Isaiah 37:30
Isaiah 37:30
"This will be the sign for you, Hezekiah: "This year you will eat what grows by itself, and the second year what springs from that. But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit.

Then Isaiah said to Hezekiah, "Here is the proof that what I say is true: "This year you will eat only what grows up by itself, and next year you will eat what springs up from that. But in the third year you will plant crops and harvest them; you will tend vineyards and eat their fruit.

“And this shall be the sign for you: this year you shall eat what grows of itself, and in the second year what springs from that. Then in the third year sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat their fruit.

"Then this shall be the sign for you: you will eat this year what grows of itself, in the second year what springs from the same, and in the third year sow, reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit.

And this shall be a sign unto thee, Ye shall eat this year such as groweth of itself; and the second year that which springeth of the same: and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof.

This will be the sign for you: This year you will eat what grows on its own, and in the second year what grows from that. But in the third year sow and reap, plant vineyards and eat their fruit.

"And this will be your sign, Hezekiah: Eat this year what grows on its own, and in the second year what springs from that. But in the third year sow, reap, plant vineyards, and eat their fruit.

"This will be your reminder that I have spoken the truth: This year you will eat what grows wild, and next year what grows on its own. But the year after that you will plant seed and harvest crops; you will plant vines and consume their produce.

" 'And this will be a sign for you, Hezekiah: You will eat what grows by itself this year, and the next year you will eat what comes up by itself. But in the third year you will plant and harvest, plant vineyards, and eat what is produced.

And this shall be a sign unto thee, Ye shall eat this year such as grows of itself; and the second year that which springs of the same: and in the third year ye shall sow and shall reap and shall plant vineyards and shall eat the fruit thereof.

And this shall be a sign unto you, you shall eat this year such as grows of itself; and the second year that which springs of the same: and in the third year sow and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat its fruit.

And this shall be a sign to you, You shall eat this year such as grows of itself; and the second year that which springs of the same: and in the third year sow you, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof.

And this shall be the sign unto thee: ye shall eat this year that which groweth of itself, and in the second year that which springeth of the same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof.

But to thee this shall be a sign: Eat this year the things that spring of themselves, and in the second year eat fruits: but in the third year sow and reap, and giant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

And this shall be the sign unto thee: there shall be eaten this year such as groweth of itself; and in the second year that which springeth of the same; but in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards and eat the fruit thereof.

And this shall be the sign unto thee: ye shall eat this year that which groweth of itself, and in the second year that which springeth of the same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit thereof.

And this shall be a sign to thee, Ye shall eat this year such as groweth of itself; and the second year that which springeth of the same: and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruit of them.

This shall be the sign to you. You will eat this year that which grows of itself, and in the second year that which springs from the same; and in the third year sow and reap and plant vineyards, and eat their fruit.

-- And this to thee is the sign, Food of the year is self-sown grain, And in the second year the spontaneous growth, And in the third year, sow ye and reap, And plant vineyards, and eat their fruit.

Isaia 37:30
Dhe kjo do të jetë shenja për ty; sivjet do të hani atë që rritet vetvetiu, vitin e dytë atë që rritet po nga ky burim; por vitin e tretë do të mbillni dhe do të korrni, do të mbillni vreshta dhe do të hani frytin e tyre.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 37:30
وهذه لك العلامة. تأكلون هذه السنة زريعا وفي السنة الثانية خلفة واما السنة الثالثة ففيها تزرعون وتحصدون وتغرسون كروما وتأكلون اثمارها.

Dyr Ieseien 37:30
Und dir, Hiskies, gib i dös Zaichen daader: Heuer isst myn, was naachwaxt, und aau naehsts Jaar, was von selbn aufgeet, aber in zwai Jaar gaatß wider ganz gwon saen und ärnen, Weinleittnen pflantzn und d Frücht dyrvon gniessn.

Исая 37:30
И това ще ти бъде знамението: Тая година ще ядете това, което е саморасло. Втората година това, което израства от същото, А третата година посейте и пожънете, Насадете лозя и яжте плода им.

以 賽 亞 書 37:30
以 色 列 人 哪 , 我 賜 你 們 一 個 證 據 : 你 們 今 年 要 吃 自 生 的 , 明 年 也 要 吃 自 長 的 , 至 於 後 年 , 你 們 要 耕 種 收 割 , 栽 植 葡 萄 園 , 吃 其 中 的 果 子 。

以 色 列 人 哪 , 我 赐 你 们 一 个 证 据 : 你 们 今 年 要 吃 自 生 的 , 明 年 也 要 吃 自 长 的 , 至 於 後 年 , 你 们 要 耕 种 收 割 , 栽 植 葡 萄 园 , 吃 其 中 的 果 子 。



Isaiah 37:30
A znak nek' ti bude ovo: ove će se godine jesti što se samo okrÄunÄi, dogodine što samo uzraste, a treće godine sijte i žanjite, sadite vinograde, jedite im rod.

Izaiáše 37:30
A toto měj za znamení: Budete jísti roku prvního, co samo od sebe zroste, též druhého roku, což se samo od sebe zrodí, třetího pak roku budete síti a žíti a štěpovati vinice, a jísti ovoce jejich.

Esajas 37:30
Og dette skal være dig Tegnet: I Aar skal man spise, hvad der saaed sig selv, og Aaret derpaa, hvad der skyder af Rode, tredje Aar skal man saa og høste, plante Vin og nyde dens Frugt.

Jesaja 37:30
En dat zij u een teken, dat men in dit jaar, wat van zelf gewassen is, eten zal, en in het tweede jaar, wat daarvan weder uitspruit; maar zaait in het derde jaar, en maait, en plant wijngaarden, en eet hun vruchten.

ישעה 37:30
וְזֶה־לְּךָ֣ הָאֹ֔ות אָכֹ֤ול הַשָּׁנָה֙ סָפִ֔יחַ וּבַשָּׁנָ֥ה הַשֵּׁנִ֖ית שָׁחִ֑יס וּבַשָּׁנָ֣ה הַשְּׁלִישִׁ֗ית זִרְע֧וּ וְקִצְר֛וּ וְנִטְע֥וּ כְרָמִ֖ים [וְאָכֹול כ] (וְאִכְל֥וּ ק) פִרְיָֽם׃

ל וזה לך האות--אכול השנה ספיח ובשנה השנית שחיס ובשנה השלישית זרעו וקצרו ונטעו כרמים--ואכול (ואכלו) פרים

וזה־לך האות אכול השנה ספיח ובשנה השנית שחיס ובשנה השלישית זרעו וקצרו ונטעו כרמים [ואכול כ] (ואכלו ק) פרים׃

Ézsaiás 37:30
S ez legyen jelül néked: ez évben ugartermést esztek és a másik évben sarjut, és a harmadik évben vessetek, arassatok és szõlõt ültessetek, és egyétek gyümölcsét.

Jesaja 37:30
Kaj jen estas por vi la pruvosigno:vi mangxos en cxi tiu jaro grenon memsemigxintan, en la dua jaro grenon sovagxan, sed en la tria jaro vi semos kaj rikoltos kaj plantos vinbergxardenojn kaj mangxos iliajn fruktojn.

JESAJA 37:30
Ja tämä pitää oleman sinulle merkiksi: syö tänä vuonna, mitä kasvanut on, toisena vuonna, mitä itsestänsä kasvaa, kolmantena vuonna kylväkäät ja leikatkaat, istuttakaat viinapuita, ja syökäät heidän hedelmäänsä.

Ésaïe 37:30
Et ceci en sera le signe pour toi: on mangera cette année ce qui lève des grains tombés, et la seconde année ce qui croît de soi-même; et la troisième année, vous sèmerez et vous moissonnerez, et vous planterez des vignes et vous en mangerez le fruit.

Que ceci soit un signe pour toi: On a mangé une année le produit du grain tombé, et une seconde année ce qui croît de soi-même; mais la troisième année, vous sèmerez, vous moissonnerez, vous planterez des vignes, et vous en mangerez le fruit.

Et ceci te sera pour signe, [ô Ezéchias], c'est qu'on mangera cette année ce qui viendra de soi-même aux champs; et en la seconde année, ce qui croîtra encore sans semer; mais la troisième année, vous sèmerez et vous moissonnerez; vous planterez des vignes, et vous en mangerez le fruit.

Jesaja 37:30
Das sei dir aber das Zeichen: Iß dies Jahr, was zertreten ist, das, andere Jahr, was selbst wächset; des dritten Jahrs säet und erntet, pflanzet Weinberge und esset ihre Früchte.

Das sei dir aber ein Zeichen: Iß dies Jahr, was von selber wächst; das andere Jahr, was noch aus den Wurzeln wächst; im dritten Jahr säet und erntet, pflanzt Weinberge und esset ihre Früchte.

Folgendes aber diene dir zum Wahrzeichen: Heuer wird man essen, was von selbst wächst, und im zweiten Jahre, was noch aus den Wurzeln wächst; im dritten Jahre aber sollt ihr säen und ernten und Weinberge pflanzen und ihre Frucht genießen.

Isaia 37:30
E questo, o Ezechia, te ne sarà il segno: quest’anno si mangerà il frutto del grano caduto; il secondo anno, quello che cresce da sé; ma il terzo anno seminerete, mieterete, pianterete vigne, e ne mangerete il frutto.

E questo, o Ezechia, te ne sarà il segno: Quest’anno si mangerà quel che sarà nato de’ granelli caduti nella ricolta precedente; e l’anno seguente quello che sarà nato da sè stesso; ma l’anno terzo voi seminerete, e mieterete; e pianterete vigne, e mangerete del frutto loro.

YESAYA 37:30
Maka inilah akan tanda bagimu; pada tahun ini hendaklah kamu makan barang yang telah tumbuh sendirinya, dan pada tahun yang kedua barang yang tumbuh pula dari padanya itu, tetapi pada tahun yang ketiga hendaklah kamu menabur dan menuai dan menanam pokok anggur dan makan dari pada buahnya.

이사야 37:30
유다 족속 중에 피하여 남는 자는 다시 아래로 뿌리를 박고 위로 열매를 맺히리니

Isaias 37:30
tibi autem hoc erit signum comede hoc anno quae sponte nascuntur et in anno secundo pomis vescere in anno autem tertio seminate et metite et plantate vineas et comedite fructum earum

Izaijo knyga 37:30
Tau bus toks ženklas: šiais metais valgyk, ką randi, kitais metais maitinkis tuo, kas užaugs savaime; o trečiais metais sėkite ir pjaukite, sodinkite vynuogynus ir valgykite jų vaisus.

Isaiah 37:30
A ko te tohu tenei ki a koe, I tenei tau ka kai koutou i nga mea tupu noa ake, a i te rua o nga tau ko nga tupu noa ake o te tau; na hei te toru o nga tau koutou whakato ai, kokoti ai, whakato ai i nga mara waina, kai ai i nga hua o aua mara.

Esaias 37:30
Og dette skal du* ha til tegn: Iår skal I ete det korn som vokser av sig selv, og næste år det som skyter op fra roten; men i det tredje år skal I så og høste og plante vingårder og ete deres frukt.

Isaías 37:30
`Esto te será por señal: Este año comeréis lo que crezca espontáneamente; el segundo año lo que nazca de por sí, y en el tercer año sembrad, segad, plantad viñas y comed su fruto.

"Entonces ésta será la señal para ti, Ezequías: Este año ustedes comerán lo que crezca espontáneamente; el segundo año lo que nazca de por sí, y en el tercer año siembren, sieguen, planten viñas y coman su fruto.

Y esto te será por señal: Comerás este año lo que nace de suyo, y el año segundo lo que nace de suyo; y el año tercero sembraréis y segaréis, y plantaréis viñas, y comeréis su fruto.

Y esto te será por señal: Comerás este año lo que nace de suyo, y el año segundo lo que nace de suyo: y el año tercero sembraréis y segaréis, y plantaréis viñas, y comeréis su fruto.

Y esto te será por señal: Comerás este año lo que nace de suyo, y el año segundo también lo que nace de suyo; y el año tercero sembraréis, y segaréis, y plantaréis viñas, y comeréis su fruto.

Isaías 37:30
E este será o sinal: Este ano comerás o que nascer espontaneamente; no segundo ano, o que dela brotar, e no terceiro ano semeia e colhe, planta vinhas e come os seus frutos.

E isto te será por sinal: este ano comereis o que espontaneamente nascer, e no segundo ano o que daí proceder; e no terceiro ano semeai e colhei, plantai vinhas, e comei os frutos delas.   

Isaia 37:30
,,Şi acesta să-ţi fie semnul, Ezechia: anul acesta veţi mînca ce va creşte singur dela sine, şi în al doilea an ce va răsări din aceasta; dar în al treilea an, veţi sămăna, veţi secera, veţi sădi vii şi veţi mînca din rodul lor.

Исаия 37:30
И вот, тебе, Езекия, знамение: ешьте в этот год выросшее от упавшего зерна, и на другой год – самородное; а на третий год сейте и жните, и садите виноградные сады, и ешьте плоды их.

И вот, тебе, Езекия, знамение: ешьте в этот год выросшее от упавшего зерна, и на другой год--самородное; а на третий год сейте и жните, и садите виноградные сады, и ешьте плоды их.[]

Jesaja 37:30
Och detta skall för dig vara tecknet: man skall detta år äta, vad som växer upp av spillsäd, och nästa år självvuxen säd, men det tredje året skolen I få så och skörda och plantera vingårdar och äta deras frukt.

Isaiah 37:30
At ito ang magiging tanda sa iyo: kayo'y magsisikain sa taong ito ng tumutubo sa kaniyang sarili, at sa ikalawang taon ay ng tumubo doon; at sa ikatlong taon ay kayo'y mangaghasik, at magsiani, at mangagtanim ng mga ubasan, at kumain ng bunga niyaon.

อิสยาห์ 37:30
และนี่จะเป็นหมายสำคัญแก่เจ้า คือปีนี้เจ้าจะกินสิ่งที่งอกขึ้นเอง และในปีที่สองสิ่งที่ผลิจากเดิม แล้วในปีที่สาม จงหว่าน และเกี่ยว และปลูกสวนองุ่นและกินผลของมัน

Yeşaya 37:30
‹‹ ‹Senin için belirti şu olacak, ey Hizkiya:
Bu yıl kendiliğinden yetişeni yiyeceksiniz,
İkinci yıl ise ardından biteni.
Üçüncü yıl ekip biçin,
Bağlar dikip ürününü yiyin.[]

EÂ-sai 37:30
Hỡi Ê-xê-chia, điều nầy sẽ là dấu: năm nay sẽ ăn hoa lợi chính ruộng tự sanh ra, sang năm còn ăn lúa tự nhiên mọc lên không gieo giống. Nhưng, đến năm thứ ba, hãy gieo và gặt, hãy trồng vườn nho và ăn trái.

Isaiah 37:29
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