Jeremiah 13:27
Jeremiah 13:27
your adulteries and lustful neighings, your shameless prostitution! I have seen your detestable acts on the hills and in the fields. Woe to you, Jerusalem! How long will you be unclean?"

I have seen your adultery and lust, and your disgusting idol worship out in the fields and on the hills. What sorrow awaits you, Jerusalem! How long before you are pure?"

I have seen your abominations, your adulteries and neighings, your lewd whorings, on the hills in the field. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! How long will it be before you are made clean?”

"As for your adulteries and your lustful neighings, The lewdness of your prostitution On the hills in the field, I have seen your abominations. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! How long will you remain unclean?"

I have seen thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, and thine abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once be?

Your adulteries and your lustful neighing, your heinous prostitution on the hills, in the fields-- I have seen your detestable acts. Woe to you, Jerusalem! You are unclean-- for how long yet?

I've seen your detestable behavior: your adulteries, your passionate neighing, your lewd immorality on the hills in the field. How terrible it will be for you, Jerusalem! You are unclean. How much longer will this go on?"

People of Jerusalem, I have seen your adulterous worship, your shameless prostitution to, and your lustful pursuit of, other gods. I have seen your disgusting acts of worship on the hills throughout the countryside. You are doomed to destruction! How long will you continue to be unclean?'"

I have seen you commit adultery and squeal with delight. I have seen you act like a shameless prostitute on the hills and in the fields. How horrible it will be for you, Jerusalem! Will you ever be clean?"

I have seen thine adulteries and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom upon the hills; in the same field I saw thine abominations. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean at last? How long then shall it be?

I have seen your adulteries, and your neighings, the lewdness of your harlotry, and your abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe unto you, O Jerusalem! will you not be made clean? when shall it be?

I have seen your adulteries, and your neighings, the lewdness of your prostitution, and your abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe to you, O Jerusalem! will you not be made clean? when shall it once be?

I have seen thine abominations, even thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, on the hills in the field. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! thou wilt not be made clean; how long shall it yet be?

I have seen thy adulteries, and thy neighing, the wickedness of thy fornication: and thy abominations, upon the hills in the field. Woe to thee, Jerusalem, wilt thou not be made clean after me: how long yet?

Thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy fornication, on the hills, in the fields, thine abominations, have I seen. Woe unto thee, Jerusalem! Wilt thou not be made clean? after how long a time yet?

I have seen thine abominations, even thine adulteries, and thy neighings, the lewdness of thy whoredom, on the hills in the field. Woe unto thee, O Jerusalem! thou wilt not be made clean; how long shall it yet be?

I have seen thy adulteries, and thy neighings, the enormity of thy lewdness, and thy abominations on the hills in the fields. Woe to thee O Jerusalem! wilt thou not be made clean? when shall it once be?

I have seen your abominations, even your adulteries, and your neighing, the lewdness of your prostitution, on the hills in the field. Woe to you, Jerusalem! You will not be made clean; how long shall it yet be?

Thine adulteries, and thy neighings, The wickedness of thy whoredom, on heights in a field, I have seen thine abominations. Woe to thee, O Jerusalem, Thou art not cleansed, after when is it again?

Jeremia 13:27
Kam parë shkeljet e tua të kurorës, hingëllimat e tua, shthurjen e kurvërisë sate, gjërat e neveritshme të kryera në kodra dhe në fusha. Mjerë ti, o Jeruzalem! Për sa kohë akoma do të mbetesh i pëgërë?".

ﺃﺭﻣﻴﺎء 13:27
فسقك وصهيلك ورذالة زناك على الآكام في الحقل قد رأيت مكرهاتك. ويل لك يا اورشليم لا تطهرين. حتى متى بعد

Dyr Ierymies 13:27
deine Eebrüch, dein Gailigkeit, dein Bluetsunzucht. Auf de Hugln und waiß grad wo in n Glönd haan i deine Schandtaatn gseghn. Wee dir, Ruslham, wennst nit gwaltig umstöckst! Wann dös aynmaal öbbs werd?!

Еремия 13:27
Видях твоите мерзости по хълмовете и по полетата, Прелюбодействата ти и цвиленията ти, Безсрамното ти блудство. Горко ти, Ерусалиме! До кога още няма да се очистиш?

耶 利 米 書 13:27
你 那 些 可 憎 惡 之 事 ─ 就 是 在 田 野 的 山 上 行 姦 淫 , 發 嘶 聲 , 做 淫 亂 的 事 ─ 我 都 看 見 了 。 耶 路 撒 冷 啊 , 你 有 禍 了 ! 你 不 肯 潔 淨 , 還 要 到 幾 時 呢 ?

你 那 些 可 憎 恶 之 事 ─ 就 是 在 田 野 的 山 上 行 奸 淫 , 发 嘶 声 , 做 淫 乱 的 事 ─ 我 都 看 见 了 。 耶 路 撒 冷 啊 , 你 有 祸 了 ! 你 不 肯 洁 净 , 还 要 到 几 时 呢 ?



Jeremiah 13:27
Sve preljube tvoje, tvoje vriskanje i bestidno tvoje bludničenje, na humcima, u poljima, vidio sam tvoje grozote. Jao tebi, Jeruzaleme! Još se ne očisti i dokle će to još trajati ...?

Jermiáše 13:27
Cizoložství tvá, a řehtání tvá, nešlechetná smilství tvá, na pahrbcích i na poli. Vidělť jsem ty ohavnosti tvé; běda tobě, Jeruzaléme. A což se ještě neočistíš? I až dokud pak?

Jeremias 13:27
dit Ægteskabsbrud og din Vrinsken, din skamløse Utugt; paa Højene og ude paa Marken saa jeg dine væmmelige Guder. Ve dig, Jerusalem, du bliver ej ren — hvor længe endnu?

Jeremia 13:27
Uw overspelen en uw hunkeringen, de schandelijkheid uws hoerdoms, op heuvelen, in het veld; Ik heb uw verfoeiselen gezien; wee u, Jeruzalem! zult gij niet rein worden? Hoe lang nog na dezen?

ירמיה 13:27
נִֽאֻפַ֤יִךְ וּמִצְהֲלֹותַ֙יִךְ֙ זִמַּ֣ת זְנוּתֵ֔ךְ עַל־גְּבָעֹות֙ בַּשָּׂדֶ֔ה רָאִ֖יתִי שִׁקּוּצָ֑יִךְ אֹ֥וי לָךְ֙ יְר֣וּשָׁלִַ֔ם לֹ֣א תִטְהֲרִ֔י אַחֲרֵ֥י מָתַ֖י עֹֽד׃ פ

כז נאפיך ומצהלותיך זמת זנותך על גבעות בשדה ראיתי שקוציך אוי לך ירושלם--לא תטהרי אחרי מתי עד  {ס}

נאפיך ומצהלותיך זמת זנותך על־גבעות בשדה ראיתי שקוציך אוי לך ירושלם לא תטהרי אחרי מתי עד׃ פ

Jeremiás 13:27
A te paráznaságaidat és nyihogásaidat, bujálkodásodnak undokságát: a halmokon, a mezõn láttam a te útálatosságaidat. Jaj néked Jeruzsálem! Nem leszel tiszta ezután [se?] Meddig még?

Jeremia 13:27
via adulto, via voluptegeco, viaj malcxastaj pensoj. Sur la montetoj de la kampo Mi vidis viajn abomenindajxojn. Ve al vi, ho Jerusalem! cxu vi ne purigxos? kiam do fine?

Sillä minä olen nähnyt sinun huoruutes, sinun haureutes, sinun häpeemättömän salavuoteutes ja sinun kauhiutes, sekä kukkuloilla että kedoilla. Voi sinuas Jerusalem! koskas siis joskus tahdot puhdistaa itses?

Jérémie 13:27
Tes adultères, tes hennissements, l'infamie de ta prostitution sur les collines, dans les champs, -tes abominations, je les ai vues. Malheur à toi, Jérusalem! Ne te purifieras-tu pas,... après combien de temps encore?

J'ai vu tes adultères et tes hennissements, Tes criminelles prostitutions sur les collines et dans les champs, J'ai vu tes abominations. Malheur à toi, Jérusalem! Jusques à quand tarderas-tu à te purifier?

Tes adultères, et tes hennissements, l'énormité de ta prostitution est sur les collines, par les champs, j'ai vu tes abominations; malheur à toi, Jérusalem, ne seras-tu point nettoyée? jusques à quand cela durera-t-il?

Jeremia 13:27
Denn ich habe gesehen deine Ehebrecherei, deine Geilheit, deine freche Hurerei, ja deine Greuel, beide, auf Hügeln und auf Äckern. Wehe dir, Jerusalem! Wann willst du doch immer mehr gereiniget werden?

Denn ich habe gesehen deine Ehebrecherei, dein Geilheit, deine freche Hurerei, ja, deine Greuel auf Hügeln und auf Äckern. Weh dir, Jerusalem! Wann wirst du doch endlich rein werden?

Deine Ehebrecherei und dein geiles Gewieher, deine schandbare Hurerei, - auf den Hügeln im freien Felde habe ich deine Greuel gesehen! Wehe dir, Jerusalem, du wirst nicht rein werden - nach wie lange noch?

Geremia 13:27
Io ho visto le tue abominazioni, i tuoi adulteri, i tuoi nitriti, l’infamia della tua prostituzione sulle colline e per i campi. Guai a te, o Gerusalemme! Quando avverrà mai che tu ti purifichi?"

I tuoi adulterii, ed il tuo ringhiare, e l’infamia del tuo fornicare, è stata sopra i colli, per li campi; io ho vedute le tue abbominazioni. Guai a te, Gerusalemme! non ti netterai tu mai? dopo quando ancora?

Bahwa segala zinahmu dan segala keinginanmu dan persundalanmu yang keji di atas segala bukit dan pada segala padang, segala perbuatanmu yang kebencian itu sudah Kulihat. Wai bagimu, hai Yeruzalem! berapa lama lagi sebelum engkau menjadi tahir?

예레미아 13:27
내가 너의 간음과 사특한 소리와 들의 작은 산 위에서 행한 네 음행의 비루하고 가증한 것을 보았노라 화 있을진저 ! 예루살렘이여 네가 얼마나 오랜 후에야 정결하게 되겠느뇨

Ieremias 13:27
adulteria tua et hinnitus tuus scelus fornicationis tuae super colles in agro vidi abominationes tuas vae tibi Hierusalem non mundaberis post me usquequo adhuc

Jeremijo knyga 13:27
Aš mačiau tavo svetimavimus, gašlumą ir paleistuvystę. Vargas tau, Jeruzale. Ar ilgai dar neapsivalysi?”

Jeremiah 13:27
Kua kite ahau i ou whakarihariha, i ou puremutanga, tau tangi a hoiho, te weriweri o tou moepuku, i runga i nga pukepuke i te parae. Aue te mate mou, e Hiruharama! e kore nei koe e meinga kia ma; a hea rawa ra ano?

Jeremias 13:27
Ditt horelevnet og din vrinsken, din skammelige utukt på haugene ute på marken, ja dine vederstyggeligheter har jeg sett. Ve dig, Jerusalem! Hvor lenge vil det ikke ennu vare før du blir ren!

Jeremías 13:27
En tus adulterios y en tus relinchos, en la bajeza de tu prostitución sobre las colinas del campo, he visto tus abominaciones. ¡Ay de ti, Jerusalén! ¿Hasta cuándo seguirás sin purificarte?

En tus adulterios y en tus relinchos, En la bajeza de tu prostitución Sobre las colinas del campo, He visto tus abominaciones. ¡Ay de ti, Jerusalén! ¿Hasta cuándo seguirás sin purificarte?"

Tus adulterios, tus relinchos, la maldad de tu fornicación sobre los collados; en el mismo campo vi tus abominaciones. ¡Ay de ti, Jerusalén! ¿No habrás de ser limpia? ¿Hasta cuándo será?

Tus adulterios, tus relinchos, la maldad de tu fornicación sobre los collados: en el mismo campo vi tus abominaciones. ¡Ay de ti, Jerusalem! ¿No serás al cabo limpia? ¿hasta cuándo todavía?

Tus adulterios, tus relinchos, la maldad de tu fornicación sobre los collados; en el mismo campo vi tus abominaciones. ¡Ay de ti, Jerusalén! ¿No serás limpia al fin? ¿Hasta cuándo pues?

Jeremias 13:27
Eis que tenho observado os teus atos abomináveis; teus muitos adultérios, os teus relinchos sensuais; toda a tua prostituição, absolutamente sem pudor, sobre as colinas e nos campos! Ai de ti, ó Jerusalém! Até quando continuarás deste jeito: impura?”

Os teus adultérios, e os teus rinchos, e a enormidade da tua prostituição, essas abominações tuas, eu as tenho visto sobre os outeiros no campo. Ai de ti, Jerusalém! até quando não te purificarás?   

Ieremia 13:27
Am văzut preacurviile şi nechezăturile tale, curviile nelegiuite pe dealuri şi în ogoare, ţi-am văzut urîciunile! Vai de tine, Ierusalime! Nu vrei să te curăţi? Cît vei mai zăbovi?``

Иеремия 13:27
Видел Я прелюбодейство твое и неистовые похотения твои, твои непотребства и твои мерзости на холмах в поле. Горе тебе, Иерусалим! ты и после сего не очистишься. Доколе же?

Видел Я прелюбодейство твое и неистовые похотения твои, твои непотребства и твои мерзости на холмах в поле. Горе тебе, Иерусалим! ты и после сего не очистишься. Доколе же?[]

Jeremia 13:27
Din otukt, ditt vrenskande, ditt skändliga otuktsväsen -- på höjderna, på fältet har jag sett dina styggelser. Ve dig, Jerusalem! Du kommer icke att bliva ren -- på huru lång tid ännu?

Jeremiah 13:27
Aking nakita ang iyong mga kasuklamsuklam na gawa, sa makatuwid baga'y ang iyong mga pangangalunya, at ang iyong mga paghalinghing, ang kahalayan ng iyong pakikiapid, sa mga burol sa parang. Sa aba mo, Oh Jerusalem! ikaw ay hindi malilinis; hanggang kailan pa magkakaganyan?

เยเรมีย์ 13:27
เราได้เห็นการล่วงประเวณีของเจ้า การครวญหา การเล่นชู้อย่างแก่ราคะของเจ้า และการที่น่าสะอิดสะเอียนของเจ้า บนเนินเขาทั้งหลายที่ในทุ่งนา โอ เยรูซาเล็มเอ๋ย วิบัติแก่เจ้า อีกนานสักเท่าใดเจ้าจึงจะยอมกระทำให้เจ้าสะอาดได้"

Yeremya 13:27
Kırdaki tepeler üzerinde
Yaptığın iğrençlikleri -zinalarını,
Çapkın çapkın kişneyişini, yüzsüz fahişeliklerini- gördüm.
Vay başına geleceklere, ey Yeruşalim!
Ne zamana dek böyle kirli kalacaksın?››[]

Gieâ-reâ-mi 13:27
Những sự gớm ghiếc, tức là sự dâm dục, và tiếng hí ngươi, tội ác tà dâm ngươi trên các gò đồng ruộng, thì ta đã thấy hết. Hỡi Giê-ru-sa-lem, khiến thay cho ngươi! Ngươi chẳng khứng làm sạch mình cho đến chừng nào?

Jeremiah 13:26
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