Isaiah 30:33
Isaiah 30:33
Topheth has long been prepared; it has been made ready for the king. Its fire pit has been made deep and wide, with an abundance of fire and wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of burning sulfur, sets it ablaze.

Topheth--the place of burning--has long been ready for the Assyrian king; the pyre is piled high with wood. The breath of the LORD, like fire from a volcano, will set it ablaze.

For a burning place has long been prepared; indeed, for the king it is made ready, its pyre made deep and wide, with fire and wood in abundance; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.

For Topheth has long been ready, Indeed, it has been prepared for the king. He has made it deep and large, A pyre of fire with plenty of wood; The breath of the LORD, like a torrent of brimstone, sets it afire.

For Tophet is ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared; he hath made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.

Indeed! Topheth has been ready for the king for a long time now. Its funeral pyre is deep and wide, with plenty of fire and wood. The breath of the LORD, like a torrent of brimstone, kindles it.

For the Fire Pit has long been prepared; truly it is for the king; it will indeed be made ready. And its pyre will be deep and wide, with abundant fire and wood. Like a stream of burning sulfur, the breath of the LORD will set it ablaze.

For the burial place is already prepared; it has been made deep and wide for the king. The firewood is piled high on it. The LORD's breath, like a stream flowing with brimstone, will ignite it.

Topheth was prepared long ago. It was made ready for the king. It was made deep and wide and piled high with plenty of burning logs. The LORD's breath will be like a flood of burning sulfur, setting it on fire.

For Tophet is ordained of yesterday for the king of Babylon, it is also prepared; he has deepened and enlarged the pile of her fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD like a stream of brimstone kindles it.

For Tophet was ordained of old; yea, for the king it is prepared; he has made it deep and large: its pyre is fire with much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, does kindle it.

For Tophet is ordained of old; yes, for the king it is prepared; he has made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, does kindle it.

For a Topheth is prepared of old; yea, for the king it is made ready; he hath made it deep and large; the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.

For Topheth is prepared from yesterday, prepared by the king, deep, and wide. The nourishment thereof is fire and much wood: the breath of the Lord as a torrent of brimstone kindling it.

For Topheth is prepared of old; for the king also it is prepared: he hath made it deep and large; its pile is fire and much wood; the breath of Jehovah, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.

For a Topheth is prepared of old; yea, for the king it is made ready; he hath made it deep and large: the pile thereof is fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.

For Tophet is ordained of old; yes, for the king it is prepared; he hath made it deep and large: the pile of it is fire and much wood; the breath of the LORD, like a stream of brimstone, doth kindle it.

For his burning place has long been ready. Yes, for the king it is prepared. He has made its pyre deep and large with fire and much wood. Yahweh's breath, like a stream of sulfur, kindles it.

For, arranged from former time is Tophet, Even it for the king is prepared, He hath made deep, He hath made large, Its pile is fire and much wood, The breath of Jehovah, As a stream of brim stone, is burning in it!

Isaia 30:33
Tofeti është përgatitur prej shumë kohe, ai është gati edhe për mbretin; ky e ka bërë të thellë dhe të gjerë; mbi turrën e druve për ta djegur ka zjarr dhe dru me shumicë; fryma e Zotit, si një rrymë squfuri, do ta ndezë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 30:33
لان تفتة مرتبة منذ الامس مهيأة هي ايضا للملك عميقة واسعة كومتها نار وحطب بكثرة. نفخة الرب كنهر كبريت توقدها

Dyr Ieseien 30:33
Allss ist schoon pfrait, schoon lang, ayn tieffe, weite Feuerstöll, daa wo dyr Surner Künig einhin derf. Hauffenweis Brennholz ist aau schoon hergrichtt, und yn n Herrn sein Aadm kenddt s an wie ayn Schweflstroom.

Исая 30:33
Защото Тофет отдавна е приготвен, Да! за царя приготвен; Той го направи дълбок и широк; Куп огън има в него и много дърва; Дишането Господно, като поток от сяра, ще го запали.

以 賽 亞 書 30:33
原 來 陀 斐 特 又 深 又 寬 , 早 已 為 王 預 備 好 了 ; 其 中 堆 的 是 火 與 許 多 木 柴 。 耶 和 華 的 氣 如 一 股 硫 磺 火 使 他 著 起 來 。

原 来 陀 斐 特 又 深 又 宽 , 早 已 为 王 预 备 好 了 ; 其 中 堆 的 是 火 与 许 多 木 柴 。 耶 和 华 的 气 如 一 股 硫 磺 火 使 他 着 起 来 。



Isaiah 30:33
Odavna je pripravljen Tofet za Moleka - lomača visoka, široka, mnogo ognja, mnogo drvlja. Dah gnjeva Jahvina, kao potok sumporni, njega će spaliti.

Izaiáše 30:33
Nebo připraveno jest již dávno peklo, také i samému králi připraveno jest. Hluboké a široké je učinil, hranic jeho, ohně a dříví mnoho; dmýchání Hospodinovo jako potoksiry je zapaluje.

Esajas 30:33
Thi for længst staar et Alter rede — mon det og er rejst for Molok? — han gjorde dets Ildfang dybt og bredt, bragte Ild og Ved i Mængde; HERRENS Aande sætter det i Brand som en Strøm af Svovl.

Jesaja 30:33
Want Tofeth is van gisteren bereid; ja, hij is ook voor den koning bereid; Hij heeft hem diep en wijd gemaakt, het vuur en hout van zijn brandstapel is veel; de adem des HEEREN zal hem aansteken als een zwavelstroom.

ישעה 30:33
כִּֽי־עָר֤וּךְ מֵֽאֶתְמוּל֙ תָּפְתֶּ֔ה גַּם־ [הוּא כ] (הִ֛יא ק) לַמֶּ֥לֶךְ הוּכָ֖ן הֶעְמִ֣יק הִרְחִ֑ב מְדֻרָתָ֗הּ אֵ֤שׁ וְעֵצִים֙ הַרְבֵּ֔ה נִשְׁמַ֤ת יְהוָה֙ כְּנַ֣חַל גָּפְרִ֔ית בֹּעֲרָ֖ה בָּֽהּ׃ ס

לג כי ערוך מאתמול תפתה גם הוא (היא) למלך הוכן העמיק הרחב מדרתה אש ועצים הרבה--נשמת יהוה כנחל גפרית בערה בה  {פ}

כי־ערוך מאתמול תפתה גם־ [הוא כ] (היא ק) למלך הוכן העמיק הרחב מדרתה אש ועצים הרבה נשמת יהוה כנחל גפרית בערה בה׃ ס

Ézsaiás 30:33
Mert készen van a szörnyû tûzhely régen, készen áll az már a királynak is, mélyen és szélesen csinálta azt, máglyájában tûz és fa bõven; az Úr fuvallata gyújtja meg azt, mint kénköves patak.

Jesaja 30:33
CXar delonge estas preparita la bruligejo; gxi estas preta ankaux por la regxo, profundigita, vastigita; gxia lignaro enhavas multe da fajro kaj ligno; la blovo de la Eternulo ekbruligos gxin kiel torenton da sulfuro.

JESAJA 30:33
Sillä kuoppa on jo entisestä valmistettu, ja se on myös kuninkaalle valmistettu, kyllä syvä ja leviä. Siellä on asumus, tuli ja paljo puita; Herran Henki on sen sytyttävä niinkuin jonkun tulikivisen virran.

Ésaïe 30:33
Car Topheth est préparé depuis longtemps: pour le roi aussi il est préparé. Il l'a fait profond et large; son bûcher est du feu et beaucoup de bois: le souffle de l'Éternel, comme un torrent de soufre, l'allume.

Depuis longtemps un bûcher est préparé, Il est préparé pour le roi, Il est profond, il est vaste; Son bûcher, c'est du feu et du bois en abondance; Le souffle de l'Eternel l'enflamme, comme un torrent de soufre.

Car Topheth est déjà préparée, et même elle est apprêtée pour le Roi; il l'a faite profonde et large; son bûcher c'est du feu, et force bois; le souffle de l'Eternel l'allumant comme un torrent de soufre.

Jesaja 30:33
Denn die Grube ist von gestern her zugerichtet; ja, dieselbige ist auch dem Könige bereitet, tief und weit genug; so ist die Wohnung drinnen, Feuer und Holz die Menge. Der Odem des HERRN wird sie anzünden wie ein Schwefelstrom.

Denn die Grube ist von gestern her zugerichtet; ja sie ist auch dem König bereitet, tief und weit genug; der Scheiterhaufen darin hat Feuer und Holz die Menge. Der Odem des HERRN wird ihn anzünden wie ein Schwefelstrom.

Denn bereits ist ein Tophet zugerüstet! Auch das ist für den König bereitet! Tief und breit ist sein Holzstoß, Feuer und Holz ist in Menge da! Der Odem Jahwes, gleich einem Schwefelstrom, setzt es in Brand.

Isaia 30:33
Poiché, da lungo tempo Tofet è preparato; è pronto anche per il re; è profondo ed ampio; sul suo rogo v’è del fuoco e legna in abbondanza; il soffio dell’Eterno, come un torrente di zolfo, sta per accenderlo.

Perciocchè Tofet è già apparecchiato, egli è preparato eziandio per lo re; egli l’ha fatto profondo, e largo; la sua stipa è fuoco, e gran quantità di legne; il fiato del Signore sarà come un torrente di zolfo che l’accenderà.

YESAYA 30:33
Karena lamalah sudah sedia Tofet bagi mereka itu dan bagi rajanyapun; besar dan luas dijadikannya timbunan kayu, amat banyaklah puntung-puntung kayu pancaka, maka nafas Tuhan yang seperti sungai belerang itu akan menunukan dia.

이사야 30:33
대저 도벳은 이미 설립되었고 또 왕을 위하여 예비된 것이라 깊고 넓게 하였고 거기 불과 많은 나무가 있은즉 여호와의 호흡이 유황 개천 같아서 이를 사르시리라

Isaias 30:33
praeparata est enim ab heri Thofeth a rege praeparata profunda et dilatata nutrimenta eius ignis et ligna multa flatus Domini sicut torrens sulphuris succendens eam

Izaijo knyga 30:33
Jau seniai yra paruoštas Tofetas; taip, karaliui jis paruoštas, gilus ir platus, jame bus gausu ugnies ir malkų; Viešpaties kvapas kaip sieros srovė uždegs jį.

Isaiah 30:33
No mua iho hoki a Topete i whakaritea ai; ae ra, kua rite mo te kingi; kua oti te whakahohonu, te whakanui: ko tona puranga he ahi, nui atu hoki te wahie; ko te manawa o Ihowa, ano he awa whanariki, hei whakangiha.

Esaias 30:33
For et brandsted er laget i stand for lenge siden; også for kongen er det laget i stand, dypt og vidt; dets bål har ild og ved i mengde; lik en svovelstrøm tender Herrens ånde det i brand.

Isaías 30:33
Porque Tofet está preparado desde hace tiempo, ciertamente, ha sido dispuesto para el rey. El lo ha hecho profundo y ancho, una pira de fuego con abundante leña; el soplo del SEÑOR, como torrente de azufre, lo enciende.

Porque Tofet (lugar de sacrificios) está preparado desde hace tiempo, Ciertamente, ha sido dispuesto para el rey. El lo ha hecho profundo y ancho, Una pira de fuego con abundante leña; El soplo del SEÑOR, como torrente de azufre, lo enciende.

Porque Tofet ya de tiempo está dispuesta y preparada para el rey, Él la hizo profunda y ancha; cuya pira es de fuego, y mucha leña; el soplo de Jehová, como torrente de azufre, la enciende.

Porque Topheth ya de tiempo está diputada y aparejada para el rey, profunda y ancha; cuyo foco es de fuego, y mucha leña; el soplo de Jehová, como torrente de azufre, la enciende.

Porque Tofet está diputada desde ayer para el rey de Babilonia , también está aparejada; la cual ahondó y ensanchó su hoguera de fuego, y mucha leña. El soplo del SEÑOR, como arroyo de azufre, que la encienda.

Isaías 30:33
Tofet, o torrador, está preparado já há muito tempo; foi construído para o rei. Sua fogueira é funda e larga, com muita lenha e muito fogo; o sopro de Yahweh como uma torrente de enxofre ardente, a inflama totalmente.

Porque uma fogueira está, de há muito, preparada; sim, está preparada para o rei; fez-se profunda e larga; a sua pira é fogo, e tem muita lenha; o assopro do Senhor como torrente de enxofre a acende.   

Isaia 30:33
Căci de multă vreme este pregătit un rug, gătit şi pentru împărat: adînc şi lat este făcut, cu foc şi lemne din belşug. Suflarea Domnului îl aprinde ca un şivoi de pucioasă.``

Исаия 30:33
Ибо Тофет давно уже устроен; он приготовлен и для царя, глубок и широк; в костре его много огня и дров; дуновение Господа, как поток серы, зажжет его.

Ибо Тофет давно уже устроен; он приготовлен и для царя, глубок и широк; в костре его много огня и дров; дуновение Господа, как поток серы, зажжет его.[]

Jesaja 30:33
Ty en Tofetplats är längesedan tillredd, ja ock för konungen är den gjord redo, och djup och vid är den; dess rund är fylld av eld och av ved i myckenhet, och lik en svavelström skall HERRENS Ande sätta den i brand.

Isaiah 30:33
Sapagka't ang Topheth ay handa nang malaon; oo, sa ganang hari ay inihanda; kaniyang pinalalim at pinalaki: ang bunton niyaon ay apoy at maraming kahoy: ang hinga ng Panginoon na gaya ng bugso ng azufre, ay nagpapaningas ng apoy.

อิสยาห์ 30:33
เพราะโทเฟทก็จัดไว้นานแล้ว เออ เตรียมไว้สำหรับกษัตริย์ เชิงตะกอนก็ลึกและกว้าง พร้อมไฟและฟืนมากมาย คือพระปัสสาสะของพระเยโฮวาห์เหมือนธารกำมะถันมาจุดให้ลุก

Yeşaya 30:33
Tofet çoktan hazırlandı,
Evet, kral için hazırlandı.
Geniş ve yüksektir odun yığını,
Ateşi, odunu boldur.
RAB kızgın kükürt selini andıran
Soluğuyla tutuşturacak onu.[]

EÂ-sai 30:33
Vì Tô-phết đã sửa soạn từ xưa; sắm sẳn cho cho vua. Nó sâu và rộng, trên có lửa và củi thật nhiều; hơi thở của Ðức Giê-hô-va như suối lưu hoàng nhúm nó.

Isaiah 30:32
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