Isaiah 19:11
Isaiah 19:11
The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools; the wise counselors of Pharaoh give senseless advice. How can you say to Pharaoh, "I am one of the wise men, a disciple of the ancient kings"?

What fools are the officials of Zoan! Their best counsel to the king of Egypt is stupid and wrong. Will they still boast to Pharaoh of their wisdom? Will they dare brag about all their wise ancestors?

The princes of Zoan are utterly foolish; the wisest counselors of Pharaoh give stupid counsel. How can you say to Pharaoh, “I am a son of the wise, a son of ancient kings”?

The princes of Zoan are mere fools; The advice of Pharaoh's wisest advisers has become stupid. How can you men say to Pharaoh, "I am a son of the wise, a son of ancient kings "?

Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellers of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

The princes of Zoan are complete fools; Pharaoh's wisest advisers give stupid advice! How can you say to Pharaoh," I am one of the wise, a student of eastern kings"?

Zoan's princes are nothing but fools; the wisest advisors of Pharaoh give stupid advice. How can you say to Pharaoh, "I'm a descendant of wise men, a descendant of ancient kings"?

The officials of Zoan are nothing but fools; Pharaoh's wise advisers give stupid advice. How dare you say to Pharaoh, "I am one of the sages, one well-versed in the writings of the ancient kings?"

The leaders of Zoan are nothing but fools. The wisest of Pharaoh's counselors gives stupid advice. How can you tell Pharaoh, "I'm a descendant of wise men, a descendant of ancient kings"?

Surely the princes of Zoan are fools; the counsel of the prudent counsellors of Pharaoh is become carnal; how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of the ancient kings?

Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counselors of Pharaoh give foolish counsel: how do you say unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say you to Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

The princes of Zoan are utterly foolish; the counsel of the wisest counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

The princes of Tanis are become fools, the wise counsellors of Pharao have given foolish counsel: how will you say to Pharao: I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

They are but fools, the princes of Zoan, the wise counsellors of Pharaoh: their counsel is become senseless. How say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

The princes of Zoan are utterly foolish; the counsel of the wisest counsellors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye unto Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

Surely the princes of Zoan are fools, the counsel of the wise counselors of Pharaoh is become brutish: how say ye to Pharaoh, I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?

The princes of Zoan are utterly foolish. The counsel of the wisest counselors of Pharaoh has become stupid. How do you say to Pharaoh, "I am the son of the wise, the son of ancient kings?"

Only, fools are the princes of Zoan, The counsel of the wise ones of the counsellors of Pharaoh hath become brutish. How say ye unto Pharaoh, 'A son of the wise am I, a son of kings of antiquity?'

Isaia 19:11
Me siguri princat e Tsoanit janë budallenj; këshilltarët më të urtë të Faraonit japin këshilla të paarsyeshme. Si mund t'i thoni Faraonit: "Unë jam bir i njerëzve të urtë, bir i mbretërve të lashtë"?

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 19:11
ان رؤساء صوعن اغبياء. حكماء مشيري فرعون مشورتهم بهيمية. كيف تقولون لفرعون انا ابن حكماء ابن ملوك قدماء.

Dyr Ieseien 19:11
De Zainer Fürstn seind Narrn, und yn n Färgn seine Weisn rödnd grad non aynn Bloedsin. Und daa sagtß ös zo n Färgn, ös stammetß von de ganz Weisn ab, aus n Küniggschlächt?!

Исая 19:11
Първенците на Танис са крайно безумни; Съветът на мъдрите Фараонови съветници стана животински; Как, [прочее], казвате [всеки] на Фараона: Аз съм син на мъдри, син на древни царе?

以 賽 亞 書 19:11
瑣 安 的 首 領 極 其 愚 昧 ; 法 老 大 有 智 慧 的 謀 士 , 所 籌 劃 的 成 為 愚 謀 。 你 們 怎 敢 對 法 老 說 : 我 是 智 慧 人 的 子 孫 , 我 是 古 王 的 後 裔 ?

琐 安 的 首 领 极 其 愚 昧 ; 法 老 大 有 智 慧 的 谋 士 , 所 筹 划 的 成 为 愚 谋 。 你 们 怎 敢 对 法 老 说 : 我 是 智 慧 人 的 子 孙 , 我 是 古 王 的 後 裔 ?



Isaiah 19:11
Pravi su luđaci knezovi soanski, mudri savjetnici faraonovi glupo svjetuju; kako se usuđujete reći faraonu: Učenik sam mudraca, učenik drevnih kraljeva?

Izaiáše 19:11
Jistě žeť jsou blázni knížata Soan, moudrých rádců Faraonových rada zhlupěla. Jakž říkati můžete Faraonovi: Syn moudrých já jsem, syn králů starožitných?

Esajas 19:11
Kun Daarer er Zoans Øverster, Faraos viseste Raadmænd saa dumt et Raad. Hvor kan I sige til Farao: »Jeg er en Ætling af Vismænd, Ætling af Fortidens Konger?«

Jesaja 19:11
Gewisselijk, de vorsten van Zoan zijn dwazen, de raad der wijzen, der raadgevers van Farao, is onvernuftig geworden; hoe kunt gijlieden dan zeggen tot Farao; Ik ben een zoon der wijzen, een zoon der oude koningen?

ישעה 19:11
אַךְ־אֱוִלִים֙ שָׂ֣רֵי צֹ֔עַן חַכְמֵי֙ יֹעֲצֵ֣י פַרְעֹ֔ה עֵצָ֖ה נִבְעָרָ֑ה אֵ֚יךְ תֹּאמְר֣וּ אֶל־פַּרְעֹ֔ה בֶּן־חֲכָמִ֥ים אֲנִ֖י בֶּן־מַלְכֵי־קֶֽדֶם׃

יא אך אולים שרי צען חכמי יעצי פרעה עצה נבערה איך תאמרו אל פרעה בן חכמים אני בן מלכי קדם

אך־אולים שרי צען חכמי יעצי פרעה עצה נבערה איך תאמרו אל־פרעה בן־חכמים אני בן־מלכי־קדם׃

Ézsaiás 19:11
Bizony bolondok Zoán fejedelmei, a Faraó bölcs tanácsosai egy eszét veszített tanács; mimódon mondjátok a Faraónak: bölcsek fia vagyok, régi királyoknak fia?

Jesaja 19:11
Malsagxaj estas la princoj de Coan; la sagxaj konsilistoj de Faraono farigxis senkonsilaj. Kiel vi diros al Faraono:Mi estas filo de sagxuloj, ido de antikvaj regxoj?

JESAJA 19:11
Zoanin pääruhtinaat ovat tyhmät, Pharaon taitavat neuvonantajat ovat neuvossansa hulluiksi tulleet; miksi te siis sanotte Pharaosta: minä olen viisasten poika, ja olen vanhain kuningasten poika?

Ésaïe 19:11
Ils ne sont que des fous, les princes de Tsoan, les sages conseillers du Pharaon; leur conseil est devenu stupide. Comment dites-vous au Pharaon: Je suis un fils des sages, le fils d'anciens rois?

Les princes de Tsoan ne sont que des insensés, Les sages conseillers de Pharaon forment un conseil stupide. Comment osez-vous dire à Pharaon: Je suis fils des sages, fils des anciens rois?

Certes les principaux de Tsohan sont fous, les sages d'entre les conseillers de Pharaon sont un conseil abruti; comment dites-vous à Pharaon; je suis fils des sages, le fils des Rois anciens?

Jesaja 19:11
Die Fürsten zu Zoan sind Toren, die weisen Räte Pharaos sind im Rat zu Narren worden. Was sagt ihr doch von Pharao: Ich bin der Weisen Kind und komme von alten Königen her?

Die Fürsten zu Zoan sind Toren; die weisen Räte Pharaos sind im Rat zu Narren geworden. Was sagt ihr doch zu Pharao: Ich bin der Weisen Kind und komme von alten Königen her?

Eitel Narren sind die Beamten in Zoan, die weisesten Berater des Pharao; ihre Ratschläge werden dumm. Wie könnt ihr zum Pharao sprechen: Ich stamme von den Weisen ab, von den Königen der Vorzeit!

Isaia 19:11
I principi di Tsoan non son che degli stolti; i più savi tra i consiglieri di Faraone dànno dei consigli insensati. Come potete mai dire a Faraone: "Io sono figliuolo de’ savi, figliuolo degli antichi re?"

Certo, i principi di Soan son pazzi; i più savi d’infra i consiglieri di Faraone sono un consiglio insensato; come dite voi a Faraone: Io son figliuolo di savi; io son figliuolo di re antichi?

YESAYA 19:11
Aduh, segala penghulu Zoan sudah digilakan; bicara segala hakim dan menteri Firaun sudah dibodohkan; maka bagaimana kamu dapat bersembah kepada Firaun demikian: Patik ini anak hakim, patik ini anak raja dahulukala?

이사야 19:11
소안의 방백은 지극히 어리석었고 바로의 가장 지혜로운 모사의 모략은 우준하여졌으니 너희가 어떻게 바로에게 이르기를 나는 지혜로운 자들의 자손이라는 옛 왕들의 후예라 할 수 있으랴

Isaias 19:11
stulti principes Taneos sapientes consiliarii Pharao dederunt consilium insipiens quomodo dicetis Pharaoni filius sapientium ego filius regum antiquorum

Izaijo knyga 19:11
Coano kunigaikščiai yra kvaili. Faraono išmintingieji patarėjai duos kvailus patarimus. Kaip galite sakyti faraonui: “Aš esu išminčiaus sūnus, karalių palikuonis?”

Isaiah 19:11
He tino wairangi nga rangatira o Toana; he tino poauau hoki nga whakaaro o nga kaiwhakatakoto whakaaro mohio a Parao. He pehea ra ta koutou ki atu ki a Parao, He tama ahau na te hunga whakaaro nui, he tama na nga kingi onamata?

Esaias 19:11
Bare dårer er Soans høvdinger; de viseste blandt Faraos rådgivere gir uforstandige råd. Hvorledes kan I si til Farao: Jeg er en ætling av vismenn, en ætling av fortidens konger?

Isaías 19:11
No son más que necios los príncipes de Zoán; el consejo de los más sabios consejeros de Faraón se ha vuelto torpe. ¿Cómo decís a Faraón: Yo soy hijo de los sabios, hijo de los antiguos reyes?

No son más que necios los príncipes de Zoán. El consejo de los más sabios consejeros de Faraón se ha vuelto torpe. ¿Cómo dicen a Faraón: 'Yo soy hijo de los sabios, hijo de los antiguos reyes?'

Ciertamente son necios los príncipes de Zoán; el consejo de los prudentes consejeros de Faraón, se ha desvanecido. ¿Cómo diréis a Faraón: Yo soy hijo de los sabios, e hijo de los reyes antiguos?

Ciertamente son necios los príncipes de Zoán; el consejo de los prudentes consejeros de Faraón, se ha desvanecido. ¿Cómo diréis á Faraón: Yo soy hijo de los sabios, é hijo de los reyes antiguos?

Ciertamente son necios los príncipes de Zoán; el consejo de los prudentes consejeros de Faraón se ha desvanecido. ¿Cómo diréis por Faraón: Yo soy hijo de los sabios, e hijo de los reyes antiguos?

Isaías 19:11
Na verdade, os príncipes de Tsôan, Zoã, não passam de insensatos; os sábios conselheiros do Faraó sugerem ações tolas e inconseqüentes. Como vos atreveis a dizer ao Faraó: “Sou filho de sábios, discípulo de grandes reis da antiguidade”?

Na verdade estultos são os príncipes de Zoã; o conselho dos mais sábios conselheiros de Faraó se embruteceu. Como pois a Faraó direis: Sou filho de sábios, filho de reis antigos?   

Isaia 19:11
În adevăr, voivozii Ţoanului au înebunit, sfetnicii înţelepţi ai lui Faraon s'au prostit. ,,Cum îndrăzniţi voi să spuneţi lui Faraon: ,Noi sîntem fiii înţelepţilor, fiii străvechilor împăraţi?

Исаия 19:11
Так! обезумели князья Цоанские; совет мудрых советников фараоновых стал бессмысленным. Как скажете вы фараону: „я сын мудрецов, сын царей древних?"

Так! обезумели князья Цоанские; совет мудрых советников фараоновых стал бессмысленным. Как скажете вы фараону: `я сын мудрецов, сын царей древних?`[]

Jesaja 19:11
Såsom idel dårar stå då Soans furstar; Faraos visaste rådgivare giva blott oförnuftiga råd. Huru kunnen I då säga till Farao: »Jag är en son av visa män, en son av forntidens konungar»?

Isaiah 19:11
Ang mga pangulo sa Zoan ay lubos na mangmang; ang payo ng mga pinakapantas at kasangguni ni Faraon ay naging tampalasan: paanong masasabi ninyo kay Faraon, Ako'y anak ng pantas, anak ng mga dating hari?

อิสยาห์ 19:11
พวกเจ้านายแห่งโศอันโง่เขลาทีเดียว ที่ปรึกษาที่ฉลาดของฟาโรห์ให้คำปรึกษาอย่างโง่เขลา พวกเจ้าจะพูดกับฟาโรห์ได้อย่างไรว่า "ข้าพระองค์เป็นบุตรของนักปราชญ์ เป็นเชื้อสายของกษัตริย์โบราณ"

Yeşaya 19:11
Soanfş Kentinin önderleri ne kadar akılsız!
Firavunun bilge danışmanları
Saçma sapan öğütler veriyorlar.
Nasıl olur da firavuna,
‹‹Biz bilgelerin oğulları,
Eski zaman krallarının torunlarıyız›› diyorlar?[]

EÂ-sai 19:11
Các quan trưởng ở Xô-an rất đần độn; mưu sĩ rất khôn ngoan của Pha-ra-ôn, chỉ bày ra những kế dại khờ. Sao các ngươi nói cùng Pha-ra-ôn rằng: Tôi là con các bậc hiền triết, con các vua đời xưa?

Isaiah 19:10
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