Isaiah 28:19
Isaiah 28:19
As often as it comes it will carry you away; morning after morning, by day and by night, it will sweep through." The understanding of this message will bring sheer terror.

Again and again that flood will come, morning after morning, day and night, until you are carried away." This message will bring terror to your people.

As often as it passes through it will take you; for morning by morning it will pass through, by day and by night; and it will be sheer terror to understand the message.

"As often as it passes through, it will seize you; For morning after morning it will pass through, anytime during the day or night, And it will be sheer terror to understand what it means."

From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

Every time it passes through, it will carry you away; it will pass through every morning-- every day and every night. Only terror will cause you to understand the message.

As often as it sweeps through, it will carry you away, for it will sweep by morning after morning in the day; but understanding this message will bring sheer terror at night,

Whenever it sweeps by, it will overtake you; indeed, every morning it will sweep by, it will come through during the day and the night." When this announcement is understood, it will cause nothing but terror.

Each time it passes by it will take you. It will pass by morning after morning, during the day and during the night. Understanding this message brings only terror.

From the time that it goes forth, it shall take you: for it shall come suddenly, by day and by night: and it shall be that the terror only causes one to understand the report.

From the time that it goes forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a terror just to understand the report.

From the time that it goes forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

As often as it passeth though, it shall take you; for morning by morning shall it pass through, by day and by night: and it shall be nought but terror to understand the message.

Whensoever it shall pass through, it shall take you away: because in the morning early it shall pass through, in the day and in the night, and vexation alone shall make you understand what you hear.

As it passeth through it shall take you; for morning by morning shall it pass through, by day and by night; and it shall be terror only to understand the report.

As often as it passeth through, it shall take you; for morning by morning shall it pass through, by day and by night: and it shall be nought but terror to understand the message.

From the time that it goeth forth it shall take you: for morning by morning shall it pass over, by day and by night: and it shall be a vexation only to understand the report.

As often as it passes through, it will seize you; for morning by morning it will pass through, by day and by night; and it will be nothing but terror to understand the message."

From the fulness of its passing over it taketh you, For morning by morning it passeth over, By day and by night, And it hath been only a trembling to consider the report.

Isaia 28:19
Sa herë që do të kalojë, do t'ju kapë, sepse do të kalojë çdo mëngjes, ditën dhe natën, do të jetë një tmerr i vërtetë të dëgjosh vetëm të ta rrëfejnë.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 28:19
كلما عبر يأخذكم فانه كل صباح يعبر في النهار وفي الليل ويكون فهم الخبر فقط انزعاجا.

Dyr Ieseien 28:19
Dö reisst enk mit, ieds Maal, wenn s kimmt, Frueh um Frueh, bei Tag und Nacht. Ja, wer nit hoern will, mueß füeln!

Исая 28:19
Колкото пъти минава ще ви хваща; Защото всяка заран ще минава, Денем и нощем; И само слуха [за нея] да чуе някой, ще се изплаши.

以 賽 亞 書 28:19
每 逢 經 過 必 將 你 們 擄 去 。 因 為 每 早 晨 他 必 經 過 , 白 晝 黑 夜 都 必 如 此 。 明 白 傳 言 的 必 受 驚 恐 。

每 逢 经 过 必 将 你 们 掳 去 。 因 为 每 早 晨 他 必 经 过 , 白 昼 黑 夜 都 必 如 此 。 明 白 传 言 的 必 受 惊 恐 。



Isaiah 28:19
kad god prođe, dohvatit će vas; prolazit će svako jutro, danju i noću. Samo će vas strah uputit u objavu.

Izaiáše 28:19
Jakž jen počne přecházeti, zachvátí vás; každého zajisté jitra přecházeti bude, ve dne i v noci. I stane se, že sám strach tomu, což jste slýchali, k srozumění poslouží,

Esajas 28:19
jer skal den ramme, hver Gang den gaar frem; thi Morgen efter Morgen gaar den frem, ved Dag og ved Nat, idel Angst skal det blive at faa Syner tydet.

Jesaja 28:19
Van den tijd af, als hij doortrekt, zal hij ulieden wegnemen, want allen morgen zal hij doortrekken, bij dag en bij nacht; en het zal geschieden, dat het gerucht te verstaan, enkel beroering wezen zal.

ישעה 28:19
מִדֵּ֤י עָבְרֹו֙ יִקַּ֣ח אֶתְכֶ֔ם כִּֽי־בַבֹּ֧קֶר בַּבֹּ֛קֶר יַעֲבֹ֖ר בַּיֹּ֣ום וּבַלָּ֑יְלָה וְהָיָ֥ה רַק־זְוָעָ֖ה הָבִ֥ין שְׁמוּעָֽה׃

יט מדי עברו יקח אתכם כי בבקר בבקר יעבר ביום ובלילה והיה רק זועה הבין שמועה

מדי עברו יקח אתכם כי־בבקר בבקר יעבר ביום ובלילה והיה רק־זועה הבין שמועה׃

Ézsaiás 28:19
S a hányszor eljõ, elragad titeket; mert minden reggel eljõ, nappal és éjszaka; borzalom megértetni e tanítást;

Jesaja 28:19
CXiufoje, kiam gxi trairos, gxi kaptos vin; cxar cxiutage gxi trairos, tage kaj nokte, kaj terura estos la klarigo, kiun gxi donos.

JESAJA 28:19
Niin pian kuin se tulee, niin sen pitää teitä viemän pois: jos se tulee aamulla, niin tapahtuu se aamulla, niin myös päivällä ja yöllä; sillä ainoastaan rangaistus opettaa ottamaan sanoista vaarin.

Ésaïe 28:19
dès qu'il passera, il vous prendra; car matin après matin il passera, de jour et de nuit, et ce ne sera qu'effroi d'en entendre la rumeur;

Chaque fois qu'il passera, il vous saisira; Car il passera tous les matins, le jour et la nuit, Et son bruit seul donnera l'épouvante.

Dès qu'il traversera il vous emportera; or il traversera tous les matins, de jour, et de nuit; et dès qu'on en entendra le bruit il n'y aura que remuement.

Jesaja 28:19
Kommt sie des Morgens, so geschieht's des Morgens; also auch, sie komme des Tages oder des Nachts. Denn alleine die Anfechtung lehret aufs Wort merken.

Kommt sie des Morgens, so geschieht's des Morgens; also auch, sie komme des Tags oder des Nachts. Denn allein die Anfechtung lehrt aufs Wort merken.

So oft sie daherfährt, wird sie euch fassen; denn Morgen für Morgen wird sie daherfahren, am Tage und in der Nacht, und eitel Schauder wird das Empfangen solches Unterrichts sein!

Isaia 28:19
Ogni volta che passerà, vi afferrerà: poiché passerà mattina dopo mattina, di giorno e di notte; e sarà spaventevole imparare una tal lezione!

Da che passerà, egli vi porterà via; perciocchè passerà mattina dopo mattina, di giorno e di notte; e il sentirne il grido non produrrà altro che commovimento.

YESAYA 28:19
Ditangkapnya akan kamu kelak semenjak dan selamanya ia bergelora, maka iapun akan bergelora pada tiap-tiap pagi, baik siang baik malam; barangsiapa yang mendengar kabarnya sahaja itu kelak kegentaran belaka.

이사야 28:19
그것이 유행할 때마다 너희를 잡을 것이니 아침마다 유행하고 주야로 유행한즉 그 전하는 도를 깨닫는 것이 오직 두려움이라

Isaias 28:19
quandocumque pertransierit tollet vos quoniam mane diluculo pertransibit in die et in nocte et tantummodo sola vexatio intellectum dabit auditui

Izaijo knyga 28:19
Kai jis praeis, nusineš jus. Jis užeis kas rytą ir kas dieną, ir kas naktį. Tai bus siaubinga žinia”.

Isaiah 28:19
I ona wa e haere atu ai taua whiu, ka riro koutou i a ia: ka haere atu hoki i tenei ata, i tenei ata, i te ao, i te po; a he whakamataku anake te mea kia mohio ki te kupu.

Esaias 28:19
Hver gang den farer frem, skal den rive eder bort; hver morgen skal den fare frem, både dag og natt, og det skal være bare redsel å forstå budskapet;

Isaías 28:19
Cuantas veces pase, os arrebatará, porque pasará mañana tras mañana, de día y de noche; y será terrible espanto el comprender el mensaje.

Cuantas veces pase, los arrebatará, Porque pasará mañana tras mañana, de día y de noche. Y será terrible espanto el comprender el mensaje."

Luego que comenzare a pasar, él os arrebatará; porque de mañana en mañana pasará, de día y de noche; y será por espanto el sólo entender el reporte.

Luego que comenzare á pasar, él os arrebatará; porque de mañana de mañana pasará, de día y de noche; y será que el espanto solamente haga entender lo oído.

Luego que comenzare a pasar, él os arrebatará, porque de repente pasará, de día y de noche; y será que el espanto solamente haga entender lo oído.

Isaías 28:19
Toda vez que vier, vos atingirá e arrastará; passará manhã após manhã, de dia e durante a noite!” Todas as vezes que ouvires tal notícia ficareis aterrorizados.

Todas as vezes que passar, vos arrebatará; porque de manhã em manhã passará, de dia e de noite; e será motivo de terror o só ouvir tal notícia.   

Isaia 28:19
Ori de cîte ori va trece, vă va apuca; căci va trece în toate dimineţile, zi şi noapte, şi numai vuietul ei vă va îngrozi.``

Исаия 28:19
Как скоро он пойдет, схватит вас; ходить же будет каждое утро, день и ночь, и один слух о нем будетвнушать ужас.

Как скоро он пойдет, схватит вас; ходить же будет каждоеутро, день и ночь, и один слух о нем будет внушать ужас.[]

Jesaja 28:19
Så ofta det far fram, skall det träffa eder; ty morgon efter morgon skall det fara fram, ja, både dag och natt. Idel förskräckelse bliver det, när I måsten akta på den predikan.

Isaiah 28:19
Sa tuwing dadaan, tatangayin kayo; sapagka't tuwing umaga ay daraan, sa araw at sa gabi: at mangyayari na ang balita ay magiging kakilakilabot na matalastas.

อิสยาห์ 28:19
มันผ่านไปบ่อยเท่าใด มันก็จะเอาตัวเจ้า เพราะมันจะผ่านไปเช้าแล้วเช้าเล่า ทั้งกลางวันและกลางคืน เมื่อเข้าใจข่าว ก็จะเกิดแต่ความสยดสยองเท่านั้น

Yeşaya 28:19
Bu bela her geldiğinde sizi süpürüp götürecek. Her gün, gece gündüz gelecek. Bu bildiriyi anlayan dehşete kapılacak.[]

EÂ-sai 28:19
Mỗi lần tai nạn trải qua, sẽ bắt lấy các ngươi, vì nó trải qua mọi buổi sớm mai, ngày và đêm; chỉ có sự kính sợ làm cho các ngươi hiểu biết lời dạy ấy.

Isaiah 28:18
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