Isaiah 20:6
Isaiah 20:6
In that day the people who live on this coast will say, 'See what has happened to those we relied on, those we fled to for help and deliverance from the king of Assyria! How then can we escape?'"

They will say, 'If this can happen to Egypt, what chance do we have? We were counting on Egypt to protect us from the king of Assyria.'"

And the inhabitants of this coastland will say in that day, ‘Behold, this is what has happened to those in whom we hoped and to whom we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria! And we, how shall we escape?’”

"So the inhabitants of this coastland will say in that day, 'Behold, such is our hope, where we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria; and we, how shall we escape?'"

And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape?

And the inhabitants of this coastland will say on that day, 'Look, this is what has happened to those we relied on and fled to for help to rescue us from the king of Assyria! Now, how will we escape?'"

At that time, the inhabitants of this coastland will say, 'See, this is what has happened to those on whom we counted and relied for help and deliverance from the king of Assyria! How, then, can we escape?'"

At that time those who live on this coast will say, 'Look what has happened to our source of hope to whom we fled for help, expecting to be rescued from the king of Assyria! How can we escape now?'"

When that day comes, those who live on this coastland will say, 'Look at what has happened to our hope. We ran [to Egypt] for help to be rescued from the king of Assyria. How can we escape?'"

And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such was our hope which we clung to for help that we might be free from the presence of the king of Assyria. How shall we escape?

And the inhabitant of this coastland shall say in that day, Behold, such is our hope, to which we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: how then shall we escape?

And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, where we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape?

And the inhabitant of this coast-land shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, whither we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and we, how shall we escape?

And the inhabitants of this isle shall say in that day: Lo this was our hope, to whom we fled for help, to deliver up from the face of the king of the Assyrians: and how shall we be able to escape?

And the inhabitants of this coast shall say in that day, Behold, such is our confidence, whither we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria; and how shall we escape?

And the inhabitant of this coastland shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, whither we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and we, how shall we escape?

And the inhabitant of this isle shall say in that day, Behold, such is our expectation, whither we flee for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria: and how shall we escape?

The inhabitants of this coast land will say in that day, 'Behold, this is our expectation, where we fled for help to be delivered from the king of Assyria. And we, how will we escape?'"

and the inhabitant of this isle hath said in that day -- Lo, thus is our trust, Whither we have fled for help, To be delivered from the king of Asshur, And how do we escape -- we?'

Isaia 20:6
Atë ditë banorët e kësaj krahine bregdetare do të thonë: "Ja, çfarë u ndodhi atyre te të cilët kishim mbështetur shpresën tonë dhe pranë të cilëve ishim strehuar për të kërkuar ndihmë, për t'u çliruar nga mbreti i Asirisë. Si do të shpëtojmë ne?".

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 20:6
ويقول ساكن هذا الساحل في ذلك اليوم هوذا هكذا ملجأنا الذي هربنا اليه للمعونة لننجوا من ملك اشور فكيف نسلم نحن

Dyr Ieseien 20:6
Und d Anfurtstöter sagnd daadl: Mein, wenn s dene schoon yso geet, auf die wo mir vertraut haetnd, daa wo myr hinflohend, däß s üns gögn önn Surner Künig helffend, ja, wie haetnd n mir daa +überhaaupt non ayn Müg?

Исая 20:6
И в оня ден жители на тая крайбрежна страна ще кажат: Ето, такова е упованието ни, към което прибягнахме за помощ за да се избавим от асирийския цар! а ние как ще се избавим?

以 賽 亞 書 20:6
那 時 , 這 沿 海 一 帶 的 居 民 必 說 : 看 哪 , 我 們 素 所 仰 望 的 , 就 是 我 們 為 脫 離 亞 述 王 逃 往 求 救 的 , 不 過 是 如 此 ! 我 們 怎 能 逃 脫 呢 ?

那 时 , 这 沿 海 一 带 的 居 民 必 说 : 看 哪 , 我 们 素 所 仰 望 的 , 就 是 我 们 为 脱 离 亚 述 王 逃 往 求 救 的 , 不 过 是 如 此 ! 我 们 怎 能 逃 脱 呢 ?



Isaiah 20:6
I reći će u onaj dan stanovnici ovog primorja: 'Eto, to je uzdanica naša kojoj se utjecasmo da nam pomogne i spasi nas od kralja asirskoga. A kako da se mi spasimo?'

Izaiáše 20:6
Tedy řekne obyvatel ostrovu tohoto v ten den: Aj hle, toť naše útočiště, k němuž jsme se utíkali o pomoc, abychom vysvobozeni byli z moci krále Assyrského. Jakž bychom my tedy ušli?

Esajas 20:6
Og de, som bor paa denne Strand, skal paa hin Dag sige: »Se, saaledes gik det med den, vi saa hen til, til hvem vi tyede om Hjælp for at frelses fra Assyrerkongen; hvor skal da vi kunne undslippe!«

Jesaja 20:6
En de inwoners van dit eiland zullen te dien dage zeggen: Ziet, alzo is het gegaan dien, op welken wij zagen, werwaarts wij henenvloden om hulp, om gered te worden van het aangezicht des konings van Assyrie; hoe zullen wij dan ontkomen?

ישעה 20:6
וְ֠אָמַר יֹשֵׁ֨ב הָאִ֣י הַזֶּה֮ בַּיֹּ֣ום הַהוּא֒ הִנֵּה־כֹ֣ה מַבָּטֵ֗נוּ אֲשֶׁר־נַ֤סְנוּ שָׁם֙ לְעֶזְרָ֔ה לְהִ֨נָּצֵ֔ל מִפְּנֵ֖י מֶ֣לֶךְ אַשּׁ֑וּר וְאֵ֖יךְ נִמָּלֵ֥ט אֲנָֽחְנוּ׃ ס

ו ואמר ישב האי הזה ביום ההוא הנה כה מבטנו אשר נסנו שם לעזרה להנצל מפני מלך אשור ואיך נמלט אנחנו  {פ}

ואמר ישב האי הזה ביום ההוא הנה־כה מבטנו אשר־נסנו שם לעזרה להנצל מפני מלך אשור ואיך נמלט אנחנו׃ ס

Ézsaiás 20:6
És szól e partvidék lakosa ama napon: Ímé így járt reménységünk, hova segítségért futottunk, hogy Assiria királyától megszabaduljunk; hát mi miként menekülhetnénk meg?

Jesaja 20:6
Kaj en tiu tempo diros la logxantoj de tiu apudmara lando:Jen kia estas nia fidita lando, kien ni kuris, por sercxi helpon, por savi nin kontraux la regxo de Asirio; kiamaniere ni nun savos nin?

Ja tämän luodon asuvaiset pitää silloin sanoman: onko tämä meidän turvamme, johon olemme paenneet apua saamaan, että me Assyrian kuninkaalta pelastettaisiin? kuinka me olemme päässeet?

Ésaïe 20:6
Et l'habitant de cette côte dira en ce jour-là: Voilà notre confiance, ceux vers qui nous avons couru pour avoir du secours, pour être délivrés de devant le roi d'Assyrie! et nous, comment échapperons-nous?

Et les habitants de cette côte diront en ce jour: Voilà ce qu'est devenu l'objet de notre attente, sur lequel nous avions compté pour être secourus, pour être délivrés du roi d'Assyrie! Comment échapperons-nous?

Et celui qui habite en cette Ile-ci dira en ce jour-là; voilà en quel état est celui auquel nous regardions, celui auprès de qui nous nous sommes réfugiés pour avoir du secours, afin d'être délivrés de la rencontre du Roi d'Assyrie; et comment pourrons-nous échapper?

Jesaja 20:6
Und die Einwohner dieser Inseln werden sagen zur selbigen Zeit: Ist das unsere Zuversicht, da wir hinflohen um Hilfe, daß wir errettet würden von dem Könige zu Assyrien? Wie fein sind wir entronnen!

Und die Einwohner dieser Küste werden sagen zu derselben Zeit: Ist das unsre Zuversicht, dahin wir flohen um Hilfe, daß wir errettet würden von dem König von Assyrien? Wie könnten denn wir entrinnen?

und die Bewohner dieser Küste werden an jenem Tage sprechen: Wenn es so denen ergangen ist, nach denen wir ausblickten, zu denen wir um Hilfe geflohen waren, um uns vor dem Könige von Assyrien zu retten, - wie können wir da entrinnen?

Isaia 20:6
E gli abitanti di questa costa diranno in quel giorno: "Ecco a che è ridotto il paese in cui speravamo, al quale avevamo ricorso in cerca d’aiuto, per essere liberati dal re d’Assiria! Come scamperemo noi?"

Ed in quel giorno gli abitatori di questo paese deserto diranno: Ecco, così è avvenuto a colui, a cui noi riguardavamo, dove noi eravamo fuggiti per soccorso, per esser liberati dal re degli Assiri; e come scamperemmo noi? Il carico del deserto del mare.

dan pada masa itu juga orang isi pulau itu akan berkata demikian: Bahwasanya inilah hal orang yang telah kami pandang dan kepadanya juga kami sudah datang berlari minta tolong akan dilepaskan dari pada hadirat raja Asyur; entah bagaimana kami akan luput?

이사야 20:6
그 날에 이 해변 거민이 말하기를 우리가 믿던 나라 곧 우리가 앗수르 왕에게서 벗어나기를 바라고 달려가서 도움을 구하던 나라가 이같이 되었은즉 우리가 어찌 능히 피하리요 하리라

Isaias 20:6
et dicet habitator insulae huius in die illa ecce haec erat spes nostra ad quos confugimus in auxilium ut liberaret nos a facie regis Assyriorum et quomodo effugere poterimus nos

Izaijo knyga 20:6
Tą dieną šito jūros pakraščio gyventojai sakys: ‘Štai kas atsitiko tiems, pas kuriuos bėgome ieškoti pagalbos, kad mus išlaisvintų nuo Asirijos karaliaus! Kaip dabar išsigelbėsime?’ ”

Isaiah 20:6
A e mea te tangata o taua takutai i taua ra, Nana, ko ta tatou tenei i tumanako ai, ko ta tatou i rere atu ai kia ora ai i te kingi o Ahiria; a me pehea tatou ka mawhiti ai?

Esaias 20:6
På den tid skal de som bor her i kystlandet*, si: Se, således er det gått dem vi satte vårt håp til, dem som vi tydde til efter hjelp, for å fries fra kongen i Assyria. Hvorledes skal da vi komme unda?

Isaías 20:6
Y dirán los habitantes de esta costa en aquel día: ``He aquí, tal ha sido nuestra esperanza, adonde huíamos buscando auxilio para ser librados del rey de Asiria; ¿y cómo escaparemos nosotros?

"Y dirán los habitantes de esta costa en aquel día: 'Así ha sido nuestra esperanza, adonde huíamos buscando auxilio para ser librados del rey de Asiria; ¿y cómo escaparemos nosotros?'"

Y dirá en aquel día el morador de esta isla: ¡Mirad cuál es nuestra esperanza, a dónde acudimos por ayuda para ser libres de la presencia del rey de Asiria! ¿Y cómo escaparemos nosotros?

Y dirá en aquel día el morador de esta isla: Mirad qué tal fué nuestra esperanza, donde nos acogimos por socorro para ser libres de la presencia del rey de Asiria: ¿y cómo escaparemos?

Y dirá en aquel día el morador de esta isla: Mirad qué tal fue nuestra esperanza, donde nos acogimos por socorro, para ser libres de la presencia del rey de Asiria, ¿y cómo escaparemos?

Isaías 20:6
Naquele grande Dia todos os habitantes destas costas clamarão: ‘Eis o que restou da nossa esperança, e daqueles em quem depositamos nossa confiança, a quem recorremos para a nossa salvação, a fim de nos proteger do rei da Assíria! Agora, pois, como haveremos de nos livrar?’”

Então os moradores desta região litorânea dirão naquele dia: Vede que tal é a nossa esperança, aquilo que buscamos por socorro, para nos livrarmos do rei da Assíria! Como pois escaparemos nós?   

Isaia 20:6
Şi locuitorii de pe ţărmul acesta vor zice în ziua aceea: ,Iată ce a ajuns încrederea noastră, pe care ne bizuiserăm, ca să fim ajutaţi şi să fim izbăviţi de împăratul Asiriei! Cum vom scăpa acum?``

Исаия 20:6
И скажут в тот день жители этой страны: вот каковы те, на которых мы надеялись и к которымприбегали за помощью, чтобы спастись от царя Ассирийского! и как спаслись бы мы?

И скажут в тот день жители этой страны: вот каковы те, на которых мы надеялись и к которым прибегали за помощью, чтобы спастись от царя Ассирийского! и как спаслись бы мы?[]

Jesaja 20:6
På den dagen skola inbyggarna här i kustlandet säga: 'Se, så gick det med dem som voro vårt hopp, med dem till vilka vi flydde, för att få hjälp och bliva räddade undan konungen i Assyrien; huru skola vi då själva kunna undkomma?'»

Isaiah 20:6
At ang nananahan sa baybaying ito ay mangagsasabi sa araw na yaon, Narito, gayon na lamang ang aming pagasa, na aming tinakasan na hiningan ng tulong upang makalaya sa hari sa Asiria: at kami paanong makatatanan?

อิสยาห์ 20:6
และชาวเกาะนี้จะกล่าวในวันนั้นว่า "ดูเถิด นี่แหละผู้ซึ่งเราหวังใจ และผู้ซึ่งเราหนีไปหาความช่วยให้พ้นจากกษัตริย์อัสซีเรีย และเราจะหนีให้พ้นได้อย่างไร"

Yeşaya 20:6
Bu kıyı bölgesinde yaşayanlar o gün, ‹‹Asur Kralı'nın elinden kurtulmak için yardımına sığındığımız, bel bağladığımız ulusların başına gelene bakın!›› diyecekler, ‹‹Biz nasıl kurtulacağız?››[]

EÂ-sai 20:6
Trong ngày đó, kẻ ở gần biển sẽ nói rằng: Kìa, dân tộc mà chúng ta vốn đem lòng trông cậy, và chạy đến cầu cứu để được giải thoát khỏi vua A-si-ri, thì nay đã trở nên thể ấy rồi! Chúng ta làm sao trốn khỏi được?

Isaiah 20:5
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