Isaiah 58:2
Isaiah 58:2
For day after day they seek me out; they seem eager to know my ways, as if they were a nation that does what is right and has not forsaken the commands of its God. They ask me for just decisions and seem eager for God to come near them.

Yet they act so pious! They come to the Temple every day and seem delighted to learn all about me. They act like a righteous nation that would never abandon the laws of its God. They ask me to take action on their behalf, pretending they want to be near me.

Yet they seek me daily and delight to know my ways, as if they were a nation that did righteousness and did not forsake the judgment of their God; they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God.

"Yet they seek Me day by day and delight to know My ways, As a nation that has done righteousness And has not forsaken the ordinance of their God. They ask Me for just decisions, They delight in the nearness of God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.

They seek Me day after day and delight to know My ways, like a nation that does what is right and does not abandon the justice of their God. They ask Me for righteous judgments; they delight in the nearness of God.""

They seek me day after day, and are eager to know my ways, as if they were a nation that practices righteousness and has not forsaken the justice of their God. "They ask me to reveal just decisions; they are eager to draw near to God.

They seek me day after day; they want to know my requirements, like a nation that does what is right and does not reject the law of their God. They ask me for just decrees; they want to be near God.

They look for me every day and want to know my ways. They act as if they were a nation that has done what is right and as if they haven't disregarded God's judgment [on them]. They ask me for just decrees. They want God to be near them.

That they seek me daily and want to know my ways, as people that do righteousness and have not forsaken the rights of their God: they ask me of the rights of righteousness and desire to approach God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways: as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near unto God.

For they seek me from day to day, sad desire to know my ways, as a nation that hath done justice, and hath not forsaken the judgment of their God: they ask of me the judgments of justice: they are willing to approach to God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that doeth righteousness, and hath not forsaken the ordinance of their God; they ask of me the ordinances of righteousness, they take delight in approaching to God:

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways: as a nation that did righteousness and forsook not the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous ordinances, they delight to draw near unto God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways, as a nation that did righteousness, and forsook not the ordinance of their God: they ask of me the ordinances of justice; they take delight in approaching to God.

Yet they seek me daily, and delight to know my ways: as a nation that did righteousness, and didn't forsake the ordinance of their God, they ask of me righteous judgments; they delight to draw near to God.

Seeing -- Me day by day they seek, And the knowledge of My ways they desire, As a nation that righteousness hath done, And the judgment of its God hath not forsaken, They ask of me judgments of righteousness, The drawing near of God they desire:

Isaia 58:2
Më kërkojnë çdo ditë dhe dëshirojnë të njohin rrugët e mia, si një komb që zbaton drejtësinë dhe nuk braktis ligjin e Perëndisë të tij; më kërkojnë gjykime të drejta dhe dëshirojnë t'i afrohen Perëndisë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 58:2
واياي يطلبون يوما فيوما ويسرون بمعرفة طرقي كامّة عملت برا ولم تترك قضاء الهها. يسالونني عن احكام البر. يسرون بالتقرب الى الله

Dyr Ieseien 58:2
Zwaar fraagnd s aynn iedn Tag um meinn Willn, wie wenn s n gern wissetnd. Sö tuend, Wunder wie frumm däß s wärnd, ayn Volk, wo si an d Weisungen von seinn Got hielt. Aft kemmend s gar zo mir um ayn grehts Urtl, wie wenn ien mein Gögnwart öbbs bedeuttet.

Исая 58:2
При все това те Ме търсят всеки ден И желаят да учат пътищата Ми; Като народ, който е извършил правда; И не е оставил постановлението на своя Бог, Те искат от Мене праведни постановления, И желаят да се приближат при Бога.

以 賽 亞 書 58:2
他 們 天 天 尋 求 我 , 樂 意 明 白 我 的 道 , 好 像 行 義 的 國 民 , 不 離 棄 他 們   神 的 典 章 , 向 我 求 問 公 義 的 判 語 , 喜 悅 親 近   神 。

他 们 天 天 寻 求 我 , 乐 意 明 白 我 的 道 , 好 像 行 义 的 国 民 , 不 离 弃 他 们   神 的 典 章 , 向 我 求 问 公 义 的 判 语 , 喜 悦 亲 近   神 。



Isaiah 58:2
Dan za danom oni mene traže i žele znati moje putove, kao narod koji vrši pravdu i ne zaboravlja pravo Boga svoga. Od mene ištu pravedne sudove i žude da im se Bog približi:

Izaiáše 58:2
Jakkoli každého dne mne hledají, a znáti cesty mé jsou chtiví, jako by byli národ, kterýž spravedlnost činí, a soudu Boha svého neopouští. Dotazují se mne na soudy spravedlnosti, blízcí Boha býti chtějí,

Esajas 58:2
Mig søger de Dag efter Dag og ønsker at kende mine Veje, som var de et Folk, der øver Retfærd, ej svigter, hvad dets Gud fandt ret. De spørger mig om Lov og Ret, de ønsker, at Gud er dem nær:

Jesaja 58:2
Hoewel zij Mij dagelijks zoeken, en een lust hebben aan de kennis Mijner wegen, als een volk, dat gerechtigheid doet en het recht zijns Gods niet verlaat, vragen zij Mij naar de rechten der gerechtigheid; zij hebben een lust tot God te naderen;

ישעה 58:2
וְאֹותִ֗י יֹ֥ום יֹום֙ יִדְרֹשׁ֔וּן וְדַ֥עַת דְּרָכַ֖י יֶחְפָּצ֑וּן כְּגֹ֞וי אֲשֶׁר־צְדָקָ֣ה עָשָׂ֗ה וּמִשְׁפַּ֤ט אֱלֹהָיו֙ לֹ֣א עָזָ֔ב יִשְׁאָל֙וּנִי֙ מִשְׁפְּטֵי־צֶ֔דֶק קִרְבַ֥ת אֱלֹהִ֖ים יֶחְפָּצֽוּן׃

ב ואותי יום יום ידרשון ודעת דרכי יחפצון כגוי אשר צדקה עשה ומשפט אלהיו לא עזב ישאלוני משפטי צדק קרבת אלהים יחפצון

ואותי יום יום ידרשון ודעת דרכי יחפצון כגוי אשר־צדקה עשה ומשפט אלהיו לא עזב ישאלוני משפטי־צדק קרבת אלהים יחפצון׃

Ézsaiás 58:2
Holott õk engem mindennap keresnek, és tudni kivánják útaimat, mint oly nép, a mely igazságot cselekedett és Istene törvényét el nem hagyta; kérik tõlem az igazságnak ítéleteit, és Istennek elközelgését kivánják.

Jesaja 58:2
Min ili cxiutage sercxas, kaj ili deziras ekkoni Miajn vojojn; kiel popolo, kiu faras bonon kaj ne forlasis la legxon de sia Dio, ili postulas de Mi justan jugxon, deziras proksimecon de Dio:

Minua tosin he etsivät joka päivä, tahtovat tietää minun tietäni, niinkuin se kansa, joka jo vanhurskauden tehnyt on, ja ei ole heidän Jumalansa oikeutta hyljännyt. He kysyvät minulta oikiaa tuomiota, ja tahtovat lähestyä Jumalaa.

Ésaïe 58:2
Cependant ils me cherchent tous les jours et trouvent leur plaisir à connaître mes voies, comme une nation qui pratiquerait la justice, et n'aurait pas abandonné le juste jugement de son Dieu; ils me demandent les ordonnances de la justice, ils trouvent leur plaisir à s'approcher de Dieu.

Tous les jours ils me cherchent, Ils veulent connaître mes voies; Comme une nation qui aurait pratiqué la justice Et n'aurait pas abandonné la loi de son Dieu, Ils me demandent des arrêts de justice, Ils désirent l'approche de Dieu. -

Car ils me cherchent chaque jour, et prennent plaisir à savoir mes voies, comme une nation qui aurait suivi la justice, et qui n'aurait point abandonné le jugement de son Dieu ; ils s'informent auprès des jugements de justice, et prennent plaisir à approcher de Dieu; [et puis ils disent];

Jesaja 58:2
Sie suchen mich täglich und wollen meine Wege wissen, als ein Volk, das Gerechtigkeit schon getan und das Recht ihres Gottes nicht verlassen hätte. Sie fordern mich zu Recht und wollen mit ihrem Gott rechten.

Sie suchen mich täglich und wollen meine Wege wissen wie ein Volk, das Gerechtigkeit schon getan und das Recht ihres Gottes nicht verlassen hätte. Sie fordern mich zu Recht und wollen mit ihrem Gott rechten. {~}

Und doch befragen sie mich Tag für Tag und tragen nach der Kenntnis meiner Wege Verlangen! Wie ein Volk, das Gerechtigkeit geübt hat und von dem Rechte seines Gottes nicht abgewichen ist, fordern sie gerechte Gerichte von mir: nach dem Erscheinen Gottes verlangen sie.

Isaia 58:2
Mi cercano ogni giorno, prendon piacere a conoscer le mie vie; come una nazione che avesse praticato la giustizia e non avesse abbandonata la legge del suo Dio, mi domandano de’ giudizi giusti, prendon piacere ad accostarsi a Dio.

Ben mi cercano ogni giorno, e prendono piacere di saper le mie vie, a guisa di gente che si adoperi a giustizia, e non abbia lasciata la Legge dell’Iddio suo; mi domandano de’ giudicii di giustizia, prendono piacere di accostarsi a Dio.

Bukankah mereka itu mencahari Aku pada sebilang hari dan mereka itu suka mengetahui segala jalan-Ku, seperti suatu bangsa yang melakukan barang yang benar dan yang tiada tahu meninggalkan hukum Allahnya. Bukankah mereka itu bertanyakan Aku dari hal mana yang patut dan mana yang benar, dan mereka itu suka menghampiri Allah!

이사야 58:2
그들이 날마다 나를 찾아 나의 길 알기를 즐거워함이 마치 의를 행하여 그 하나님의 규례를 폐하지 아니하는 나라 같아서 의로운 판단을 내게 구하며 하나님과 가까이 하기를 즐겨하며

Isaias 58:2
me etenim de die in diem quaerunt et scire vias meas volunt quasi gens quae iustitiam fecerit et quae iudicium Dei sui non reliquerit rogant me iudicia iustitiae adpropinquare Deo volunt

Izaijo knyga 58:2
Jie ieško manęs kas dieną ir nori žinoti mano kelius kaip tauta, kuri elgiasi teisiai ir nėra palikusi savo Dievo. Jie prašo manęs teisingo sprendimo, jie mėgsta ateiti prie Dievo.

Isaiah 58:2
He rapu ano ia ta ratou i ahau i tenei ra, i tenei ra, e ahuareka ana hoki ki te mohio ki aku ara: me te mea he iwi e mahi ana i te tika, a kihai i whakarere i te whakaritenga a tona Atua, e ui ana ratou ki ahau ki nga whakaritenga o te tika, e a huareka ana ki te awhi ki te Atua.

Esaias 58:2
Mig spør de dag for dag, og å få vite mine veier krever de; likesom de var et folk som har gjort rettferdighet og ikke forlatt sin Guds lov, krever de av mig rettferdige dommer; de vil at Gud skal komme nær til dem.

Isaías 58:2
Con todo me buscan día tras día y se deleitan en conocer mis caminos, como nación que hubiera hecho justicia, y no hubiera abandonado la ley de su Dios. Me piden juicios justos, se deleitan en la cercanía de Dios.

Con todo Me buscan día tras día y se deleitan en conocer Mis caminos, Como nación que hubiera hecho justicia, Y no hubiera abandonado la ley de su Dios. Me piden juicios justos, Se deleitan en la cercanía de Dios.

Que me buscan cada día, y quieren saber mis caminos, como gente que hubiese obrado justicia, y que no hubiese dejado la ley de su Dios; me piden justos juicios, y quieren acercarse a Dios.

Que me buscan cada día, y quieren saber mis caminos, como gente que hubiese obrado justicia, y que no hubiese dejado el derecho de su Dios: pregúntanme derechos de justicia, y quieren acercarse á Dios.

Que me buscan cada día, y quieren saber mis caminos, como gente que hubiese obrado justicia, y que no hubiese dejado el derecho de su Dios; pregúntanme derechos de justicia, y quieren acercarse a Dios.

Isaías 58:2
Pois, ainda assim, este povo tenta me encontrar dia e noite; parecem mesmo pessoas desejosas de conhecer as minhas orientações, como se formassem uma nação que faz o que é direito e que não abandonou os mandamentos do seu Deus. Solicitam-me decisões justas e demonstram a vontade de que Deus se aproxime deles.

Todavia me procuram cada dia, tomam prazer em saber os meus caminhos; como se fossem um povo que praticasse a justiça e não tivesse abandonado a ordenança do seu Deus, pedem-me juízos retos, têm prazer em se chegar a Deus!,   

Isaia 58:2
În toate zilele Mă întreabă, şi vor să afle căile Mele, ca un neam, care ar fi înfăptuit neprihănirea, şi n'ar fi părăsit legea Dumnezeului său. Îmi cer hotărîri drepte, doresc să se apropie de Dumnezeu. -

Исаия 58:2
Они каждый день ищут Меня и хотят знать пути Мои, как бы народ,поступающий праведно и не оставляющий законов Бога своего; они вопрошают Меня о судах правды, желают приближения к Богу:

Они каждый день ищут Меня и хотят знать пути Мои, как бы народ, поступающий праведно и не оставляющий законов Бога своего; они вопрошают Меня о судах правды, желают приближения к Богу:[]

Jesaja 58:2
Väl söka de mig dag ut och dag in och vilja hava kunskap om mina vägar. Såsom vore de ett folk, som övade rättfärdighet och icke övergåve sin Guds rätt, så fråga de mig om rättfärdighetens rätter och vilja, att Gud skall komma till dem:

Isaiah 58:2
Gayon ma'y hinahanap nila ako araw-araw, at kinalulugdan nilang maalaman ang aking mga daan: na gaya ng bansa na gumawang matuwid, at hindi lumimot ng alituntunin ng kanilang Dios, hinihingan nila ako ng mga palatuntunan ng katuwiran; sila'y nangalulugod na magsilapit sa Dios.

อิสยาห์ 58:2
แต่เขายังแสวงเราทุกวันและปีติยินดีที่จะรู้จักทางของเรา เหมือนกับว่าเขาเป็นประชาชาติที่ได้ทำความชอบธรรม และมิได้ละทิ้งกฎแห่งพระเจ้าของเขา เขาก็ขอข้อกฎอันเที่ยงธรรมจากเรา เขาทั้งหลายก็ปีติยินดีที่จะเข้ามาใกล้พระเจ้า

Yeşaya 58:2
Bana her gün danışıyor,
Yollarımı öğrenmekten zevk duyuyorlarmış!
Doğru davranan,
Tanrısının buyruğundan ayrılmayan bir ulusmuş gibi...
Benden adil yargılar diliyor,
Bana yaklaşmaktan zevk alıyorlarmış. yakın olmamı istiyorlarmış››.[]

EÂ-sai 58:2
Ngày ngày họ tìm kiếm ta và muốn biết đường lối ta; như dân đã theo sự công bình và chưa từng bỏ luật pháp của Ðức Chúa Trời mình! Họ cầu hỏi ta sự đoán xét công bình; và vui lòng gần gủi Ðức Chúa Trời,

Isaiah 58:1
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