Isaiah 57:17
Isaiah 57:17
I was enraged by their sinful greed; I punished them, and hid my face in anger, yet they kept on in their willful ways.

I was angry, so I punished these greedy people. I withdrew from them, but they kept going on their own stubborn way.

Because of the iniquity of his unjust gain I was angry, I struck him; I hid my face and was angry, but he went on backsliding in the way of his own heart.

"Because of the iniquity of his unjust gain I was angry and struck him; I hid My face and was angry, And he went on turning away, in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart.

Because of his sinful greed I was angry, so I struck him; I was angry and hid; but he went on turning back to the desires of his heart.

Because of his wicked greed I was angry, so I punished him; and I hid my face, and was angry— but he kept turning back to his stubborn will.

I was angry because of their sinful greed; I attacked them and angrily rejected them, yet they remained disobedient and stubborn.

I was angry because of their sinful greed, so I punished them, hid [from them], and remained angry. But they continued to be sinful.

For the iniquity of his covetousness I was wroth and smote him: I hid my face and was wroth, and he went on rebelliously in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I angry, and struck him: I hid myself, and was angry, and he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him; I hid my face and was wroth; and he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness I was angry, and I struck him: I hid my face from thee, and was angry: and he went away wandering in his own heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth, and smote him; I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on backslidingly in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I wroth and smote him, I hid my face and was wroth: and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness I was wroth, and smote him: I hid me, and was wroth, and he went on frowardly in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his covetousness was I angry, and struck him; I hid [my face] and was angry; and he went on backsliding in the way of his heart.

For the iniquity of his dishonest gain, I have been wroth, and I smite him, Hiding -- and am wroth, And he goeth on turning back in the way of his heart.

Isaia 57:17
Për shkak të paudhësisë së lakmisë së tij u zemërova dhe e godita; u fsheha, u indinjova, por ai u largua duke ndjekur rrugën e zemrës së tij.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 57:17
من اجل اثم مكسبه غضبت وضربته. استترت وغضبت فذهب عاصيا في طريق قلبه.

Dyr Ieseien 57:17
I gaboos ob dyr Sündd von meinn Volk, schlueg s und ließ s hint, so zornig war i. Treuloos haet s gmaint, es mechet seinn aignen Wög geen.

Исая 57:17
Поради беззаконното му лакомство се разгневих и го поразих, Отвърнах лицето Си и се разгневих; Но той упорито последва пътя на сърцето си.

以 賽 亞 書 57:17
因 他 貪 婪 的 罪 孽 , 我 就 發 怒 擊 打 他 ; 我 向 他 掩 面 發 怒 , 他 卻 仍 然 隨 心 背 道 。

因 他 贪 婪 的 罪 孽 , 我 就 发 怒 击 打 他 ; 我 向 他 掩 面 发 怒 , 他 却 仍 然 随 心 背 道 。



Isaiah 57:17
Zbog grijeha lakomosti njegove razgnjevih se, udarih ga i sakrih se rasrđen. Ali on okrenu za srcem svojim

Izaiáše 57:17
Pro nepravost lakomství jeho rozhněval jsem se, a ubil jsem jej; skryl jsem se a rozhněval proto, že odvrátiv se, odšel cestou srdce svého.

Esajas 57:17
For hans Gridskheds Skyld blev jeg vred, slog ham og skjulte mig i Harme; han fulgte i Frafald sit Hjertes Vej.

Jesaja 57:17
Ik was verbolgen over de ongerechtigheid hunner gierigheid, en sloeg hen; Ik verborg Mij, en was verbolgen; evenwel gingen zij afkerig henen in den weg huns harten.

ישעה 57:17
בַּעֲוֹ֥ן בִּצְעֹ֛ו קָצַ֥פְתִּי וְאַכֵּ֖הוּ הַסְתֵּ֣ר וְאֶקְצֹ֑ף וַיֵּ֥לֶךְ שֹׁובָ֖ב בְּדֶ֥רֶךְ לִבֹּֽו׃

יז בעון בצעו קצפתי ואכהו הסתר ואקצף וילך שובב בדרך לבו

בעון בצעו קצפתי ואכהו הסתר ואקצף וילך שובב בדרך לבו׃

Ézsaiás 57:17
Mert a telhetetlenségnek vétkéért haragudtam meg, és megvertem õt, elrejtém [magamat] és megharagudtam; és õ elfordulva, szíve útjában járt.

Jesaja 57:17
Pro la peko de lia avideco Mi koleris kaj frapis lin, Mi deturnis Min kaj koleris; sed li iris perfide, iris laux la vojo de sia koro.

JESAJA 57:17
Minä olin vihainen heidän ahneutensa vääryyden tähden, ja löin heitä, lymytin itseni ja närkästyin; silloin he menivät eksyksissä oman sydämensä tiellä.

Ésaïe 57:17
Je me suis courroucé à cause de l'iniquité de son avarice, et je l'ai frappé; je me suis caché, et je me suis courroucé, et il a marché, dévoyé, dans le chemin de son coeur.

A cause de son avidité coupable, je me suis irrité et je l'ai frappé, Je me suis caché dans mon indignation; Et le rebelle a suivi le chemin de son coeur.

A cause de l'iniquité de son gain déshonnête j'ai été indigné, et je l'ai frappé; j'ai caché [ma face], et j'ai été indigné; mais le revêche s'en est allé, [et a suivi] la voie de son cœur.

Jesaja 57:17
Ich war zornig über die Untugend ihres Geizes und schlug sie, verbarg mich und zürnete; da gingen sie hin und her im Wege ihres Herzens.

Ich war zornig über die Untugend ihres Geizes und schlug sie, verbarg mich und zürnte; da gingen sie hin und her im Wege ihres Herzens.

Um seiner Verschuldung willen zürnte ich eine kleine Weile und strafte ihn, indem ich zürnend mich verhüllte: da ging er abtrünnig dahin auf selbstgewähltem Wege.

Isaia 57:17
Per la iniquità della sua cupidigia io mi sono adirato, e l’ho colpito; mi sono nascosto, mi sono indignato; ed egli ribelle, ha seguito la via del suo cuore.

Io sono stato adirato per l’iniquità della sua cupidigia, e l’ho percosso; io mi son nascosto, e sono stato indegnato; ma pur quel ribello è andato per la via del suo cuore.

YESAYA 57:17
Bahwa murka-Ku sudah berbangkit akan salah mereka itu yang bertimbun-timbun, lalu Kupalu akan mereka itu; dengan kehangatan murka-Ku Aku menyamarkan diri-Ku dari padanya; kendatilah dengan durhakanya selalu juga mereka itu menurut jalan hatinya.

이사야 57:17
그의 탐심의 죄악을 인하여 내가 노하여 그를 쳤으며 또 내 얼굴을 가리우고 노하였으나 그가 오히려 패역하여 자기 마음의 길로 행하도다

Isaias 57:17
propter iniquitatem avaritiae eius iratus sum et percussi eum abscondi et indignatus sum et abiit vagus in via cordis sui

Izaijo knyga 57:17
Aš užsirūstinau dėl nuodėmingo tautos godumo, smogiau jai ir savo veidą paslėpiau, bet ji ėjo toliau klaidingu savo širdies keliu.

Isaiah 57:17
He he no tona apo taonga i riri ai ahau, i patu ai i a ia; i huna ahau i toku mata, i riri, a haere kotiti ke ana ia i runga i te ara o tona ngakau.

Esaias 57:17
For Israels syndige begjærlighets skyld blev jeg vred og slo ham, jeg skjulte mitt åsyn og var vred, og han gikk bortvendt på sitt hjertes vei.

Isaías 57:17
A causa de la iniquidad de su codicia, me enojé y lo herí; escondí mi rostro y me indigné, y él siguió desviándose por el camino de su corazón.

A causa de la iniquidad de su codicia, Me enojé y lo herí. Escondí Mi rostro y Me indigné, Y él siguió desviándose por el camino de su corazón.

Por la iniquidad de su codicia me enojé y lo herí, escondí mi rostro y me indigné; y él siguió rebelde por el camino de su corazón.

Por la iniquidad de su codicia me enojé y heríle, escondí mi rostro y ensañéme; y fué él rebelde por el camino de su corazón.

Por la iniquidad de su codicia me enojé, y le herí; escondí mi rostro y me ensañé; y fue él rebelde por el camino de su corazón.

Isaías 57:17
Por causa da tua cobiça maligna fiquei indignado e te feri seriamente, fiquei irado e te virei a minha face. No entanto, ele continuou extraviado, perambulando pelos caminhos que escolheu.

Por causa da iniqüidade da sua avareza me indignei e o feri; escondi-me, e indignei-me; mas, rebelando-se, ele seguiu o caminho do seu coração.   

Isaia 57:17
Din pricina păcatului lăcomiei lui, M'am mîniat şi l-am lovit, M'am ascuns, în supărarea Mea, şi cel răzvrătit a urmat şi mai mult pe căile inimii lui.

Исаия 57:17
За грех корыстолюбия его Я гневался и поражал его, скрывал лицеи негодовал; но он, отвратившись, пошел по пути своего сердца.

За грех корыстолюбия его Я гневался и поражал его, скрывал лице и негодовал; но он, отвратившись, пошел по пути своего сердца.[]

Jesaja 57:17
För hans girighetssynd förtörnades jag; jag slog honom, och i min förtörnelse höll jag mig dold. Men i sin avfällighet fortfor han att vandra på sitt hjärtas väg.

Isaiah 57:17
Dahil sa kasamaan ng kaniyang kasakiman ay napoot ako, at sinaktan ko siya; aking ikinubli ang aking mukha at ako'y napoot; at siya'y yumaong nanghimagsik ng lakad ng kaniyang puso.

อิสยาห์ 57:17
เราโกรธเพราะความชั่วช้าแห่งความโลภของเขา เราตีเขา เราซ่อนตัวและโกรธ แต่เขายังหันกลับเดินตามชอบใจของเขาอยู่

Yeşaya 57:17
Haksız kazanç suçuna öfkelenip halkı cezalandırdım,
Öfkeyle yüzümü çevirdim onlardan.
Ne var ki, inatla kendi yollarından gittiler.[]

EÂ-sai 57:17
Ấy là vì tội tham lam của nó mà ta giận, và đánh nó. Trong cơn giận, ta đã ẩn mặt ta với nó; nhưng nó cứ trở lui đi, theo con đường của lòng mình.

Isaiah 57:16
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