Isaiah 39:8
Isaiah 39:8
"The word of the LORD you have spoken is good," Hezekiah replied. For he thought, "There will be peace and security in my lifetime."

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "This message you have given me from the LORD is good." For the king was thinking, "At least there will be peace and security during my lifetime."

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, “The word of the LORD that you have spoken is good.” For he thought, “There will be peace and security in my days.”

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "The word of the LORD which you have spoken is good." For he thought, "For there will be peace and truth in my days."

Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "The word of the LORD that you have spoken is good," for he thought: There will be peace and security during my lifetime."

"The message from the LORD that you have spoken is good," Hezekiah replied to Isaiah, since he was thinking, "…at least there will be peace and security in my lifetime."

Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "The LORD's word which you have announced is appropriate." Then he thought, "For there will be peace and stability during my lifetime."

Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "The LORD's word that you have spoken is good." He added, "Just let there be peace and security as long as I live."

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, At least there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which you have spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which you have spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the word of Jehovah which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

And Ezechias said to Isaias: The word of the Lord, which he hath spoken, is good. And he said: Only let peace and truth be in my days.

And Hezekiah said to Isaiah, Good is the word of Jehovah which thou hast spoken. And he said, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then said Hezekiah unto Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then said Hezekiah to Isaiah, Good is the word of the LORD which thou hast spoken. He said moreover, For there shall be peace and truth in my days.

Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "Yahweh's word which you have spoken is good." He said moreover, "For there will be peace and truth in my days."

And Hezekiah saith unto Isaiah, 'Good is the word of Jehovah that thou hast spoken;' and he saith, 'Because there is peace and truth in my days.'

Isaia 39:8
Ezekia i tha pastaj Isaias: "Fjala e Zotit që ti shqiptove është e mirë". Pastaj shtoi: "Do të ketë të paktën paqe dhe siguri gjatë jetës sime".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 39:8
فقال حزقيا لاشعياء جيد هو قول الرب الذي تكلمت به. وقال فانه يكون سلام وامان في ايامي

Dyr Ieseien 39:8
Daa gmaint dyr Hiskies zo n Ieseienn: "Ja, dös geet y non, wasst saist; wenn non grad in meiner Zeit non ayn Rue ist!"

Исая 39:8
Тогава Езекия рече на Исаия: Добро е Господното слово, което ти изрече. Прибави още: [Не е ли тъй], щом в моите дни ще има мир и вярност?

以 賽 亞 書 39:8
希 西 家 對 以 賽 亞 說 : 你 所 說 耶 和 華 的 話 甚 好 , 因 為 在 我 的 年 日 中 必 有 太 平 和 穩 固 的 景 況 。

希 西 家 对 以 赛 亚 说 : 你 所 说 耶 和 华 的 话 甚 好 , 因 为 在 我 的 年 日 中 必 有 太 平 和 稳 固 的 景 况 。



Isaiah 39:8
Ezekija odgovori Izaiji: Povoljna je riječ koju ti je Jahve objavio. A mislio je: Bit će barem mira i sigurnosti za moga života.

Izaiáše 39:8
Tedy řekl Ezechiáš Izaiášovi: Dobréť jest slovo Hospodinovo, kteréž jsi mluvil. (A doložil): Proto že pokoj a pravda bude za dnů mých.

Esajas 39:8
Men Ezekias sagde til Esajas: »det Ord fra HERREN, du har talt, er godt!« Thi han tænkte: »Saa bliver der da Fred og Tryghed, saa længe jeg lever!«

Jesaja 39:8
Maar Hizkia zeide tot Jesaja: Het woord des HEEREN, dat gij gesproken hebt, is goed. Ook zeide hij: Doch het zij vrede en waarheid in mijn dagen!

ישעה 39:8
וַיֹּ֤אמֶר חִזְקִיָּ֙הוּ֙ אֶֽל־יְשַׁעְיָ֔הוּ טֹ֥וב דְּבַר־יְהוָ֖ה אֲשֶׁ֣ר דִּבַּ֑רְתָּ וַיֹּ֕אמֶר כִּ֥י יִהְיֶ֛ה שָׁלֹ֥ום וֶאֱמֶ֖ת בְּיָמָֽי׃ פ

ח ויאמר חזקיהו אל ישעיהו טוב דבר יהוה אשר דברת ויאמר כי יהיה שלום ואמת בימי  {פ}

ויאמר חזקיהו אל־ישעיהו טוב דבר־יהוה אשר דברת ויאמר כי יהיה שלום ואמת בימי׃ פ

Ézsaiás 39:8
Akkor monda Ezékiás Ésaiásnak: Jóságos az Úrnak beszéde, a melyet te szóltál! és monda: Csak napjaimban legyen béke és állandóság!

Jesaja 39:8
Kaj HXizkija diris al Jesaja:Bona estas la vorto de la Eternulo, kiun vi diris. Kaj li diris plue:Estu nur paco kaj vero en mia tempo.

Ja Hiskia sanoi Jesaialle: Herran sana on hyvä, jonka sinä puhunut olet. Ja sanoi: olkoon kuitenkin rauha ja uskollisuus minun päivinäni.

Ésaïe 39:8
Et Ézéchias dit à Ésaïe: La parole de l'Éternel, que tu as prononcée, est bonne. Puis il dit: Car il y aura paix et stabilité pendant mes jours.

Ezéchias répondit à Esaïe: La parole de l'Eternel, que tu as prononcée, est bonne; car, ajouta-t-il, il y aura paix et sécurité pendant ma vie.

Et Ezéchias répondit à Esaïe; La parole de l'Eternel que tu as prononcée, est bonne; et il ajouta; Au moins qu'il y ait paix et sûreté en mes jours.

Jesaja 39:8
Und Hiskia sprach zu Jesaja: Das Wort des HERRN ist gut, das du sagest. Und sprach: Es sei nur Friede und Treue, weil ich lebe!

Und Hiskia sprach zu Jesaja: Das Wort des HERRN ist gut, das du sagst, und sprach: Es sei nur Friede und Treue, solange ich lebe.

Hiskia aber sprach zu Jesaja: Das Wort Jahwes, das du geredet hast, ist gütig! Denn er dachte: wird doch Wohlfahrt und beständiges Wesen herrschen, so lange ich lebe!

Isaia 39:8
Ed Ezechia disse a Isaia: "La parola dell’Eterno che tu hai pronunziata, è buona". Poi aggiunse: "Perché vi sarà almeno pace e sicurezza durante la mia vita".

Ed Ezechia disse ad Isaia: La parola del Signore, che tu hai pronunziata, è buona. Poi disse: Noi vi sarà egli pur pace e sicurtà, a’ miei dì?

Maka kata Hizkia kepada Yesaya: Benarlah firman Tuhan yang kaukatakan itu. Dan lagi katanya: Adalah juga selamat sentosa pada segala hari umur hidupku.

이사야 39:8
히스기야가 이사야에게 이르되 당신의 이른바 여호와의 말씀이 좋소이다 또 가로되 나의 생전에는 평안과 견고함이 있으리로다 하니라

Isaias 39:8
et dixit Ezechias ad Isaiam bonum verbum Domini quod locutus est et dixit fiat tantum pax et veritas in diebus meis

Izaijo knyga 39:8
Ezekijas atsakė Izaijui: “Viešpaties žodis, kurį tu kalbėjai, yra geras”. Ir jis pridūrė: “Kad tik mano dienomis būtų taika ir saugumas”.

Isaiah 39:8
Ano ra ko Hetekia ki a Ihaia, Pai tonu te kupu a Ihowa i korerotia na e koe. I mea hoki ia, Ka mau hoki te rongo me te pono i oku ra.

Esaias 39:8
Da sa Esekias til Esaias: Det Herrens ord som du har talt, er godt. Så sa han: Det skal jo være fred og trygghet i mine dager.

Isaías 39:8
Entonces Ezequías dijo a Isaías: La palabra del SEÑOR que has hablado es buena. Pues pensaba: Porque habrá paz y seguridad en mis días.

Entonces Ezequías dijo a Isaías: "La palabra del SEÑOR que has hablado es buena." Pues pensaba: "Habrá paz y seguridad en mis días."

Y dijo Ezequías a Isaías: La palabra de Jehová que has hablado, es buena. Y añadió: A lo menos, haya paz y verdad en mis días.

Y dijo Ezechîas á Isaías: La palabra de Jehová que has hablado, es buena. Y añadió: A lo menos, haya paz y verdad en mis días.

Y dijo Ezequías a Isaías: La palabra del SEÑOR, que has hablado, es buena. Y dijo: A lo menos, haya paz y verdad en mis días.

Isaías 39:8
Mas o rei Ezequias compreendeu que esta palavra significava que durante a vida dele haveria paz e segurança em seu reino. Por esse motivo retrucou a Isaías: “Boa esta palavra de Yahweh que acabas de profetizar!”

Então disse Ezequias a Isaías: Tua é a palavra do Senhor que disseste. Disse mais: Porque haverá paz e verdade em meus dias.   

Isaia 39:8
Ezechia a răspuns lui Isaia: ,,Cuvîntul Domnului, pe care l-ai rostit, este bun. Căci, a adăugat el, măcar în timpul vieţii mele va fi pace şi linişte!``

Исаия 39:8
И сказал Езекия Исаии: благо слово Господне, которое ты изрек; потому что, присовокупил он, мир и благосостояние пребудут во дни мои.

И сказал Езекия Исаии: благо слово Господне, которое ты изрек; потому что, присовокупил он, мир и благосостояние пребудут во дни мои.[]

Jesaja 39:8
Hiskia sade till Jesaja: »Gott är det HERRENS ord, som du har talat.» Och han sade ytterligare: »Frid och trygghet skola ju få råda i min tid.»

Isaiah 39:8
Nang magkagayo'y sinabi ni Ezechias kay Isaias, Mabuti ang salita ng Panginoon na iyong sinalita. Kaniyang sinabi bukod dito, Sapagka't magkakaroon ng kapayapaan at katotohanan sa aking mga kaarawan.

อิสยาห์ 39:8
แล้วเฮเซคียาห์ตรัสกับอิสยาห์ว่า "พระวจนะของพระเยโฮวาห์ซึ่งท่านกล่าวนั้นก็ดีอยู่" เพราะพระองค์ดำริว่า "จะมีความอยู่เย็นเป็นสุขและความจริงในวันเวลาของเรานี้"

Yeşaya 39:8
Hizkiya, ‹‹RAB'den ilettiğin bu söz iyi›› dedi. Çünkü, ‹‹Nasıl olsa yaşadığım sürece barış ve güvenlik olacak›› diye düşünüyordu.[]

EÂ-sai 39:8
Ê-xê-chia đáp lại cùng Ê-sai rằng: Lời của Ðức Giê-hô-va mà ông vừa thuật cho ta nghe đó là tốt lắm! Lại rằng: Vì trong ngày ta còn sống, sẽ được bình yên và lẽ thật.

Isaiah 39:7
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