Isaiah 7:2
Isaiah 7:2
Now the house of David was told, "Aram has allied itself with Ephraim"; so the hearts of Ahaz and his people were shaken, as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

The news had come to the royal court of Judah: "Syria is allied with Israel against us!" So the hearts of the king and his people trembled with fear, like trees shaking in a storm.

When the house of David was told, “Syria is in league with Ephraim,” the heart of Ahaz and the heart of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake before the wind.

When it was reported to the house of David, saying, "The Arameans have camped in Ephraim," his heart and the hearts of his people shook as the trees of the forest shake with the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind.

When it became known to the house of David that Aram had occupied Ephraim, the heart of Ahaz and the hearts of his people trembled like trees of a forest shaking in the wind.

When it was reported to the house of David, "Aram has joined forces with Ephraim!" the heart of the people of Ahaz trembled like forest trees in a windstorm.

It was reported to the family of David, "Syria has allied with Ephraim." They and their people were emotionally shaken, just as the trees of the forest shake before the wind.

When word reached David's family that the Arameans had made an alliance with Ephraim, the hearts of the king and his people were shaken as the trees of the forest are shaken by the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved and the heart of his people as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is allied with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the forest are moved with the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart trembled, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the forest tremble with the wind.

And they told the house of David, saying: Syria hath rested upon Ephraim, and his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the woods are moved with the wind.

And it was told the house of David saying, Syria is allied with Ephraim. Then his heart and the heart of his people shook, as the trees of the forest are shaken with the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the forest are moved with the wind.

And it was told the house of David, saying, Syria is confederate with Ephraim. And his heart was moved, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the wood are moved with the wind.

It was told the house of David, saying, "Syria is allied with Ephraim." His heart trembled, and the heart of his people, as the trees of the forest tremble with the wind.

And it is declared to the house of David, saying, 'Aram hath been led towards Ephraim,' And his heart and the heart of his people is moved, like the moving of trees of a forest by the presence of wind.

Isaia 7:2
Prandaj ia referuan shtëpisë së Davidit duke thënë: "Sirët kanë ngritur kampin e tyre në Efraim". Kështu zemra e Ashazit dhe zemra e popullit të tij u drodhën, ashtu si dridhen drurët e pyllit nga era.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 7:2
وأخبر بيت داود وقيل له قد حلت ارام في افرايم. فرجف قلبه وقلوب شعبه كرجفان شجر الوعر قدام الريح.

Dyr Ieseien 7:2
Wie myn yn de Dafeter gmeldt, däß si Ärmau mit Effreim verbünddt hiet, daa gyrtatert dyr Künig zamt n Volk wie d Holzbaeum in n Wind.

Исая 7:2
И известиха на Давидовия дом, казвайки: Сирия се съюзи с Ефрема. И сърцето на [Ахаза] и сърцето на людете му се разклатиха, както горските дървета се разклащат от вятъра.

以 賽 亞 書 7:2
有 人 告 訴 大 衛 家 說 : 亞 蘭 與 以 法 蓮 已 經 同 盟 。 王 的 心 和 百 姓 的 心 就 都 跳 動 , 好 像 林 中 的 樹 被 風 吹 動 一 樣 。

有 人 告 诉 大 卫 家 说 : 亚 兰 与 以 法 莲 已 经 同 盟 。 王 的 心 和 百 姓 的 心 就 都 跳 动 , 好 像 林 中 的 树 被 风 吹 动 一 样 。



Isaiah 7:2
Tada dojaviše domu Davidovu: Aramci se utaborili u Efrajimu. Na tu vijest uzdrhta srce kraljevo i srce svega naroda, kao što u šumi drveće ustrepti od vjetra.

Izaiáše 7:2
I oznámeno jest domu Davidovu v tato slova: Spikla se země Syrská s Efraimem. Pročež pohnulo se srdce jeho, i srdce lidu jeho, tak jako se pohybuje dříví v lese od větru.

Esajas 7:2
Da det meldtes Davids Hus, at Syrerne havde lejret sig i Efraim, skjalv hans og hans Folks Hjerte, som Skovens Træer skælver for Vinden.

Jesaja 7:2
Als men den huize Davids boodschapte, zeggende: De Syriers rusten op Efraim, zo bewoog zich zijn hart en het hart zijns volks, gelijk de bomen des wouds bewogen worden van den wind.

ישעה 7:2
וַיֻּגַּ֗ד לְבֵ֤ית דָּוִד֙ לֵאמֹ֔ר נָ֥חָֽה אֲרָ֖ם עַל־אֶפְרָ֑יִם וַיָּ֤נַע לְבָבֹו֙ וּלְבַ֣ב עַמֹּ֔ו כְּנֹ֥ועַ עֲצֵי־יַ֖עַר מִפְּנֵי־רֽוּחַ׃

ב ויגד לבית דוד לאמר נחה ארם על אפרים וינע לבבו ולבב עמו כנוע עצי יער מפני רוח  {ס}

ויגד לבית דוד לאמר נחה ארם על־אפרים וינע לבבו ולבב עמו כנוע עצי־יער מפני־רוח׃

Ézsaiás 7:2
És hírül vivék a Dávid házának, mondván: Sziria Efraimmal egyesült! és megindula szíve s népének szíve, a mint megindulnak az erdõ fái a szél miatt.

Jesaja 7:2
Oni raportis al la domo de David, dirante:La Sirianoj starigxis tendare en la lando de Efraim. Tiam ektremis lia koro kaj la koro de lia popolo, kiel la arboj de arbaro tremas de vento.

Silloin sanottiin Davidin huoneelle: Syrialaiset luottavat Ephraimiin. Silloin vapisi hänen sydämensä ja hänen kansansa sydän, niinkuin puut vapisevat metsässä tuulesta.

Ésaïe 7:2
Et on rapporta à la maison de David, disant: La Syrie est venue prêter appui à Éphraïm. Et son coeur fut agité, et le coeur de son peuple, comme les arbres de la forêt, sont agités devant le vent.

On vint dire à la maison de David: Les Syriens sont campés en Ephraïm. Et le coeur d'Achaz et le coeur de son peuple furent agités, comme les arbres de la forêt sont agités par le vent.

Et on rapporta à la maison de David, en disant ; La Syrie s'est reposée sur Ephraïm. Et le cœur d'Achaz, et le cœur de son peuple fut ébranlé, comme les arbres des forêts sont ébranlés par le vent.

Jesaja 7:2
Da ward dem Hause David angesagt: Die Syrer verlassen sich auf Ephraim. Da bebete ihm das Herz und das Herz seines Volks, wie die Bäume im Walde beben vom Winde.

Da ward dem Hause David angesagt: Die Syrer haben sich gelagert in Ephraim. Da bebte ihm das Herz und das Herz seines Volkes, wie die Bäume im Walde beben vom Winde.

Als aber dem Hause Davids gemeldet wurde: die Aramäer lagern in Ephraim! da erbebte sein und seines Volkes Herz, wie die Bäume des Waldes vor dem Wind erbeben.

Isaia 7:2
E fu riferito alla casa di Davide questa notizia: "La Siria s’è confederata con Efraim". E il cuore d’Achaz e il cuore del suo popolo furono agitati, come gli alberi della foresta sono agitati dal vento.

Or ciò fu rapportato alla Casa di Davide, dicendo: La Siria si è riposata sopra Efraim. E il cuor di Achaz, e del suo popolo, fu commosso, come gli alberi di un bosco si muovono per lo vento.

Maka dikabarkan oranglah kepada orang isi istana Daud, sembahnya: Bahwa orang Syam sudah berjanji-janjian dengan orang Efrayim! Maka pada masa itu berdebarlah hati baginda dan hati segala rakyat bagindapun serta, seperti pohon kayu di hutan tergerak oleh angin.

이사야 7:2
혹이 다윗집에 고하여 가로되 아람이 에브라임과 동맹하였다 하였으므로 왕의 마음과 그 백성의 마음이 삼림이 바람에 흔들림 같이 흔들렸더라

Isaias 7:2
et nuntiaverunt domui David dicentes requievit Syria super Ephraim et commotum est cor eius et cor populi eius sicut moventur ligna silvarum a facie venti

Izaijo knyga 7:2
Kai Dovydo namams pranešė: “Sirija susidėjo su Efraimu”, karaliaus ir jo tautos širdis taip drebėjo, kaip dreba nuo vėjo miško medžiai.

Isaiah 7:2
A ka korerotia ki te whare o Rawiri, ko Hiria kei te whakapiri ki a Eparaima. Na ka kapakapa tona ngakau, me te ngakau o tona iwi, ano ko nga rakau o te ngahere e ngarue ana i te hau.

Esaias 7:2
Og det blev meldt til Davids hus: Syrerne har slått sig ned i Efra'im. Da skalv hans hjerte og hans folks hjerte, likesom trærne i en skog skjelver for vinden.

Isaías 7:2
Y se dio aviso a la casa de David, diciendo: Los arameos han acampado en Efraín. Y se estremeció el corazón del rey y el corazón de su pueblo como se estremecen los árboles del bosque ante el viento.

Cuando se dio este aviso a la casa de David: "Los Arameos han acampado en Efraín," se estremeció el corazón del rey y el corazón de su pueblo como se estremecen los árboles del bosque ante el viento.

Y vino la nueva a la casa de David, diciendo: Siria se ha confederado con Efraín. Y se le estremeció el corazón, y el corazón de su pueblo, como se estremecen los árboles del monte a causa del viento.

Y vino la nueva á la casa de David, diciendo: Siria se ha confederado con Ephraim. Y estremeciósele el corazón, y el corazón de su pueblo, como se estremecen los árboles del monte á causa del viento.

Y vino la nueva a la casa de David, diciendo: Siria se ha confederado con Efraín. Y se le estremeció el corazón, y el corazón de su pueblo, como se estremecen los árboles del monte a causa del viento.

Isaías 7:2
Um aviso foi enviado à casa de Davi de que Aram, a Síria, conseguira uma aliança com Efraim. Essa notícia fez com que os corações de Acaz e de todo o seu povo se agitassem, como as árvores da floresta agitam-se com vento forte.

Quando deram aviso à casa de Davi, dizendo: A Síria fez aliança com Efraim; ficou agitado o coração de Acaz, e o coração do seu povo, como se agitam as árvores do bosque à força do vento.   

Isaia 7:2
Cînd au venit şi au spus casei lui David: ,,Sirienii au tăbărît în Efraim!`` a tremurat inima lui Ahaz şi inima poporului său, cum se clatină copacii din pădure cînd bate vîntul.

Исаия 7:2
И было возвещено дому Давидову и сказано: Сирияне расположились в земле Ефремовой; и всколебалось сердце его и сердце народа его, как колеблются от ветра дерева в лесу.

И было возвещено дому Давидову и сказано: Сирияне расположились в земле Ефремовой; и всколебалось сердце его и сердце народа его, как колеблются от ветра дерева в лесу.[]

Jesaja 7:2
Och när det blev berättat för Davids hus att araméerna hade lägrat sig i Efraim, då skälvde hans och hans folks hjärtan, såsom skogens träd skälva för vinden.

Isaiah 7:2
At nasaysay sa sangbahayan ni David, na sinasabi, Ang Siria ay nalakip sa Ephraim. At ang puso niya'y nakilos, at ang puso ng kaniyang bayan na gaya ng mga punong kahoy sa gubat na kinilos ng hangin.

อิสยาห์ 7:2
เมื่อเขาไปบอกที่ราชสำนักของดาวิดว่า "ซีเรียเป็นพันธมิตรกับเอฟราอิมแล้ว" พระทัยของพระองค์และจิตใจของประชาชนของพระองค์ก็สั่นเหมือนต้นไม้ในป่าสั่นอยู่หน้าลม

Yeşaya 7:2
Davutun torunları Aramın Efrayimlilerle güçbirliği ettiğini duydular. Ahazla halkının yürekleri rüzgarda sallanan orman ağaçları gibi titremeye başladı.[]

EÂ-sai 7:2
Có người váo tin đó cho nhà Ða-vít, mà rằng: Sy-ri kết minh cùng Ép-ra-im. Bấy giờ A-cha và dân sự người trong lòng kinh động, như cây trên rừng bị gió day.

Isaiah 7:1
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