Isaiah 29:20
Isaiah 29:20
The ruthless will vanish, the mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down--

The scoffer will be gone, the arrogant will disappear, and those who plot evil will be killed.

For the ruthless shall come to nothing and the scoffer cease, and all who watch to do evil shall be cut off,

For the ruthless will come to an end and the scorner will be finished, Indeed all who are intent on doing evil will be cut off;

For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:

For the ruthless one will vanish, the scorner will disappear, and all those who lie in wait with evil intent will be killed--

For the ruthless will vanish, and mockers will disappear, and all who have an eye for evil will be cut down—

For tyrants will disappear, those who taunt will vanish, and all those who love to do wrong will be eliminated--

Tyrants will be gone. Mockers will be finished. All who look for ways to do wrong will come to an end:

For the violent one shall be done away with, and the scorner shall be consumed, and all those that rose early unto iniquity shall be cut off:

For the ruthless one is brought to nothing, and the scoffer is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:

For the terrible one is brought to nothing, and the scorner is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:

For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scoffer ceaseth, and all they that watch for iniquity are cut off;

For he that did prevail hath failed, the scorner is consumed, and they are all cut off that watched for iniquity:

For the terrible one shall come to nought, and the scorner shall be no more, and all that watch for iniquity shall be cut off,

For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner ceaseth, and all they that watch for iniquity are cut off:

For the terrible one is brought to naught, and the scoffer is consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off:

For the ruthless is brought to nothing, and the scoffer ceases, and all those who are alert to do evil are cut off--

For ceased hath the terrible one, And consumed hath been the scorner, And cut off have been all watching for iniquity,

Isaia 29:20
Sepse tirani do të jetë zhdukur, tallësi do të jetë shkatërruar, dhe do të jenë shfarosur tërë ata që kurdisin paudhësi,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 29:20
لان العاتي قد باد وفني المستهزئ وانقطع كل الساهرين على الاثم

Dyr Ieseien 29:20
Denn önn Unterdrucker geit s niemer; dyr Sauhund ist ausgrott und mit iem allsand, wo allweil grad auf n Schaach aus gwösn wärnd,

Исая 29:20
Защото страшният изчезна, присмивачът се изгуби, И всички, които дебнеха [случай да вършат] беззаконие, се изтребиха,-

以 賽 亞 書 29:20
因 為 , 強 暴 人 已 歸 無 有 , 褻 慢 人 已 經 滅 絕 , 一 切 找 機 會 作 孽 的 都 被 剪 除 。

因 为 , 强 暴 人 已 归 无 有 , 亵 慢 人 已 经 灭 绝 , 一 切 找 机 会 作 孽 的 都 被 剪 除 。



Isaiah 29:20
jer neće više biti silnika, nestat će podsmjevača, istrijebit će se svi koji zlo snuju:

Izaiáše 29:20
Kdyžto přestane ukrutník, a zahyne posměvač, a všickni, kteříž jsou pilni marnosti, vypléněni budou,

Esajas 29:20
Thi Voldsmand er borte, Spotter forsvundet, bortryddet hver, som er vaagen til ondt,

Jesaja 29:20
Wanneer de tiran een einde zal hebben, en dat het met den bespotter uit zal zijn, en dat allen, die tot ongerechtigheid waken, uitgeroeid zullen zijn;

ישעה 29:20
כִּֽי־אָפֵ֥ס עָרִ֖יץ וְכָ֣לָה לֵ֑ץ וְנִכְרְת֖וּ כָּל־שֹׁ֥קְדֵי אָֽוֶן׃

כ כי אפס עריץ וכלה לץ ונכרתו כל שקדי און

כי־אפס עריץ וכלה לץ ונכרתו כל־שקדי און׃

Ézsaiás 29:20
Mert a kegyetlen elveszett, és a csúfoló elpusztult, és kivágattak a hamisságnak minden õrei,

Jesaja 29:20
CXar malaperos premanto, kaj ne plu ekzistos blasfemanto, kaj ekstermitaj estos cxiuj zorgantoj pri malbonagoj,

JESAJA 29:20
Koska tyrannit hukkuvat, ja pilkkaajat loppuvat, ja ne kaikki teloitetaan, jotka valvovat pahaa tehdäksensä,

Ésaïe 29:20
Car l'homme violent ne sera plus, et le moqueur aura pris fin; et tous ceux qui veillent pour l'iniquité seront retranchés,

Car le violent ne sera plus, le moqueur aura fini, Et tous ceux qui veillaient pour l'iniquité seront exterminés,

Car le terrible prendra fin, et le moqueur sera consumé, et tous ceux qui veillent pour commettre l'iniquité, seront retranchés.

Jesaja 29:20
wenn die Tyrannen ein Ende haben, und mit den Spöttern aus sein wird, und vertilget sein werden alle die, so wachen, Mühe anzurichten,

wenn die Tyrannen ein Ende haben und es mit den Spöttern aus sein wird und vertilgt sein werden alle die, so wachen, Mühsal anzurichten,

Denn Gewaltthätige wird es nicht mehr geben und mit den Spöttern ein Ende haben, und alle, die auf Bosheit bedacht sind, werden ausgerottet sein,

Isaia 29:20
Poiché il violento sarà scomparso, il beffardo non sarà più, e saran distrutti tutti quelli che vegliano per commettere iniquità,

Perciocchè il violento sarà mancato, e non vi sarà più schernitore, e saranno stati distrutti tutti quelli che si studiano ad iniquità.

YESAYA 29:20
Karena pada masa itu orang lalim itu tiada lagi, dan si pengolok-olokpun berkesudahan, dan segala orang yang berniat jahat belaka itu sudah ditumpas.

이사야 29:20
이는 강포한 자가 소멸되었으며 경만한 자가 그쳤으며 죄악의 기회를 엿보던 자가 다 끊어졌음이라

Isaias 29:20
quoniam defecit qui praevalebat consummatus est inlusor et succisi sunt omnes qui vigilabant super iniquitatem

Izaijo knyga 29:20
Prispaudėjai dings ir pasityčiotojai žus; bus sunaikinti, kurie elgiasi neteisingai,

Isaiah 29:20
Kua moti hoki te tangata nanakia; a ko te tangata whakahi, kua poto; kua hatepea atu ano te hunga katoa i whanga ki te kino:

Esaias 29:20
for det er forbi med voldsmannen, og det er ute med spotteren, og utryddet blir alle de som er årvåkne til å gjøre urett,

Isaías 29:20
Porque el violento tendrá su fin, el escarnecedor será acabado, y serán cortados todos los que se desvelan por hacer el mal;

Porque el violento tendrá su fin, el insolente será acabado, Y serán cortados todos los que se desvelan para hacer el mal;

Porque el violento será acabado, y el escarnecedor será consumido; serán talados todos los que se desvelan para la iniquidad.

Porque el violento será acabado, y el escarnecedor será consumido: serán talados todos los que madrugaban á la iniquidad.

Porque el violento será acabado; y el escarnecedor será consumido; serán talados todos los que madrugaban a la iniquidad.

Isaías 29:20
Será o fim do tirano e do malvado, o zombador desaparecerá e todos os de olhos inclinados para o mal serão eliminados,

Porque o opressor é reduzido a nada, e não existe mais o escarnecedor, e todos os que se dão à iniqüidade são desarraigados;   

Isaia 29:20
Căci asupritorul nu va mai fi, batjocoritorul va pieri, şi toţi ceice pîndeau nelegiuirea vor fi nimiciţi:

Исаия 29:20
потому что не будет более обидчика, ихульник исчезнет, и будут истреблены все поборники неправды,

потому что не будет более обидчика, и хульник исчезнет, и будут истреблены все поборники неправды,[]

Jesaja 29:20
Ty våldsverkarna äro då icke mer till, bespottarna hava fått en ände, och de som stodo efter fördärv äro alla utrotade,

Isaiah 29:20
Sapagka't ang kakilakilabot ay nauwi sa wala, at ang mangduduwahagi ay naglilikat, at ang lahat na nagbabanta ng kasamaan ay nangahiwalay:

อิสยาห์ 29:20
เพราะว่าผู้น่ากลัวจะสูญไป และผู้เยาะเย้ยจะถูกผลาญไป และคนทั้งปวงที่เฝ้ารอคอยที่จะกระทำการอันชั่วช้าจะถูกตัดขาด

Yeşaya 29:20
Çünkü acımasızlar yok olacak, alaycılar silinecek,
Kötülüğe fırsat kollayanların hepsi kesilip atılacak.[]

EÂ-sai 29:20
Vì người bạo ngược đã bị diệt; kẻ khinh lờn đã mất đi, phàm những kẻ nhơn dịp làm sự ác đã bị trừ tiệt,

Isaiah 29:19
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