Isaiah 58:4
Isaiah 58:4
Your fasting ends in quarreling and strife, and in striking each other with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and expect your voice to be heard on high.

What good is fasting when you keep on fighting and quarreling? This kind of fasting will never get you anywhere with me.

Behold, you fast only to quarrel and to fight and to hit with a wicked fist. Fasting like yours this day will not make your voice to be heard on high.

"Behold, you fast for contention and strife and to strike with a wicked fist. You do not fast like you do today to make your voice heard on high.

Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

You fast with contention and strife to strike viciously with your fist. You cannot fast as you do today, hoping to make your voice heard on high.

"Look! You fast only for quarreling, and for fighting, and for hitting with wicked fists. You cannot fast as you do today and have your voice heard on high.

Look, your fasting is accompanied by arguments, brawls, and fistfights. Do not fast as you do today, trying to make your voice heard in heaven.

Don't you see that when you fast, you quarrel and fight and beat your workers? The way you fast today keeps you from being heard in heaven.

Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day to make your voice to be heard on high.

Behold, you fast for strife and debate, and to strike with the fist of wickedness: you shall not fast as you do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

Behold, you fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: you shall not fast as you do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

Behold, ye fast for strife and contention, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye fast not this day so as to make your voice to be heard on high.

Behold you fast for debates and strife. and strike with the fist wickedly. Do not fast as you have done until this day, to make your cry to be heard on high.

Behold, ye have fasted for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness; ye do not at present fast, to cause your voice to be heard on high.

Behold, ye fast for strife and contention, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye fast not this day so as to make your voice to be heard on high.

Behold, ye fast for strife and debate, and to smite with the fist of wickedness: ye shall not fast as ye do this day, to make your voice to be heard on high.

Behold, you fast for strife and contention, and to strike with the fist of wickedness: you don't fast this day so as to make your voice to be heard on high.

Lo, for strife and debate ye fast, And to smite with the fist of wickedness, Ye fast not as to -day, To sound in the high place your voice.

Isaia 58:4
Ja, ju agjëroni për grindje dhe mosmarrëveshje dhe për të goditur pabesisht me grusht. Duke agjëruar ashtu si bëni sot, nuk bëni që zëri juaj të dëgjohet lart.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 58:4
ها انكم للخصومة والنزاع تصومون ولتضربوا بلكمة الشر. لستم تصومون كما اليوم لتسميع صوتكم في العلاء.

Dyr Ieseien 58:4
Obwolß fasttß, streittß und zanggtß und fangtß gar s Raauffen an. Mit dönn, wasß +ös fastn nenntß, richttß eyn n Himml obn +gar nix aus.

Исая 58:4
Ето, вие постите за да се препирате и карате, И за да биете нечестиво с пестници; Днес не постите така Щото да се чуе горе гласът ви.

以 賽 亞 書 58:4
你 們 禁 食 , 卻 互 相 爭 競 , 以 凶 惡 的 拳 頭 打 人 。 你 們 今 日 禁 食 , 不 得 使 你 們 的 聲 音 聽 聞 於 上 。

你 们 禁 食 , 却 互 相 争 竞 , 以 凶 恶 的 拳 头 打 人 。 你 们 今 日 禁 食 , 不 得 使 你 们 的 声 音 听 闻 於 上 。



Isaiah 58:4
Gle, vi postite da se prepirete i svađate i da pesnicom bijete siromahe. Ne postite više kao danas, i čut će vam se glas u visini!

Izaiáše 58:4
Aj, k sváru a různici se postíváte, a abyste bili pěstí nemilostivě; nepostíte se tak dnů těch, aby slyšán byl na výsosti hlas váš.

Esajas 58:4
Se, I faster til Strid og Kiv, til Hug med gudløse Næver; som I faster i Dag, er det ikke, for at eders Røst skal høres i det høje.

Jesaja 58:4
Ziet, tot twist en gekijf vast gijlieden, en om goddelooslijk met de vuist te slaan; vast niet gelijk heden, om uw stem te doen horen in de hoogte.

ישעה 58:4
הֵ֣ן לְרִ֤יב וּמַצָּה֙ תָּצ֔וּמוּ וּלְהַכֹּ֖ות בְּאֶגְרֹ֣ף רֶ֑שַׁע לֹא־תָצ֣וּמוּ כַיֹּ֔ום לְהַשְׁמִ֥יעַ בַּמָּרֹ֖ום קֹולְכֶֽם׃

ד הן לריב ומצה תצומו ולהכות באגרף רשע לא תצומו כיום להשמיע במרום קולכם

הן לריב ומצה תצומו ולהכות באגרף רשע לא־תצומו כיום להשמיע במרום קולכם׃

Ézsaiás 58:4
Ímé perrel és versengéssel bõjtöltök, és sújtotok a gazságnak öklével; nem úgy bõjtöltök mostan, hogy meghallassék szavatok a magasságban.

Jesaja 58:4
Jen vi fastas por kverelo kaj malpaco, kaj por bati per malpia pugno; kiel nun, vi ne fastas tiel, ke en la alteco estu auxdata via vocxo.

Katso, te paastotte toraksi ja riidaksi, pieksätte rusikalla jumalattomasti. Älkäät paastotko niinkuin te nyt teette, että teidän parkunne kuuluu korkeuteen.

Ésaïe 58:4
Voici, vous jeûnez pour contester et quereller, et pour frapper d'un poing méchant. Vous ne jeûnez pas maintenant, pour faire entendre votre voix en haut.

Voici, vous jeûnez pour disputer et vous quereller, Pour frapper méchamment du poing; Vous ne jeûnez pas comme le veut ce jour, Pour que votre voix soit entendue en haut.

Voici, vous jeûnez pour faire des procès et des querelles, et pour frapper du poing méchamment; vous ne jeûnez point comme ce jour [le requerrait] afin de faire que votre voix soit exaucée d'en haut.

Jesaja 58:4
Siehe, ihr fastet, daß ihr hadert, und zanket und schlaget mit der Faust ungöttlich. Fastet nicht also, wie ihr jetzt tut, daß ein Geschrei von euch in der Höhe gehöret wird.

Siehe, ihr fastet, daß ihr hadert und zanket und schlaget mit gottloser Faust. Wie ihr jetzt tut, fastet ihr nicht also, daß eure Stimme in der Höhe gehört würde.

Fastet ihr doch zu Streit und Zank und zum Zuschlagen mit roher Faust; nicht fastet ihr gegenwärtig, um eurem Flehen droben Gehör zu verschaffen.

Isaia 58:4
Ecco, voi digiunate per litigare, per questionare, e percuotere empiamente col pugno; oggi, voi non digiunate in modo da far ascoltare la vostra voce in alto.

Ecco, voi digiunate a liti, ed a contese, e per percuotere empiamente col pugno; non digiunate più come fate oggi, se voi volete che la vostra voce sia esaudita da alto.

Bahwasanya kamu berpuasa hendak berbantah-bantah dan berkelahi dan bergocoh-gocoh dengan amarah; adapun puasa seperti yang kamu buat sekarang ini tiada boleh menyampaikan bunyi serumu kepada tempat yang tinggi itu.

이사야 58:4
보라, 너희가 금식하면서 다투며 싸우며 악한 주먹으로 치는도다 너희의 오늘 금식하는 것은 너희 목소리로 상달케 하려 하는 것이 아니라

Isaias 58:4
ecce ad lites et contentiones ieiunatis et percutitis pugno impie nolite ieiunare sicut usque ad hanc diem ut audiatur in excelso clamor vester

Izaijo knyga 58:4
Jūs pasninkaujate dėl vaidų ir kivirčų, smogiate nedorybės kumščiu. Jūs nepasninkaujate šiandien taip, kad jūsų balsas būtų išgirstas aukštybėse.

Isaiah 58:4
Nana, ko ta koutou nohopuku, hei mea totohe, hei mea ngangare, kia moto ai ki te ringa o te kino: kahore koutou i nohopuku i tenei ra hei mea kia rangona ai to koutou reo i runga.

Esaias 58:4
Se, for å kives og strides faster I, og for å slå med ugudelighets neve; I faster ikke nu således at eders røst kan høres i det høie.

Isaías 58:4
He aquí, ayunáis para contiendas y riñas, y para herir con un puño malvado. No ayunéis como hoy, para que se oiga en lo alto vuestra voz.

Ayunan para discusiones y riñas, Y para herir con un puño malvado. No ayunen como hoy, Para que se oiga en lo alto su voz.

He aquí que para contiendas y debates ayunáis, y para herir con el puño inicuamente; no ayunéis como hoy, para que vuestra voz sea oída en lo alto.

He aquí que para contiendas y debates ayunáis, y para herir con el puño inicuamente; no ayunéis como hoy, para que vuestra voz sea oída en lo alto.

He aquí que para contiendas y debates ayunáis, y para herir con el puño inicuamente. No ayunéis como hasta aquí, para que vuestra voz sea oída en lo alto.

Isaías 58:4
Ora, o motivo está em que o vosso jejum sempre termina em discussão e rixa; em brigas violentas, com socos e outras brutalidades. Não é possível que continues a jejuar deste modo e ainda espereis que a vossa voz venha a ser ouvida nos altos céus.

Eis que para contendas e rixas jejuais, e para ferirdes com punho iníquo! Jejuando vós assim como hoje, a vossa voz não se fara ouvir no alto.   

Isaia 58:4
Iată, postiţi ca să vă ciorovăiţi şi să vă certaţi, ca să bateţi răutăcios cu pumnul; nu postiţi cum cere ziua aceea, ca să vi se audă strigătul sus.

Исаия 58:4
Вот, вы поститесь для ссор и распрей и для того, чтобы дерзкою рукою бить других; вы не поститесь в это время так, чтобы голос ваш был услышан на высоте.

Вот, вы поститесь для ссор и распрей и для того, чтобы дерзкою рукою бить других; вы не поститесь в это время так, чтобы голос ваш был услышан на высоте.[]

Jesaja 58:4
Och se, I hållen eder fasta med kiv och split, med hugg och slag av gudlösa nävar. I hållen icke mer fasta på sådant sätt, att I kunnen göra eder röst hörd i höjden.

Isaiah 58:4
Narito, kayo'y nangagaayuno para sa pakikipagkaalit at pakikipagtalo, at upang manakit ng suntok ng kasamaan: hindi kayo nangagaayuno sa araw na ito, upang inyong iparinig ang inyong tinig sa itaas.

อิสยาห์ 58:4
ดูเถิด เจ้าอดอาหารเพียงเพื่อวิวาทและต่อสู้ และเพื่อต่อยด้วยหมัดชั่วร้าย การอดอาหารอย่างของเจ้าในวันนี้จะไม่กระทำให้เสียงของเจ้าได้ยินไปถึงที่สูง

Yeşaya 58:4
Orucunuz kavgayla, çekişmeyle,
Şiddetli yumruklaşmayla bitiyor.
Bugünkü gibi oruç tutmakla
Sesinizi yükseklere duyuramazsınız.[]

EÂ-sai 58:4
Thật, các ngươi kiêng ăn để tìm sự cãi cọ tranh cạnh, đến nỗi nắm tay đánh nhau cộc cằn; các ngươi kiêng ăn trong ngày như vậy, thì tiếng các ngươi chẳng được nghe thấu nơi cao.

Isaiah 58:3
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