Isaiah 44:26
Isaiah 44:26
who carries out the words of his servants and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, 'It shall be inhabited,' of the towns of Judah, 'They shall be rebuilt,' and of their ruins, 'I will restore them,'

But I carry out the predictions of my prophets! By them I say to Jerusalem, 'People will live here again,' and to the towns of Judah, 'You will be rebuilt; I will restore all your ruins!'

who confirms the word of his servant and fulfills the counsel of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, ‘She shall be inhabited,’ and of the cities of Judah, ‘They shall be built, and I will raise up their ruins’;

Confirming the word of His servant And performing the purpose of His messengers. It is I who says of Jerusalem, 'She shall be inhabited!' And of the cities of Judah, 'They shall be built.' And I will raise up her ruins again.

That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof:

who confirms the message of His servant and fulfills the counsel of His messengers; who says to Jerusalem, "She will be inhabited," and to the cities of Judah, "They will be rebuilt," and I will restore her ruins;

who carries out the words of his servants, and fulfills the predictions of his messengers, who says of Jerusalem, "It will be inhabited," and of Judah's cities, "They will be rebuilt," and of her ruins, "I'll raise them up";

who fulfills the oracles of his prophetic servants and brings to pass the announcements of his messengers, who says about Jerusalem, 'She will be inhabited,' and about the towns of Judah, 'They will be rebuilt, her ruins I will raise up,'

He confirms the word of his servant and fulfills the plan of his messengers. He says about Jerusalem, "It will be inhabited." He says about the cities of Judah, "They will be rebuilt." He says about their ruins, "I will restore them."

that awakes the word of his slave and fulfills the counsel of his messengers, that says unto Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be rebuilt, and I will raise up thy ruins

That confirms the word of his servant, and performs the counsel of his messengers; that says to Jerusalem, you shall be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, you shall be built, and I will raise up its waste places:

That confirms the word of his servant, and performes the counsel of his messengers; that said to Jerusalem, You shall be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, You shall be built, and I will raise up the decayed places thereof:

that confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith of Jerusalem, She shall be inhabited; and of the cities of Judah, They shall be built, and I will raise up the waste places thereof;

That raise up the word of my servant and perform the counsel of my messengers, who say to Jerusalem: Thou shalt be inhabited: and to the cities of Juda: You shall be built, and I will raise up the wastes thereof.

that confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built up, and I will raise up their ruins;

that confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith of Jerusalem, She shall be inhabited; and of the cities of Judah, They shall be built, and I will raise up the waste places thereof:

That confirmeth the word of his servant, and performeth the counsel of his messengers; that saith to Jerusalem, Thou shalt be inhabited; and to the cities of Judah, Ye shall be built, and I will raise up her decayed places:

who confirms the word of his servant, and performs the counsel of his messengers; who says of Jerusalem, 'She will be inhabited;' and of the cities of Judah, 'They will be built,' and 'I will raise up its waste places;'

Confirming the word of His servant, The counsel of His messengers it perfecteth, Who is saying of Jerusalem, She is inhabited, And of cities of Judah, They shall be built, and her wastes I raise up,

Isaia 44:26
Vërtetoj fjalën e shërbëtorit tim dhe i jap sukses këshillës së lajmëtarëve të mi; unë i them Jeruzalemit: "Do të kesh banorë", dhe qyteteve të Judës: "Do t'ju rindërtojnë", dhe unë do të rindërtoj gërmadhat e tyre.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 44:26
مقيم كلمة عبده ومتمم رأي رسله. القائل عن اورشليم ستعمر ولمدن يهوذا ستبنين وخربها اقيم.

Dyr Ieseien 44:26
I erfüll s Wort von meine Knecht und füer dös aus, was meine Botn verkünddnd, sag zo Ruslham: "Du werst wider bewont!" und zo de Judauer Stötn: "Ös werdtß wider aufbaut. I bau enk aus n Getrümm wider auf."

Исая 44:26
Който потвърждавам думата на Своя служител, И изпълнявам изявеното от Моите пратеници; Който казвам за Ерусалим: Ще се насели, И за градовете на Юда: Ще се съградят, И Аз ще възстановя разрушеното в него;

以 賽 亞 書 44:26
使 我 僕 人 的 話 語 立 定 , 我 使 者 的 謀 算 成 就 。 論 到 耶 路 撒 冷 說 : 必 有 人 居 住 ; 論 到 猶 大 的 城 邑 說 : 必 被 建 造 , 其 中 的 荒 場 我 也 必 興 起 。

使 我 仆 人 的 话 语 立 定 , 我 使 者 的 谋 算 成 就 。 论 到 耶 路 撒 冷 说 : 必 有 人 居 住 ; 论 到 犹 大 的 城 邑 说 : 必 被 建 造 , 其 中 的 荒 场 我 也 必 兴 起 。



Isaiah 44:26
ali potvrđujem riječ sluge svojega, ispunjam naum svojih glasnika. Ja govorim Jeruzalemu: 'Naseli se!' I gradovima judejskim: 'Sagradite se!' Iz razvalina ja ih podižem.

Izaiáše 44:26
Potvrzuji slova služebníka svého, a radu poslů svých vykonávám. Kterýž dím o Jeruzalému: Bydleno bude v něm, a o městech Judských: Vystavena budou, nebo pustiny jejich vzdělám.

Esajas 44:26
stadfæster sine Tjeneres Ord, fuldbyrder sine Sendebuds Raad. Jeg siger om Jerusalem: »Det skal bebos!« om Judas Byer: »De skal bygges!« Ruinerne rejser jeg atter!

Jesaja 44:26
Die het woord Zijns knechts bevestigt, en den raad Zijner boden volbrengt; Die tot Jeruzalem zegt: Gij zult bewoond worden; en tot de steden van Juda: Gij zult herbouwd worden, en Ik zal haar verwoeste plaatsen oprichten.

ישעה 44:26
מֵקִים֙ דְּבַ֣ר עַבְדֹּ֔ו וַעֲצַ֥ת מַלְאָכָ֖יו יַשְׁלִ֑ים הָאֹמֵ֨ר לִירוּשָׁלִַ֜ם תּוּשָׁ֗ב וּלְעָרֵ֤י יְהוּדָה֙ תִּבָּנֶ֔ינָה וְחָרְבֹותֶ֖יהָ אֲקֹומֵֽם׃

כו מקים דבר עבדו ועצת מלאכיו ישלים האמר לירושלם תושב ולערי יהודה תבנינה וחרבותיה אקומם

מקים דבר עבדו ועצת מלאכיו ישלים האמר לירושלם תושב ולערי יהודה תבנינה וחרבותיה אקומם׃

Ézsaiás 44:26
A ki szolgája beszédét beteljesíti, és véghez viszi követei tanácsát, a ki így szól Jeruzsálemnek: Lakjanak benne! és Júda városainak: Megépíttessenek! és romjait felállatom!

Jesaja 44:26
kiu konfirmas la vorton de Sia servanto kaj plenumas la decidojn de Siaj senditoj; kiu diras pri Jerusalem:GXi havos multe da logxantoj; kaj pri la urboj de Judujo:Ili estos rekonstruitaj, kaj iliajn ruinojn Mi restarigos;

JESAJA 44:26
Mutta hän vahvistaa palveliansa sanan ja käskyläistensä neuvon täyttää. Joka Jerusalemille sanon: ole asuva: ja Juudan kaupungeille: olkaat rakennetut, ja heidän aukionsa minä nostan ylös.

Ésaïe 44:26
qui confirme la parole de mon serviteur et accomplis le conseil de mes messagers; qui dis à Jérusalem: Tu seras habitée, et aux villes de Juda: Vous serez bâties, et je relèverai ses ruines;

Je confirme la parole de mon serviteur, Et j'accomplis ce que prédisent mes envoyés; Je dis de Jérusalem: Elle sera habitée, Et des villes de Juda: Elles seront rebâties; Et je relèverai leurs ruines.

C'est lui qui met en exécution la parole de son serviteur, et qui accomplit le conseil de ses messagers; qui dit à Jérusalem; tu seras [encore] habitée; et aux villes de Juda; vous serez rebâties; et je redresserai ses lieux déserts.

Jesaja 44:26
bestätiget aber das Wort seines Knechts und den Rat seiner Boten vollführet, der zu Jerusalem spricht: Sei bewohnet! und zu den Städten Judas: Seid gebauet! und der ich ihre Verwüstung aufrichte;

bestätigt aber das Wort seines Knechtes und vollführt den Rat seiner Boten; der zu Jerusalem spricht: Sei bewohnt! und zu den Städten Juda's: Seid gebaut! und ihre Verwüstung richte ich auf;

der das Wort seines Knechts in Erfüllung gehen läßt und zur Ausführung bringt, was seine Boten verkündigten; der von Jerusalem spricht: es werde wieder bewohnt! und von den Städten Judas: sie sollen wieder aufgebaut werden, und ihre Trümmer richte ich auf!

Isaia 44:26
io confermo la parola del mio servo, e mando ad effetto le predizioni de’ miei messaggeri; io dico di Gerusalemme: "Essa sarà abitata!" e delle città di Giuda: "Saranno riedificate" ed io ne rialzerò le rovine;

che confermo la parola del mio servitore, e adempio il consiglio de’ miei Angeli; che dico a Gerusalemme: Tu sarai abitata; ed alle città di Giuda: Voi sarete riedificate; ed io ridirizzerò le sue ruine;

YESAYA 44:26
Bahwa Akulah Dia yang menetapkan kata hambanya dan yang menyampaikan bicara utusannya; firman-Ku kepada Yeruzalem: Engkau lagi akan diduduki orang, dan kepada segala negeri Yehuda: Kamu akan dibangunkan pula dan segala kerobohanmu akan Kutegakkan pula.

이사야 44:26
내 종의 말을 응하게 하며 내 사자의 모략을 성취하게 하며 예루살렘에 대하여는 이르기를 거기 사람이 살리라 하며 유다 성읍들에 대하여는 이르기를 중건될 것이라 내가 그 황폐한 곳들을 복구시키리라 하며

Isaias 44:26
suscitans verbum servi sui et consilium nuntiorum suorum conplens qui dico Hierusalem habitaberis et civitatibus Iuda aedificabimini et deserta eius suscitabo

Izaijo knyga 44:26
Jis patvirtina savo tarno žodį ir įvykdo savo pasiuntinio pranešimą. Jis sako Jeruzalei: “Tu būsi apgyvendinta”, ir Judo miestams: “Jūs būsite atstatyti”.

Isaiah 44:26
Mana pu i a ia te kupu a tana pononga, te whakaaro a ana karere rite rawa i a ia; ko tana kupu ki Hiruharama, Ka nohoia koe; ki nga pa o Hura, Ka hanga koutou; maku ano e whakaara ona wahi kua ururuatia.

Esaias 44:26
som stadfester sin tjeners ord og fullbyrder sine sendebuds råd*, som sier om Jerusalem: Der skal bo folk, og om Judas byer: De skal bygges op igjen, deres ruiner vil jeg reise,

Isaías 44:26
Yo soy el que confirmo la palabra de su siervo, y cumplo el propósito de sus mensajeros; el que dice de Jerusalén: ``Será habitada; y de las ciudades de Judá: ``Serán reedificadas, y sus ruinas levantaré;

Yo soy el que confirmo la palabra de Su siervo, Y cumplo el propósito de Sus mensajeros; El que dice de Jerusalén: 'Será habitada'; Y de las ciudades de Judá: 'Serán reedificadas, Y sus ruinas levantaré.'

Yo, quien confirma la palabra de su siervo, y cumple el consejo de sus mensajeros; que dice a Jerusalén: Serás habitada; y a las ciudades de Judá: Seréis reedificadas, y yo levantaré sus ruinas;

Que despierta la palabra de su siervo, y cumple el consejo de sus mensajeros; que dice á Jerusalem: Serás habitada; y á las ciudades de Judá: Reedificadas serán, y sus ruinas levantaré;

que despierta la palabra de su siervo, y que cumple el consejo de sus mensajeros; que digo a Jerusalén: Serás habitada; y a las ciudades de Judá: Serán reedificadas, y sus ruinas levantaré;

Isaías 44:26
Sou Eu que confirmo a palavra proclamada pelo meu servo e cumpro a profecia dos meus mensageiros; que digo de Jerusalém: ‘Ela será habitada!’; e sobre as cidades de Judá: ‘Elas serão construídas!’, e quanto às suas ruínas: ‘Eu mesmo as restaurarei’;

sou eu que confirmo a palavra do meu servo, e cumpro o conselho dos meus mensageiros; que digo de Jerusalém: Ela será habitada; e das cidades de Judá: Elas serão edificadas, e eu levantarei as suas ruínas;   

Isaia 44:26
Dar întăresc cuvîntul robului Meu, şi împlinesc ce proorocesc trimeşii Mei; Eu zic despre Ierusalim: ,Va fi locuit,` şi despre cetăţile lui Iuda: ,Vor fi zidite iarăş, şi le voi ridica dărîmăturile.`

Исаия 44:26
Который утверждает слово раба Своего и приводит в исполнение изречение Своих посланников, Который говорит Иерусалиму: „тыбудешь населен", и городам Иудиным: „вы будете построены, и развалины его Я восстановлю",

Который утверждает слово раба Своего и приводит в исполнение изречение Своих посланников, Который говорит Иерусалиму: `ты будешь населен`, и городам Иудиным: `вы будете построены, и развалины его Я восстановлю`,[]

Jesaja 44:26
men som låter sin tjänares ord bliva beståndande och fullbordar sina sändebuds rådslag. Jag är den som säger om Jerusalem: »Det skall bliva bebott» och om Juda städer: »De skola varda uppbyggda; jag skall upprätta ruinerna där.»

Isaiah 44:26
Na nagpapatatag ng salita ng kaniyang lingkod, at nagsasagawa ng payo ng kaniyang mga sugo; na nagsasabi ng tungkol sa Jerusalem, Siya'y tatahan; at tungkol sa mga bayan ng Juda, Mangatatayo, at aking ibabangon ang mga sirang dako niyaon:

อิสยาห์ 44:26
ผู้รับรองถ้อยคำของผู้รับใช้ของพระองค์ และให้สัมฤทธิ์ผลตามแผนงานแห่งทูตของพระองค์ ผู้กล่าวถึงเยรูซาเล็มว่า `จะมีคนอาศัยอยู่' และถึงหัวเมืองยูดาห์ว่า `จะมีคนมาสร้างขึ้น และเราจะยกสิ่งสลักหักพังของมันขึ้น'

Yeşaya 44:26

EÂ-sai 44:26
Chúa làm ứng nghiệm lời của tôi tớ Ngài; phán về thành Giê-ru-sa-lem rằng: Nó sẽ có người ở; và về các thành của Giu-đa rằng: Nó sẽ được lập lại, ta sẽ dựng lại các nơi hoang vu của nó;

Isaiah 44:25
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