Isaiah 33:15
Isaiah 33:15
Those who walk righteously and speak what is right, who reject gain from extortion and keep their hands from accepting bribes, who stop their ears against plots of murder and shut their eyes against contemplating evil--

Those who are honest and fair, who refuse to profit by fraud, who stay far away from bribes, who refuse to listen to those who plot murder, who shut their eyes to all enticement to do wrong--

He who walks righteously and speaks uprightly, who despises the gain of oppressions, who shakes his hands, lest they hold a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed and shuts his eyes from looking on evil,

He who walks righteously and speaks with sincerity, He who rejects unjust gain And shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe; He who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed And shuts his eyes from looking upon evil;

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil;

The one who lives righteously and speaks rightly, who refuses gain from extortion, whose hand never takes a bribe, who stops his ears from listening to murderous plots and shuts his eyes to avoid endorsing evil--

The one who walks righteously and has spoken sincere words, who rejects gain from extortion and waves his hand, rejecting bribes, who blocks his ears from hearing plots of murder and shuts his eyes against seeing evil—

The one who lives uprightly and speaks honestly; the one who refuses to profit from oppressive measures and rejects a bribe; the one who does not plot violent crimes and does not seek to harm others--

The person who does what is right and speaks the truth will live. He rejects getting rich by extortion and refuses to take bribes. He refuses to listen to those who are plotting murders. He doesn't look for evil things to do.

He that walks in righteousness, he that speaks uprightly; he that despises the gain of violence, he that shakes his hands from receiving bribes; he that stops his ears to not hear of blood; he who shuts his eyes to not see evil;

He that walks righteously, and speaks uprightly; he that despises the gain of oppressions, that keeps his hands from the holding of bribes, that stops his ears from hearing of bloodshed, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil;

He that walks righteously, and speaks uprightly; he that despises the gain of oppressions, that shakes his hands from holding of bribes, that stops his ears from hearing of blood, and shuts his eyes from seeing evil;

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from taking a bribe, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from looking upon evil:

He that walketh in justices, and speaketh truth, that casteth away avarice by oppression, and shaketh his hands from all bribes, that stoppeth his ears lest he hear blood, and shutteth his eyes that he may see no evil.

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from taking hold of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil:

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from looking upon evil;

He that walketh righteously, and speaketh uprightly; he that despiseth the gain of oppressions, that shaketh his hands from holding of bribes, that stoppeth his ears from hearing of blood, and shutteth his eyes from seeing evil;

He who walks righteously, and speaks blamelessly; He who despises the gain of oppressions, who gestures with his hands, refusing to take a bribe, who stops his ears from hearing of blood, and shuts his eyes from looking at evil--

Whoso is walking righteously, And is speaking uprightly, Kicking against gain of oppressions, Shaking his hands from taking hold on a bribe, Stopping his ear from hearing of blood, And shutting his eyes from looking on evil,

Isaia 33:15
Ai që ecën me drejtësi dhe flet drejt, ai që i përçmon fitimet e shtrëmbëra, që lëviz duart për të mos pranuar dhurata, që i mbyll veshët për të mos dëgjuar të flitet për gjak dhe sytë për të mos parë të keqen,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 33:15
السالك بالحق والمتكلم بالاستقامة الراذل مكسب المظالم النافض يديه من قبض الرشوة الذي يسد اذنيه عن سمع الدماء ويغمض عينيه عن النظر الى الشر

Dyr Ieseien 33:15
Wer rechtschaffen löbt und allweil waarhaft ist, wer kainn öbbs abpresst, wer si nit bestechen laasst, wer nit bei Mordverschwörungen mittuet und nit auf n Schaach aus ist!

Исая 33:15
Който ходи праведно и говори справедливо, Който презира печалбата от насилствата, Който отърсва ръцете си от дароприемство, Който запушва ушите си, за да не чуе за кръвопролитие, И който затуля очите си, за да не види злото,-

以 賽 亞 書 33:15
行 事 公 義 、 說 話 正 直 、 憎 惡 欺 壓 的 財 利 、 擺 手 不 受 賄 賂 、 塞 耳 不 聽 流 血 的 話 , 閉 眼 不 看 邪 惡 事 的 ,

行 事 公 义 、 说 话 正 直 、 憎 恶 欺 压 的 财 利 、 摆 手 不 受 贿 赂 、 塞 耳 不 听 流 血 的 话 , 闭 眼 不 看 邪 恶 事 的 ,



Isaiah 33:15
Onaj koji hodi u pravdi i pravo govori, koji prezire dobit od prinude, koji otresa ruku da ne primi mito, koji zatiskuje uši da ne čuje o krvoproliću, koji zatvara oči da ne vidi zlo:

Izaiáše 33:15
Ten, kterýž chodí v spravedlnosti, a mluví pravé věci, kterýž pohrdá ziskem z útisku, kterýž otřásá ruce své, aby darů nepřijímal, kterýž zacpává uši své, aby neslyšel rady o vraždě, a zavírá oči své, aby se na zlé nedíval:

Esajas 33:15
Den, der vandrer i Retfærd og taler oprigtigt, ringeagter Vinding, vundet ved Uret, vægrer sig ved at tage mod Gave, tilstopper Øret over for Blodraad og lukker Øjnene over for det onde —

Jesaja 33:15
Die in gerechtigheden wandelt, en die billijkheden spreekt; die het gewin der onderdrukkingen verwerpt; die zijn handen uitschudt, dat zij geen geschenken behouden; die zijn oor stopt, dat hij geen bloedschulden hore, en zijn ogen toesluit; dat hij het kwade niet aanzie;

ישעה 33:15
הֹלֵ֣ךְ צְדָקֹ֔ות וְדֹבֵ֖ר מֵֽישָׁרִ֑ים מֹאֵ֞ס בְּבֶ֣צַע מַעֲשַׁקֹּ֗ות נֹעֵ֤ר כַּפָּיו֙ מִתְּמֹ֣ךְ בַּשֹּׁ֔חַד אֹטֵ֤ם אָזְנֹו֙ מִשְּׁמֹ֣עַ דָּמִ֔ים וְעֹצֵ֥ם עֵינָ֖יו מֵרְאֹ֥ות בְּרָֽע׃

טו הלך צדקות ודבר מישרים מאס בבצע מעשקות נער כפיו מתמך בשחד אטם אזנו משמע דמים ועצם עיניו מראות ברע

הלך צדקות ודבר מישרים מאס בבצע מעשקות נער כפיו מתמך בשחד אטם אזנו משמע דמים ועצם עיניו מראות ברע׃

Ézsaiás 33:15
A ki igazságban jár és egyenesen beszél, a ki megveti a zsarolt nyereséget, a ki kezeit rázván, nem vesz ajándékot, a ki fülét bedugja, hogy véres tervet ne halljon, és szemeit befogja, hogy gonoszt ne lásson:

Jesaja 33:15
Kiu agas juste kaj parolas veron, abomenas profiton rabitan, forskuas siajn manojn, por ne preni subacxeton, sxtopas siajn orelojn, por ne auxskulti aferojn sangajn, kaj fermas siajn okulojn, por ne rigardi malbonon,

JESAJA 33:15
Joka vanhurskaudessa vaeltaa ja puhuu oikeutta; joka vääryyttä ja ahneutta vihaa, ja vetää kätensä pois, ettei hän ota lahjoja; joka tukitsee korvansa kuulemasta veren vikoja, ja peittää silmänsä näkemästä pahaa:

Ésaïe 33:15
-Celui qui marche dans la justice, et celui qui parle avec droiture, celui qui rejette le gain acquis par extorsion, qui secoue ses mains pour ne pas prendre de présent, qui bouche ses oreilles pour ne pas entendre parler de sang et qui ferme ses yeux pou

Celui qui marche dans la justice, Et qui parle selon la droiture, Qui méprise un gain acquis par extorsion, Qui secoue les mains pour ne pas accepter un présent, Qui ferme l'oreille pour ne pas entendre des propos sanguinaires, Et qui se bande les yeux pour ne pas voir le mal,

Celui qui observe la justice, et qui profère des choses droites; celui qui rejette le gain déshonnête d'extorsion , et qui secoue ses mains pour ne prendre point de présents; celui qui bouche ses oreilles pour n'ouïr point le sang, et qui ferme ses yeux pour ne voir point le mal;

Jesaja 33:15
Wer in Gerechtigkeit wandelt und redet, was recht ist; wer Unrecht hasset samt dem Geiz und seine Hände abzeucht, daß er nicht Geschenke nehme; wer seine Ohren zustopft, daß er nicht Blutschulden höre, und seine Augen zuhält, daß er nicht Arges sehe,

Wer in Gerechtigkeit wandelt und redet, was recht ist; wer Unrecht haßt samt dem Geiz und seine Hände abzieht, daß er nicht Geschenke nehme; wer seine Ohren zustopft, daß er nicht Blutschulden höre, und seine Augen zuhält, daß er nichts Arges sehe:

Wer in Rechtschaffenheit wandelt und die Wahrheit redet, wer Erpressungsgewinn verschmäht, wer die Annahme von Bestechung abwehrt, wer sein Ohr verstopft, um nicht Mordpläne zu hören, und seine Augen verschließt, um nicht an Bösem seine Lust zu sehen -

Isaia 33:15
Colui che cammina per le vie della giustizia, e parla rettamente; colui che sprezza i guadagni estorti, che scuote le mani per non accettar regali, che si tura gli orecchi per non udir parlar di sangue, e chiude gli occhi per non vedere il male.

Colui che cammina in ogni giustizia, e parla cose diritte; che disdegna il guadagno di storsioni; che scuote le sue mani, per non prender presenti; che tura gli orecchi, per non udire omicidii; e chiude gli occhi, per non vedere il male;

YESAYA 33:15
Orang yang melakukan kebajikan dan yang mengatakan barang yang benar; yang menolak laba keji dari pada aniaya itu, yang mengebaskan tangannya, supaya jangan lekat padanya barang suap; yang menampukkan telinganya asal jangan didengarnya utang darah, dan yang mengatupkan matanya, biar jangan dilihatnya barang jahat.

이사야 33:15
오직 의롭게 행하는 자, 정직히 말하는자, 토색한 재물을 가증히 여기는 자, 손을 흔들어 뇌물을 받지 아니하는 자, 귀를 막아 피 흘리려는 꾀를 듣지 아니하는 자, 눈을 감아 악을 보지 아니하는 자,

Isaias 33:15
qui ambulat in iustitiis et loquitur veritates qui proicit avaritiam ex calumnia et excutit manus suas ab omni munere qui obturat aures suas ne audiat sanguinem et claudit oculos suos ne videat malum

Izaijo knyga 33:15
Kas vaikšto teisiai ir kalba tiesą, kas paniekina priespaudos pelną, kas neima kyšių, kas užsikemša ausis ir nesiklauso kraują praliejančių, kas užmerkia akis ir nesigėri piktybėmis,

Isaiah 33:15
Ko te tangata e haere ana i runga i te tika, he tika ano ana korero; ko te tangata e whakahawea ana ki nga taonga o te tukino, e rukerukea ana e tona ringa te utu whakapati; e punia ana ona taringa kei rangona he korero toto, e whakamoe ana i on a kanohi kei kite i te kino;

Esaias 33:15
Den som vandrer i rettferdighet og taler det som rett er, den som forakter det som vinnes ved urett og vold, den som ryster sine hender så han ikke rører ved gaver, som stopper sitt øre til for ikke å høre på blodråd, og som lukker sine øine for ikke å se på det som ondt er,

Isaías 33:15
El que anda en justicia y habla con sinceridad, el que rehúsa la ganancia injusta, y se sacude las manos para que no retengan soborno; el que se tapa los oídos para no oír de derramamiento de sangre, y cierra los ojos para no ver el mal;

El que anda en justicia y habla con sinceridad, El que rehúsa la ganancia injusta, Y se sacude las manos para que no retengan soborno; El que se tapa los oídos para no oír del derramamiento de sangre, Y cierra los ojos para no ver el mal.

El que camina en justicia, y habla lo recto; el que aborrece la ganancia de violencias, el que sacude sus manos por no recibir cohecho, el que tapa su oído para no oír propuestas sanguinarias, el que cierra sus ojos para no ver cosa mala:

El que camina en justicia, y habla lo recto; el que aborrece la ganancia de violencias, el que sacude sus manos por no recibir cohecho, el que tapa su oreja por no oir sangres, el que cierra sus ojos por no ver cosa mala:

El que camina en justicia, el que habla rectitud, el que aborrece la ganancia de violencias, el que sacude sus manos de recibir cohecho; el que tapa su oreja, por no oír sangre; el que aprieta sus ojos, por no ver cosa mala;

Isaías 33:15
Aquele que anda corretamente, que pratica a justiça e fala o que é verdade, que recusa o lucro desonesto, cuja mão não aceita suborno ou qualquer exploração, que tapa os ouvidos para não ouvir falar de planos e tramas de homicídios, e fecha os olhos a fim de não contemplar o mal.

Aquele que anda em justiça, e fala com retidão; aquele que rejeita o ganho da opressão; que sacode as mãos para não receber peitas; o que tapa os ouvidos para não ouvir falar do derramamento de sangue, e fecha os olhos para não ver o mal;   

Isaia 33:15
Celce umblă în neprihănire, şi vorbeşte fără vicleşug, celce nesocoteşte un cîştig scos prin stoarcere, celce îşi trage mînile înapoi, ca să nu primească mită, cel ce îşi astupă urechea să n'audă cuvinte setoase de sînge, şi îşi leagă ochii ca să nu vadă răul,

Исаия 33:15
Тот, кто ходит в правде и говорит истину; кто презирает корысть от притеснения, удерживает руки свои от взяток, затыкает уши свои, чтобыне слышать о кровопролитии, и закрывает глаза свои, чтобы не видеть зла;

Тот, кто ходит в правде и говорит истину; кто презирает корысть от притеснения, удерживает руки свои от взяток, затыкает уши свои, чтобы не слышать о кровопролитии, и закрывает глаза свои, чтобы не видеть зла;[]

Jesaja 33:15
Den som vandrar i rättfärdighet och talar, vad rätt är, den som föraktar, vad som vinnes genom orätt och våld, och den som avhåller sina händer från att taga mutor, den som tillstoppar sina öron för att icke höra om blodsgärningar och tillsluter sina ögon för att icke se, vad ont är,

Isaiah 33:15
Siyang lumalakad ng matuwid, at nagsasalita ng matuwid; siyang humahamak ng pakinabang sa mga kapighatian, na iniuurong ang kaniyang mga kamay sa paghawak ng mga suhol, na nagtatakip ng kaniyang mga tainga ng pagdinig ng tungkol sa dugo, at ipinipikit ang kaniyang mga mata sa pagtingin sa kasamaan;

อิสยาห์ 33:15
คือเขาผู้ดำเนินอย่างชอบธรรมและพูดอย่างซื่อตรง เขาผู้ดูหมิ่นผลที่ได้จากการบีบบังคับ ผู้สลัดมือของเขาจากการถือสินบนไว้ ผู้อุดหูจากการฟังเรื่องเลือดตกยางออก และปิดตาจากการมองความชั่วร้าย

Yeşaya 33:15
Ama doğru yolda yürüyüp doğru dürüst konuşan,
Zorbalıkla edinilen kazancı reddeden,
Elini rüşvetten uzak tutan,
Kan dökenlerin telkinlerine kulak vermeyen,
Kötülük görmeye dayanamayan,[]

EÂ-sai 33:15
Ấy là kẻ bước theo công bình, nói ra chánh trực; khinh món lợi hoạch tài, vung tay chẳng lấy của hối lộ; bưng tai chẳng nghe chuyện đổ huyết, bịt mắt chẳng thấy điều ác.

Isaiah 33:14
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