Isaiah 58:6
Isaiah 58:6
"Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?

"No, this is the kind of fasting I want: Free those who are wrongly imprisoned; lighten the burden of those who work for you. Let the oppressed go free, and remove the chains that bind people.

“Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the straps of the yoke, to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?

"Is this not the fast which I choose, To loosen the bonds of wickedness, To undo the bands of the yoke, And to let the oppressed go free And break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

Isn't the fast I choose: To break the chains of wickedness, to untie the ropes of the yoke, to set the oppressed free, and to tear off every yoke?

Isn't this the fast that I have been choosing: to loose the bonds of injustice, and to untie the cords of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and to break every yoke?

No, this is the kind of fast I want. I want you to remove the sinful chains, to tear away the ropes of the burdensome yoke, to set free the oppressed, and to break every burdensome yoke.

This is the kind of fasting I have chosen: Loosen the chains of wickedness, untie the straps of the yoke, let the oppressed go free, and break every yoke.

Is not rather the fast that I have chosen, to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the ties of oppression, to release into freedom those who are broken, and that ye break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen: to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

Is not this rather the fast that I have chosen? loose the bands of wickedness, undo the bundles that oppress, let them that are broken go free, and break asunder every burden.

Is not this the fast which I have chosen: to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the thongs of the yoke, and to send forth free the crushed, and that ye break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke?

"Isn't this the fast that I have chosen: to release the bonds of wickedness, to undo the bands of the yoke, and to let the oppressed go free, and that you break every yoke?

Is not this the fast that I chose -- To loose the bands of wickedness, To shake off the burdens of the yoke, And to send out the oppressed free, And every yoke ye draw off?

Isaia 58:6
Agjërimi që më pëlqen a nuk është vallë ky: të thyesh zinxhirët e ligësisë, të zgjidhësh verigat e zgjedhës, t'i lësh të lirë të shtypurit, të dërmosh çdo zgjedhë?

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 58:6
أليس هذا صوما اختاره حل قيود الشر. فك عقد النير واطلاق المسحوقين احرارا وقطع كل نير.

Dyr Ieseien 58:6
Nän, +yso schaut bei mir ayn gscheide Fastn aus: unschuldige Gfangene z befreien, yn n Menschn s Joch abherztuen, de Verbsaesstn freizlaassn und ayn iede Pfrengnuss abzschaffen,

Исая 58:6
Не това ли е постът, който Аз съм избрал,- Да развързваш несправедливите окови, Да разслабваш връзките на ярема, Да пускаш на свобода угнетените, И да счупваш всеки хомот?

以 賽 亞 書 58:6
我 所 揀 選 的 禁 食 不 是 要 鬆 開 凶 惡 的 繩 , 解 下 軛 上 的 索 , 使 被 欺 壓 的 得 自 由 , 折 斷 一 切 的 軛 麼 ?

我 所 拣 选 的 禁 食 不 是 要 松 开 凶 恶 的 绳 , 解 下 轭 上 的 索 , 使 被 欺 压 的 得 自 由 , 折 断 一 切 的 轭 麽 ?



Isaiah 58:6
Ovo je post koji mi je po volji, riječ je Jahve Gospoda: Kidati okove nepravedne, razvezivat' spone jarmene, puštati na slobodu potlačene, slomiti sve jarmove;

Izaiáše 58:6
Není-liž toto půst, kterýž oblibuji: Rozvázati svazky bezbožnosti; roztrhnouti snopky obtěžující, a potřené propustiti svobodné, a tak všelijaké jho abyste roztrhli?

Esajas 58:6
Nej, Faste efter mit Sind er at løse Gudløsheds Lænker, at løsne Aagets Baand, at slippe de kuede fri og sønderbryde hvert Aag,

Jesaja 58:6
Is niet dit het vasten, dat Ik verkies: dat gij losmaakt de knopen der goddeloosheid, dat gij ontdoet de banden des juks, en dat gij vrij loslaat de verpletterden, en alle juk verscheurt?

ישעה 58:6
הֲלֹ֣וא זֶה֮ צֹ֣ום אֶבְחָרֵהוּ֒ פַּתֵּ֙חַ֙ חַרְצֻבֹּ֣ות רֶ֔שַׁע הַתֵּ֖ר אֲגֻדֹּ֣ות מֹוטָ֑ה וְשַׁלַּ֤ח רְצוּצִים֙ חָפְשִׁ֔ים וְכָל־מֹוטָ֖ה תְּנַתֵּֽקוּ׃

ו הלוא זה צום אבחרהו--פתח חרצבות רשע התר אגדות מוטה ושלח רצוצים חפשים וכל מוטה תנתקו

הלוא זה צום אבחרהו פתח חרצבות רשע התר אגדות מוטה ושלח רצוצים חפשים וכל־מוטה תנתקו׃

Ézsaiás 58:6
Hát nem ez-é a bõjt, a mit én kedvelek: hogy megnyisd a gonoszságnak bilincseit, az igának köteleit megoldjad, és szabadon bocsásd az elnyomottakat, és hogy minden igát széttépjetek?

Jesaja 58:6
Ja nur tio estas fasto, kiu placxas al Mi, se vi dissxiros la ligilojn de malpieco, disbatos la katenojn de sklaveco, liberigos la prematojn, disbatos cxian jugon;

Mutta tämä on paasto, jonka minä valitsen: laske ne vallallensa, jotka vääryydellä sidotut ovat, päästä raskautetut irralle, laske vaivatut vapaaksi, ota pois kaikkinainen kuorma.

Ésaïe 58:6
N'est-ce pas ici le jeûne que j'ai choisi, qu'on rompe les chaînes de l'iniquité, qu'on fasse tomber les liens du joug, et qu'on renvoie libres les opprimés, et que vous brisiez tout joug?

Voici le jeûne auquel je prends plaisir: Détache les chaînes de la méchanceté, Dénoue les liens de la servitude, Renvoie libres les opprimés, Et que l'on rompe toute espèce de joug;

N'est-ce pas plutôt ici le jeûne que j'ai choisi, que tu dénoues les liens de la méchanceté ; que tu délies les cordages du joug, que tu laisses aller libres ceux qui sont foulés; et que vous rompiez tout joug?

Jesaja 58:6
Das ist aber ein Fasten, das ich erwähle: Laß los, welche du mit Unrecht verbunden hast; laß ledig, welche du beschwerest; gib frei, welche du drängest; reiß weg allerlei Last;

Das ist aber ein Fasten, das ich erwähle: Laß los, welche du mit Unrecht gebunden hast; laß ledig, welche du beschwerst; gib frei, welche du drängst; reiß weg allerlei Last;

Ist nicht vielmehr das ein Fasten, wie ich es haben will: ungerechte Fesseln abnehmen, die Bande des Joches lösen, Zerschlagene frei ausgehen lassen und jegliches Joch sprengen,

Isaia 58:6
Il digiuno di cui mi compiaccio non è egli questo: che si spezzino le catene della malvagità, che si sciolgano i legami del giogo, che si lascino liberi gli oppressi, e che s’infranga ogni sorta di giogo?

Non è questo il digiuno che io approvo: che si sciolgano i legami di empietà, che si sleghino i fasci del giogo, e che si lascino andar franchi quelli che son fiaccati, e che voi rompiate ogni giogo?

Bukankah inilah puasa yang Kukehendaki, yaitu kamu membukakan segala simpulan kejahatan dan menguraikan segala tali kuk dan menyuruhkan pergi dengan merdeka segala orang yang teraniaya dan kamu memecahkan segala kuk?

이사야 58:6
나의 기뻐하는 금식은 흉악의 결박을 풀어주며 멍에의 줄을 끌러주며 압제 당하는 자를 자유케 하며 모든 멍에를 꺾는 것이 아니겠느냐

Isaias 58:6
nonne hoc est magis ieiunium quod elegi dissolve conligationes impietatis solve fasciculos deprimentes dimitte eos qui confracti sunt liberos et omne onus disrumpe

Izaijo knyga 58:6
Ar ne toks pasninkas, kurį Aš pasirinkau: pašalinkite nedorybės pančius, išlaisvinkite pavergtuosius, suteikite laisvę prislėgtiesiems, sulaužykite kiekvieną jungą.

Isaiah 58:6
He teka ianei ko te nohopuku tenei i whiriwhiria e ahau? kia whakatangorotia nga here a te kino, kia wetekina nga paihere o te ioka, kia tukua te hunga e tukinotia ana kia haere noa atu, kia wawahia e koutou nga ioka katoa?

Esaias 58:6
Er ikke dette den faste jeg finner behag i, at I løser ugudelighets lenker, sprenger åkets bånd, slipper undertrykte fri og bryter hvert et åk?

Isaías 58:6
¿No es éste el ayuno que yo escogí: desatar las ligaduras de impiedad, soltar las coyundas del yugo, dejar ir libres a los oprimidos, y romper todo yugo?

¿No es éste el ayuno que Yo escogí: Desatar las ligaduras de impiedad, Soltar las coyundas del yugo, Dejar ir libres a los oprimidos, Y romper todo yugo?

¿No es más bien el ayuno que yo escogí, desatar las ligaduras de impiedad, quitar las pesadas cargas, y dejar ir libres a los quebrantados, y que rompáis todo yugo?

¿No es antes el ayuno que yo escogí, desatar las ligaduras de impiedad, deshacer los haces de opresión, y dejar ir libres á los quebrantados, y que rompáis todo yugo?

¿No es antes el ayuno que yo escogí, desatar los líos de impiedad, deshacer los haces de opresión, y soltar libres a los quebrantados, y que rompáis todo yugo?

Isaías 58:6
Não, nada disso! O jejum que desejo não é este: que te liberte das amarras da malignidade e da injustiça; que desfaças as ataduras da opressão, que ponhas em liberdade os oprimidos, e que despedaces todo o jugo?

Acaso não é este o jejum que escolhi? que soltes as ligaduras da impiedade, que desfaças as ataduras do jugo? e que deixes ir livres os oprimidos, e despedaces todo jugo?   

Isaia 58:6
Iată postul plăcut Mie: desleagă lanţurile răutăţii, desnoadă legăturile robiei, dă drumul celor asupriţi, şi rupe orice fel de jug;

Исаия 58:6
Вот пост, который Я избрал: разреши оковы неправды, развяжи узы ярма, и угнетенных отпусти на свободу, и расторгни всякоеярмо;

Вот пост, который Я избрал: разреши оковы неправды, развяжи узы ярма, и угнетенных отпусти на свободу, и расторгни всякое ярмо;[]

Jesaja 58:6
Nej, detta är den fasta, som jag vill hava: att I lossen orättfärdiga bojor och lösen okets band, att I given de förtryckta fria och krossen sönder alla ok,

Isaiah 58:6
Hindi baga ito ang ayuno na aking pinili: na kalagin ang mga tali ng kasamaan, na pagaanin ang mga pasan at papaging layain ang napipighati, at iyong alisin ang lahat na atang?

อิสยาห์ 58:6
การอดอาหารอย่างนี้ไม่ใช่หรือที่เราต้องการ คือการแก้พันธนะของความชั่ว การปลดเปลื้องภาระหนัก และการปล่อยให้ผู้ถูกบีบบังคับเป็นอิสระ และการหักแอกเสียทุกอัน

Yeşaya 58:6
Benim istediğim oruç,
Haksız yere zincire, boyunduruğa vurulanları salıvermek,
Ezilenleri özgürlüğe kavuşturmak,
Her türlü boyunduruğu kırmak değil mi?[]

EÂ-sai 58:6
Sự kiêng ăn mà ta chọn lựa, há chẳng phải là bẻ những xiềng hung ác, mở những trói của ách, thả cho kẻ bị ức hiếp được tự do, bẻ gãy mọi ách, hay sao?

Isaiah 58:5
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