Isaiah 34:5
Isaiah 34:5
My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens; see, it descends in judgment on Edom, the people I have totally destroyed.

And when my sword has finished its work in the heavens, it will fall upon Edom, the nation I have marked for destruction.

For my sword has drunk its fill in the heavens; behold, it descends for judgment upon Edom, upon the people I have devoted to destruction.

For My sword is satiated in heaven, Behold it shall descend for judgment upon Edom And upon the people whom I have devoted to destruction.

For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

When My sword has drunk its fill in the heavens, it will then come down on Edom and on the people I have set apart for destruction.

For my sword will be seen in the heavens. Look! It descends in judgment on Edom, on the people I have doomed to destruction.

He says, "Indeed, my sword has slaughtered heavenly powers. Look, it now descends on Edom, on the people I will annihilate in judgment."

When my sword is covered [with blood] in the heavens, it will fall on Edom and on the people I've claimed for destruction.

For in the heavens my sword shall become drunk; behold, it shall come down in judgment upon Idumea or Edom and upon the people of my anathema.

For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down on Idumea, and on the people of my curse, to judgment.

For my sword hath drunk its fill in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

For my sword is inebriated in heaven: behold it shall come down upon Idumea, and upon the people of my slaughter unto judgment.

For my sword is bathed in the heavens; behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my ban, to judgment.

For my sword hath drunk its fill in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

For my sword shall be bathed in heaven: behold, it shall come down upon Edom, and upon the people of my curse, to judgment.

For my sword has drunk its fill in the sky. Behold, it will come down on Edom, and on the people of my curse, for judgment.

For soaked in the heavens was My sword, Lo, on Edom it cometh down, On the people of My curse for judgment.

Isaia 34:5
Me qenë se shpata ime është dehur në qiell, ja ajo po gatitet të bjerë mbi Edomin, mbi popullin që kam vendosur të shfaroset, për të vënë në vend drejtësinë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 34:5
لانه قد روي في السموات سيفي. هوذا على ادوم ينزل وعلى شعب حرمته للدينونة.

Dyr Ieseien 34:5
Denn yn n Herrn sein Schwert kan s schoon niemer dyrwartn, däß s abherfart auf d Roetem, auf dös Volk, dös wo dyr Herr verurtlt haat und ausrottn will.

Исая 34:5
Понеже ножът Ми се напи в небесата, Затова, ето, ще слезе за съдба върху Едом, Да! върху людете, които Аз обрекох на изтребление.

以 賽 亞 書 34:5
因 為 我 的 刀 在 天 上 已 經 喝 足 ; 這 刀 必 臨 到 以 東 和 我 所 咒 詛 的 民 , 要 施 行 審 判 。

因 为 我 的 刀 在 天 上 已 经 喝 足 ; 这 刀 必 临 到 以 东 和 我 所 咒 诅 的 民 , 要 施 行 审 判 。



Isaiah 34:5
Jer na nebu je opijeni mač moj: gle, na Edom on se obara da kazni narod što ga prokleh.

Izaiáše 34:5
Nebo opojen jest na nebi meč můj; na Idumejské sstoupí, a na lid, na nějž jsem klatbu vydal, aby trestán byl.

Esajas 34:5
Thi paa Himlen kredser HERRENS Sværd, og se, det slaar ned paa Edom, det Folk, han har bandlyst til Dom.

Jesaja 34:5
Want Mijn zwaard is dronken geworden in den hemel; ziet, het zal ten oordeel nederdalen op Edom, en op het volk, hetwelk Ik verbannen heb.

ישעה 34:5
כִּֽי־רִוְּתָ֥ה בַשָּׁמַ֖יִם חַרְבִּ֑י הִנֵּה֙ עַל־אֱדֹ֣ום תֵּרֵ֔ד וְעַל־עַ֥ם חֶרְמִ֖י לְמִשְׁפָּֽט׃

ה כי רותה בשמים חרבי הנה על אדום תרד ועל עם חרמי למשפט

כי־רותה בשמים חרבי הנה על־אדום תרד ועל־עם חרמי למשפט׃

Ézsaiás 34:5
Mert megrészegült fegyverem az égben, és ímé leszáll Edomra, átkom népére, ítéletre.

Jesaja 34:5
CXar Mia glavo ebriigxis en la cxielo; jen gxi malsupreniras sur Edomon kaj sur Mian kondamnitan popolon, por fari jugxon.

Sillä minun miekkani on taivaissa juovuksissa; ja katso, sen pitää tuleman alas Edomin päälle ja kirotun kansan päälle, sitä rankaisemaan.

Ésaïe 34:5
Car mon épée sera enivrée dans les cieux: voici, elle descendra sur Édom et sur le peuple que j'ai voué à la destruction, pour le jugement.

Mon épée s'est enivrée dans les cieux; Voici, elle va descendre sur Edom, Sur le peuple que j'ai voué à l'extermination, pour le châtier.

Parce que mon épée est enivrée dans les cieux, voici, elle descendra en jugement contre Edom, et contre le peuple que j'ai mis à l'interdit.

Jesaja 34:5
Denn mein Schwert ist trunken im Himmel; und siehe, es wird herniederfahren auf Edom und über das verbannte Volk zur Strafe.

Denn mein Schwert ist trunken im Himmel; und siehe, es wird herniederfahren auf Edom und über das verbannte Volk zur Strafe.

Denn berauscht hat sich im Himmel mein Schwert; nun fährt es herab auf Edom und das von mir gebannte Volk zum Gericht.

Isaia 34:5
La mia spada s’è inebriata nel cielo; ecco, essa sta per piombare su Edom, sul popolo che ho votato allo sterminio, per farne giustizia.

Perciocchè la mia spada è inebbriata nel cielo; ecco, scenderà in giudicio sopra Edom, e sopra il popolo ch’io ho destinato ad isterminio.

Bahwa pedang-Ku sudah menjadi mabuk di dalam sorga, bahwasanya ia itu turun kepada Edom akan menghukumkan suatu bangsa yang telah Kukaramkan.

이사야 34:5
여호와의 칼이 하늘에서 족하게 마셨은즉 보라 이것이 에돔 위에 내리며 멸망으로 정한 백성 위에 내려서 그를 심판할 것이라

Isaias 34:5
quoniam inebriatus est in caelo gladius meus ecce super Idumeam descendet et super populum interfectionis meae ad iudicium

Izaijo knyga 34:5
Mano kardas bus nuplautas danguje, jis nusileis Idumėjos teismui, ant mano prakeiktos tautos.

Isaiah 34:5
Kua inu hoki taku hoari, makona ana, i te rangi: nana, ka tae iho ki a Eroma, ki te iwi i kanga e ahau, ki te whakarite whakawa.

Esaias 34:5
For mitt sverd er blitt drukkent* i himmelen; se, det skal fare ned over Edom til dom, over det folk jeg har slått med bann.

Isaías 34:5
Porque mi espada está embriagada en el cielo, he aquí, descenderá para hacer juicio sobre Edom y sobre el pueblo que yo he dedicado a la destrucción.

Porque Mi espada está embriagada en el cielo, Descenderá para hacer juicio sobre Edom Y sobre el pueblo que Yo he dedicado a la destrucción.

Porque mi espada se embriagará en el cielo; he aquí que descenderá sobre Edom, y sobre el pueblo de mi anatema, para juicio.

Porque en los cielos se embriagará mi espada: he aquí que descenderá sobre Edom en juicio, y sobre el pueblo de mi anatema.

Porque en los cielos se embriagará mi espada; he aquí que descenderá sobre Edom en juicio, y sobre el pueblo de mi anatema.

Isaías 34:5
Eis que minha espada já está fora da bainha e pronta no céu! Ela descerá, pois, sobre Edom e sobre todos os povos que separei para o extermínio.

Pois a minha espada se embriagou no céu; eis que sobre Edom descerá, e sobre o povo do meu anátema, para exercer juízo.   

Isaia 34:5
,,Căci sabia Mea-zice Domnul-s'a îmbătat în ceruri; iată, se va pogorî asupra Edomului, asupra poporului, pe care l-am sortit nimicirii, ca să -l pedepsesc.``

Исаия 34:5
Ибо упился меч Мой на небесах: вот, для суда нисходит он на Едом ина народ, преданный Мною заклятию.

Ибо упился меч Мой на небесах: вот, для суда нисходит он на Едом и на народ, преданный Мною заклятию.[]

Jesaja 34:5
Ty mitt svärd har druckit sig rusigt i himmelen; se, det far ned på Edom till dom, på det folk jag har givit till spillo.

Isaiah 34:5
Sapagka't ang aking tabak ay nalango sa langit: narito, yao'y bababa sa Edom, at sa bayan ng aking sumpa, sa kahatulan.

อิสยาห์ 34:5
เพราะว่าดาบของเราจะได้ดื่มจนอิ่มในฟ้าสวรรค์ ดูเถิด มันจะลงมาเพื่อพิพากษาเอโดมและชนชาติที่เราสาปแช่งแล้ว

Yeşaya 34:5
‹‹Kılıcım göklerde kanıncaya kadar içti.
Şimdi de Edomun,
Tümüyle yıkmaya karar verdiğim halkın
Üzerine inecek›› diyor RAB.[]

EÂ-sai 34:5
Vì gươm ta đã uống đủ ở trên trời; nầy, nó sẽ xuống trên Ê-đôm, và trên dân mà ta đã rủa sả, để làm sự đoán xét.

Isaiah 34:4
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