Isaiah 58:3
Isaiah 58:3
Why have we fasted,' they say, 'and you have not seen it? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you have not noticed?' "Yet on the day of your fasting, you do as you please and exploit all your workers.

We have fasted before you!' they say. 'Why aren't you impressed? We have been very hard on ourselves, and you don't even notice it!' "I will tell you why!" I respond. "It's because you are fasting to please yourselves. Even while you fast, you keep oppressing your workers.

‘Why have we fasted, and you see it not? Why have we humbled ourselves, and you take no knowledge of it?’ Behold, in the day of your fast you seek your own pleasure, and oppress all your workers.

Why have we fasted and You do not see? Why have we humbled ourselves and You do not notice?' Behold, on the day of your fast you find your desire, And drive hard all your workers.

Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labours.

Why have we fasted, but You have not seen? We have denied ourselves, but You haven't noticed!"" Look, you do as you please on the day of your fast, and oppress all your workers.

Why have we fasted,' they ask, 'but you do not see? 'Why have we humbled ourselves,' they ask, 'but you take no notice?'" "Look! On your fast day you serve your own interest and oppress all your workers.

They lament, 'Why don't you notice when we fast? Why don't you pay attention when we humble ourselves?' Look, at the same time you fast, you satisfy your selfish desires, you oppress your workers.

Why have we fasted if you are not aware of it? Why have we inflicted pain on ourselves if you don't pay attention? Don't you see that on the days you fast, you do what you want to do? You mistreat all your workers.

Why have we fasted, they say, and thou dost not see? why have we afflicted our soul, and thou dost take no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find your own pleasure and exact your own estates.

Why have we fasted, they say, and you see not? why have we afflicted our soul, and you take no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exploit all your laborers.

Why have we fasted, say they, and you see not? why have we afflicted our soul, and you take no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labors.

Wherefore have we fasted,'say they , and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find your own pleasure, and exact all your labors.

Why have we fasted, and thou hast not regarded: have we humbled our souls, and thou hast not taken notice? Behold in the day of your fast your own will is found, and you exact of all your debtors.

Wherefore have we fasted, and thou seest not; have afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find what pleaseth you, and exact all your labours.

Wherefore have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? wherefore have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find your own pleasure, and exact all your labours.

Why have we fasted, say they, and thou seest not? why have we afflicted our soul, and thou takest no knowledge? Behold, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, and exact all your labors.

'Why have we fasted,' [say they], 'and you don't see? [why] have we afflicted our soul, and you take no knowledge?' "Behold, in the day of your fast you find pleasure, and exact all your labors.

'Why have we fasted, and Thou hast not seen? We have afflicted our soul, and Thou knowest not.' Lo, in the day of your fast ye find pleasure, And all your labours ye exact.

Isaia 58:3
Ata thonë: "Pse kemi agjëruar, dhe ti nuk e ke parë? Pse kemi hidhëruar shpirtërat tona dhe ti nuk e ke vënë re?". Ja, ditën e agjërimit tuaj ju bëni atë që ju pëlqen dhe i detyroni punëtorët tuaj të kryejnë një punë të rëndë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 58:3
يقولون لماذا صمنا ولم تنظر. ذللنا انفسنا ولم تلاحظ . ‎ ها انكم في يوم صومكم توجدون مسرة وبكل اشغالكم تسخرون.

Dyr Ieseien 58:3
Daa fraagnd s: "Zwö fast myr n überhaaupt, wenn dös bei dir nit dyrkennt ist; zwö büess myr n aigntlich, wennst du nit drauf achtst?" Ä gee, wenntß fasttß, tuetß +dennert, wasß gern tuetß; und enkerne Arechter laasstß eerst +recht gscheid eyn d Arecht einhin!

Исая 58:3
Защо постихме, [казват], а Ти не виждаш? [Защо] смирихме душата си, а Ти не внимаваш? Ето, в деня на постите си вие се предавате на [своите си] удоволствия, И изисквате [да ви се вършат] всичките ви работи.

以 賽 亞 書 58:3
他 們 說 : 我 們 禁 食 , 你 為 何 不 看 見 呢 ? 我 們 刻 苦 己 心 , 你 為 何 不 理 會 呢 ? 看 哪 , 你 們 禁 食 的 日 子 仍 求 利 益 , 勒 逼 人 為 你 們 做 苦 工 。

他 们 说 : 我 们 禁 食 , 你 为 何 不 看 见 呢 ? 我 们 刻 苦 己 心 , 你 为 何 不 理 会 呢 ? 看 哪 , 你 们 禁 食 的 日 子 仍 求 利 益 , 勒 逼 人 为 你 们 做 苦 工 。



Isaiah 58:3
Zašto postimo ako ti ne vidiš, zašto se trapimo ako ti ne znaš? Gle, u dan kad postite poslove nalazite i na posao gonite radnike svoje.

Izaiáše 58:3
A říkají: Proč se postíváme, poněvadž nepatříš? Trápíváme duše své, a nechceš věděti o tom? Aj, v den postu vašeho líbost provodíte, a ke všem robotám svým přísně doháníte.

Esajas 58:3
»Hvi faster vi, uden du ser os, spæger os, uden du ænser det?« Se, I driver Handel, naar I faster, og pisker paa Arbejdsflokken.

Jesaja 58:3
Zeggende: Waarom vasten wij, en Gij ziet het niet aan, waarom kwellen wij onze ziel, en Gij weet het niet? Ziet, ten dage, wanneer gijlieden vast, zo vindt gij uw lust, en gij eist gestrengelijk al uw arbeid.

ישעה 58:3
לָ֤מָּה צַּ֙מְנוּ֙ וְלֹ֣א רָאִ֔יתָ עִנִּ֥ינוּ נַפְשֵׁ֖נוּ וְלֹ֣א תֵדָ֑ע הֵ֣ן בְּיֹ֤ום צֹֽמְכֶם֙ תִּמְצְאוּ־חֵ֔פֶץ וְכָל־עַצְּבֵיכֶ֖ם תִּנְגֹּֽשׂוּ׃

ג למה צמנו ולא ראית ענינו נפשנו ולא תדע הן ביום צמכם תמצאו חפץ וכל עצביכם תנגשו

למה צמנו ולא ראית ענינו נפשנו ולא תדע הן ביום צמכם תמצאו־חפץ וכל־עצביכם תנגשו׃

Ézsaiás 58:3
Mért bõjtölünk és Te nem nézed, gyötörjük lelkünket és Te nem tudod? Ímé, bõjtöléstek napján kedvtelésteket ûzitek, és minden robotosaitokat szorongatjátok.

Jesaja 58:3
Kial ni fastas, kaj Vi ne vidas? turmentas nian animon, kaj Vi ne scias? Sed jen en la tago de via fastado vi plenumas viajn dezirojn, kaj cxiujn viajn laborantojn vi premas per postuloj.

Miksi me paastoamme, ja et sinä sitä katso? miksi me ruumistamme vaivaamme, ja et sinä sitä tahdo tietää? Katso, kuin te paastootte, niin te teette teidän tahtonne, ja vaaditte kaikkia teidän velvollisianne.

Ésaïe 58:3
Pourquoi avons-nous jeûné, et tu ne l'as pas vu? et avons-nous affligé nos âmes, et tu ne le sais pas? Voici, au jour de vos jeûnes, vous cherchez votre plaisir, et vous exigez durement tous les travaux qui vous sont dus.

Que nous sert de jeûner, si tu ne le vois pas? De mortifier notre âme, si tu n'y as point égard? -Voici, le jour de votre jeûne, vous vous livrez à vos penchants, Et vous traitez durement tous vos mercenaires.

Pourquoi avons-nous jeûné, et tu n'y as point eu d'égard? pourquoi avons-nous affligé nos âmes, et tu ne t'en es point soucié? Voici, au jour de votre jeûne vous trouvez votre volonté, et vous exigez tout ce en quoi vous tourmentez les autres.

Jesaja 58:3
Warum fasten wir, und du siehest es nicht an? Warum tun wir unserm Leibe wehe, und du willst es nicht wissen? Siehe, wenn ihr fastet, so übet ihr euren Willen und treibet alle eure Schuldiger.

Warum fasten wir, und du siehst es nicht an? Warum tun wir unserm Leibe wehe, und du willst's nicht wissen? Siehe, wenn ihr fastet, so übt ihr doch euren Willen und treibt alle eure Arbeiter.

"Warum haben wir gefastet, ohne daß du es sahst, uns kasteit, ohne daß du es merktest?" Nehmt ihr doch an eurem Fasttage Geschäfte vor und drängt alle eure Arbeiter!

Isaia 58:3
Perché, dicono essi, quando abbiam digiunato, non ci hai tu avuto riguardo? "Perché quando abbiamo afflitte le anime nostre, non v’hai tu posto mente?" Ecco, nel giorno del vostro digiuno voi fate i vostri affari, ed esigete che sian fatti tutti i vostri lavori.

Poi dicono: Perchè abbiamo digiunato e tu non vi hai avuto riguardo? perchè abbiamo afflitte le anime nostre, e tu non vi hai posta mente? Ecco nel giorno del vostro digiuno, voi trovate del diletto, e riscotete tutte le vostre rendite.

Katanya: Mengapa kami berpuasa maka tiada Engkau melihatnya; kami memenatkan jiwa kami, maka tiada Engkau mengetahuinya? Bahwasanya pada hari kamu berpuasa, maka kamu memuaskan nafsumu; adapun barang yang dalamnya kamu mempersakiti dirimu, ia itu kamu tanggungkan atas dirimu sendiri juga.

이사야 58:3
이르기를 우리가 금식하되 주께서 보지 아니하심은 어찜이오며 우리가 마음을 괴롭게 하되 주께서 알아주지 아니하심은 어찜이니이까 하느니라 보라 너희가 금식하는 날에 오락을 찾아 얻으며 온갖 일을 시키는도다

Isaias 58:3
quare ieiunavimus et non aspexisti humiliavimus animam nostram et nescisti ecce in die ieiunii vestri invenitur voluntas et omnes debitores vestros repetitis

Izaijo knyga 58:3
‘Kodėl mums pasninkaujant, Tu nematai? Kodėl mums varginant savo sielas, Tu nepaisai?’ Pasninko dieną jūs ieškote malonumų ir išnaudojate savo darbininkus.

Isaiah 58:3
Ko ta ratou ki, he aha matou i nohopuku ai, a kahore koe e titiro mai? he aha matou i whakapouri ai i o matou wairua, te mohio mai koe? Nana, i te ra e nohopuku ai koutou e kitea ana e koutou te ahuareka mo koutou ano; e akiakina ana hoki e kouto u a koutou whakamauiui katoa.

Esaias 58:3
Hvorfor* faster vi, og du ser det ikke? Hvorfor plager vi vår sjel, og du akter ikke på det? - Se, på den dag I faster, gjør I eders gjerning, og alle eders arbeidere plager I.

Isaías 58:3
Dicen: ``¿Por qué hemos ayunado, y tú no lo ves? ¿ Por qué nos hemos humillado, y tú no haces caso? He aquí, en el día de vuestro ayuno buscáis vuestra conveniencia y oprimís a todos vuestros trabajadores.

Dicen: '¿Por qué hemos ayunado, y Tú no lo ves? ¿Por qué nos hemos humillado, y Tú no haces caso?' Pero en el día de su ayuno buscan su conveniencia Y oprimen a todos sus trabajadores.

Dicen: ¿Por qué ayunamos, y tú no lo ves? ¿Por qué humillamos nuestras almas, y tú no te das por entendido? He aquí que en el día de vuestro ayuno halláis placer, y oprimís a todos vuestros obreros.

¿Por qué, dicen, ayunamos, y no hiciste caso; humillamos nuestras almas, y no te diste por entendido? He aquí que en el día de vuestro ayuno halláis lo que queréis, y todos demandáis vuestras haciendas.

¿Por qué, dicen , ayunamos, y no hiciste caso? ¿Humillamos nuestras almas, y no lo supiste? He aquí que en el día de vuestro ayuno halláis lo que queréis; y todos demandáis vuestras haciendas.

Isaías 58:3
E questionam: ‘Por que jejuamos regularmente se tu não o reparas? Temos mortificado e humilhado sobremaneira as nossas almas e tu não tomas conhecimento de tudo isso?’ A razão está em que, no dia mesmo do vosso jejum, correis atrás dos vossos próprios desejos e negócios, assim como também explorais os vossos trabalhadores.

Por que temos nós jejuado, dizem eles, e tu não atentas para isso? por que temos afligido as nossas almas, e tu não o sabes? Eis que no dia em que jejuais, prosseguis nas vossas empresas, e exigis que se façam todos os vossos trabalhos.   

Isaia 58:3
,La ce ne foloseşte să postim` -zic ei-,dacă Tu nu vezi? ,La ce să ne chinuim sufletul, dacă Tu nu ţii seama de lucrul acesta?` -,Pentrucă, zice Domnul, în ziua postului vostru, vă lăsaţi în voia pornirilor voastre, şi asupriţi pe simbriaşii voştri.

Исаия 58:3
„Почему мы постимся, а Ты не видишь? смиряем души свои, а Ты не знаешь?" – Вот, в день поста вашего вы исполняете волю вашу и требуете тяжких трудов от других.

`Почему мы постимся, а Ты не видишь? смиряем души свои, а Ты не знаешь?` --Вот, в день поста вашего вы исполняете волю вашу и требуете тяжких трудов от других.[]

Jesaja 58:3
»Vartill gagnar det, att vi fasta, när du icke ser det, vartill, att vi späka oss, när du icke märker det?» Men se, på edra fastedagar sköten I edra sysslor, och alla edra arbetare driven I blott på.

Isaiah 58:3
Ano't kami ay nangagayuno, sabi nila, at hindi mo nakikita? ano't aming pinagdalamhati ang aming kaluluwa, at hindi mo napapansin? Narito, sa kaarawan ng inyong pagaayuno ay masusumpungan ninyo ang inyong sariling kalayawan, at inyong hinihingi ang lahat ninyong gawa.

อิสยาห์ 58:3
พวกเขากล่าวว่า `ทำไมข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายได้อดอาหาร และพระองค์มิได้ทอดพระเนตร ทำไมข้าพระองค์ทั้งหลายได้ถ่อมตัวลง และพระองค์มิได้ทรงสนพระทัย' ดูเถิด ในวันที่เจ้าอดอาหาร เจ้าทำตามใจของเจ้า และบีบบังคับคนงานของเจ้าทั้งหมด

Yeşaya 58:3
Diyorlar ki, ‹Oruç tuttuğumuzu neden görmüyor,
İsteklerimizi denetlediğimizi neden farketmiyorsun?› ‹‹Bakın, oruç tuttuğunuz gün keyfinize bakıyor,
İşçilerinizi eziyorsunuz.[]

EÂ-sai 58:3
mà rằng: Sao chúng tôi kiêng ăn mà Chúa chẳng đoái xem? sao chúng tôi chịu dằn lòng mà Chúa chẳng biết đến? Nầy, trong ngày các ngươi kiêng ăn, cũng cứ tìm sự đẹp ý mình, và làm khổ cho kẻ làm thuê.

Isaiah 58:2
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