Isaiah 47:6
Isaiah 47:6
I was angry with my people and desecrated my inheritance; I gave them into your hand, and you showed them no mercy. Even on the aged you laid a very heavy yoke.

For I was angry with my chosen people and punished them by letting them fall into your hands. But you, Babylon, showed them no mercy. You oppressed even the elderly.

I was angry with my people; I profaned my heritage; I gave them into your hand; you showed them no mercy; on the aged you made your yoke exceedingly heavy.

"I was angry with My people, I profaned My heritage And gave them into your hand. You did not show mercy to them, On the aged you made your yoke very heavy.

I was wroth with my people, I have polluted mine inheritance, and given them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.

I was angry with My people; I profaned My possession, and I placed them under your control. You showed them no mercy; you made your yoke very heavy on the elderly.

I was angry with my people, and I desecrated my heritage, and gave them into your control. You showed them no mercy; even on the aged you laid your yoke most heavily.

I was angry at my people; I defiled my special possession and handed them over to you. You showed them no mercy; you even placed a very heavy burden on old people.

I was angry with my people. I dishonored those who belong to me. I put them under your control. You showed them no mercy. You placed a heavy burden on old people.

I was wroth with my people; I have profaned my inheritance and given them into thine hand; thou didst show them no mercy; upon the ancient thou hast very heavily laid thy yoke.

I was angry with my people, I have profaned my inheritance, and given them into your hand: you did show them no mercy; upon the aged have you very heavily laid your yoke.

I was wroth with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and given them into your hand: you did show them no mercy; on the ancient have you very heavily laid your yoke.

I was wroth with my people, I profaned mine inheritance, and gave them into thy hand: thou didst show them no mercy; upon the aged hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.

I was angry with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and have given them into thy bend: thou hast shewn no mercy to them: upon the ancient thou hast laid thy yoke exceeding heavy.

I was wroth with my people, I polluted mine inheritance, and gave them into thy hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the aged didst thou very heavily lay thy yoke;

I was wroth with my people, I profaned mine inheritance, and gave them into thine hand: thou didst shew them no mercy; upon the aged hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.

I was wroth with my people, I have polluted my inheritance, and given them into thy hand: thou didst show them no mercy; upon the ancient hast thou very heavily laid thy yoke.

I was angry with my people, I profaned my inheritance, and gave them into your hand: you showed them no mercy; on the aged you have very heavily laid your yoke.

I have been wroth against My people, I have polluted Mine inheritance And I give them into thy hand, Thou hast not appointed for them mercies, On the aged thou hast made thy yoke very heavy,

Isaia 47:6
Jam zemëruar me popullin tim, kam përdhosur trashëgiminë time dhe i kam dhënë në pushtetin tënd, por ti nuk ke perdorur për ta kurrfarë mëshire; zgjedhën tënde e ushtrove sidomos mbi të moshuarit,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 47:6
غضبت على شعبي دنست ميراثي ودفعتهم الى يدك. لم تصنعي لهم رحمة على الشيخ ثقلت نيرك جدا.

Dyr Ieseien 47:6
I war zornig über mein Volk und gschaug s niemer als mein Aign an, und dösswögn gaab i s dyr eyn d Höndd. Aber du giengst gar z weit und gakennst glei gar nix; sogar non mit de altn Leut giengst recht gschert um.

Исая 47:6
Разгневих се на людете Си, Оскверних наследството Си, И предадох ги в ръката ти; [Но] ти не им показа милост, Ти си сложила твърде тежкия си хомот върху стареца;

以 賽 亞 書 47:6
我 向 我 的 百 姓 發 怒 , 使 我 的 產 業 被 褻 瀆 , 將 他 們 交 在 你 手 中 , 你 毫 不 憐 憫 他 們 , 把 極 重 的 軛 加 在 老 年 人 身 上 。

我 向 我 的 百 姓 发 怒 , 使 我 的 产 业 被 亵 渎 , 将 他 们 交 在 你 手 中 , 你 毫 不 怜 悯 他 们 , 把 极 重 的 轭 加 在 老 年 人 身 上 。



Isaiah 47:6
Razgnjevih se na svoj narod, oskvrnuh svoju baštinu. Tebi ih u ruke izručih, a ti im ne iskaza milosti. Na starce si stavljala jaram svoj preteški.

Izaiáše 47:6
Rozhněval jsem se na lid svůj, v lehkost jsem uvedl dědictví své, a vydal jsem je v ruku tvou, a neprokázalas k nim milosrdenství. Starce jsi obtížila velmi jhem svým,

Esajas 47:6
Jeg vrededes paa mit Folk, vanæred min Arv, gav dem hen i din Haand; du viste dem ingen Medynk, du lagde dit tunge Aag paa Oldingens Nakke.

Jesaja 47:6
Ik was op Mijn volk zeer toornig, Ik ontheiligde Mijn erve, en Ik gaf hen over in uw hand; doch gij beweest hun geen barmhartigheden, ja, zelfs over den oude maaktet gij uw juk zeer zwaar.

ישעה 47:6
קָצַ֣פְתִּי עַל־עַמִּ֗י חִלַּ֙לְתִּי֙ נַחֲלָתִ֔י וָאֶתְּנֵ֖ם בְּיָדֵ֑ךְ לֹא־שַׂ֤מְתְּ לָהֶם֙ רַחֲמִ֔ים עַל־זָקֵ֕ן הִכְבַּ֥דְתְּ עֻלֵּ֖ךְ מְאֹֽד׃

ו קצפתי על עמי חללתי נחלתי ואתנם בידך לא שמת להם רחמים--על זקן הכבדת עלך מאד

קצפתי על־עמי חללתי נחלתי ואתנם בידך לא־שמת להם רחמים על־זקן הכבדת עלך מאד׃

Ézsaiás 47:6
Fölgerjedtem volt népem ellen; megfertõztettem örökségemet és kezedbe adtam azt: te nem cselekedtél velök irgalmasságot, az öregre nehéz igát vetettél!

Jesaja 47:6
Kiam Mi koleris Mian popolon, malhonoris Mian heredajxon, kaj transdonis ilin en viajn manojn, vi ne montris al ili kompaton, sur maljunulon vi metis tre peze vian jugon;

Sillä kuin minä olin vihainen kansalleni, turmelin minä perintöni, ja hylkäsin heidät sinun kätees; mutta et sinä tehnyt heille laupiutta, ja vanhoille teit sinä ikees peräti raskaaksi,

Ésaïe 47:6
J'ai été courroucé contre mon peuple, j'ai profané mon héritage, et je les ai livrés en ta main: tu n'as usé d'aucune miséricorde envers eux; sur l'ancien tu as fort appesanti ton joug;

J'étais irrité contre mon peuple, J'avais profané mon héritage, Et je les avais livrés entre tes mains: Tu n'as pas eu pour eux de la compassion, Tu as durement appesanti ton joug sur le vieillard.

J'ai été embrasé de colère contre mon peuple, j'ai profané mon héritage, c'est pourquoi je les ai livrés entre tes mains, [mais] tu n'as point usé de miséricorde envers eux, tu as grièvement appesanti ton joug sur le vieillard;

Jesaja 47:6
Denn da ich über mein Volk zornig war und entweihete mein Erbe, übergab ich sie in deine Hand; aber du beweisetest ihnen keine Barmherzigkeit; auch über die Alten machtest du dein Joch allzu schwer

Denn da ich über mein Volk zornig war und entweihte mein Erbe, übergab ich sie in deine Hand; aber du bewiesest ihnen keine Barmherzigkeit, auch über die Alten machtest du ein Joch allzu schwer,

Ich war erzürnt über mein Volk, entweihte mein Erbe und gab sie dahin in deine Gewalt: nicht schenktest du ihnen Erbarmen; selbst Greisen legtest du auf dein gar schweres Joch.

Isaia 47:6
Io mi corrucciai contro il mio popolo, profanai la mia eredità e li diedi in mano tua; tu non avesti per essi alcuna pietà; facesti gravar duramente il tuo giogo sul vecchio,

Io mi adirai gravemente contro al mio popolo, io profanai la mia eredità, e li diedi in man tua: tu non usasti alcuna misericordia inverso loro; tu aggravasti grandemente il tuo giogo sopra il vecchio.

Bahwa sangat murkalah Aku akan segala umat-Ku, maka bahagian-Ku pusaka sudah Kuharamkan dan Kuserahkan dia kepada tanganmu, tetapi tiada engkau melakukan sayang akan mereka itu; jikalau pada orang tua sekalipun kautanggungkan kukmu yang sangat berat.

이사야 47:6
전에 내가 내 백성을 노함으로 내 기업을 욕되게 하여 그들을 네 손에 붙였거늘 네가 그들을 긍휼히 여기지 아니하고 늙은이에게 네 멍에를 심히 무겁게 메우며

Isaias 47:6
iratus sum super populum meum contaminavi hereditatem meam et dedi eos in manu tua non posuisti eis misericordias super senem adgravasti iugum tuum valde

Izaijo knyga 47:6
Aš buvau įpykęs ant savo tautos, suteršiau savo paveldą, padaviau juos į tavo ranką. Tu neparodei jiems gailestingumo, net žilagalviams uždėjai labai sunkų jungą.

Isaiah 47:6
I riri ahau ki taku iwi, i whakapokea toku kainga tupu; tukua ana e ahau ki tou ringa; kihai i puta tou aroha ki a ratou, whakataimahatia rawatia iho e koe tau ioka ki te kaumatua.

Esaias 47:6
Jeg var vred på mitt folk, vanhelliget min arv og gav dem i din hånd, du viste dem ikke barmhjertighet, endog på oldingen lot du ditt åk tynge hårdt.

Isaías 47:6
Estaba enojado contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad y en tu mano los entregué; no les mostraste compasión, sobre el anciano hiciste muy pesado tu yugo,

Estaba enojado contra Mi pueblo, Profané Mi heredad Y en tu mano los entregué. No les mostraste compasión, Sobre el anciano hiciste muy pesado tu yugo,

Me enojé contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad, y los entregué en tu mano; no les tuviste misericordia; sobre el anciano agravaste mucho tu yugo.

Enojéme contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad, y entreguélos en tu mano: no les hiciste misericordias; sobre el viejo agravaste mucho tu yugo.

Me enojé contra mi pueblo, profané mi heredad, y los entregué en tu mano; no les hiciste misericordias; sobre el viejo agravaste mucho tu yugo.

Isaías 47:6
Eu estava irado contra o meu povo, reduzi a minha herança à humilhação, entreguei-a nas tuas mãos, mas tu não usaste de misericórdia para com ela: até sobre os idosos impuseste o severo peso do teu jugo.

Muito me agastei contra o meu povo, profanei a minha herança, e os entreguei na tua mão; não usaste de misericórdia para com eles, e até sobre os velhos fizeste muito pesado o teu jugo.   

Isaia 47:6
Mă mîniasem pe poporul Meu, Îmi pîngărisem moştenirea, şi -i dădusem în mînile tale: dar tu n'ai avut milă de ei, ci ţi-ai apăsat greu jugul asupra bătrînului.

Исаия 47:6
Я прогневался на народ Мой, уничижил наследие Мое и предал их в руки твои; а ты не оказала им милосердия, на старца налагала крайне тяжкое иго твое.

Я прогневался на народ Мой, уничижил наследие Мое и предал их в руки твои; [а] ты не оказала им милосердия, на старца налагала крайне тяжкое иго твое.[]

Jesaja 47:6
Jag förtörnades på mitt folk, jag ohelgade min arvedel och gav dem i din hand. Och du visade dem intet förbarmande; på gamla män lät du ditt ok tynga hårt.

Isaiah 47:6
Ako'y napoot sa aking bayan, aking dinumhan ang aking mana, at ibinigay ko sa iyong kamay: hindi mo pinagpakitaan sila ng kaawaan; sa may katandaan ay pinabigat mong mainam ang iyong atang.

อิสยาห์ 47:6
เรากริ้วต่อชนชาติของเรา เราทำให้มรดกของเราเป็นมลทิน เรามอบเขาไว้ในมือของเจ้า เจ้ามิได้แสดงความกรุณาต่อเขา เจ้าวางแอกอย่างหนักไว้บนบ่าของคนชรา

Yeşaya 47:6
Halkıma öfkelenmiş,
Mirasım olduğu halde onu bayağılaştırıp
Eline teslim etmiştim.
Ama sen onlara acımadın,
Yaşlılara bile çok ağır bir boyunduruk yükledin.[]

EÂ-sai 47:6
Ta đã nổi giận nghịch cũng dân ta, làm ô uế sản nghiệp ta, và phó hết chúng nó trong tay ngươi. Nhưng ngươi chẳng từng dùng sự thương xót được chúng nó; đã tra ách nặng trên người già cả.

Isaiah 47:5
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