Isaiah 41:7
Isaiah 41:7
The metalworker encourages the goldsmith, and the one who smooths with the hammer spurs on the one who strikes the anvil. One says of the welding, "It is good." The other nails down the idol so it will not topple.

The carver encourages the goldsmith, and the molder helps at the anvil. "Good," they say. "It's coming along fine." Carefully they join the parts together, then fasten the thing in place so it won't fall over.

The craftsman strengthens the goldsmith, and he who smooths with the hammer him who strikes the anvil, saying of the soldering, “It is good”; and they strengthen it with nails so that it cannot be moved.

So the craftsman encourages the smelter, And he who smooths metal with the hammer encourages him who beats the anvil, Saying of the soldering, "It is good"; And he fastens it with nails, So that it will not totter.

So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the sodering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

The craftsman encourages the metalworker; the one who flattens with the hammer supports the one who strikes the anvil, saying of the soldering, "It is good." He fastens it with nails so that it will not fall over.

The craftsman encourages the goldsmith, and the hammersmith encourages the one who strikes the anvil. He says about the welding, 'It's good!' and he reinforces it with nails so that it won't topple."

The craftsman encourages the metalsmith, the one who wields the hammer encourages the one who pounds on the anvil. He approves the quality of the welding, and nails it down so it won't fall over."

Craftsmen encourage goldsmiths. Metalsmiths encourage blacksmiths who work at their anvils. They say that their soldering is good. And they fasten things with nails so they won't move.

So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smooths with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is well joined and he strengthened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smoothes with the hammer him that struck the anvil, saying, It is ready for the soldering: and he fastened it with pegs, that it should not be moved.

So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smoothes with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the soldering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

So the carpenter encourageth the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smiteth the anvil, saying of the soldering, It is good; and he fasteneth it with nails, that is should not be moved.

The coppersmith striking with the hammer encouraged him that forged at that time, saying: It is ready for soldering: and he strengthened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

And the artizan encouraged the founder, he that smootheth with the hammer him that smiteth on the anvil, saying of the soldering, It is good; and he fasteneth it with nails, that it be not moved.

So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smiteth the anvil, saying of the soldering, It is good: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

So the carpenter encouraged the goldsmith, and he that smootheth with the hammer him that smote the anvil, saying, It is ready for the sodering: and he fastened it with nails, that it should not be moved.

So the carpenter encourages the goldsmith. He who smoothes with the hammer encourages him who strikes the anvil, saying of the soldering, "It is good;" and he fastens it with nails, that it might not totter.

And strengthen doth an artisan the refiner, A smoother with a hammer, Him who is beating on an anvil, Saying, 'For joining it is good,' And he strengtheneth it with nails, it is not moved!

Isaia 41:7
Farkëtari i jep zemër argjendarit dhe ai që i jep dorën e fundit punës me çekiç i jep zemër atij që i bie kudhrës dhe thotë për saldaturën: "Mirë është" dhe e përforcon me gozhda që të mos lëvizë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 41:7
فشدد النجار الصائغ. الصاقل بالمطرقة الضارب على السندان قائلا عن الإلحام هو جيد. فمكنه بمسامير حتى لا يتقلقل

Dyr Ieseien 41:7
Dyr Schreiner spraach yn n Goldschmid Muet zue, dyr Hammerer yn n Schwaisser: "Ui, dös werd beerig!" Und dann naglnd s dös Bild an, däß s ja nit umfallt!

Исая 41:7
И тъй, дърводелецът насърчаваше златаря, И тоя, който кове с чука, онзи, който удря на наковалнята, Като казваше: Добре е споено, И го закрепяваше с гвоздей, за да се не клати.

以 賽 亞 書 41:7
木 匠 勉 勵 銀 匠 , 用 鎚 打 光 的 勉 勵 打 砧 的 , 論 銲 工 說 , 銲 得 好 ; 又 用 釘 子 釘 穩 , 免 得 偶 像 動 搖 。

木 匠 勉 励 银 匠 , 用 ? 打 光 的 勉 励 打 砧 的 , 论 焊 工 说 , 焊 得 好 ; 又 用 钉 子 钉 稳 , 免 得 偶 像 动 摇 。



Isaiah 41:7
Ljevač bodri zlatara, onaj koji gladi čekićem bodri onog koji kuje na nakovnju. On govori o spajanju: Dobro je, i čavlima kip učvršćuje da se ne pomiče.

Izaiáše 41:7
A tak posilňoval tesař zlatníka, vyhlazujícího kladivo tlučením na nákovadlí, říkaje: K sletování toto dobré jest. I utvrdil to hřebíky, aby se nepohnulo.

Esajas 41:7
Mesteren opmuntrer Guldsmeden, Glatteren ham, der hamrer; Lodningen tager han god og sømmer det fast, saa det staar.

Jesaja 41:7
En de werkmeester versterkte den goudsmid; die met den hamer glad maakt, dien, die op het aambeeld slaat, zeggende van het soldeersel: Het is goed; daarna maakt hij het vast met nagelen, dat het niet wankele.

ישעה 41:7
וַיְחַזֵּ֤ק חָרָשׁ֙ אֶת־צֹרֵ֔ף מַחֲלִ֥יק פַּטִּ֖ישׁ אֶת־הֹ֣ולֶם פָּ֑עַם אֹמֵ֤ר לַדֶּ֙בֶק֙ טֹ֣וב ה֔וּא וַיְחַזְּקֵ֥הוּ בְמַסְמְרִ֖ים לֹ֥א יִמֹּֽוט׃ ס

ז ויחזק חרש את צרף מחליק פטיש את הולם פעם אמר לדבק טוב הוא ויחזקהו במסמרים לא ימוט  {ס}

ויחזק חרש את־צרף מחליק פטיש את־הולם פעם אמר לדבק טוב הוא ויחזקהו במסמרים לא ימוט׃ ס

Ézsaiás 41:7
És bátorítja a mester az ötvöst, és a kalapácscsal simító azt, a ki az ülõt veri; így szól a forrasztásról: jó az, és megerõsíti szegekkel, hogy meg ne mozduljon.

Jesaja 41:7
Kaj la skulptisto kuragxigas la fandiston, la ladfaristo la forgxiston, kaj li diras:La kunigxo estas bona; kaj li fortikigas tion per najloj, ke gxi ne sxanceligxu.

Puuseppä rohkaisi hopiaseppää, joka tasoitti vasaralla alasimen päällä, ja sanoi: kyllä se pysyy, ja he vahvistivat sen nauloilla, ettei se sinne tänne huljuisi.

Ésaïe 41:7
Et l'ouvrier fortifiait le fondeur; celui qui polit au marteau fortifiait celui qui frappe sur l'enclume, disant de la soudure: Elle est bonne;... et il l'a affermi avec des clous, afin qu'il ne branle pas.

Le sculpteur encourage le fondeur; Celui qui polit au marteau encourage celui qui frappe sur l'enclume; Il dit de la soudure: Elle est bonne! Et il fixe l'idole avec des clous, pour qu'elle ne branle pas.

L'ouvrier a encouragé le fondeur; celui qui frappe doucement du marteau [encourage] celui qui frappe sur l'enclume, et dit; Cela est bon pour souder, puis il le fait tenir avec des clous, afin qu'il ne bouge point.

Jesaja 41:7
Der Zimmermann nahm den Goldschmied zu sich und machten mit dem Hammer das Blech glatt auf dem Amboß und sprachen: Das wird fein stehen! Und hefteten's mit Nägeln, daß es nicht sollte wackeln.

Der Zimmermann nahm den Goldschmied zu sich und machten mit dem Hammer das Blech glatt auf dem Amboß und sprachen: Das wird fein stehen! und hefteten's mit Nägeln, daß es nicht sollte wackeln.

Und der Künstler ermutigte den Goldschmied, der mit dem Hammer glättet den, der den Ambos schlägt, indem er von der Lötung sagte: Sie ist gut! Und dann befestigte er das Götterbild mit Nägeln, daß es nicht wanken kann.

Isaia 41:7
Il fabbro incoraggia l’orafo; il battiloro incoraggia colui che batte l’incudine, e dice della saldatura: "E’ buona!" e fissa l’idolo con de’ chiodi, perché non si smova.

Il fabbro conforta l’orafo; colui che tocca l’opera col martello conforta colui che colpisce su l’incudine; l’uno dice: Quest’è buono per esser saldato; l’altro ferma il lavoro con chiodi, acciocchè non si smuova.

Bahwa tukang besi menolong pandai emas dan orang yang mengupam dengan catuk menolong orang yang menempa pada landasan, katanya akan pateri: Baiklah ini! atau diikatnya dengan paku, supaya jangan ia itu tergoncang.

이사야 41:7
목공은 금장색을 장려하며 마치로 고르게 하는 자는 메질군을 장려하며 가로되 땜이 잘 된다 하며 못을 단단히 박아 우상으로 흔들리지 않게 하는도다

Isaias 41:7
confortabit faber aerarius percutiens malleo eum qui cudebat tunc temporis dicens glutino bonum est et confortavit eum in clavis ut non moveatur

Izaijo knyga 41:7
Amatininkas padrąsina auksakalį, kuris su plaktuku dirba, giria ant priekalo kalantį: ‘Taip, gerai!’ Jie prikala vinimis stabą, kad nejudėtų.

Isaiah 41:7
Na kei te whakatenatena te kamura i te kaitahu koura, te kaiwhakamaeneene ki te hama, i te tangata e patu ana ki te paepae, ko tana kupu mo te whakapiringa, kei te pai; na whakaukia ana e ia ki te whao, te taea te whakanekeneke.

Esaias 41:7
Treskjæreren setter mot i gullsmeden, den som glatter med hammeren, i den som hamrer på ambolten, og han sier om loddingen: Den er god, og han fester billedet med spiker, forat det skal stå støtt.

Isaías 41:7
El artífice anima al fundidor, y el que alisa a martillo al que bate el yunque, diciendo de la soldadura: Está bien. Entonces asegura su obra con clavos, para que no se mueva.

El artífice anima al fundidor, Y el que alisa a martillo, al que bate el yunque, Diciendo de la soldadura: "Está bien." Entonces asegura su obra con clavos, Para que no se mueva.

El carpintero animó al platero, y el que alisa con martillo al que batía en el yunque, diciendo: Buena está la soldadura, y lo afirmó con clavos, para que no se moviese.

El carpintero animó al platero, y el que alisa con martillo al que batía en el yunque, diciendo: Buena está la soldadura, y afirmólo con clavos, porque no se moviese.

El carpintero animó al platero; y el que alisa con martillo al que batía en el yunque, diciendo: Buena es la soldadura. Y lo afirmó con clavos, para que no se moviese.

Isaías 41:7
Assim o artesão animou o ourives, e o que alisa o martelo encorajou o que bate na bigorna. Ele diz sobre a peça soldada: “Está boa!” E fixa o ídolo com prego para que não tombe nem se mova do lugar.

Assim o artífice animou ao ourives, e o que alisa com o martelo ao que bate na bigorna, dizendo da coisa soldada: Boa é. Então com pregos a segurou, para que não viesse a mover-se.   

Isaia 41:7
Lemnarul îmbărbătează pe argintar; celce lustruieşte cu ciocanul îmbărbătează pe celce bate pe nicovală, zicînd despre îmbinare: ,Este bună!` şi ţintuieşte idolul în cuie ca să nu se clatine.``

Исаия 41:7
Кузнец ободряет плавильщика, разглаживающий листы молотом – кующего на наковальне, говоря о спайке: „хороша"; и укрепляет гвоздями, чтобы было твердо.

Кузнец ободряет плавильщика, разглаживающий листы молотом--кующего на наковальне, говоря о спайке: `хороша`; и укрепляет гвоздями, чтобы было твердо.[]

Jesaja 41:7
Träsnidaren sätter mod i guldsmeden, bleckslagaren i den som hamrar på städ. Han säger om lödningen: »Den är god» och fäster bilden med spikar, så att den ej faller omkull.

Isaiah 41:7
Sa gayo'y pinalalakas ang loob ng anluwagi ang panday-ginto, at ng pumapatag ng pamukpok ang pumupukpok ng palihan, na sinasabi tungkol sa paghinang, Mabuti, at kaniyang inilalapat ng mga pako, upang huwag makilos.

อิสยาห์ 41:7
ช่างไม้ก็หนุนใจช่างทอง ผู้ที่ทำให้เรียบด้วยค้อนก็หนุนใจผู้ที่ตีทั่งว่า "พร้อมแล้วสำหรับการบัดกรี" และเขาก็เอาตาปูตรึงไว้เพื่อไม่ให้หวั่นไหว

Yeşaya 41:7
Zanaatçı kuyumcuyu yüreklendiriyor,
Madeni çekiçle düzleyen,
‹‹Lehim iyi oldu›› diyerek örse vuranı yüreklendiriyor.
Kımıldamasın diye putu yerine çiviliyor.[]

EÂ-sai 41:7
Thợ mộc giục lòng thợ vàng; kẻ dùng búa đánh bóng giục lòng kẻ đánh đe; luận về việc hàn rằng: Hàn vẫn tốt; đoạn lấy đinh đóng nó cho khỏi lung lay.

Isaiah 41:6
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