Isaiah 37:27
Isaiah 37:27
Their people, drained of power, are dismayed and put to shame. They are like plants in the field, like tender green shoots, like grass sprouting on the roof, scorched before it grows up.

That is why their people have so little power and are so frightened and confused. They are as weak as grass, as easily trampled as tender green shoots. They are like grass sprouting on a housetop, scorched before it can grow lush and tall.

while their inhabitants, shorn of strength, are dismayed and confounded, and have become like plants of the field and like tender grass, like grass on the housetops, blighted before it is grown.

"Therefore their inhabitants were short of strength, They were dismayed and put to shame; They were as the vegetation of the field and as the green herb, As grass on the housetops is scorched before it is grown up.

Therefore their inhabitants were of small power, they were dismayed and confounded: they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and as corn blasted before it be grown up.

Their inhabitants have become powerless, dismayed, and ashamed. They are plants of the field, tender grass, grass on the rooftops, blasted by the east wind.

Their inhabitants are devoid of power, and are terrified and put to shame. They've become like plants in the field, like green shoots, like grass on rooftops, scorched by the east wind.

Their residents are powerless; they are terrified and ashamed. They are as short-lived as plants in the field or green vegetation. They are as short-lived as grass on the rooftops when it is scorched by the east wind.

Those who live in these cities are weak, discouraged, and ashamed. They will be like plants in the field, like fresh, green grass on the roofs, dried up by the east wind.

And their inhabitants, of little strength, dismayed and confounded shall be as the grass of the field and as the green shrub as the grass on the housetops, that before it comes to maturity it is dried up.

Therefore their inhabitants were of little power, they were dismayed and confounded: they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and as grain blighted before it is grown.

Therefore their inhabitants were of small power, they were dismayed and confounded: they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and as corn blasted before it be grown up.

Therefore their inhabitants were of small power, they were dismayed and confounded; they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and as a field of grain before it is grown up.

The inhabitants of them were weak of hand, they trembled, and were confounded: they became like the grass of the field, and the herb of the pasture, and like the grass of the housetops, which withered before it was ripe.

And their inhabitants were powerless, they were dismayed and put to shame; they were as the grass of the field and the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and grain blighted before it be grown up.

Therefore their inhabitants were of small power, they were dismayed and confounded; they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the housetops, and as a field of corn before it be grown up.

Therefore their inhabitants were of small power, they were dismayed and confounded: they were as the grass of the field, and as the green herb, as the grass on the house-tops, and as corn blasted before it is grown up.

Therefore their inhabitants had little power. They were dismayed and confounded. They were like the grass of the field, and like the green herb, like the grass on the housetops, and like a field before its crop has grown.

And their inhabitants are feeble-handed, They were broken down, and are dried up. They have been the herb of the field, And the greenness of the tender grass, Grass of the roofs, And blasted corn, before it hath risen up.

Isaia 37:27
Prandaj banorët e tyre, të cilët s'kanë forca, ishin të trembur dhe të hutuar; ishin si bari i fushave, si bari i vogël jeshil, si bari i çative, i cili digjet para se të rritet.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 37:27
فسكانها قصار الايدي قد ارتاعوا وخجلوا. صاروا كعشب الحقل وكالنبات الاخضر كحشيش السطوح وكالملفوح قبل نموّه.

Dyr Ieseien 37:27
D Leut daadl kunntnd gar nix machen, warnd dyrtatert, ien fiel nix ein. Wie ayn Ankraut, frische Pflantznen, wie ayn Gras, wo spriesst eyn n Dach obn wurdnd s versengt von n gaehn Oostwind.

Исая 37:27
Затова жителите им станаха безсилни, Уплашиха се и посрамиха се; Бяха като трева на полето, като зеленина, Като трева на къщния покрив, И [жито] препърлено преди да стане стъбло.

以 賽 亞 書 37:27
所 以 其 中 的 居 民 力 量 甚 小 , 驚 惶 羞 愧 。 他 們 像 野 草 , 像 青 菜 , 如 房 頂 上 的 草 , 又 如 田 間 未 長 成 的 禾 稼 。

所 以 其 中 的 居 民 力 量 甚 小 , 惊 惶 羞 愧 。 他 们 像 野 草 , 像 青 菜 , 如 房 顶 上 的 草 , 又 如 田 间 未 长 成 的 禾 稼 。



Isaiah 37:27
stanovnici njini, nemoćni, prepadnuti i smeteni, bjehu kao trava u polju kao mlado zelenilo, kao trava vrh krovova opaljena vjetrom istočnim.

Izaiáše 37:27
A jejich obyvatelé ruce oslablé majíc, předěšeni a zahanbeni jsouc, byli jako bylina polní, a zelina vzcházející, jako tráva na střechách, a osení rzí zkažené, prvé než by dorostlo.

Esajas 37:27
mens Folkene grebes i Afmagt af Skræk og Skam, blev som Græsset paa Marken, det spirende Grønne, som Græs paa Tage, som Mark for Østenvinden.

Jesaja 37:27
Daarom waren haar inwoners handeloos, zij waren verslagen en beschaamd; zij waren als het gras des velds en de groene grasscheutjes, als het hooi der daken, en het brandkoren, eer het overeind staat.

ישעה 37:27
וְיֹֽשְׁבֵיהֶן֙ קִצְרֵי־יָ֔ד חַ֖תּוּ וָבֹ֑שׁוּ הָי֞וּ עֵ֤שֶׂב שָׂדֶה֙ וִ֣ירַק דֶּ֔שֶׁא חֲצִ֣יר גַּגֹּ֔ות וּשְׁדֵמָ֖ה לִפְנֵ֥י קָמָֽה׃

כז וישביהן קצרי יד חתו ובשו היו עשב שדה וירק דשא חציר גגות ושדמה לפני קמה

וישביהן קצרי־יד חתו ובשו היו עשב שדה וירק דשא חציר גגות ושדמה לפני קמה׃

Ézsaiás 37:27
És lakóik elájultak és megrendültek és megszégyenültek, [és ]lõnek [mint] a mezõ füve és gyönge zöldség, és mint a virág a háztetõn, mint szárba nem indult vetés!

Jesaja 37:27
Kaj iliaj logxantoj senfortigitaj ektremis kaj kovrigxis per honto; ili farigxis kiel herbo de kampo, kiel malgrava verdajxo, kiel musko sur tegmentoj, kaj kiel sunbruligita greno antaux la spikigxo.

JESAJA 37:27
Ja heidän asujansa voimattomiksi ja epäileväisiksi tulevat, ja häpiään joutuvat; ja tulevat niinkuin kedon ruoho ja viheriäinen ruoho, niinkuin ruoho kattoin päällä, joka ennen kuivettuu kuin tuleentuu.

Ésaïe 37:27
Et leurs habitants ont été sans force, ils ont été terrifiés, et ont été couverts de honte; ils ont été comme l'herbe des champs et l'herbe verte, comme l'herbe des toits et la récolte flétrie avant qu'elle soit en tige.

Leurs habitants sont impuissants, Epouvantés et confus; Ils sont comme l'herbe des champs et la tendre verdure, Comme le gazon des toits Et le blé qui sèche avant la formation de sa tige.

Or leurs habitants étant dénués de force ont été épouvantés et confus, et sont devenus [comme] l'herbe des champs; et l'herbe verte, [comme] le foin des toits, qui [est] sec avant qu'il soit monté en tuyau.

Jesaja 37:27
und ihre Einwohner geschwächt und zaghaft werden und mit Schanden bestehen und werden zu Feldgras und zu grünem Kraut, als Heu auf den Dächern, welches dorret, ehe denn es reif wird?

und ihre Einwohner schwach und zaghaft werden und mit Schanden bestehen und werden wie das Feldgras und wie das grüne Kraut, wie Gras auf den Dächern, welches verdorrt, ehe es denn reif wird.

Ihre Bewohner aber in ihrer Ohnmacht schraken zusammen und wurden zu Schanden, wurden wie Kraut auf dem Feld und sprossendes Grün Gras auf den Dächern und verdorrendes Korn.

Isaia 37:27
I loro abitanti, ridotti all’impotenza, sono smarriti e confusi; sono come l’erba de’ campi, come la tenera verdura, come l’erba dei tetti, come grano riarso prima di spigare.

E gli abitanti di esse, scemi di forza, sono stati spaventati e confusi; sono stati come l’erba de’ campi, e come la verzura dell’erbetta, e come il fieno de’ tetti, e come le biade riarse, avanti che sieno salite in ispiga.

YESAYA 37:27
Itulah sebabnya maka segala orang isinya seperti tiada bertangan lakunya dan terkejut dan lenyaplah bicaranya; adalah hal mereka itu seperti rumput di padang, seperti pucuk muda, seperti tumbuhan di atas sotoh dan seperti gandum terlayur dahulu dari pada tuanya.

이사야 37:27
네 거처와 네 출입과 나를 거스려 분노함을 내가 아노라

Isaias 37:27
habitatores earum breviata manu contremuerunt et confusi sunt facti sunt sicut faenum agri et gramen pascuae et herba tectorum quae exaruit antequam maturesceret

Izaijo knyga 37:27
Todėl jų gyventojai bejėgiai, jie nusigando ir susigėdo, jie tapo kaip lauko žolė, kaip gležna žolė ant stogų, kuri nudžiūna neužaugusi.

Isaiah 37:27
Koia i iti ai te kaha o o reira tangata; wehi ana ratou, porahurahu kau ana; rite tonu ki te tarutaru o te parae, ki te otaota matomato, ki te taru i runga i nga tuanui, ki te witi i ngingio i te mea kiano i tupu noa.

Esaias 37:27
Og deres innbyggere blev maktløse; de blev forferdet og skamfulle; de blev som gresset på marken og som de grønne urter, som gresset på takene og som korn som er ødelagt av brand før det er fullvokset.

Isaías 37:27
`Sus habitantes, faltos de fuerzas, fueron desalentados y humillados; vinieron a ser como la vegetación del campo y como la hierba verde, como la hierba en los techos que se quema antes de que haya crecido.

"Sus habitantes, faltos de fuerzas, Fueron desalentados y humillados. Vinieron a ser como la vegetación del campo Y como la hierba verde, Como la hierba en los techos que se quema Antes de que haya crecido.

Y sus moradores, fueron cortos de poder, desalentados y confusos, fueron como pasto del campo y hortaliza verde, como hierba de los tejados, que antes de sazón se seca.

Y sus moradores, cortos de manos, quebrantados y confusos, serán como grama del campo y hortaliza verde, como hierba de los tejados, que antes de sazón se seca.

Y sus moradores, cortos de manos, quebrantados y avergonzados, serán como grama del campo y hortaliza verde; como hierba de los tejados, que antes de madurar se seca.

Isaías 37:27
Por isso os seus moradores, tendo pouca força, andaram apavorados e humilhados; tornaram-se como a erva do campo e como a relva verde, e como o mato dos telhados ou de um campo, que se queimaram antes de amadurecer.

Por isso os seus moradores, dispondo de pouca força, andaram atemorizados e envergonhados; tornaram-se como a erva do campo, e como a relva verde, e como o feno dos telhados ou dum campo, que se queimaram antes de amadurecer.   

Isaia 37:27
Şi locuitorii lor sînt neputincioşi, spăimîntaţi şi uluiţi: sînt ca iarba de pe cîmp şi verdeaţa fragedă, ca iarba de pe acoperişuri, şi ca grîul care se usucă înainte de a da în spic.

Исаия 37:27
И жители их сделались маломощны, трепещут и остаются в стыде; они стали как трава на поле и нежная зелень,как порост на кровлях и опаленный хлеб, прежде нежели выколосился.

И жители их сделались маломощны, трепещут и остаются в стыде; они стали как трава на поле и нежная зелень, как порост на кровлях и опаленный хлеб, прежде нежели выколосился.[]

Jesaja 37:27
Deras invånare blevo maktlösa, de förfärades och stodo med skam. Det gick dem såsom gräset på marken och gröna örter, såsom det som växer på taken, och säd, som förgås, förrän strået har vuxit upp.

Isaiah 37:27
Kaya't ang kanilang mga mananahan ay may munting kapangyarihan, sila'y nanganglupaypay at nangatulig; sila'y parang damo sa bukid, at sariwang gugulayin, parang damo sa mga bubungan, at parang bukid ng trigo bago tumaas.

อิสยาห์ 37:27
ส่วนชาวเมืองนั้นมีอำนาจน้อย เขาสะดุ้งกลัวและอับอาย เขาเหมือนหญ้าที่ทุ่งนา และเหมือนหญ้าอ่อน เหมือนหญ้าที่บนยอดหลังคาเรือน เหมือนข้าวเกรียมไปก่อนที่มันจะงอกงามอย่างนั้น

Yeşaya 37:27
O kentlerde yaşayanların kolu kanadı kırıldı.
Yılgınlık ve utanç içindeydiler;
Kır otuna, körpe filizlere,
Damlarda büyümeden kavrulup giden ota döndüler.[]

EÂ-sai 37:27
Những dân cư các thành ấy đã kém sức, khiếp sợ, xấu hổ, trở nên như rau ngoài đồng và cỏ xanh, như cỏ trên mái nhà, như lúa mì chưa trồi đọt mà đã héo.

Isaiah 37:26
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