Isaiah 5:2
Isaiah 5:2
He dug it up and cleared it of stones and planted it with the choicest vines. He built a watchtower in it and cut out a winepress as well. Then he looked for a crop of good grapes, but it yielded only bad fruit.

He plowed the land, cleared its stones, and planted it with the best vines. In the middle he built a watchtower and carved a winepress in the nearby rocks. Then he waited for a harvest of sweet grapes, but the grapes that grew were bitter.

He dug it and cleared it of stones, and planted it with choice vines; he built a watchtower in the midst of it, and hewed out a wine vat in it; and he looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.

He dug it all around, removed its stones, And planted it with the choicest vine. And He built a tower in the middle of it And also hewed out a wine vat in it; Then He expected it to produce good grapes, But it produced only worthless ones.

And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

He broke up the soil, cleared it of stones, and planted it with the finest vines. He built a tower in the middle of it and even dug out a winepress there. He expected it to yield good grapes, but it yielded worthless grapes.

He plowed its land and cleared it of stones. Then he planted it with the choicest vines, built a watchtower in the middle of it, and dug a wine vat in it; He expected it to produce good grapes, but it produced only wild ones."

He built a hedge around it, removed its stones, and planted a vine. He built a tower in the middle of it, and constructed a winepress. He waited for it to produce edible grapes, but it produced sour ones instead.

He dug it up, removed its stones, planted it with the choicest vines, built a watchtower in it, and made a winepress in it. Then he waited for it to produce good grapes, but it produced only sour, wild grapes.

and he had fenced it and gathered out the stones thereof and planted it with the choicest vine and built a tower in the midst of it and also made a winepress therein; and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

And he dug it, and gathered out its stones, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a winepress in it: and he expected that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the middle of it, and also made a wine press therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

and he digged it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also hewed out a winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

And he fenced it in, and picked the stones out of it, and planted it with the choicest vines, and built a tower in the midst thereof, and set up a winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

And he dug it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine; and he built a tower in the midst of it, and also hewed out a winepress therein; and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, but it brought forth wild grapes.

and he made a trench about it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also hewed out a winepress therein: and he looked that it should bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones of it, and planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of it, and also made a wine-press therein: and he expected that it would bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

He dug it up, gathered out its stones, planted it with the choicest vine, built a tower in its midst, and also cut out a winepress therein. He looked for it to yield grapes, but it yielded wild grapes.

And he fenceth it, and casteth out its stones, And planteth it with a choice vine, And buildeth a tower in its midst, And also a wine press hath hewn out in it, And he waiteth for the yielding of grapes, And it yieldeth bad ones!

Isaia 5:2
E rrethoi me një gardh, hoqi gurët, mbolli hardhi të cilësisë më të mirë, ndërtoi në mes një kullë dhe bëri një trokull. Ai priste që të prodhonte rrush të mirë, kurse prodhoi rrush të egër.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 5:2
فنقبه ونقى حجارته وغرسه كرم سورق وبنى برجا في وسطه ونقر فيه ايضا معصرة فانتظر ان يصنع عنبا فصنع عنبا رديئا

Dyr Ieseien 5:2
Er grueb n um, taat d Stäin wögg, gsötzt böste Rebn grad ein. Aynn Wachtturm gstöllt yr einhin und glögt ayn Torggl an. Dann ghofft auf süesse Traubn er; härb warnd s wie nonmaal was!

Исая 5:2
Окопа го, и очисти го от камъните, И насади го с отбрана лоза, Съгради кула всред него, Изкопа още и лин в него; И очакваше [сладко] грозде, Но то роди диво.

以 賽 亞 書 5:2
他 刨 挖 園 子 , 撿 去 石 頭 , 栽 種 上 等 的 葡 萄 樹 , 在 園 中 蓋 了 一 座 樓 , 又 鑿 出 壓 酒 池 ; 指 望 結 好 葡 萄 , 反 倒 結 了 野 葡 萄 。

他 刨 挖 园 子 , 捡 去 石 头 , 栽 种 上 等 的 葡 萄 树 , 在 园 中 盖 了 一 座 楼 , 又 凿 出 压 酒 池 ; 指 望 结 好 葡 萄 , 反 倒 结 了 野 葡 萄 。



Isaiah 5:2
Okopa ga, iskrči kamenje, posadi ga lozom plemenitom. Posred njega kulu on podiže i u nj tijesak metnu. Nadaše se da će uroditi grožđem, a on izrodi vinjagu.

Izaiáše 5:2
Kterouž ohradil, a kamení z ní vybral, a vysadil ji vinným kmenem výborným, a ustavěl věži u prostřed ní, také i pres udělal v ní, a očekával, aby nesla hrozny, ale vydala plané víno.

Esajas 5:2
Han grov den, rensed den for Sten og plantede ædle Ranker; han bygged et Vagttaarn deri og huggede ogsaa en Perse. Men den bar vilde Druer, skønt han ventede Høst af ædle.

Jesaja 5:2
En Hij heeft dien omtuind, en van stenen gezuiverd, en Hij heeft hem beplant met edele wijnstokken; en Hij heeft in deszelfs midden een toren gebouwd, en ook een wijnbak daarin uitgehouwen; en Hij heeft verwacht, dat hij goede druiven zou voortbrengen, maar hij heeft stinkende druiven voortgebracht.

ישעה 5:2
וַֽיְעַזְּקֵ֣הוּ וַֽיְסַקְּלֵ֗הוּ וַיִּטָּעֵ֙הוּ֙ שֹׂרֵ֔ק וַיִּ֤בֶן מִגְדָּל֙ בְּתֹוכֹ֔ו וְגַם־יֶ֖קֶב חָצֵ֣ב בֹּ֑ו וַיְקַ֛ו לַעֲשֹׂ֥ות עֲנָבִ֖ים וַיַּ֥עַשׂ בְּאֻשִֽׁים׃

ב ויעזקהו ויסקלהו ויטעהו שרק ויבן מגדל בתוכו וגם יקב חצב בו ויקו לעשות ענבים ויעש באשים

ויעזקהו ויסקלהו ויטעהו שרק ויבן מגדל בתוכו וגם־יקב חצב בו ויקו לעשות ענבים ויעש באשים׃

Ézsaiás 5:2
Felásta és megtisztítá kövektõl, nemes vesszõt plántált belé, és közepére tornyot építtetett, sõt benne már sajtót is vágatott; és várta, hogy majd jó szõlõt terem, és az vadszõlõt termett!

Jesaja 5:2
kaj li cxirkauxfosis gxin, sensxtonigis gxin, kaj plantis en gxi plej bonspecajn vinberbrancxojn; kaj li konstruis turon meze de gxi, kaj ankaux vinpremejon li elhakis en gxi; kaj li esperis, ke gxi donos bonajn vinberojn, sed gxi donis senvalorajn berojn.

Ja hän aitasi sen ympärinsä, ja perkasi kivet pois, ja istutti parhaat viinapuut, ja rakensi myös siihen tornin, ja pani sinne viinakuurnan, ja odotti sen viinamarjoja kantavan; vaan se kantoi pahoja marjoja.

Ésaïe 5:2
Et il la fossoya et en ôta les pierres, et la planta de ceps exquis; et il bâtit une tour au milieu d'elle, et y tailla aussi un pressoir; et il s'attendait à ce qu'elle produirait de bons raisons, et elle produisit des raisins sauvages.

Il en remua le sol, ôta les pierres, et y mit un plant délicieux; Il bâtit une tour au milieu d'elle, Et il y creusa aussi une cuve. Puis il espéra qu'elle produirait de bons raisins, Mais elle en a produit de mauvais.

Et il l'environna d'une haie, et en ôta les pierres, et la planta de ceps exquis; il bâtit aussi une tour au milieu d'elle, et y tailla une cuve; or il s'attendait qu'elle produirait des raisins, mais elle a produit des grappes sauvages.

Jesaja 5:2
Und er hat ihn verzäunet und mit Steinhaufen verwahret und edle Reben drein gesenkt. Er bauete auch einen Turm drinnen und grub eine Kelter drein und wartete, daß er Trauben brächte. Aber er brachte Herlinge.

Und er hat ihn verzäunt und mit Steinhaufen verwahrt und edle Reben darin gesenkt. Er baute auch einen Turm darin und grub eine Kelter darein und wartete, daß er Trauben brächte; aber er brachte Herlinge.

Und er behackte ihn und entsteinte ihn und bepflanzte ihn mit Edelreben. Einen Turm baute er mitten in ihm und hieb auch eine Kufe in ihm aus und wartete, daß er Trauben brächte, aber er brachte Heerlinge.

Isaia 5:2
La dissodò, ne tolse via le pietre, vi piantò delle viti di scelta, vi fabbricò in mezzo una torre, e vi scavò uno strettoio. Ei s’aspettava ch’essa gli facesse dell’uva, e gli ha fatto invece delle lambrusche.

E le fece attorno una chiusura, e ne tolse via le pietre, e la piantò di viti eccellenti, ed edificò una torre in mezzo di essa, ed anche vi fabbricò un torcolo; or egli aspettava ch’ella facesse delle uve, ed ha fatte delle lambrusche.

Maka telah dipagarinya akan dia dan disucikannya tanahnya dari pada segala batu, lalu ditanaminya dengan beberapa pokok anggur yang indah-indah dan dibangunkannya sebuah rumah peranginan di tengah-tengahnya dan dibuatnya pula apitan anggur yang terpahat di dalamnya, maka bernanti-nantilah ia kalau hasilnya buah-buah anggur yang baik, tetapi hasilnya buah busuk belaka.

이사야 5:2
땅을 파서 돌을 제하고 극상품 포도나무를 심었도다 그 중에 망대를 세웠고 그 안에 술틀을 팠었도다 좋은 포도 맺기를 바랐더니 들 포도를 맺혔도다

Isaias 5:2
et sepivit eam et lapides elegit ex illa et plantavit eam electam et aedificavit turrem in medio eius et torcular extruxit in ea et expectavit ut faceret uvas et fecit labruscas

Izaijo knyga 5:2
Jis aptvėrė jį ir išrinko iš jo akmenis, prisodino jame rinktinių vynmedžių. Jo viduryje pastatė bokštą ir padirbo spaustuvą. Jis laukė užaugant vynuogių, bet užaugo rūgščios uogos.

Isaiah 5:2
Na taiepatia ana e ia, kohikohia ana e ia nga kohatu o reira, whakatokia ana e ia ki te waina pai rawa, hanga ana e ia he pourewa ki waenganui, keria ana ano e ia he poka waina ki reira: a ka tatari ia kia whai karepe, na ka hua mai he karepe mao ri.

Esaias 5:2
Og han gravde den om og renset den for sten og plantet edle vintrær i den og bygget et tårn i dens midte og hugg også ut en perse i den; og han ventet at den skulde bære gode druer, men den bar ville.

Isaías 5:2
La cavó por todas partes, quitó sus piedras, y la plantó de vides escogidas. Edificó una torre en medio de ella, y también excavó en ella un lagar; y esperaba que produjera uvas buenas, pero sólo produjo uvas silvestres.

La cavó por todas partes, quitó sus piedras, Y la plantó de vides escogidas. Edificó una torre en medio de ella, Y también excavó en ella un lagar. Esperaba que produjera uvas buenas, Pero sólo produjo uvas silvestres.

La había cercado y despedregado y plantado de vides escogidas; había edificado en medio de ella una torre, y hecho también en ella un lagar; y esperaba que diese uvas, y dio uvas silvestres.

Habíala cercado, y despedregádola, y plantádola de vides escogidas: había edificado en medio de ella una torre, y también asentado un lagar en ella: y esperaba que llevase uvas, y llevó uvas silvestres.

La había cercado, y despedregado, y plantado de vides escogidas; había edificado en medio de ella una torre, y también asentado un lagar en ella; y esperaba que diese uvas, y dio uvas silvestres.

Isaías 5:2
Ele cavou a terra com zelo, tirou as pedras e plantou as melhores videiras. Ergueu uma torre de sentinela e também construiu um tanque de prensar uvas. Ele tinha grande expectativa de colher uvas muito boas, mas as parreiras só produziram uvas bravas.

E, revolvendo-a com enxada e limpando-a das pedras, plantou- a de excelentes vides, e edificou no meio dela uma torre, e também construiu nela um lagar; e esperava que desse uvas, mas deu uvas bravas.   

Isaia 5:2
I -a săpat pămîntul, l -a curăţit de pietre, şi a sădit în el viţele cele mai alese. A zidit un turn în mijlocul ei, şi a săpat şi un teasc, apoi trăgea nădejde că are să -I facă struguri buni, dar a făcut struguri sălbatici.

Исаия 5:2
и Он обнес его оградою, и очистил его от камней, и насадил в нем отборные виноградные лозы, и построил башню посреди его, и выкопал в нем точило, и ожидал, что он принесет добрые грозды, а он принес дикие ягоды.

и Он обнес его оградою, и очистил его от камней, и насадил в нем отборные виноградные лозы, и построил башню посреди его, и выкопал в нем точило, и ожидал, что он принесет добрые грозды, а он принес дикие ягоды.[]

Jesaja 5:2
Och han hackade upp den och rensade den från stenar och planterade där ädla vinträd; han byggde ett vakttorn därinne, han högg ock ut ett presskar däri. Så väntade han att den skulle bära äkta druvor, men den bar vilddruvor.

Isaiah 5:2
At kaniyang binangbangan ang palibot at inalis ang mga bato, at tinamnan ng piling puno ng ubas, at nagtayo ng isang moog sa gitna niyaon, at tinabasan din naman ng isang pisaan ng ubas: at kaniyang hinintay na magbunga ng ubas, at nagbunga ng ubas gubat.

อิสยาห์ 5:2
ท่านทำรั้วไว้รอบแล้วเก็บก้อนหินออกหมดและปลูกเถาองุ่นอย่างดีไว้ ท่านสร้างหอเฝ้าไว้ท่ามกลาง และสกัดบ่อย่ำองุ่นไว้ในสวนนั้นด้วย ท่านมุ่งหวังว่ามันจะบังเกิดลูกองุ่น แต่มันบังเกิดลูกเถาเปรี้ยว

Yeşaya 5:2
Toprağı belleyip taşları ayıkladı,
Seçme asmalar dikip orta yere bir gözcü kulesi yaptı.
Üzüm sıkmak için bir çukur kazdı
Ve bağının üzüm vermesini bekledi.
Ama bağ yabanıl üzüm verdi.[]

EÂ-sai 5:2
Người khai phá ra; cất bỏ những đá; trồng những gốc nho xinh tốt; dựng một cái tháp giữa vườn, và đào một nơi ép rượu. Vả, người mong rằng sẽ sanh trái nho; nhưng nó lại sanh trái nho hoang.

Isaiah 5:1
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