Isaiah 27:7
Isaiah 27:7
Has the LORD struck her as he struck down those who struck her? Has she been killed as those were killed who killed her?

Has the LORD struck Israel as he struck her enemies? Has he punished her as he punished them?

Has he struck them as he struck those who struck them? Or have they been slain as their slayers were slain?

Like the striking of Him who has struck them, has He struck them? Or like the slaughter of His slain, have they been slain?

Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Did the LORD strike Israel as He struck the one who struck Israel? Was he killed like those killed by Him?

Has the LORD struck them down, just as he struck down those who struck them? Or have they been killed, just as their killers were killed?

Has the LORD struck down Israel like he did their oppressors? Has Israel been killed like their enemies?

Will the LORD hurt Israel as he hurt others who hurt them? Will he kill them as he killed others?

Has he been smitten as he who smote him? or has he been slain as those who slew him?

Has he struck him, as he struck those that struck him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Has he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Hath he smitten them as he smote those that smote them? or are they slain according to the slaughter of them that were slain by them?

Hath he struck him according to the stroke of him that struck him? or is he slain, as he killed them that were slain by him?

Hath he smitten him according to the smiting of those that smote him? Is he slain according to the slaughter of those slain by him?

Hath he smitten him as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that were slain by him?

Hath he smitten him, as he smote those that smote him? or is he slain according to the slaughter of them that are slain by him?

Has he struck them as he struck those who struck them? Or are they killed like those who killed them were killed?

As the smiting of his smiter hath He smitten him? As the slaying of his slain doth He slay?

Isaia 27:7
A ka goditur Perëndia Izraelin ashtu si ka goditur ata që e qëllonin atë? A e ka vrarë atë ashtu si ka vrarë ata që e vrisnin atë?

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 27:7
هل ضربه كضربة ضاربيه او قتل كقتل قتلاه.

Dyr Ieseien 27:7
Dyr Trechtein haat sein Volk nit yso gschlagn wie d Feindd dyrvon. Er haat s nit umbrungen, wie yr s mit seine Mörder gmacht haat.

Исая 27:7
Поразил ли го е както порази ония, които поразиха него? Или убит ли бе както бяха умъртвени убитите от него?

以 賽 亞 書 27:7
主 擊 打 他 們 , 豈 像 擊 打 那 些 擊 打 他 們 的 人 嗎 ? 他 們 被 殺 戮 , 豈 像 被 他 們 所 殺 戮 的 嗎 ?

主 击 打 他 们 , 岂 像 击 打 那 些 击 打 他 们 的 人 吗 ? 他 们 被 杀 戮 , 岂 像 被 他 们 所 杀 戮 的 吗 ?



Isaiah 27:7
Je li ga udario kako udari one koji njega udarahu? Je li ga ubio kako ubi one koji njega ubiše?

Izaiáše 27:7
Nebo zdaliž jej tak ubil, jako ubil nepřítele jeho? Zdali jej zamordoval, jako jsou jiní zmordováni od něho?

Esajas 27:7
Har han vel slaaet det, som de, der slog det, blev slagne, eller blev det myrdet, som deres Mordere myrdedes?

Jesaja 27:7
Heeft Hij hem geslagen, gelijk Hij dien geslagen heeft, die hem sloeg? Is hij gedood, gelijk zijn gedoden gedood zijn geworden?

ישעה 27:7
הַכְּמַכַּ֥ת מַכֵּ֖הוּ הִכָּ֑הוּ אִם־כְּהֶ֥רֶג הֲרֻגָ֖יו הֹרָֽג׃

ז הכמכת מכהו הכהו  אם כהרג הרגיו הרג

הכמכת מכהו הכהו אם־כהרג הרגיו הרג׃

Ézsaiás 27:7
Avagy az õt verõnek verése szerint verte õt? vagy ellenségei megöletteinek megölése szerint öletett-é meg?

Jesaja 27:7
CXu li estis frapata tiel, kiel estis frapataj liaj frapantoj? aux cxu li estas mortigita tiel, kiel estas mortigitaj liaj mortigintoj?

Eikö hän kumminkaan tule lyödyksi, niinkuin hänen vihollisensa lyövät häntä? ja eikö hän tule tapetuksi, niinkuin hänen vihollisensa häntä tappavat?

Ésaïe 27:7
L'a-t-il frappé selon le coup de ceux qui l'ont frappé? A-t-il été tué selon la tuerie de ceux qu'il a tués?

L'Eternel l'a-t-il frappé comme il a frappé ceux qui le frappaient? L'a-t-il tué comme il a tué ceux qui le tuaient?

L'aurait-il frappé de la même plaie dont il frappe celui qui l'a frappé? et aurait-il été tué comme ont été tués ceux qu'il a tués?

Jesaja 27:7
Wird er doch nicht geschlagen, wie ihn seine Feinde schlagen, und wird nicht erwürget, wie ihn seine Feinde erwürgen,

Wird er doch nicht geschlagen, wie seine Feinde geschlagen werden, und wird nicht erwürgt, wie seine Feinde erwürgt werden;

Hat er es etwa gepeinigt, wie er seinen Peiniger gepeinigt hat? Oder ward es hingemordet, wie seine Mörder hingemordet wurden?

Isaia 27:7
L’Eterno ha egli colpito il suo popolo come ha colpito quelli che colpivan lui? L’ha egli ucciso come ha ucciso quelli che uccidevan lui?

L’ha egli percosso secondo le percosse di quelli ch’egli percuote? è egli stato ucciso secondo l’uccisione di quelli ch’egli uccide?

Adakah dipalu-Nya mereka itu seperti dipalu-Nya segala orang yang sudah memalu mereka itu? Atau mereka itu dibunuhkah seperti dibunuh segala orang yang telah dibunuh-Nya?

이사야 27:7
주께서 그 백성을 치셨은들 그 백성을 친 자들을 치심과 같았겠으며 백성이 살륙을 당하였은들 백성을 도륙한 자의 살륙을 당함과 같았겠느냐

Isaias 27:7
numquid iuxta plagam percutientis se percussit eum aut sicut occidit interfectos eius sic occisus est

Izaijo knyga 27:7
Ar Jis baudė juos, kaip jų priešai buvo baudžiami? Ar jų krito tiek, kiek jų priešų?

Isaiah 27:7
I rite ranei tana patu i a ia ki tana patunga i ona kaipatu? i rite ranei tona whakamatenga ki te whakamatenga o ana i whakamate ai?

Esaias 27:7
Har vel Herren slått Israel så hårdt som han slo den som slo ham? Eller blev han drept således som hans fiender blev drept?

Isaías 27:7
¿Acaso con la herida del que lo hirió fue herido, o como con la matanza de sus muertos fue muerto?

¿Acaso fue herido con la herida de Aquel que lo hirió? Acaso fue muerto como con la matanza de sus muertos?

¿Acaso lo ha herido, como Él hirió a quien lo hirió? ¿O ha sido muerto como los que en la matanza por Él fueron muertos?

¿Acaso ha sido herido como quien lo hirió? ¿ó ha sido muerto como los que lo mataron?

¿Acaso ha sido herido como quien lo hirió? ¿O ha sido muerto como los que lo mataron?

Isaías 27:7
Porventura o Eterno o feriu como aqueles que o feriram? Porventura ele foi morto como foram mortos os que o feriram?

Porventura feriu-os o Senhor como feriu aos que os feriram? ou matou-os ele assim como matou aos que por eles foram mortos?   

Isaia 27:7
L -a lovit oare Domnul cum a lovit pe cei ce -l loveau? L -a ucis El cum a ucis pe cei ce -l ucideau?

Исаия 27:7
Так ли Он поражал его, как поражал поражавших его? Так ли убивал его, как убиты убивавшие его?

Так ли Он поражал его, как поражал поражавших его? Так ли убивал его, как убиты убивавшие его?[]

Jesaja 27:7
Har man väl plågat dem så, som han plågade deras plågare? Eller dräptes de så, som deras dräpta fiender blevo dräpta?

Isaiah 27:7
Sinaktan baga niya siya na gaya ng pagsakit niya sa mga yaon, na nanakit sa kaniya? o pinatay siya ng ayon sa pagpatay nila, na napatay niya?

อิสยาห์ 27:7
พระองค์ทรงโบยตีเขาอย่างที่พระองค์โบยตีเขาทั้งหลายที่โบยตีเขาหรือ หรือเขาถูกฆ่าอย่างคนทั้งหลายที่ถูกเขาฆ่าแล้ว

Yeşaya 27:7
RAB İsraillileri, kendilerini cezalandıranları cezalandırdığı gibi cezalandırdı mı?
Ya da İsraillileri başkalarını öldürdüğü gibi öldürdü mü?[]

EÂ-sai 27:7
Ðức Chúa Trời đánh nó há như đánh kẻ đã đánh nó sao? Nó bị giết há như những kẻ giết nó đã bị giết sao?

Isaiah 27:6
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