Isaiah 14:4
Isaiah 14:4
you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: How the oppressor has come to an end! How his fury has ended!

you will taunt the king of Babylon. You will say, "The mighty man has been destroyed. Yes, your insolence is ended.

you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon: “How the oppressor has ceased, the insolent fury ceased!

that you will take up this taunt against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased, And how fury has ceased!

That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

you will sing this song of contempt about the king of Babylon and say: How the oppressor has quieted down, and how the raging has become quiet!

you will lift up this song of mockery against the king of Babylon: "How the oppressor has come to an end! How the attacker has ceased!

you will taunt the king of Babylon with these words: "Look how the oppressor has met his end! Hostility has ceased!

Then you will mock the king of Babylon with this saying, "How the tyrant has come to an end! How his attacks have come to an end!"

that thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon and say, How has the oppressor ceased! The city that covets gold has ceased!

That you shall take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

That you shall take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How has the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

that thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

Thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and shalt say: How is the oppressor come to nothing, the tribute hath ceased?

that thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased, the exactress of gold ceased!

that thou shalt take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

That thou shalt take up this proverb against the king of Babylon, and say, How hath the oppressor ceased! the golden city ceased!

that you will take up this parable against the king of Babylon, and say, "How the oppressor has ceased! The golden city has ceased!"

That thou hast taken up this simile Concerning the king of Babylon, and said, How hath the exactor ceased,

Isaia 14:4
ti do të shqiptosh këtë sentencë mbi mbretin e Babilonisë dhe do të thuash: "Ashtu si mbaroi shtypësi, tagrambledhja e arit ka mbaruar.

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 14:4
انك تنطق بهذا الهجو على ملك بابل وتقول. كيف باد الظالم بادت المغطرسة.

Dyr Ieseien 14:4
aft gaast auf n Bäbler Künig dös Spottliedl singen: Mein, enddlich ist s mit n Drangsler aus! Ayn End haat ietzet d Noot.

Исая 14:4
Ще употребиш това иносказание против вавилонския цар, като речеш: Как престана насилникът! престана скубачът [на злато]!

以 賽 亞 書 14:4
你 必 題 這 詩 歌 論 巴 比 倫 王 說 : 欺 壓 人 的 何 竟 息 滅 ? 強 暴 的 何 竟 止 息 ?

你 必 题 这 诗 歌 论 巴 比 伦 王 说 : 欺 压 人 的 何 竟 息 灭 ? 强 暴 的 何 竟 止 息 ?



Isaiah 14:4
zapjevat ćeš ovu rugalicu kralju babilonskom: Kako nestade silnika? Kako nestade tlačenja?

Izaiáše 14:4
Že uživeš přísloví tohoto o králi Babylonském, a řekneš: Aj, jak přestal násilník! Přestalo dychtění po zlatě.

Esajas 14:4
skal du istemme denne Spottevise om Babels Konge: Hvor er dog Bødlen stille, Tvangshuset tyst!

Jesaja 14:4
Dan zult gij deze spreuk opnemen tegen den koning van Babel, en zeggen: Hoe houdt de drijver op? Hoe houdt de goudene op?

ישעה 14:4
וְנָשָׂ֜אתָ הַמָּשָׁ֥ל הַזֶּ֛ה עַל־מֶ֥לֶךְ בָּבֶ֖ל וְאָמָ֑רְתָּ אֵ֚יךְ שָׁבַ֣ת נֹגֵ֔שׂ שָׁבְתָ֖ה מַדְהֵבָֽה׃

ד ונשאת המשל הזה על מלך בבל--ואמרת  איך שבת נגש שבתה מדהבה

ונשאת המשל הזה על־מלך בבל ואמרת איך שבת נגש שבתה מדהבה׃

Ézsaiás 14:4
E gúnydalt mondod Babilon királya felett, és szólsz: Miként lõn vége a nyomorgatónak, a szolgaság házának vége lõn!

Jesaja 14:4
vi eldiros cxi tiun mokokanton pri la regxo de Babel, kaj diros:Kiel kvietigxis la premanto, cxesigxis la tributo!

Että sinun pitää puhuman näin Babelin kuningasta vastaan ja sanoman: kuinka vaivaaja on tullut perikatoon, ja veron laskemus on loppuun joutunut.

Ésaïe 14:4
que tu prononceras ce cantique sentencieux sur le roi de Babylone, et tu diras: Comment l'oppresseur a-t-il cessé? comment l'exactrice a-t-elle cessé?

Alors tu prononceras ce chant sur le roi de Babylone, Et tu diras: Eh quoi! le tyran n'est plus! L'oppression a cessé!

Tu te moqueras ainsi du Roi de Babylone, et tu diras ; comment se repose l'exacteur? [comment] se repose celle qui était si avide de richesses?

Jesaja 14:4
so wirst du ein solch Sprichwort führen wider den König zu Babel und sagen: Wie ist's mit dem Treiber so gar aus, und der Zins hat ein Ende!

so wirst du solch ein Lied anheben wider den König von Babel und sagen: Wie ist's mit dem Dränger so gar aus, und der Zins hat ein Ende!

wirst du dieses Spottlied auf den König von Babel anstimmen und sprechen: Wie hat der Bedrücker geendet, geendet die Mißhandlung!

Isaia 14:4
Come! l’oppressore ha finito? ha finito l’esattrice d’oro?

tu proverbierai così il re di Babilonia, e dirai: Come è restato l’esattore? come è cessato il tributo?

pada masa itu kamu akan mengangkat nyanyian ini akan hal raja Babil itu, bunyinya: Bagaimana kesudahannya si pengimpit, kesudahannya si penganiaya!

이사야 14:4
너는 바벨론 왕에 대하여 이 노래를 지어 이르기를 학대하던 자가 어찌 그리 그쳤으며 강포한 성이 어찌 그리 폐하였는고

Isaias 14:4
sumes parabolam istam contra regem Babylonis et dices quomodo cessavit exactor quievit tributum

Izaijo knyga 14:4
tada dainuosite pasityčiojimo dainą apie Babilono karalių, sakydami: “Kaip nurimo prispaudėjas, auksinio miesto nebeliko!

Isaiah 14:4
Ko reira maranga ai tenei pepeha au mo te kingi o Papurona, ka mea hoki koe, Anana! mutu pu ta te kaitukino, mutu pu ta te pa koura!

Esaias 14:4
da skal du istemme denne spottesang over Babels konge og si: Se, hvad ende det har tatt med voldsherren, med trengselsstedet!

Isaías 14:4
pronunciarás esta burla contra el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo se ha acabado el opresor, y cómo ha cesado el furor!

pronunciarás esta burla contra el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: "¡Cómo se ha acabado el opresor, Y cómo ha cesado el furor!

que levantarás este proverbio sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo cesó el opresor, cómo cesó la ciudad del oro!

Que levantarás esta parábola sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo paró el exactor, cómo cesó la ciudad codiciosa del oro!

entonces levantarás esta parábola sobre el rey de Babilonia, y dirás: ¡Cómo cesó el opresor, cómo cesó la ciudad codiciosa del oro!

Isaías 14:4
que zombarás do rei da Babilônia entoando esta sátira: Como terminou a tua arrogância? Que fim levou o opressor?

proferirás esta parábola contra o rei de Babilônia, e dirás: Como cessou o opressor! como cessou a tirania!   

Isaia 14:4
atunci vei cînta cîntarea aceasta asupra împăratului Babilonului, şi vei zice: ,,Iată, asupritorul nu mai este, asuprirea a încetat,

Исаия 14:4
ты произнесешь победную песнь на царя Вавилонского и скажешь: как не стало мучителя, пресеклось грабительство!

ты произнесешь победную песнь на царя Вавилонского и скажешь: как не стало мучителя, пресеклось грабительство![]

Jesaja 14:4
då skall du stämma upp denna visa över konungen i Babel, du skall säga: »Vilken ände har icke plågaren fått, vilken ände pinoorten!

Isaiah 14:4
Na iyong gagamitin ang talinghagang ito laban sa hari sa Babilonia, at iyong sasabihin, Kung paano ang mamimighati ay naglikat! ang bayang ginto ay naglikat!

อิสยาห์ 14:4
เจ้าจะยกคำภาษิตนี้กล่าวต่อกษัตริย์แห่งบาบิโลนว่า "เออ ผู้บีบบังคับก็สงบไปแล้วหนอ เมืองทองคำก็สงบไปด้วยซิ

Yeşaya 14:4
Babil Kralını alaya alarak,
‹‹Halkı ezenin nasıl da sonu geldi!›› diyecekler,
‹‹Zorbalığı nasıl da sona erdi!››[]

EÂ-sai 14:4
thì ngươi sẽ dùng lời thí dụ nầy nói về vua Ba-by-lôn rằng: Sao kẻ bạo ngược đã tiệt đi, thành ức hiếp đã dứt đi!

Isaiah 14:3
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