Isaiah 34:14
Isaiah 34:14
Desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and wild goats will bleat to each other; there the night creatures will also lie down and find for themselves places of rest.

Desert animals will mingle there with hyenas, their howls filling the night. Wild goats will bleat at one another among the ruins, and night creatures will come there to rest.

And wild animals shall meet with hyenas; the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; indeed, there the night bird settles and finds for herself a resting place.

The desert creatures will meet with the wolves, The hairy goat also will cry to its kind; Yes, the night monster will settle there And will find herself a resting place.

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

The desert creatures will meet hyenas, and one wild goat will call to another. Indeed, the screech owl will stay there and will find a resting place for herself.

And desert creatures will meet with hyenas, and goat-demons will call out to each other. There also Liliths will settle, and find for themselves a resting place.

Wild animals and wild dogs will congregate there; wild goats will bleat to one another. Yes, nocturnal animals will rest there and make for themselves a nest.

Hyenas will meet with jackals. Male goats will call to their mates. Screech owls will rest there and find a resting place for themselves.

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl shall have his seat there and find for himself a place of rest.

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the hyenas, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; the night creature also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

And the wild beasts of the desert shall meet with the wolves, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; yea, the night-monster shall settle there, and shall find her a place of rest.

And demons and monsters shall meet, and the hairy ones shall cry out one to another, there hath the lamia lain down, and found rest for herself.

And there shall the beasts of the desert meet with the jackals, and the wild goat shall cry to his fellow; the lilith also shall settle there, and find for herself a place of rest.

And the wild beasts of the desert shall meet with the wolves, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; yea, the night-monster shall settle there, and shall find her a place of rest.

The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the isle, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech-owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest.

The wild animals of the desert will meet with the wolves, and the wild goat will cry to his fellow. Yes, the night creature shall settle there, and shall find herself a place of rest.

And met have Ziim with Aiim, And the goat for its companion calleth, Only there rested hath the night-owl, And hath found for herself a place of rest.

Isaia 34:14
Kafshët e shkretëtirës do të takohen me kafshët që ulërijnë, cjeptë do të thërrasin njeri tjetrin; do të vendosen aty edhe kukuvajkat dhe do të gjejnë një vend pushimi.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 34:14
وتلاقي وحوش القفر بنات آوى ومعز الوحش يدعو صاحبه. هناك يستقر الليل ويجد لنفسه محلا.

Dyr Ieseien 34:14
Wilde Hundd und Grabtierer sagnd syr dort "Guet Nacht", Feldteufln tummlnd si, und aau s Nachtgspenst finddt sein Bleib.

Исая 34:14
Дивите котки ще се срещат [там] с хиените, И пръчът ще провиква към другаря си; Тоже и бухалът ще се настани там Като си намира място за почивка.

以 賽 亞 書 34:14
曠 野 的 走 獸 要 和 豺 狼 相 遇 ; 野 山 羊 要 與 伴 偶 對 叫 。 夜 間 的 怪 物 必 在 那 裡 棲 身 , 自 找 安 歇 之 處 。

旷 野 的 走 兽 要 和 豺 狼 相 遇 ; 野 山 羊 要 与 伴 偶 对 叫 。 夜 间 的 怪 物 必 在 那 里 栖 身 , 自 找 安 歇 之 处 。



Isaiah 34:14
Ondje će se sretat divlje mačke s hijenama, jarci će dozivati jedan drugoga; ondje će se odmarati Lilit našav počivalište.

Izaiáše 34:14
Tam se budou potkávati spolu zvěř s ptactvem, a příšera jedna druhé se ozývati; tam toliko noční přeluda se usadí, a odpočinutí sobě nalezne.

Esajas 34:14
Der mødes Sjakal med Vildkat, og Bukketrolde holder Stævne; kun der skal Natteheksen raste og lægge sig der til Ro;

Jesaja 34:14
En de wilde dieren der woestijnen zullen de wilde dieren der eilanden daar ontmoeten, en de duivel zal zijn metgezel toeroepen; ook zal het nachtgedierte zich aldaar nederzetten, en het zal een rustplaats voor zich vinden.

ישעה 34:14
וּפָגְשׁ֤וּ צִיִּים֙ אֶת־אִיִּ֔ים וְשָׂעִ֖יר עַל־רֵעֵ֣הוּ יִקְרָ֑א אַךְ־שָׁם֙ הִרְגִּ֣יעָה לִּילִ֔ית וּמָצְאָ֥ה לָ֖הּ מָנֹֽוחַ׃

יד ופגשו ציים את איים ושעיר על רעהו יקרא אך שם הרגיעה לילית ומצאה לה מנוח

ופגשו ציים את־איים ושעיר על־רעהו יקרא אך־שם הרגיעה לילית ומצאה לה מנוח׃

Ézsaiás 34:14
És találkozik vadmacska a vadebbel, és a kisértet társára talál, csak ott nyugszik meg az éji boszorkány és [ott] lel nyughelyet magának.

Jesaja 34:14
Kaj renkontigxos tie sovagxaj katoj kun sovagxaj hundoj, kaj virkaproj krios unu al alia; nur strigo tie nestos kaj trovos por si ripozejon.

JESAJA 34:14
Silloin pitää metsän eläimet kohtaaman toinen toistansa, yhden liekkiön pitää toista huutaman; ja kauhiat yölinnut pitää myös siellä asumasiansa saaman ja siellä levon löytämän.

Ésaïe 34:14
Les bêtes du désert s'y rencontreront avec les chacals, et le bouc sauvage y criera à son compagnon. Là aussi la lilith se reposera et trouvera sa tranquille habitation.

Les animaux du désert y rencontreront les chiens sauvages, Et les boucs s'y appelleront les uns les autres; Là le spectre de la nuit aura sa demeure, Et trouvera son lieu de repos;

[Là] les bêtes sauvages des déserts rencontreront les [bêtes sauvages des] Iles, et la chouette criera à sa compagne; là même se posera l'orfraie, et y trouvera son repos.

Jesaja 34:14
Da werden untereinander laufen Marder und Geier, und ein Feldteufel wird dem andern begegnen; der Kobold wird auch daselbst herbergen und seine Ruhe daselbst finden.

Da werden untereinander laufen Wüstentiere und wilde Hunde, und ein Feldteufel wird dem andern begegnen; der Kobold wird auch daselbst herbergen und seine Ruhe daselbst finden.

und Wildkatzen werden Schakalen begegnen und Bocksgeister einander treffen. Nur die Lilith wird dort rasten und eine Ruhestätte für sich finden.

Isaia 34:14
Le bestie del deserto vi s’incontreranno coi cani selvatici, il satiro vi chiamerà il compagno; quivi lo spettro notturno farà la sua dimora, e vi troverà il suo luogo di riposo.

E quivi si scontreranno le fiere de’ deserti co’ gufi; ed un demonio griderà all’altro; quivi eziandio si poserà l’uccello della notte e si troverà luogo di riposo.

YESAYA 34:14
Di sana bertemulah harimau dahan dengan serigala dan syaitanpun berserulah seorang akan seorang, lagipun hantu malam berhinggap di sana dan mendapat tempat perhentian.

이사야 34:14
들짐승이 이리와 만나며 수염소가 그 동류를 부르며 올빼미가 거기 거하여 쉬는 처소를 삼으며

Isaias 34:14
et occurrent daemonia onocentauris et pilosus clamabit alter ad alterum ibi cubavit lamia et invenit sibi requiem

Izaijo knyga 34:14
Ten susitiks vilkai su hienomis, satyrai šauks vienas kitam. Nakties šmėklos ten susiras sau poilsio vietą.

Isaiah 34:14
Ko nga kuri mohoao o te koraha ka tutaki ki nga wuruhi, ka karanga te mea ahua koati ki tona hoa; ka takoto ano te ngarara haere po ki reira, ka kitea he okiokinga mona ki reira.

Esaias 34:14
Ville hunder og andre ørkendyr skal møtes der, og raggete troll skal rope til hverandre; ja, der slår Lilit* sig til ro og finner sig et hvilested.

Isaías 34:14
Las fieras del desierto se encontrarán con las hienas, el macho cabrío llamará a los de su especie; sí, el monstruo nocturno se establecerá allí, y encontrará para sí lugar de reposo.

Las fieras del desierto se encontrarán con las hienas, El macho cabrío llamará a los de su especie. Sí, el monstruo nocturno se establecerá allí, Y encontrará para sí lugar de reposo.

Las fieras del desierto se encontrarán con las hienas, y la cabra del monte gritará a su compañero; la lechuza también tendrá allí morada, y hallará para sí lugar de reposo.

Y las bestias monteses se encontrarán con los gatos cervales, y el peludo gritará á su compañero: la lamia también tendrá allí asiento, y hallará para sí reposo.

Y las bestias monteses se encontrarán con los gatos cervales, y el sátiro gritará a su compañero; la lamía también tendrá allí asiento, y hallará para sí reposo.

Isaías 34:14
E animais do deserto se encontrarão com hienas; bodes selvagens clamarão um ao outro; e lilite, criaturas noturnas, pousarão ali e encontrarão descanso e refúgio.

E as feras do deserto se encontrarão com hienas; e o sátiro clamará ao seu companheiro; e Lilite pousará ali, e achará lugar de repouso para si.   

Isaia 34:14
Fiarele din pustie se vor întîlni acolo cu cînii sălbatici, şi ţapii păroşi se vor chema unii pe alţii. Acolo îşi va avea locuinţa năluca nopţii, şi îşi va găsi un loc de odihnă.

Исаия 34:14
И звери пустыни будут встречаться сдикими кошками, и лешие будут перекликаться один с другим; там будет отдыхать ночное привидение и находить себе покой.

И звери пустыни будут встречаться с дикими кошками, и лешие будут перекликаться один с другим; там будет отдыхать ночное привидение и находить себе покой.[]

Jesaja 34:14
Schakaler bo där tillsammans med andra ökendjur, och gastar ropa där till varandra; ja, där kan Lilit få ro, där kan hon finna en vilostad.

Isaiah 34:14
At ang mga mailap na hayop sa ilang ay makikipagsalubong doon sa mga lobo, at ang lalaking kambing ay hihiyaw sa kaniyang kasama; oo, ang malaking kuwago ay tatahan doon, at makakasumpong siya ng dakong pahingahan.

อิสยาห์ 34:14
และสัตว์ป่าจะพบกับหมาจิ้งจอก เมษปิศาจจะร้องหาเพื่อนของมัน เออ ผีจะลงมาที่นั่นและหาที่ตัวพัก

Yeşaya 34:14
Yabanıl hayvanlarla sırtlanlar orada buluşacak, tekeler karşılıklı böğürecek. Lilitfı oraya yerleşip rahata kavuşacak.[]

EÂ-sai 34:14
Thú rừng và chó rừng sẽ gặp nhau tại đó; dê đực kêu nhau; yêu quái ban đêm loán làm chỗ ở, và làm nơi náu nương yên ổn.

Isaiah 34:13
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