Isaiah 37:24
Isaiah 37:24
By your messengers you have ridiculed the Lord. And you have said, 'With my many chariots I have ascended the heights of the mountains, the utmost heights of Lebanon. I have cut down its tallest cedars, the choicest of its junipers. I have reached its remotest heights, the finest of its forests.

By your messengers you have defied the Lord. You have said, 'With my many chariots I have conquered the highest mountains--yes, the remotest peaks of Lebanon. I have cut down its tallest cedars and its finest cypress trees. I have reached its farthest heights and explored its deepest forests.

By your servants you have mocked the Lord, and you have said, With my many chariots I have gone up the heights of the mountains, to the far recesses of Lebanon, to cut down its tallest cedars, its choicest cypresses, to come to its remotest height, its most fruitful forest.

"Through your servants you have reproached the Lord, And you have said, 'With my many chariots I came up to the heights of the mountains, To the remotest parts of Lebanon; And I cut down its tall cedars and its choice cypresses. And I will go to its highest peak, its thickest forest.

By thy servants hast thou reproached the Lord, and hast said, By the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains, to the sides of Lebanon; and I will cut down the tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof: and I will enter into the height of his border, and the forest of his Carmel.

You have mocked the LORD through your servants. You have said, "With my many chariots I have gone up to the heights of the mountains, to the far recesses of Lebanon. I cut down its tallest cedars, its choice cypress trees. I came to its distant heights, its densest forest.

By your messengers you have insulted the LORD, and you have said, "With my many chariots I have climbed the heights of mountains, the utmost heights of Lebanon. I cut down its tallest cedars, the choicest of its pines; I reached its remotest heights, the most verdant of its forests.

Through your messengers you taunted the sovereign master, 'With my many chariots I climbed up the high mountains, the slopes of Lebanon. I cut down its tall cedars and its best evergreens. I invaded its most remote regions, its thickest woods.

Through your servants you defy the Lord and say, "With my many chariots I'll ride up the high mountains, up the slopes of Lebanon. I'll cut down its tallest cedars and its finest cypresses. I'll come to its most distant heights and its most fertile forests.

By the hand of thy slaves thou hast reproached the Lord, and hast said, By the multitude of my chariots I shall come up to the height of the mountains to the sides of Lebanon, and I will cut down the tall cedars thereof and the choice fir trees thereof; and I will enter into the height of his border and the forest of his Carmel.

By your servants have you reproached the Lord, and have said, By the multitude of my chariots have I come up to the height of the mountains, to the sides of Lebanon; and I will cut down its tall cedars, and its choice fir trees: and I will enter into its farthest height, and the forest of its Carmel.

By your servants have you reproached the Lord, and have said, By the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains, to the sides of Lebanon; and I will cut down the tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof: and I will enter into the height of his border, and the forest of his Carmel.

By thy servants hast thou defied the Lord, and hast said, With the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains, to the innermost parts of Lebanon; and I will cut down the tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir-trees thereof; and I will enter into its farthest height, the forest of its fruitful field;

By the hand of thy servants thou hast reproached the Lord: and hast said: With the multitude of my chariots I have gone up to the height of the mountains, to the top of Libanus: and I will out down its tall cedars, and its choice fir trees, end will enter to the top of its height, to the forest of its Carmel.

By thy servants thou hast reproached the Lord, and hast said, With the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains, to the recesses of Lebanon; and I will cut down its tall cedars, the choice of its cypresses; and I will enter into its furthest height, into the forest of its fruitful field.

By thy servants hast thou reproached the Lord, and hast said, With the multitude of my chariots am I come up to the height of the mountains, to the innermost parts of Lebanon; and I will cut down the tall cedars thereof, and the choice fir trees thereof: and I will enter into his farthest height, the forest of his fruitful field.

By thy servants hast thou reproached the Lord, and hast said, By the multitude of my chariots have I come up to the hight of the mountains, to the sides of Lebanon; and I will cut down its tall cedars, and its choice fir-trees: and I will enter into the hight of its border, and the forest of its Carmel.

By your servants, have you defied the Lord, and have said, "With the multitude of my chariots I have come up to the height of the mountains, to the innermost parts of Lebanon. I will cut down its tall cedars and its choice fir trees. I will enter into its farthest height, the forest of its fruitful field.

By the hand of thy servants Thou hast reviled the Lord, and sayest: In the multitude of my chariots I have come up to a high place of hills, The sides of Lebanon, And I cut down the height of its cedars, The choice of its firs, And I enter the high place of its extremity, The forest of its Carmel.

Isaia 37:24
Me anë të shërbëtorëve të tu ke poshtëruar Zotin dhe ke thënë: "Me morinë e qerreve të mia u ngjita në majë të maleve, në skajet e Libanit. Do të rrëzoj kedrat e tij më të lartë dhe qiparisat e tij më të bukur; do të arrij lartësinë e tij më të largët, pyllin e tij më të harlisur.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 37:24
عن يد عبيدك عيّرت السيد وقلت بكثرة مركباتي قد صعدت الى علو الجبال عقاب لبنان فاقطع ارزه الطويل وافضل سروه وادخل اقصى علوه وعر كرمله.

Dyr Ieseien 37:24
Durch dein Gsandtschaft haast n ausghoent; gnaun dös haast iem daadl eyn s Gsicht gsait: Meine Wägn fuernd hinst eyn Gipfln, hinst eyn n Weissnberg sein lössts Ögg. Seine schoenstn Züpfern, Zödern ghau i um; daa kenn i nixn. Aufhin kaam i, wost nie mainetst, und kain Dicket wär myr z dick gwösn.

Исая 37:24
Господа си обидил ти чрез слугите си, като си рекъл: С множеството на колесниците си възлязох аз Върху височината на планините, Върху уединенията на Ливан; И ще изсека високите му кедри, отбраните му елхи; И ще вляза в най-крайната му височина, В леса на неговия Кармил.

以 賽 亞 書 37:24
你 藉 你 的 臣 僕 辱 罵 主 說 : 我 率 領 許 多 戰 車 上 山 頂 , 到 利 巴 嫩 極 深 之 處 ; 我 要 砍 伐 其 中 高 大 的 香 柏 樹 和 佳 美 的 松 樹 。 我 必 上 極 高 之 處 , 進 入 肥 田 的 樹 林 。

你 藉 你 的 臣 仆 辱 骂 主 说 : 我 率 领 许 多 战 车 上 山 顶 , 到 利 巴 嫩 极 深 之 处 ; 我 要 砍 伐 其 中 高 大 的 香 柏 树 和 佳 美 的 松 树 。 我 必 上 极 高 之 处 , 进 入 肥 田 的 树 林 。



Isaiah 37:24
Po slugama si svojim vrijeđao Gospoda. Govorio si: s mnoštvom kola ja popeh se na vrh gorÄa, na najviše vrhunce Libanona. Posjekoh mu ja cedre najviše i čemprese ponajljepše. Dosegoh mu vrh najviši, i vrt njegov šumoviti.

Izaiáše 37:24
Skrze služebníky své utrhal jsi Pánu, a řekl jsi: Ve množství vozů svých já jsem vytáhl na hory vysoké, na stráně Libánské, a zpodtínám vysoké cedry jeho, i spanilé jedle jeho, a vejdu na nejvyšší kraj jeho do lesů a výborných rolí jeho.

Esajas 37:24
Ved dine Trælle haaned du HERREN og sagde: »Med mine talløse Vogne besteg jeg Bjergenes Højder, Libanons afsides Egne; jeg fælded dets Cedres Højskov, dets ædle Cypresser, trængte frem til dets øverste Raststed, dets Havers Skove.

Jesaja 37:24
Door middel uwer dienstknechten hebt gij den HEERE gehoond, en gezegd: Ik heb met de menigte mijner wagenen beklommen de hoogte der bergen, de zijden van Libanon; en ik zal zijn hoge cederbomen en zijn uitgelezen dennebomen afhouwen; en zal komen tot zijn uiterste hoogte, in het woud zijns schonen velds.

ישעה 37:24
בְּיַ֣ד עֲבָדֶיךָ֮ חֵרַ֣פְתָּ ׀ אֲדֹנָי֒ וַתֹּ֗אמֶר בְּרֹ֥ב רִכְבִּ֛י אֲנִ֥י עָלִ֛יתִי מְרֹ֥ום הָרִ֖ים יַרְכְּתֵ֣י לְבָנֹ֑ון וְאֶכְרֹ֞ת קֹומַ֤ת אֲרָזָיו֙ מִבְחַ֣ר בְּרֹשָׁ֔יו וְאָבֹוא֙ מְרֹ֣ום קִצֹּ֔ו יַ֖עַר כַּרְמִלֹּֽו׃

כד ביד עבדיך חרפת אדני ותאמר ברב רכבי אני עליתי מרום הרים ירכתי לבנון ואכרת קומת ארזיו מבחר ברשיו ואבוא מרום קצו יער כרמלו

ביד עבדיך חרפת ׀ אדני ותאמר ברב רכבי אני עליתי מרום הרים ירכתי לבנון ואכרת קומת ארזיו מבחר ברשיו ואבוא מרום קצו יער כרמלו׃

Ézsaiás 37:24
Szolgáid által megkáromlád az Urat, és ezt mondád: Temérdek szekeremmel fölmentem e hegyek magaslatára, a Libánon csúcsára, és kivágom magas czédrusait, válogatott cziprusait, és behatolok végsõ magaslatába [és] kertjének erdejébe!

Jesaja 37:24
Per viaj servantoj vi blasfemis la Sinjoron, kaj vi diris:Kun mia multo da cxaroj mi supreniris sur la supron de montoj, sur la randon de Lebanon, kaj mi dehakis gxiajn altajn cedrojn, gxiajn plej bonajn cipresojn, kaj mi atingis gxian plej altan pinton, gxian gxardensimilan arbaron.

JESAJA 37:24
Sinun palveliais kautta olet sinä häväissyt Herraa, ja sanonut: minun monilla rattaillani olen minä mennyt ylös vuorten kukkuloille Libanonin puolelle, ja tahdon hakata maahan hänen korkiat sedripuunsa ja valitut honkansa, ja mennä kukkulain ylitse hänen ääreensä, hänen ihanan vainionsa metsään.

Ésaïe 37:24
Par tes serviteurs, tu as outragé le seigneur, et tu as dit: Avec la multitude de mes chars j'ai gravi le haut des montagnes, les parties reculées du Liban, et je couperai ses hauts cèdres, l'élite de ses cyprès, et je parviendrai jusqu'à sa dernière cime, à la forêt de son Carmel.

Par tes serviteurs tu as insulté le Seigneur, Et tu as dit: Avec la multitude de mes chars, J'ai gravi le sommet des montagnes, Les extrémités du Liban; Je couperai les plus élevés de ses cèdres, Les plus beaux de ses cyprès, Et j'atteindrai sa dernière cime, Sa forêt semblable à un verger;

Tu as outragé le Seigneur par le moyen de tes serviteurs, et tu as dit; je suis monté avec la multitude de mes chariots sur le haut des montagnes, aux côtés du Liban, je couperai les plus hauts cèdres, et les plus beaux sapins qui y soient, et j'entrerai jusques en son plus haut bout, et en la forêt de son Carmel.

Jesaja 37:24
Durch deine Knechte hast du den HERRN geschändet und sprichst: Ich bin durch die Menge meiner Wagen herauf gezogen auf die Höhe der Berge an den Seiten Libanons und habe seine hohen Zedern abgehauen samt seinen auserwählten Tannen und bin durch die Höhe bis ans Ende kommen, an diesen Wald auf dem Lande.

Durch deine Knechte hast du den HERRN geschändet und sprichst: "Ich bin durch die Menge meiner Wagen heraufgezogen auf die Höhe der Berge, den innersten Libanon, und habe seine hohen Zedern abgehauen samt seinen auserwählten Tannen und bin bis zu seiner äußersten Höhe gekommen, an den Wald seines Baumgartens.

Durch deine Knechte hast du den Herrn gelästert und gesagt: Mit meiner Wagen Menge erstieg ich die Höhen der Berge, den äußersten Libanon; ich hieb den Hochwuchs seiner Cedern um, seine auserlesensten Cypressen, und drang vor bis zu seiner äußersten Höhe, in seinen dichtesten Baumgarten.

Isaia 37:24
Per mezzo dei tuoi servi tu hai insultato il Signore, e hai detto: "Con la moltitudine de’ miei carri io son salito in vetta ai monti, nei recessi del Libano; io taglierò i suoi cedri più alti, i suoi cipressi più belli; io giungerò alla più alta sua cima, alla sua foresta più magnifica.

Tu hai schernito il Signore per li tuoi servitori; ed hai detto; Con la moltitudine de’ miei carri, io son salito in cima de’ monti fino al sommo del Libano; io taglierò i suoi più alti cedri, e i suoi più scelti abeti; e perverrò infino all’alto della sua cima, al bosco del suo Carmel.

YESAYA 37:24
Dengan lidah hamba-hambamu juga sudah kaucelakan Tuhan, serta katamu: Dengan kebanyakan rataku aku mendaki gunung yang tertinggi dan tempat Libanon yang tiada terhampiri, dan kutebangkan segala pohon araznya yang tinggi dan segala pohon senobarnya yang pilihan, dan aku kelak sampai di atas kemuncaknya yang tertinggi dan di dalam hutan rimbanya yang permai itu.

이사야 37:24
내가 우물을 파서 물을 마셨으니 나의 발바닥으로 애굽의 모든 하수를 밟아 말리리라 하였도다

Isaias 37:24
in manu servorum tuorum exprobrasti Domino et dixisti in multitudine quadrigarum mearum ego ascendi altitudinem montium iuga Libani et succidam excelsa cedrorum eius electas abietes illius et introibo altitudinem summitatis eius saltum Carmeli eius

Izaijo knyga 37:24
Per savo tarnus tu niekinai Viešpatį ir sakei: ‘Su daugybe kovos vežimų aš pasikėliau į kalnų aukštumas, Libano aukščiausias vietas. Aš iškirsiu jo aukštuosius kedrus, gražiausius kiparisus. Aš pasieksiu pačią aukštumą, Karmelio mišką.

Isaiah 37:24
Meatia ana e koe au karere hei whakorekore mo te Ariki; kua mea na koe, Kua kake ahau, me aku tini hariata, ki runga ki nga wahi tiketike o nga maunga, ki roto rawa o Repanona; ka tuaina ano e ahau nga hita roroa o reira, me o reira kauri papai: ka tae ano ahau ki te wahi tiketike o tona wahi whakamutunga mai, ki te ngahere o tona mara whai hua.

Esaias 37:24
Ved dine tjenere har du hånet Herren og sagt: Med mine mange vogner drog jeg op på fjellenes tinder, til Libanons øverste topper, og jeg hugger ned dets høieste sedrer, dets herlige cypresser, og jeg trenger frem til dets øverste høide, dets frodige skog;

Isaías 37:24
`Por mano de tus siervos has injuriado al Señor, y has dicho: ``Con mis numerosos carros yo subí a las cumbres de los montes, a las partes más remotas del Líbano, y corté sus altos cedros y sus mejores cipreses; iré a su más alta cima, a su más frondoso bosque.

"Por mano de tus siervos has injuriado al Señor, Y has dicho: 'Con mis numerosos carros Yo subí a las cumbres de los montes, A las partes más lejanas del Líbano, Y corté sus altos cedros y sus mejores cipreses. Iré a su más alta cima, a su más frondoso bosque.

Por mano de tus siervos infamaste al Señor, y dijiste: Yo con la multitud de mis carros subiré a las alturas de los montes, a las laderas del Líbano; cortaré sus altos cedros, sus cipreses escogidos; llegaré hasta la cumbre, al monte de su Carmelo.

Por mano de tus siervos denostaste al Señor, y dijiste: Yo con la multitud de mis carros subiré á las alturas de los montes, á las laderas del Líbano; cortaré sus altos cedros, sus hayas escogidas; vendré después á lo alto de su límite, al monte de su Car

Por mano de tus siervos vituperaste al Señor, y dijiste: Yo con la multitud de mis carros subiré a las alturas de los montes, a las laderas del Líbano; cortaré sus altos cedros, sus hayas escogidas; vendré después a lo alto de su límite, al monte de su Carmelo.

Isaías 37:24
Afrontaste o Eterno por meio de teus mensageiros ao proclamarem: “Com inúmeros carros de guerra subi os mais elevados e inóspitos cumes do Líbano. Derrubei os teus cedros mais nobres e robustos, os teus mais altos pinheiros. Entrei em tuas regiões mais distantes, no melhor de teus bosques, na parte mais fértil de tuas florestas.

Por meio de teus servos afrontaste o Senhor, e disseste: Com a multidão dos meus carros subi eu aos cumes dos montes, aos últimos recessos do Líbano; e cortei os seus altos cedros e as suas faias escolhidas; e entrei no seu cume mais elevado, no bosque do seu campo fértil.   

Isaia 37:24
prin slujitorii tăi tu ai batjocorit pe Domnul, şi ai zis: ,Cu mulţimea carălor mele, m'am suit pe vîrful munţilor, pe coastele Libanului, şi voi tăia cedrii lui cei mai înalţi, cei mai frumoşi chiparoşi ai lui, şi voi ajunge pe culmea cea mai înaltă, în pădurea lui care este ca un pomăt.

Исаия 37:24
Чрез рабов твоих ты порицал Господа и сказал: „со множеством колесниц моих я взошел на высоту гор, на ребра Ливана, и срубил рослые кедры его, отличные кипарисы его, и пришел на самую вершину его, в рощу сада его;

Чрез рабов твоих ты порицал Господа и сказал: `со множеством колесниц моих я взошел на высоту гор, на ребра Ливана, и срубил рослые кедры его, отличные кипарисы его, и пришел на самую вершину его, в рощу сада его;[]

Jesaja 37:24
Genom dina tjänare smädade du HERREN, när du sade: 'Med mina många vagnar drog jag upp på bergens höjder, längst upp på Libanon; jag högg ned dess höga cedrar och väldiga cypresser; jag trängde fram till dess översta höjder, dess frodigaste skog;

Isaiah 37:24
Sa pamamagitan ng iyong mga lingkod ay iyong pinulaan ang Panginoon, at nagsabi ka, Sa karamihan ng aking mga karo ay nakaahon ako sa kataasan ng mga bundok, sa mga kaloobloobang bahagi ng Libano; at aking puputulin ang mga matayog na cedro niyaon, at ang mga piling puno ng abeto niyaon: at ako'y papasok sa pinakataluktok na kataasan, ng gubat ng kaniyang mabuting bukid.

อิสยาห์ 37:24
เจ้าได้เย้ยองค์พระผู้เป็นเจ้าด้วยผู้รับใช้ของเจ้า และเจ้าได้ว่า "ด้วยรถรบเป็นอันมากของข้า ข้าได้ขึ้นที่สูงของภูเขา ถึงที่ไกลสุดของเลบานอน ข้าจะโค่นต้นสนสีดาร์ที่สูงที่สุดของมันลง ทั้งต้นสนสามใบที่ดีที่สุดของมัน ข้าจะเข้าไปยังที่ยอดลิบที่สุดในชายแดนของมัน ที่ป่าไม้แห่งคารเมล

Yeşaya 37:24
Uşakların aracılığıyla Rabbi aşağıladın.
Bir sürü savaş arabamla dağların tepesine,
Lübnanın doruklarına çıktım, dedin.
Yüksek sedir ağaçlarını, seçme çamlarını kestim,
Lübnanın en uzak tepelerine,
Gür ormanlarına ulaştım.[]

EÂ-sai 37:24
Ngươi đã dùng các tôi tớ mình mà đố thách Chúa, nói rằng: Ta đem muôn vàn cỗ xe lên trên chót núi, là nơi xa thẳm của Li-ban; ta sẽ đốn những cây bách rất cao, cây tùng rất xinh; vào đến trên đỉnh rất cao, trong rừng của ruộng tốt.

Isaiah 37:23
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