Isaiah 9:15
Isaiah 9:15
the elders and dignitaries are the head, the prophets who teach lies are the tail.

The leaders of Israel are the head, and the lying prophets are the tail.

the elder and honored man is the head, and the prophet who teaches lies is the tail;

The head is the elder and honorable man, And the prophet who teaches falsehood is the tail.

The ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

The head is the elder, the honored one; the tail is the prophet, the lying teacher.

the elder and the dignitary is the head, and the prophet who teaches lies is the tail.

The leaders and the highly respected people are the head, the prophets who teach lies are the tail.

Respected and honored leaders are the head. Prophets who teach lies are the tail.

The ancient and venerable to look upon is the head; the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail.

The elder and honorable, he is the head; and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail.

The ancient and honorable, he is the head; and the prophet that teaches lies, he is the tail.

The elder and the honorable man, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

The aged and honourable, he is the head: and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

the ancient and honourable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

The ancient and the honourable man, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

The ancient and honorable, he is the head; and the prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail.

The elder and the honorable man is the head, and the prophet who teaches lies is the tail.

Elder, and accepted of face, he is the head, Prophet, teacher of falsehood, he is the tail.

Isaia 9:15
aaa see Plaku dhe njeriu nga parësia janë koka; dhe profeti që u mëson të tjerëve gënjeshtra është bishti.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 9:15
الشيخ والمعتبر هو الراس والنبي الذي يعلم بالكذب هو الذنب.

Dyr Ieseien 9:15
De Dietwärt und Gwäppltn seind dyr Kopf und dyr Schwanz d Lugnweissagn.

Исая 9:15
(Старецът и почтеният [мъж], той е глава; А пророкът, който поучава лъжи, той е опашка).

以 賽 亞 書 9:15
長 老 和 尊 貴 人 就 是 頭 , 以 謊 言 教 人 的 先 知 就 是 尾 。

长 老 和 尊 贵 人 就 是 头 , 以 谎 言 教 人 的 先 知 就 是 尾 。



Isaiah 9:15
Starješina i odličnik - to je glava; prorok, učitelj laži - to je rep.

Izaiáše 9:15
(Stařec a vzácný člověk, onť jest hlava, prorok pak, kterýž učí lži, onť jest ocas.)

Esajas 9:15
Den ældste og agtede er Hoved, Løgnprofeten er Hale.

Jesaja 9:15
Want de leiders dezes volks zijn verleiders, en die van hen geleid worden, worden ingeslokt.

ישעה 9:15
זָקֵ֥ן וּנְשׂוּא־פָנִ֖ים ה֣וּא הָרֹ֑אשׁ וְנָבִ֥יא מֹֽורֶה־שֶּׁ֖קֶר ה֥וּא הַזָּנָֽב׃

יד זקן ונשוא פנים הוא הראש ונביא מורה שקר הוא הזנב

זקן ונשוא־פנים הוא הראש ונביא מורה־שקר הוא הזנב׃

Ézsaiás 9:15
A fõ: a vén és a fõember, a fark pedig a próféta, a ki hazugságot szól.

Jesaja 9:15
Maljunulo kaj eminentulo estas la kapo; kaj profeto, kiu instruas malverajxon, estas la vosto.

(H9:14) Vanhat kunnialliset ihmiset ovat pää; mutta prophetat, jotka opettavat väärin, ovat häntä.

Ésaïe 9:15
l'ancien et l'homme considéré, lui, est la tête; et le prophète qui enseigne le mensonge, lui, est la queue.

L'ancien et le magistrat, c'est la tête, Et le prophète qui enseigne le mensonge, c'est la queue.

L'Ancien et l'homme d'autorité; c'est la tête; et le Prophète enseignant mensonge, c'est la queue.

Jesaja 9:15
Die alten ehrlichen Leute sind der Kopf; die Propheten aber, so falsch lehren, sind der Schwanz.

Die alten und vornehmen Leute sind der Kopf; die Propheten aber, so falsch lehren, sind der Schwanz.

die Vornehmen und Angesehenen sind der Kopf, und die Propheten, die Lügen reden, sind der Schwanz -

Isaia 9:15
(H9-14) (L’anziano e il notabile sono il capo, e il profeta che insegna la menzogna è la coda).

(H9-14) L’anziano e l’uomo d’autorità sono il capo; e il profeta che insegna menzogna è la coda.

Adapun orang yang tua dan bangsawan itulah kepala dan nabi yang mengajarkan dusta itulah ekor.)

이사야 9:15
머리는 곧 장로와 존귀한 자요 꼬리는 곧 거짓말을 가르치는 선지자라

Isaias 9:15
longevus et honorabilis ipse est caput et propheta docens mendacium ipse cauda est

Izaijo knyga 9:15
Vyresnieji ir kilmingieji­tai galva, o melą kalbantys pranašai­ uodega.

Isaiah 9:15
Ko te kaumatua me te tangata ingoa nui, ko ia te upoko; ko te poropiti whakaako teka, ko ia te hiawero.

Esaias 9:15
Eldste og aktet mann er hodet, og en profet som lærer løgn, er halen.

Isaías 9:15
El anciano y venerable es la cabeza, y el profeta que enseña la mentira, es la cola.

El anciano y venerable es la cabeza, Y el profeta que enseña la mentira, es la cola.

El viejo y venerable de rostro es la cabeza; el profeta que enseña mentira, es la cola.

El viejo y venerable de rostro es la cabeza: el profeta que enseña mentira, este es cola.

El viejo y venerable de rostro es la cabeza; el profeta que enseña mentira, éste es cola.

Isaías 9:15
Ora, as autoridades e os líderes são a cabeça, os profetas que ensinam inverdades são a cauda.

O ancião e o varão de respeito, esse é a cabeça; e o profeta que ensina mentiras, esse e a cauda.   

Isaia 9:15
(Bătrînul şi dregătorul sînt capul, şi proorocul, care învaţă pe oameni minciuni, este coada.)

Исаия 9:15
старец и знатный, – это голова; а пророк-лжеучитель есть хвост.

старец и знатный, --это голова; а пророк-лжеучитель есть хвост.[]

Jesaja 9:15
de äldste och högst uppsatte de äro huvudet, och profeterna, de falska vägvisarna, de äro svansen.

Isaiah 9:15
Ang matanda at ang marangal na tao, siyang ulo; at ang propeta na nagtuturo ng mga kabulaanan, siyang buntot.

อิสยาห์ 9:15
ผู้ใหญ่และคนมีเกียรติคือหัว และผู้พยากรณ์ผู้สอนเท็จเป็นหาง

Yeşaya 9:15
Baş ileri gelen saygın kişi,
Kuyruksa öğretisi sahte olan peygamberdir.[]

EÂ-sai 9:15
(9:14) Ðầu, tức là trưởng lão và kẻ tôn trọng; đuôi, tức là người tiên tri dạy sự nói dối.

Isaiah 9:14
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