Isaiah 29:21
Isaiah 29:21
those who with a word make someone out to be guilty, who ensnare the defender in court and with false testimony deprive the innocent of justice.

Those who convict the innocent by their false testimony will disappear. A similar fate awaits those who use trickery to pervert justice and who tell lies to destroy the innocent.

who by a word make a man out to be an offender, and lay a snare for him who reproves in the gate, and with an empty plea turn aside him who is in the right.

Who cause a person to be indicted by a word, And ensnare him who adjudicates at the gate, And defraud the one in the right with meaningless arguments.

That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nought.

those who, with their speech, accuse a person of wrongdoing, who set a trap at the gate for the mediator, and without cause deprive the righteous of justice.

those who make a person appear to be the offender in a lawsuit, who set a trap for someone who is making his defense in court, and push aside the innocent with specious arguments.

those who bear false testimony against a person, who entrap the one who arbitrates at the city gate and deprive the innocent of justice by making false charges.

those who make people sin with words, those who lay traps for judges, those who, without any reason, deny justice to people who are in the right.

Those that made men to sin in word; those that laid a snare for him that reproved in the gate, and turned that which is just into vanity.

That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproves in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nothing.

That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproves in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of nothing.

that make a man an offender in his cause, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just with a thing of nought.

That made men sin by word, and supplanted him that reproved them in the gate, and declined in vain from the just.

that make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and pervert the judgment of the righteous by futility.

that make a man an offender in a cause, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just with a thing of nought.

That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing of naught.

who cause a person to be indicted by a word, and lay a snare for the arbiter in the gate, and who deprive the innocent of justice with false testimony.

Causing men to sin in word, And for a reprover in the gate lay a snare, And turn aside into emptiness the righteous.

Isaia 29:21
që dënojnë një njeri për një fjalë, që i kurdisin kurthe atij që gjykon te porta, që prishin të drejtën e të drejtit për asgjë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 29:21
الذين جعلوا الانسان يخطئ بكلمة ونصبوا فخا للمنصف في الباب وصدوا البار بالبطل

Dyr Ieseien 29:21
die wo Anderne als Verbröcher verleumend, die wo önn Richter prätzln mechtnd und önn Unschuldignen mit allerlai Wempfln um sein Recht bringend.

Исая 29:21
Които изкарват човека виновен в съдебното дело, И поставят примка за онзи, който изобличава в портата, И с лъжа изкарват крив праведния.

以 賽 亞 書 29:21
他 們 在 爭 訟 的 事 上 定 無 罪 的 為 有 罪 , 為 城 門 口 責 備 人 的 設 下 網 羅 , 用 虛 無 的 事 屈 枉 義 人 。

他 们 在 争 讼 的 事 上 定 无 罪 的 为 有 罪 , 为 城 门 口 责 备 人 的 设 下 网 罗 , 用 虚 无 的 事 屈 枉 义 人 。



Isaiah 29:21
oni koji riječju druge okrivljuju, oni koji na vratima sucu postavljaju zamku i nizašto obaraju pravednika.

Izaiáše 29:21
Kteříž obviňují z hříchu člověka pro slovo, a na toho, kterýž je tresce, v bráně lécejí, a pro nic utiskují spravedlivého.

Esajas 29:21
som med Ord faar et Menneske gjort skyldigt, lægger Fælde for Dommeren i Porten og kuer en retfærdig ved Opspind.

Jesaja 29:21
Die een mens schuldig maken om een woord, en leggen dien strikken, die hen bestraft in de poort; en die den rechtvaardige verdrijven in het woeste.

ישעה 29:21
מַחֲטִיאֵ֤י אָדָם֙ בְּדָבָ֔ר וְלַמֹּוכִ֥יחַ בַּשַּׁ֖עַר יְקֹשׁ֑וּן וַיַּטּ֥וּ בַתֹּ֖הוּ צַדִּֽיק׃ ס

כא מחטיאי אדם בדבר ולמוכיח בשער יקשון ויטו בתהו צדיק  {פ}

מחטיאי אדם בדבר ולמוכיח בשער יקשון ויטו בתהו צדיק׃ ס

Ézsaiás 29:21
Kik az embert elítélik egy szóért, és tõrt vetnek annak, a ki õket a kapuban megfeddi, és elejtik csalárdul az igazat.

Jesaja 29:21
kiuj pekigas homojn per vorto kaj faras insidojn kontraux jugxopetanto cxe la pordego kaj trompe forpusxas justulon.

JESAJA 29:21
Jotka ihmisen tekevät syntiseksi sanan tähden, ja vainoovat rankaisiaansa portissa, ja pokkeevat oikeudesta valheen kautta.

Ésaïe 29:21
ceux qui tiennent un homme coupable pour un mot, qui tendent des pièges à ceux qui reprennent à la porte, et qui font fléchir le droit du juste par des choses futiles.

Ceux qui condamnaient les autres en justice, Tendaient des pièges à qui défendait sa cause à la porte, Et violaient par la fraude les droits de l'innocent.

Ceux qui font tenir pour coupables les hommes pour une parole, et qui tendent des pièges à celui qui les reprend en la porte, et qui font tomber le juste en confusion.

Jesaja 29:21
welche die Leute sündigen machen durchs Predigen und stellen dem nach, der sie straft im Tor, weichen durch Lügen vom Gerechten.

welche die Leute sündigen machen durchs Predigen und stellen dem nach, der sie straft im Tor, und stürzen durch Lügen den Gerechten.

die die Leute in einer Rechtssache zur Sünde verleiten und dem Richter im Thore Schlingen legen und das Recht Unschuldiger durch Nichtigkeiten beugen.

Isaia 29:21
che condannano un uomo per una parola, che tendon tranelli a chi difende le cause alla porta, e violano il diritto del giusto per un nulla.

I quali fanno peccar gli uomini in parole, e tendono lacci a chi li riprende nella porta, e traboccano il giusto in confusione.

YESAYA 29:21
Yaitu segala orang yang menyalahkan orang sebab sepatah kata jua, dan yang memasang jerat akan orang yang mencahari kebenaran di dalam pintu gerbang, dan yang memutarbalikkan perkara orang yang benar itu dengan tipunya.

이사야 29:21
그들은 송사에 사람에게 죄를 입히며 성문에서 판단하는 자를 올무로 잡듯하며 헛된 일로 의인을 억울케 하느니라

Isaias 29:21
qui peccare faciebant homines in verbo et arguentem in porta subplantabant et declinaverunt frustra a iusto

Izaijo knyga 29:21
kurie apšmeižia žmogų, kurie vartuose kaltintojui spendžia spąstus ir teisųjį laiko nieku.

Isaiah 29:21
E whakatau he nei ki te tangata e korero ana, e whakatakoto rore nei mo te kairiri o te he i te kuwaha; a kahore he rawa i whakapeaua ketia ai e ratou te tangata tika.

Esaias 29:21
de som gjør et menneske til synder for et ords skyld og legger snarer for den som hevder retten på tinget, og som ved løgn bøier retten for den rettferdige.

Isaías 29:21
los que hacen que una persona sea acusada por una palabra, tienden lazos al que juzga en la puerta, y defraudan al justo con vanos argumentos.

Los que hacen que una persona sea acusada por una palabra, Y tienden lazos al que juzga en la puerta, Y defraudan al justo con vanos argumentos.

Los que hacen pecar al hombre en palabra; los que arman lazo para el que reprende en la puerta de la ciudad, y hacen que se desvíe el justo con vanidad.

Los que hacían pecar al hombre en palabra; los que armaban lazo al que reprendía en la puerta, y torcieron lo justo en vanidad.

Los que hacían pecar al hombre en palabra; los que armaban lazo al que reprendía en la puerta; y torcieron lo justo en vanidad.

Isaías 29:21
os quais com uma palavra fazem réu o inocente, no tribunal negociam e trapaceiam contra o defensor, e com testemunho falso e outras mentiras evitam que se faça justiça ao homem íntegro e sem culpa.

os que fazem por culpado o homem numa causa, os que armam laços ao que repreende na porta, e os que por um nada desviam o justo.   

Isaia 29:21
ceice osîndeau pe alţii la judecată, întindeau curse cui îi înfruntau la poarta cetăţii, şi năpăstuiau fără temei pe cel nevinovat.

Исаия 29:21
которые запутывают человека в словах, и требующему суда у ворот расставляют сети, и отталкивают правого.

которые запутывают человека в словах, и требующему суда у ворот расставляют сети, и отталкивают правого.[]

Jesaja 29:21
de som genom sitt tal gjorde att oskyldiga blevo fällda och snärjde den som skulle skipa rätt i porten och genom lögn vrängde rätten för den rättfärdige.

Isaiah 29:21
Yaong nakapagkasala sa tao sa isang usapin, at naglalagay ng silo doon sa sumasaway sa pintuang-bayan, at nagliligaw sa ganap na tao sa pamamagitan ng walang kabuluhan.

อิสยาห์ 29:21
คือผู้ที่ใส่ความคนอื่นด้วยถ้อยคำของเขา และวางบ่วงไว้ดักเขาผู้กล่าวคำขนาบที่ประตูเมือง และด้วยถ้อยคำที่ไม่เป็นแก่นสาร เขากีดกันคนชอบธรรมเสีย

Yeşaya 29:21
Onlar ki, insanı tek sözle davasında suçlu çıkarır,
Kent kapısında haksızı azarlayana tuzak kurar,
Yok yere haklının hakkını çiğnerler.[]

EÂ-sai 29:21
tức những kẻ lấy lời nói định tội người ta, gài bẫy cho những người kiện cáo trước cửa, lấy sự hư không làm khuất công bình.

Isaiah 29:20
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