me, like the summit of Lebanon, yet surely I will make you a desert, an uninhabited city.

For thus says the LORD concerning the house of the king of Judah: "You are like Gilead to Me, Like the summit of Lebanon; Yet most assuredly I will make you like a wilderness, Like cities which are not inhabited.

For thus saith the LORD unto the king's house of Judah; Thou art Gilead unto me, and the head of Lebanon: yet surely I will make thee a wilderness, and cities which are not inhabited.

For this is what the LORD says concerning the house of the king of Judah: You are like Gilead to Me, or the summit of Lebanon, but I will certainly turn you into a wilderness, uninhabited cities.

For this is what the LORD says about the house of the king of Judah, "You are like Gilead to me, like the summit of Lebanon. Yet I'll surely make you a desert, towns where no one lives.

"'For the LORD says concerning the palace of the king of Judah, "This place looks like a veritable forest of Gilead to me. It is like the wooded heights of Lebanon in my eyes. But I swear that I will make it like a wilderness whose towns have all been deserted.

"This is what the LORD says about the palace of the king of Judah: This palace is like Gilead to me, like the top of Lebanon. I will certainly turn it into a desert, into cities that no one lives in.

For thus hath the LORD said regarding the house of the king of Judah: Thou art Gilead unto me and the head of Lebanon: yet surely I will make thee a wilderness and cities which are not inhabited.

For thus says the LORD unto the king's house of Judah; You are Gilead unto me, and the head of Lebanon: yet surely I will make you a wilderness; and cities which are not inhabited.

For thus said the LORD to the king's house of Judah; You are Gilead to me, and the head of Lebanon: yet surely I will make you a wilderness, and cities which are not inhabited.

For thus saith Jehovah concerning the house of the king of Judah: Thou art Gilead unto me, and the head of Lebanon; yet'surely I will make thee a wilderness, and cities which are not inhabited.

For thus saith the Lord to the house of the king of Juda: Thou art to me Galaad the head of Libanus: yet surely I will make thee a wilderness, and cities not habitable.

For thus saith Jehovah concerning the house of the king of Judah: Thou art a Gilead unto me, the summit of Lebanon: verily I will make thee a wilderness, cities not inhabited.

For thus saith the LORD concerning the house of the king of Judah: Thou art Gilead unto me, and the head of Lebanon: yet surely I will make thee a wilderness, and cities which are not inhabited.

For thus saith the LORD to the king's house of Judah; Thou art Gilead to me, and the head of Lebanon; yet surely I will make thee a wilderness, and cities which are not inhabited.

For thus says Yahweh concerning the house of the king of Judah: You are Gilead to me, [and] the head of Lebanon; [yet] surely I will make you a wilderness, [and] cities which are not inhabited.

For thus said Jehovah, Concerning the house of the king of Judah: Gilead art thou to Me -- head of Lebanon, If not -- I make thee a wilderness, Cities not inhabited.

Jeremia 22:6
Sepse kështu thotë Zoti për shtëpinë e mbretit të Judës: "Ti ishe për mua si Galaadi, si maja e Libanit. Por unë do të të katandis me siguri në një vend të shkretë, në një qytet pa banorë.

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 22:6
لانه هكذا قال الرب عن بيت ملك يهوذا. جلعاد انت لي. راس من لبنان. اني اجعلك برية مدنا غير مسكونة.

Dyr Ierymies 22:6
Netty dös sait dyr Trechtein über n Judauer Künigspflast: Giltst myr aau so vil wie Gilet und dyr Gipfl von n Weissnberg, naacherd mach i di trotzdem zuer Wüestn, daa wo niemdd meer wont.

Еремия 22:6
Защото така казва Господ за дома на Юдовия цар: Ти Ми си Галаад и ливански връх; Но ще те обърна в пустиня, В градове ненаселени.

耶 利 米 書 22:6
耶 和 華 論 到 猶 大 王 的 家 如 此 說 : 我 看 你 如 基 列 , 如 利 巴 嫩 頂 ; 然 而 , 我 必 使 你 變 為 曠 野 , 為 無 人 居 住 的 城 邑 。

耶 和 华 论 到 犹 大 王 的 家 如 此 说 : 我 看 你 如 基 列 , 如 利 巴 嫩 顶 ; 然 而 , 我 必 使 你 变 为 旷 野 , 为 无 人 居 住 的 城 邑 。



Jeremiah 22:6
Jer ovako govori Jahve o dvoru kralja judejskoga: Ti si za me Gilead, vrh libanonski. Ali, uistinu, pretvorit ću te u pustinju, u grad nenastanjen.

Jermiáše 22:6
Nebo takto praví Hospodin o domu krále Judského: Byl jsi mi jako Galád a vrch Libánský, ale obrátím tě jistotně v poušť jako města, v nichž se bydliti nemůže.

Jeremias 22:6
Thi saa siger HERREN om Judas Konges Palads: Et Gilead var du for mig, en Libanons Tinde; visselig, jeg gør dig til Ørk, til folketomme Byer;

Jeremia 22:6
Want zo zegt de HEERE van het huis des konings van Juda: Gij zijt Mij een Gilead, een hoogte van Libanon; maar zo Ik u niet zette als een woestijn en onbewoonde steden!

ירמיה 22:6
כִּֽי־כֹ֣ה ׀ אָמַ֣ר יְהוָ֗ה עַל־בֵּית֙ מֶ֣לֶךְ יְהוּדָ֔ה גִּלְעָ֥ד אַתָּ֛ה לִ֖י רֹ֣אשׁ הַלְּבָנֹ֑ון אִם־לֹ֤א אֲשִֽׁיתְךָ֙ מִדְבָּ֔ר עָרִ֖ים לֹ֥א [נֹושָׁבָה כ] (נֹושָֽׁבוּ׃ ק)

ו כי כה אמר יהוה על בית מלך יהודה גלעד אתה לי ראש הלבנון אם לא אשיתך מדבר ערים לא נושבה (נושבו)

כי־כה ׀ אמר יהוה על־בית מלך יהודה גלעד אתה לי ראש הלבנון אם־לא אשיתך מדבר ערים לא [נושבה כ] (נושבו׃ ק)

Jeremiás 22:6
Mert így szól az Úr a Júda királyának házához: [Ha] Gileád volnál nékem és a Libánon feje: mégis elpusztítlak téged, [mint] a városokat, a melyekben nem laknak.

Jeremia 22:6
CXar tiele diras la Eternulo koncerne la domon de la regxo de Judujo:Vi estas al Mi Gilead, supro de Lebanon; kaj tamen Mi faros vin dezerto, urboj ne logxataj.

Sillä näin sanoo Herra Juudan kuninkaan huoneesta: Gilead, sinä olet minulle pää Libanonissa: mitämaks, minä tahdon sinun tehdä kylmille, ja laitan kaupungit olemaan ilman asuvia.

Jérémie 22:6
Car ainsi dit l'Éternel touchant la maison du roi de Juda: Tu es pour moi un Galaad, le sommet du Liban... Si je ne te réduis en désert, en villes inhabitées!

Car ainsi parle l'Eternel sur la maison du roi de Juda: Tu es pour moi comme Galaad, comme le sommet du Liban; Mais certes, je ferai de toi un désert, Une ville sans habitants.

Car ainsi a dit l'Eternel touchant la maison du Roi de Juda : tu m'es un Galaad, [et] le sommet du Liban, [mais] si je ne te réduis en désert, et en villes qui ne sont point habitées.

Jeremia 22:6
Denn so spricht der HERR von dem Hause des Königs Judas: Gilead, du bist mir das Haupt im Libanon; was gilt's, ich will dich zur Wüste und die Städte ohne Einwohner machen?

Denn so spricht der HERR von dem Hause des Königs in Juda: Ein Gilead bist du mir, ein Haupt im Libanon. Was gilt's? ich will dich zur Wüste und die Einwohner ohne Städte machen.

Denn so spricht Jahwe in betreff des Palastes des Königs von Juda: Gilead gleich giltst du mir, gleich dem Gipfel des Libanon! Fürwahr, ich will dich zur Steppe machen, gleich unbewohnbaren Städten,

Geremia 22:6
Poiché così parla l’Eterno riguardo alla casa del re di Giuda: Tu eri per me come Galaad, come la vetta del Libano. Ma, certo, io ti ridurrò simile a un deserto, a delle città disabitate.

Perciocchè, così ha detto il Signore intorno alla casa del re di Giuda: Tu mi sei stata come Galaad, come la sommità del Libano; se io non ti riduco in deserto, in città disabitate.

Karena demikianlah firman Tuhan akan hal istana raja Yehuda: Jikalau engkau bagi-Ku akan Gilead, akan kemuncak Libanon sekalipun, niscaya Aku menjadikan dikau kelak akan padang tekukur dan akan negeri yang tiada diduduki orang.

예레미아 22:6
나 여호와가 유다 왕의 집에 대하여 이같이 말하노라 네가 내게 길르앗 같고 레바논의 꼭대기 같으나 내가 정녕히 너로 광야와 거민이 없는 성을 만들 것이라

Ieremias 22:6
quia haec dicit Dominus super domum regis Iuda Galaad tu mihi caput Libani si non posuero te solitudinem urbes inhabitabiles

Jeremijo knyga 22:6
Judo karaliaus namams Viešpats sako: “Tu esi man Gileado kraštas, aukščiausia Libano viršūnė, bet Aš padarysiu tave dykuma ir negyvenamais miestais.

Jeremiah 22:6
Ko te kupu hoki tenei a Ihowa mo te whare o te kingi o Hura, Ko Kireara koe ki ahau, a ko te tihi o Repanona; otiia he pono ka meinga koe e ahau hei koraha, hei pa hoki e kore e nohoia.

Jeremias 22:6
For så sier Herren om Judas konges hus: Et Gilead er du for mig, en Libanons topp; men sannelig, jeg vil gjøre dig til en ørken, til byer som ingen bor i.

Jeremías 22:6
Porque así dice el SEÑOR acerca de la casa del rey de Judá: Como Galaad eres para mí, como la cumbre del Líbano; pero ciertamente te convertiré en un desierto, como ciudades deshabitadas.

Porque así dice el SEÑOR acerca de la casa del rey de Judá: "Eres como Galaad para Mí, Como la cumbre del Líbano; Pero ciertamente te convertiré en un desierto, Como ciudades deshabitadas.

Porque así dice Jehová sobre la casa del rey de Judá: Como Galaad eres tú para mí, y como cabeza del Líbano; sin embargo te convertiré en un desierto, como ciudades deshabitadas.

Porque así ha dicho Jehová sobre la casa del rey de Judá: Galaad eres tú para mí, y cabeza del Líbano: empero de cierto te pondré en soledad, y ciudades deshabitadas.

Porque así dijo el SEÑOR sobre la casa del rey de Judá: Galaad tú a mí, oh cabeza del Líbano; si yo no te pusiere en soledad, y ciudades inhabitables.

Jeremias 22:6
Porquanto assim declara o SENHOR a respeito do palácio real de Judá: “Tu és para mim como Gileade e como o alto da montanha do Líbano; todavia, com toda a certeza, farei de ti um deserto e tuas cidades ficarão absolutamente desabitadas.

Pois assim diz o Senhor acerca da casa do rei de Judá: Tu és para mim Gileade, e a cabeça do Líbano; todavia certamente farei de ti um deserto e cidades desabitadas.   

Ieremia 22:6
Căci aşa vorbeşte Domnul asupra casei împăratului lui Iuda: ,Tu eşti pentru Mine ca Galaadul, ca vîrful Libanului; dar, cu adevărat, voi face din tine un pustiu, o cetate fără locuitori!

Иеремия 22:6
Ибо так говорит Господь дому царя Иудейского: Галаад ты у Меня, вершина Ливана; но Я сделаю тебя пустынею и города необитаемыми

Ибо так говорит Господь дому царя Иудейского: Галаад ты у Меня, вершина Ливана; но Я сделаю тебя пустынею и города необитаемыми[]

Jeremia 22:6
Ty så säger HERREN om Juda konungs hus: Väl är du för mig såsom ett Gilead, såsom Libanons topp; men jag skall sannerligen göra dig till en öken, till obebodda städer.

Jeremiah 22:6
Sapagka't ganito ang sabi ng Panginoon tungkol sa sangbahayan ng hari sa Juda, Ikaw ay Galaad sa akin, at ulo ng Libano; gayon ma'y tunay na gagawin kitang isang ilang, at mga bayang hindi tinatahanan.

เยเรมีย์ 22:6
เพราะพระเยโฮวาห์ตรัสดังนี้แก่ราชสำนักแห่งกษัตริย์ของยูดาห์ ว่า "เจ้าเป็นเหมือนกิเลอาดแก่เรา เป็นดังยอดภูเขาเลบานอน ถึงกระนั้น เราจะกระทำเจ้าให้เป็นถิ่นทุรกันดารแน่ เป็นเมืองที่ไม่มีคนอาศัย

Yeremya 22:6
Çünkü Yahuda Kralının sarayı için RAB diyor ki, ‹‹Sen benim için Gilat gibisin,
Lübnanın doruğu gibi.
Ama hiç kuşkun olmasın, seni çöle döndürecek,
Kimsenin yaşamadığı kentlere çevireceğim.[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 22:6
Ðức Giê-hô-va phán về nhà vua Giu-đa như vầy: Ta coi ngươi cũng như Ga-la-át, cũng như chót núi Li-ban, nhưng ta chắc sẽ làm cho ngươi ra đồng vắng, ra các thành không người ở.

Jeremiah 22:5
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