Isaiah 58:5
Isaiah 58:5
Is this the kind of fast I have chosen, only a day for people to humble themselves? Is it only for bowing one's head like a reed and for lying in sackcloth and ashes? Is that what you call a fast, a day acceptable to the LORD?

You humble yourselves by going through the motions of penance, bowing your heads like reeds bending in the wind. You dress in burlap and cover yourselves with ashes. Is this what you call fasting? Do you really think this will please the LORD?

Is such the fast that I choose, a day for a person to humble himself? Is it to bow down his head like a reed, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Will you call this a fast, and a day acceptable to the LORD?

"Is it a fast like this which I choose, a day for a man to humble himself? Is it for bowing one's head like a reed And for spreading out sackcloth and ashes as a bed? Will you call this a fast, even an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Will the fast I choose be like this: A day for a person to deny himself, to bow his head like a reed, and to spread out sackcloth and ashes? Will you call this a fast and a day acceptable to the LORD?

"Is this the kind of fast that I have chosen, merely a day for a person to humble himself? Is it merely for bowing down one's head like a bulrush, for lying on sackcloth and ashes? Is this what you call a fast, an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is this really the kind of fasting I want? Do I want a day when people merely humble themselves, bowing their heads like a reed and stretching out on sackcloth and ashes? Is this really what you call a fast, a day that is pleasing to the LORD?

Is this the kind of fasting I have chosen? Should people humble themselves for [only] a day? Is fasting just bowing your head like a cattail and making your bed from sackcloth and ashes? Is this what you call fasting? Is this an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? will you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? will you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is such the fast that I have chosen? the day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a rush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to Jehovah?

Is this such a fast as I have chosen: for a man to afflict his soul for a day? is this it, to wind his head about like a circle, and to spread sackcloth and ashes? wilt thou call this a fast, and a day acceptable to the Lord?

Is such the fast that I have chosen, a day for a man to afflict his soul, that he should bow down his head as a bulrush, and spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Wilt thou call this a fast, and a day acceptable to Jehovah?

Is such the fast that I have chosen? the day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a rush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD?

Is such the fast that I have chosen? the day for a man to afflict his soul? Is it to bow down his head as a rush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? Will you call this a fast, and an acceptable day to Yahweh?

Like this is the fast that I choose? The day of a man's afflicting his soul? To bow as a reed his head, And sackcloth and ashes spread out? This dost thou call a fast, And a desirable day -- to Jehovah?

Isaia 58:5
A është ky agjërimi të cilin e pëlqej, dita në të cilën njeriu pikëllon shpirtin e tij? Të përkulësh kokën si xunkthi dhe të shtrihesh mbi një shtrat prej thesi dhe hiri? A e quan këtë vallë agjërim dhe ditë që i pëlqen Zotit?

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 58:5
امثل هذا يكون صوم اختاره. يوما يذلل الانسان فيه نفسه يحني كالاسلة راسه ويفرش تحته مسحا ورمادا. هل تسمي هذا صوما ويوما مقبولا للرب.

Dyr Ieseien 58:5
Sollt dös gfastt sein, yso wie s i mag, däß myn grad d Ledschn höngen laasst wie ayn Bimaiss, und däß myn in Sak und Aschn umaynandlaaufft? Und dös wär für di ayn Fasttag, der wo yn n +Trechtein recht ist?

Исая 58:5
Такъв ли е постът, който Аз съм избрал,- Ден, в който [трябваше] човек да смирява душата си? Значи ли да навежда човек главата си като тръстика, И да си постила вретище и пепел? Това ли ще наречеш пост и ден угоден на Господа?

以 賽 亞 書 58:5
這 樣 禁 食 豈 是 我 所 揀 選 、 使 人 刻 苦 己 心 的 日 子 麼 ? 豈 是 叫 人 垂 頭 像 葦 子 , 用 麻 布 和 爐 灰 鋪 在 他 以 下 麼 ? 你 這 可 稱 為 禁 食 、 為 耶 和 華 所 悅 納 的 日 子 麼 ?

这 样 禁 食 岂 是 我 所 拣 选 、 使 人 刻 苦 己 心 的 日 子 麽 ? 岂 是 叫 人 垂 头 像 苇 子 , 用 麻 布 和 炉 灰 铺 在 他 以 下 麽 ? 你 这 可 称 为 禁 食 、 为 耶 和 华 所 悦 纳 的 日 子 麽 ?



Isaiah 58:5
Zar je meni takav post po volji u dan kad se čovjek trapi? Spuštati kao rogoz glavu k zemlji, sterati poda se kostrijet i pepeo, hoćeš li to zvati postom i danom ugodnim Jahvi?

Izaiáše 58:5
Zdaliž to jest takový půst, jakýž oblibuji, a den, v němž by trápil člověk duši svou? Zdali, aby svěsil jako třtina hlavu svou, a podstíral žíni a popel? To-liž nazůveš postem a dnem vzácným Hospodinu?

Esajas 58:5
Er det Faste efter mit Sind, en Dag, da et Menneske spæger sig? At hænge med sit Hoved som Siv, at ligge i Sæk og Aske, kalder du det for Faste, en Dag, der behager HERREN?

Jesaja 58:5
Zou het zulk een vasten zijn, dat Ik verkiezen zou, dat de mens zijn ziel een dag kwelle, dat hij zijn hoofd kromme gelijk een bieze, en een zak en as onder zich spreide? Zoudt gij dat een vasten heten, en een dag den HEERE aangenaam?

ישעה 58:5
הֲכָזֶ֗ה יִֽהְיֶה֙ צֹ֣ום אֶבְחָרֵ֔הוּ יֹ֛ום עַנֹּ֥ות אָדָ֖ם נַפְשֹׁ֑ו הֲלָכֹ֨ף כְּאַגְמֹ֜ן רֹאשֹׁ֗ו וְשַׂ֤ק וָאֵ֙פֶר֙ יַצִּ֔יעַ הֲלָזֶה֙ תִּקְרָא־צֹ֔ום וְיֹ֥ום רָצֹ֖ון לַיהוָֽה׃

ה הכזה יהיה צום אבחרהו--יום ענות אדם נפשו הלכף כאגמן ראשו ושק ואפר יציע--הלזה תקרא צום ויום רצון ליהוה

הכזה יהיה צום אבחרהו יום ענות אדם נפשו הלכף כאגמן ראשו ושק ואפר יציע הלזה תקרא־צום ויום רצון ליהוה׃

Ézsaiás 58:5
Hát ilyen a bõjt, a melyet én kedvelek, [és olyan] a nap, a melyen az ember lelkét gyötri? Avagy ha mint káka lehajtja fejét, és zsákot és hamvat terít maga alá: ezt nevezed-é bõjtnek és az Úr elõtt kedves napnak?

Jesaja 58:5
CXu tia estas fasto, kiu placxas al Mi, kiam homo turmentas sian animon, klinas sian kapon kiel kanon, kaj sternas sub si sakajxon kaj cindron? cxu tion vi nomas fasto kaj tago placxanta al la Eternulo?

Pitäiskö se oleman senkaltainen paasto, jonka minä valitsen: että ihminen ruumistansa päivällä vaivaa eli kallistaa päänsä niinkuin kaisla, taikka säkissä eli tuhassa makaa, senkö te paastoksi kutsutte, ja Herran otolliseksi päiväksi?

Ésaïe 58:5
Est-ce un jeûne comme celui-là que j'ai choisi, un jour où un homme afflige son âme? Courber sa tête comme un roseau, et étendre sous soi le sac et la cendre, appelleras-tu cela un jeûne, et un jour agréable à l'Éternel?

Est-ce là le jeûne auquel je prends plaisir, Un jour où l'homme humilie son âme? Courber la tête comme un jonc, Et se coucher sur le sac et la cendre, Est-ce là ce que tu appelleras un jeûne, Un jour agréable à l'Eternel?

Est-ce là le jeûne que j'ai choisi, que l'homme afflige son âme un jour? [Est-ce] en courbant sa tête comme le jonc, et en étendant le sac et la cendre? appelleras-tu cela un jeûne, et un jour agréable à l'Eternel?

Jesaja 58:5
Sollte das ein Fasten sein, das ich erwählen soll, daß ein Mensch seinem Leibe des Tages übel tue, oder seinen Kopf hänge wie ein Schilf, oder auf einem Sack und in der Asche liege? Wollt ihr das ein Fasten nennen und einen Tag dem HERRN angenehm?

Sollte das ein Fasten sein, das ich erwählen soll, daß ein Mensch seinem Leibe des Tages übel tue oder seinen Kopf hänge wie ein Schilf oder auf einem Sack und in der Asche liege? Wollt ihr das ein Fasten nennen und einen Tag, dem HERRN angenehm?

Kann etwa derartig ein Fasten sein, wie ich es haben will: ein Tag, an dem der Mensch sich kasteit? daß einer der Binse gleich seinen Kopf niederbeugt und Sack und Asche unterbreitet - kannst du das ein Fasten nennen und einen Tag des Wohlgefallens für Jahwe?

Isaia 58:5
E’ questo il digiuno di cui io mi compiaccio? il giorno in cui l’uomo affligge l’anima sua? Curvar la testa come un giunco, sdraiarsi sul sacco e sulla cenere, è egli questo che tu chiami un digiuno, un giorno accetto all’Eterno?

Il digiuno che io approvo, e il giorno che l’uomo deve affliggere l’anima sua è egli tale? nominerai tu questo digiuno, e giorno accettevole al Signore, che l’uomo chini il capo come un giunco, e si corichi nel cilicio, e nella cenere?

Adakah puasa begini macam yang Kukehendaki, bahwa manusia mempersakiti jiwanya barang sehari lamanya, dan ditunduknya kepalanya selaku kercut dan dikenakannya kepada tubuhnya kain karung dan abu? Bolehkah yang demikian kamu katakan puasa dan hari yang memperkenankan Tuhan?

이사야 58:5
이것이 어찌 나의 기뻐하는 금식이 되겠으며 이것이 어찌 사람이 그 마음을 괴롭게 하는 날이 되겠느냐 그 머리를 갈대 같이 숙이고 굵은 베와 재를 펴는 것을 어찌 금식이라 하겠으며 여호와께 열납될 날이라 하겠느냐

Isaias 58:5
numquid tale est ieiunium quod elegi per diem adfligere hominem animam suam numquid contorquere quasi circulum caput suum et saccum et cinerem sternere numquid istud vocabis ieiunium et diem acceptabilem Domino

Izaijo knyga 58:5
Ar tai pasninkas, kokį Aš pasirinkau, kad žmogus vargintų per dieną savo sielą, nulenktų galvą kaip nendrę, klotų po savimi ašutinę ir pasibarstytų pelenų? Ir tai jūs vadinate pasninku, Viešpačiui priimtina diena?

Isaiah 58:5
Ko taku nohopuku ianei tenei i whiriwhiri ai? he ra e whakapouri ai te tangata i tona wairua? He tuohu koia no te mahunga o te tangata, ano he kakaho? he whariki i te kakahu taratara, i te pungarehu, ki raro i a ia? E kiia ranei tenei e koe he no hopuku, he ra e manakohia ana e Ihowa?

Esaias 58:5
Er dette den faste jeg finner behag i, en dag da et menneske plager sin sjel? At en bøier sitt hode som et siv og reder sin seng i sekk og aske - kaller du det en faste og en dag som behager Herren?

Isaías 58:5
¿Es ése el ayuno que yo escogí para que un día se humille el hombre? ¿Es acaso para que incline su cabeza como un junco, y para que se acueste en cilicio y ceniza? ¿Llamaréis a esto ayuno y día acepto al SEÑOR?

¿Es ése el ayuno que Yo escogí para que un día se humille el hombre? ¿Es acaso para que incline su cabeza como un junco, Y para que se acueste en cilicio y ceniza? ¿Llamarán a esto ayuno y día acepto al SEÑOR?

¿Es tal el ayuno que yo escogí, que de día aflija el hombre su alma, que encorve su cabeza como junco, y haga cama de cilicio y de ceniza? ¿Llamaréis a esto ayuno y día agradable a Jehová?

¿Es tal el ayuno que yo escogí, que de día aflija el hombre su alma, que encorve su cabeza como junco, y haga cama de saco y de ceniza? ¿Llamaréis esto ayuno, y día agradable á Jehová?

¿Es tal el ayuno que yo escogí? ¿Para que el hombre aflija su alma? ¿Que encorve su cabeza, como junco; y haga cama de cilicio y de ceniza? ¿Llamaréis esto ayuno, y día agradable al SEÑOR?

Isaías 58:5
Porventura foi esse o jejum que idealizei? Apenas um dia separado para que o ser humano pareça contrito, incline a cabeça como o junco no brejo e se deite sobre pano de saco e cinzas em sinal de grande lamento? Ora, é isso que chamas jejum e dia agradável a Yahweh?

Seria esse o jejum que eu escolhi? o dia em que o homem aflija a sua alma? Consiste porventura, em inclinar o homem a cabeça como junco e em estender debaixo de si saco e cinza? chamarias tu a isso jejum e dia aceitável ao Senhor?   

Isaia 58:5
Oare aceasta este postul plăcut Mie: să-şi chinuiască omul sufletul o zi? Să-şi plece capul ca un pipirig, şi să se culce pe sac şi cenuşă? Acesta numeşti tu post şi zi plăcută Domnului?

Исаия 58:5
Таков ли тот пост, который Я избрал, день, в который томит человек душу свою, когда гнет голову свою, как тростник, и подстилает под себя рубище и пепел? Это ли назовешь постом и днем, угодным Господу?

Таков ли тот пост, который Я избрал, день, в который томит человек душу свою, когда гнет голову свою, как тростник, и подстилает под себя рубище и пепел? Это ли назовешь постом и днем, угодным Господу?[]

Jesaja 58:5
Skulle detta vara en fasta, sådan som jag vill hava? Skulle detta vara en rätt späkningsdag? Att man hänger med huvudet såsom ett sävstrå och sätter sig i säck och aska, vill du kalla sådant att hålla fasta, att fira en dag till HERRENS behag?

Isaiah 58:5
Iyan baga ang ayuno na aking pinili? ang araw na pagdadalamhatiin ng tao ang kaniyang kaluluwa? Ang iyuko ang kaniyang ulo na parang yantok, at maglatag ng magaspang na kayo at abo sa ilalim niya? iyo bang tatawagin ito na ayuno, at kalugodlugod na araw sa Panginoon?

อิสยาห์ 58:5
อย่างนี้หรือเป็นการอดอาหารที่เราเลือก คือวันที่คนข่มตัว การก้มศีรษะของเขาลงเหมือนอ้อเล็ก และปูผ้ากระสอบและขี้เถ้ารองใต้เขา อย่างนี้หรือเจ้าจะเรียกการอย่างนี้ว่าการอดอาหาร และเป็นวันที่พระเยโฮวาห์โปรดปรานอย่างนั้นหรือ

Yeşaya 58:5
İstediğim oruç bu mu sanıyorsunuz?
İnsanın isteklerini denetlemesi gereken gün böyle mi olmalı?
Kamış gibi baş eğip çul ve kül üzerine mi oturmalı?
Siz buna mı oruç, RABbi hoşnut eden gün diyorsunuz?[]

EÂ-sai 58:5
Ðó há phải là sự kiêng ăn mà ta chọn lựa, há phải là ngày người ta dằn lòng mình đâu? Cúi đầu như cây sậy, nằm trên bao gai và trên tro, đó há phải điều ngươi gọi là kiêng ăn, là ngày đẹp lòng Ðức Giê-hô-va sao?

Isaiah 58:4
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