Isaiah 30:32
Isaiah 30:32
Every stroke the LORD lays on them with his punishing club will be to the music of timbrels and harps, as he fights them in battle with the blows of his arm.

And as the LORD strikes them with his rod of punishment, his people will celebrate with tambourines and harps. Lifting his mighty arm, he will fight the Assyrians.

And every stroke of the appointed staff that the LORD lays on them will be to the sound of tambourines and lyres. Battling with brandished arm, he will fight with them.

And every blow of the rod of punishment, Which the LORD will lay on him, Will be with the music of tambourines and lyres; And in battles, brandishing weapons, He will fight them.

And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the LORD shall lay upon him, it shall be with tabrets and harps: and in battles of shaking will he fight with it.

And every stroke of the appointed staff that the LORD brings down on him will be to the sound of tambourines and lyres; He will fight against him with brandished weapons.

And every stroke of his punishing rod that the LORD brings down on them will be to the sound of tambourines and harps, as he fights against her in battle with a brandished arm.

Every blow from his punishing cudgel, with which the LORD will beat them, will be accompanied by music from the tambourine and harp, and he will attack them with his weapons.

To the sound of tambourines and lyres, the LORD will pound on them. He will fight them in battle, swinging his fists.

And in every evil place there shall be a staff that the LORD shall cause to lay upon him with tambourines and harps: and with the strength of heaven he will fight against her.

And in every place where the staff of punishment shall pass, which the LORD shall lay upon him, it shall be with timbrels and harps: and in battles of brandishing will he fight with it.

And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the LORD shall lay on him, it shall be with tabrets and harps: and in battles of shaking will he fight with it.

And every stroke of the appointed staff, which Jehovah shall lay upon him, shall be with the sound of tabrets and harps; and in battles with the brandishing of his arm will he fight with them.

And the passage of the rod shall be strongly grounded, which the Lord shall make to rest upon him with timbrels and harps, and in great battles he shall over throw them.

And wherever shall pass the appointed staff, which Jehovah shall lay upon him, it shall be with tambours and harps; and with tumultuous battles will he fight with it.

And every stroke of the appointed staff, which the LORD shall lay upon him, shall be with tabrets and harps: and in battles of shaking will he fight with them.

And in every place where the grounded staff shall pass, which the LORD shall lay upon him, it shall be with tabrets and harps: and in battles of shaking will he fight with it.

Every stroke of the rod of punishment, which Yahweh will lay on him, will be with the sound of tambourines and harps. He will fight with them in battles, brandishing weapons.

And every passage of the settled staff, That Jehovah causeth to rest on him, Hath been with tabrets, and with harps, And in battles of shaking he hath fought with it.

Isaia 30:32
dhe çdo goditje që do të jepet me shkopin të cilin Zoti do të bëjë t'i bjerë mbi të, do të shoqërohet nga tingujt e dajreve dhe të qesteve. Ai do të luftojë kundër asaj duke tundur dorën në mënyrë kërcënuese.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 30:32
ويكون كل مرور عصا القضاء التي ينزلها الرب عليه بالدفوف والعيدان. وبحروب ثائرة يحاربه.

Dyr Ieseien 30:32
ayn ieds Maal, wenn dyr Herr mit dyr Ruettn auf Surn niderhaut. Unter n Klang von Pauckenn und Zitern und bei aynn zümftignen Rai'n kömpft yr gögn Surn.

Исая 30:32
И всеки удар със съдбоносния жезъл, Който Господ ще сложи върху него, Ще бъде с тъпанчета и арфи; И с потресающи боеве ще воюва против тях.

以 賽 亞 書 30:32
耶 和 華 必 將 命 定 的 杖 加 在 他 身 上 ; 每 打 一 下 , 人 必 擊 鼓 彈 琴 。 打 杖 的 時 候 , 耶 和 華 必 掄 起 手 來 , 與 他 交 戰 。

耶 和 华 必 将 命 定 的 杖 加 在 他 身 上 ; 每 打 一 下 , 人 必 击 鼓 弹 琴 。 打 杖 的 时 候 , 耶 和 华 必 抡 起 手 来 , 与 他 交 战 。



Isaiah 30:32
I kad god ga udari šiba kaznena, kojom će ga Jahve išibati, nek' se oglase bubnjevi i citare - u sav jek boja on s njima ratuje!

Izaiáše 30:32
Ale stane se, že každé udeření holí, kterouž doloží na něj Hospodin, silně dolehne; s bubny a harfami a bitvou veselou bojovati bude proti němu.

Esajas 30:32
hvert et Slag af Tugtelsens Stok, som HERREN lader falde paa Assur, er til Paukers og Citres Klang; med Svingnings Kampe kæmper han mod det.

Jesaja 30:32
En alwaar die gegrondveste staf doorgegaan zal zijn (op welken de HEERE dien zal hebben doen rusten), daar zal men met trommelen en harpen zijn; want met bewegende bestrijdingen zal Hij tegen hen strijden.

ישעה 30:32
וְהָיָ֗ה כֹּ֤ל מַֽעֲבַר֙ מַטֵּ֣ה מֽוּסָדָ֔ה אֲשֶׁ֨ר יָנִ֤יחַ יְהוָה֙ עָלָ֔יו בְּתֻפִּ֖ים וּבְכִנֹּרֹ֑ות וּבְמִלְחֲמֹ֥ות תְּנוּפָ֖ה נִלְחַם־ [בָּהּ כ] (בָּֽם׃ ק)

לב והיה כל מעבר מטה מוסדה אשר יניח יהוה עליו בתפים ובכנרות ובמלחמות תנופה נלחם בה (בם)

והיה כל מעבר מטה מוסדה אשר יניח יהוה עליו בתפים ובכנרות ובמלחמות תנופה נלחם־ [בה כ] (בם׃ ק)

Ézsaiás 30:32
És a büntetõ vesszõ minden sujtását, a melyet az Úr mérend reá, dobokkal és cziterákkal [fogjátok kisérni, és] Õ [kezét fel-]felemelvén, harczol ellene.

Jesaja 30:32
Kaj penetranta estos cxiu ekbato per la bastono, kiun la Eternulo faligos sur lin kun tamburinoj kaj harpoj; kaj per bataloj senhaltaj Li batalos kontraux li.

JESAJA 30:32
Sillä vitsan pitää kyllä sattuman ja koskeman, kuin Herra sen vie heidän ylitsensä rummuilla ja kanteleilla, ja joka paikassa sotii heitä vastaan.

Ésaïe 30:32
et partout où passera le bâton ordonné que l'Éternel appesantira sur lui, ce sera avec des tambourins et des harpes; et par des batailles tumultueuses il lui fera la guerre.

A chaque coup de la verge qui lui est destinée, Et que l'Eternel fera tomber sur lui, On entendra les tambourins et les harpes; L'Eternel combattra contre lui à main levée.

Et partout ou passera le bâton enfoncé dont l'Eternel l'aura assené, et par lequel il aura combattu dans les batailles à bras élevé, [on y entendra des] tambours et des harpes.

Jesaja 30:32
Denn es wird die Rute ganz durchdringen und wohl treffen, wenn sie der HERR über ihn führen wird, mit Pauken und Harfen, und allenthalben wider sie streiten.

Und es wird die Rute ganz durchdringen und wohl treffen, wenn sie der HERR über ihn führen wird mit Pauken und Harfen, und allenthalben wider sie streiten.

So oft der Stab des Verhängnisses einherfährt, den Jahwe auf ihn niedersenden wird, sollen Pauken und Zithern erschallen, und mit rastlos geschwungener Hand wird er gegen sie kämpfen.

Isaia 30:32
ed ogni passaggio del flagello destinatogli che l’Eterno gli farà piombare addosso, sarà accompagnato dal suono di tamburelli e di cetre; l’Eterno combatterà contro di lui a colpi raddoppiati.

Ed ogni passaggio della verga determinata, la quale il Signore farà riposar sopra lui, sarà accompagnato da tamburi, e da cetere, dopo ch’egli avrà combattuto contro a loro battaglie a mano alzata.

YESAYA 30:32
Maka barang di mana akan lalu cemeti penyiksa, yang dilekatkan Tuhan kelak kepadanya, di sanapun kedengaranlah bunyi rebana dan kecapi, bahwa sambil berkanjar-kanjar orang akan memerangi dia.

이사야 30:32
여호와께서 예정하신 몽둥이를 앗수르 위에 더하실 때마다 소고를 치며 수금을 탈 것이며 그는 전쟁 때에 팔을 들어 그들을 치시리라

Isaias 30:32
et erit transitus virgae fundatus quam requiescere faciet Dominus super eum in tympanis et in citharis et in bellis praecipuis expugnabit eos

Izaijo knyga 30:32
Kiekvienas lazdos smūgis, kuriuo Viešpats smogs jiems, bus palydimas būgneliais ir arfomis. Jis kovos su jais grasindamas.

Isaiah 30:32
A ko nga whakapanga katoa o te tokotoko i whakaritea, ko ta Ihowa hoki e whakapa ai ki a ia, ka meinga ki nga timipera, ki nga hapa: he whawhai whakangaueue hoki tana whawhai ki a ratou.

Esaias 30:32
Og hver gang den stav som Herren efter sitt råd lar falle på ham, farer ned, skal det skje under klang av trommer og citarer, og gang på gang skal han løfte sin arm og stride mot ham.

Isaías 30:32
Y cada golpe de la vara de castigo que el SEÑOR descargue sobre ella, será al son de panderos y liras; y en batallas, blandiendo armas, El peleará contra ellos.

Y cada golpe de la vara de castigo Que el SEÑOR descargue sobre ella, Será al son de panderos y liras; Y en batallas, blandiendo armas, El peleará contra ellos.

Y en todo lugar por donde pase la vara que Jehová descargará sobre él, será con panderos y con arpas, y en batalla de agitación peleará contra ellos.

Y en todo paso habrá madero fundado, que Jehová hará hincar sobre él con tamboriles y vihuelas, cuando con batallas de altura peleará contra ellos.

Y en todo mal paso habrá báculo, que el SEÑOR hará hincar sobre él con tamboriles y vihuelas; y con fuerza del cielo peleará contra ella.

Isaías 30:32
Cada pancada que com a vara Yahweh desferir para castigar, será aplicada ao ritmo do som de tamborins e harpas, enquanto a estiver combatendo com os golpes do seu braço.

E a cada golpe do bordão de castigo, que o Senhor lhe der, haverá tamboris e harpas; e com combates de brandimento combaterá contra eles.   

Isaia 30:32
La fiecare lovitură de nuia hotărîtă, pe care i -o va da Domnul, se vor auzi timpanele şi arfele, Domnul va lupta împotriva lui cu mîna ridicată.

Исаия 30:32
И всякое движение определенного ему жезла, который Господь направит на него, будетс тимпанами и цитрами, и Он пойдет против него войною опустошительною.

И всякое движение определенного ему жезла, который Господь направит на него, будет с тимпанами и цитрами, и Он пойдет против него войною опустошительною.[]

Jesaja 30:32
Och så ofta staven far fram och HERREN efter sitt rådslut låter den falla på honom skola pukor och harpor ljuda. Gång på gång skall han lyfta sin arm till att strida mot honom.

Isaiah 30:32
At bawa't hampas ng takdang tungkod, na ibabagsak ng Panginoon sa kaniya, mangyayaring may mga pandereta at may mga alpa; at sa mga pakikipagbakang may pagkayanig ay makikipaglaban siya sa kanila,

อิสยาห์ 30:32
และจังหวะไม้เรียวลงโทษทุกจังหวะซึ่งพระเยโฮวาห์โบยลงเหนือเขาจะเข้ากับเสียงรำมะนาและพิณเขาคู่ พระองค์จะทรงต่อสู้เขาด้วยสงครามฟาดฟัน

Yeşaya 30:32
RABbin terbiye değneğiyle onlara indirdiği her darbeye
Tef ve lir eşlik edecek.
RAB silahlarını savura savura onlarla savaşacak.[]

EÂ-sai 30:32
và mỗi khi Ðức Giê-hô-va lấy roi định đánh nó, thì người ta sẽ nghe tiếng trống và đờn cầm; và trong những trận mạc Ðức Giê-hô-va sẽ vung cánh tay mà tranh chiến cùng nó.

Isaiah 30:31
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