Isaiah 5:11
Isaiah 5:11
Woe to those who rise early in the morning to run after their drinks, who stay up late at night till they are inflamed with wine.

What sorrow for those who get up early in the morning looking for a drink of alcohol and spend long evenings drinking wine to make themselves flaming drunk.

Woe to those who rise early in the morning, that they may run after strong drink, who tarry late into the evening as wine inflames them!

Woe to those who rise early in the morning that they may pursue strong drink, Who stay up late in the evening that wine may inflame them!

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

Woe to those who rise early in the morning in pursuit of beer, who linger into the evening, inflamed by wine.

"How terrible it will be for those who rise at dawn in order to grab a stiff drink, for those who stay up late at night as wine inflames them!

Those who get up early to drink beer are as good as dead, those who keep drinking long after dark until they are intoxicated with wine.

How horrible it will be for those who get up early to look for a drink, who sit up late until they are drunk from wine.

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning that they may continue their drunkenness; that continue until night until wine inflames them!

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflames them!

Woe to them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflame them!

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarry late into the night, till wine inflame them!

Woe to you that rise up early in the morning to follow drunkenness, and to drink till the evening, to be inflamed with wine.

Woe unto them that, rising early in the morning, run after strong drink; that linger till twilight, till wine inflameth them!

Woe unto them that rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that tarry late into the night, till wine inflame them!

Woe to them that rise early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; that continue until night, till wine inflameth them!

Woe to those who rise up early in the morning, that they may follow strong drink; who stay late into the night, until wine inflames them!

Woe to those rising early in the morning, Strong drink they pursue! Tarrying in twilight, wine inflameth them!

Isaia 5:11
Mjerë ata që ngrihen herët në mëngjes për t'u turrur pas pijeve dehëse dhe vonohen deri në mbrëmje sa të flakërohen nga vera!

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 5:11
ويل للمبكرين صباحا يتبعون المسكر. للمتأخرين في العتمة تلهبهم الخمر.

Dyr Ieseien 5:11
Wee enk, woß schoon in aller Frueh auf s Bier aus seitß und pappen bleibtß hinst eyn de tieffste Nacht, daa woß enk mit Wein zuetegltß!

Исая 5:11
Горко на ония, които подраняват сутрин, за да търсят спиртно питие, Които продължават до вечер, догдето ги разпали виното!

以 賽 亞 書 5:11
禍 哉 ! 那 些 清 早 起 來 追 求 濃 酒 , 留 連 到 夜 深 , 甚 至 因 酒 發 燒 的 人 。

祸 哉 ! 那 些 清 早 起 来 追 求 浓 酒 , 留 连 到 夜 深 , 甚 至 因 酒 发 烧 的 人 。



Isaiah 5:11
Jao onima što već jutrom na uranku žestokim se pićem zalijevaju i kasno noću sjede vinom raspaljeni.

Izaiáše 5:11
Běda těm, kteříž ráno vstávajíce, chodí po opilství, a trvají při tom do večera, až je víno i rozpaluje.

Esajas 5:11
Ve dem, der aarle jager efter Drik og ud paa Natten blusser af Vin!

Jesaja 5:11
Wee dengenen, die, zich vroeg opmakende in den morgenstond, sterken drank najagen, en vertoeven tot in de schemering, totdat de wijn hen heeft verhit!

ישעה 5:11
הֹ֛וי מַשְׁכִּימֵ֥י בַבֹּ֖קֶר שֵׁכָ֣ר יִרְדֹּ֑פוּ מְאַחֲרֵ֣י בַנֶּ֔שֶׁף יַ֖יִן יַדְלִיקֵֽם׃

יא הוי משכימי בבקר שכר ירדפו מאחרי בנשף יין ידליקם

הוי משכימי בבקר שכר ירדפו מאחרי בנשף יין ידליקם׃

Ézsaiás 5:11
Jaj azoknak, a kik jó reggelen részegítõ ital után futkosnak, [és] mulatnak estig, [és] bor hevíti õket:

Jesaja 5:11
Ve al tiuj, kiuj levigxas frue matene, por fordoni sin al drinkado, sidas malfrue nokte, por varmegigi sin per vino!

Voi niitä, jotka varhain huomeneltain ylhäällä ovat, juopumusta noutelemaan, ja istuvat hamaan yöhön asti, että he viinasta palavaksi tulisivat!

Ésaïe 5:11
Malheur à ceux qui, se levant de bonne heure, courent après la boisson, et qui, s'attardant jusqu'à la brune, sont enflammés par le vin.

Malheur à ceux qui de bon matin Courent après les boissons enivrantes, Et qui bien avant dans la nuit Sont échauffés par le vin!

Malheur à ceux qui se lèvent de bon matin, qui recherchent la cervoise, qui demeurent jusqu'au soir, et jusqu'à ce que le vin les échauffe.

Jesaja 5:11
Wehe denen, die des Morgens frühe auf sind, des Saufens sich zu fleißigen, und sitzen bis in die Nacht, daß sie der Wein erhitzt,

Weh denen, die des Morgens früh auf sind, des Saufens sich zu fleißigen, und sitzen bis in die Nacht, daß sie der Wein erhitzt,

Wehe denen, die früh am Morgen dem Rauschtrank nachgehen, die in der Dämmerung verziehn, vom Wein erhitzt! -

Isaia 5:11
Guai a quelli che la mattina s’alzano di buon’ora per correr dietro alle bevande alcooliche, e fan tardi la sera, finché il vino l’infiammi!

Guai a coloro che si levano la mattina a buon’ora, per andar dietro alla cervogia, e la sera dimorano lungamente a bere, finchè il vino li riscaldi!

Wai bagi orang yang bangun pagi-pagi hari akan mencahari minuman yang keras dan leka-leka sampai waktu samar muka dengan dipanasi oleh air anggur.

이사야 5:11
아침에 일찌기 일어나 독주를 따라가며 밤이 깊도록 머물러 포도주에 취하는 그들은 화 있을진저

Isaias 5:11
vae qui consurgitis mane ad ebrietatem sectandam et potandum usque ad vesperam ut vino aestuetis

Izaijo knyga 5:11
Vargas tiems, kurie keliasi anksti rytą girtuokliauti ir sėdi iki vėlaus vakaro, kol įkaista nuo vyno.

Isaiah 5:11
Aue te mate mo te hunga e maranga wawe ana i te ata ki te whai i te wai kaha; e kawe ana i te roa o te po, nawai a ka tahuna e te waina!

Esaias 5:11
Ve dem som står tidlig op om morgenen og jager efter sterk drikk, som sitter langt utover aftenen, glødende av vin!

Isaías 5:11
¡Ay de los que se levantan muy de mañana para ir tras la bebida, de los que trasnochan para que el vino los encienda!

¡Ay de los que se levantan muy de mañana para ir tras la bebida, De los que trasnochan para que el vino los encienda!

¡Ay de los que se levantan de mañana para seguir la embriaguez; que se están hasta la noche, hasta que el vino los enciende!

Ay de los que se levantan de mañana para seguir la embriaguez; que se están hasta la noche, hasta que el vino los enciende!

¡Ay de los que se levantan de mañana para seguir la embriaguez; que se están hasta la noche, hasta que el vino los enciende!

Isaías 5:11
Ai dos que se levantam cedo para embriagar-se, e quando a noite cai ainda buscam se aquecer embebedando-se mais!

Ai dos que se levantam cedo para correrem atrás da bebida forte e continuam até a noite, até que o vinho os esquente!   

Isaia 5:11
Vai de cei ce disdedimineaţă aleargă după băuturi ameţitoare, şi şed pînă tîrziu noaptea şi se înferbîntă de vin!

Исаия 5:11
Горе тем, которые с раннего утра ищут сикеры и до позднего вечера разгорячают себя вином;

Горе тем, которые с раннего утра ищут сикеры и до позднего вечера разгорячают себя вином;[]

Jesaja 5:11
Ve dem som stå bittida upp för att hasta till starka drycker, och som sitta intill sena natten för att upphetta sig med vin!

Isaiah 5:11
Sa aba nila na nagsisibangong maaga sa umaga, upang sila'y makasunod sa nakalalasing na inumin; na nagtatagal hanggang sa kalaliman ng gabi, hanggang sa magalab ang alak sa kanila!

อิสยาห์ 5:11
วิบัติแก่คนเหล่านั้นที่ลุกขึ้นแต่เช้ามืด เพื่อวิ่งไปตามเมรัย ผู้เฉื่อยแฉะอยู่จนดึก จนเหล้าองุ่นทำให้เขาเมาหยำเป

Yeşaya 5:11
Sabah erkenden kalkıp içki peşinden koşanların, gece geç vakte kadar şarap içip kızışanların vay haline![]

EÂ-sai 5:11
Khốn thay cho kẻ dậy sớm đặng tìm kiếm rượu, chầy đến ban đêm, phát nóng vì rượu!

Isaiah 5:10
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