Isaiah 14:16
Isaiah 14:16
Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble,

Everyone there will stare at you and ask, 'Can this be the one who shook the earth and made the kingdoms of the world tremble?

Those who see you will stare at you and ponder over you: ‘Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook kingdoms,

"Those who see you will gaze at you, They will ponder over you, saying, 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms,

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

Those who see you will stare at you; they will look closely at you:" Is this the man who caused the earth to tremble, who shook the kingdoms,

"Those who see you will stare at you. They will wonder about you: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who made kingdoms quake,

Those who see you stare at you, they look at you carefully, thinking: "Is this the man who shook the earth, the one who made kingdoms tremble?

Those who see you stare at you; they look at you closely and say, "Is this the man who made the earth tremble, who shook the kingdoms,

Those that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble; that shook the kingdoms;

They that see you shall gaze upon you, and consider you, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

They that see you shall narrowly look on you, and consider you, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

They that see thee shall gaze at thee, they shall consider thee,'saying , Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

They that shall see thee, shall turn toward thee, and behold thee. Is this the man that troubled the earth, that shook kingdoms,

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee; they shall consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that shook kingdoms;

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, they shall consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that did shake kingdoms;

They that see thee shall narrowly look upon thee, and consider thee, saying, Is this the man that made the earth to tremble, that shook kingdoms:

Those who see you will stare at you. They will ponder you, saying, "Is this the man who made the earth to tremble, who shook kingdoms;

Thy beholders look to thee, to thee they attend, Is this the man causing the earth to tremble, Shaking kingdoms?

Isaia 14:16
Ata që të shikojnë të ngulin sytë, të vërejnë me kujdes dhe thonë: "Ky është njeriu që e bënte tokën të dridhej, që i trondiste mbretëritë,

ﺃﺷﻌﻴﺎء 14:16
الذين يرونك يتطلعون اليك يتأملون فيك. أهذا هو الرجل الذي زلزل الارض وزعزع الممالك

Dyr Ieseien 14:16
Und wer di seght, der schaugt grad bloed: "Ja, kan denn dös grad sein? Haat der de gantzn Reicher gschrachtt und bibnen laassn d Erd,

Исая 14:16
Ония, които те видят ще се взрат в тебе, Ще те разгледат, [и ще рекат]: Тоя ли е човекът, който правеше да трепери земята, Който разклащаше царствата,

以 賽 亞 書 14:16
凡 看 見 你 的 都 要 定 睛 看 你 , 留 意 看 你 , 說 : 使 大 地 戰 抖 , 使 列 國 震 動 ,

凡 看 见 你 的 都 要 定 睛 看 你 , 留 意 看 你 , 说 : 使 大 地 战 抖 , 使 列 国 震 动 ,



Isaiah 14:16
Koji te vide, motre te i o tebi razmišljaju: Je li to čovjek koji je zemljom tresao i drmao kraljevstvima,

Izaiáše 14:16
Ti, kdož tě uzří, za tebou se ohlédati, a tebe spatřovati budou, říkajíce: To-liž jest ten muž, kterýž nepokojil zemi, a pohyboval královstvími,

Esajas 14:16
Ser man dig, stirrer man paa dig med undrende Blikke: »Er det ham, som fik Jorden til at bæve, Riger til at skælve,

Jesaja 14:16
Die u zien zullen, zullen u aanschouwen, zij zullen op u letten, en zeggen: Is dat die man, die de aarde beroerde, die de koninkrijken deed beven?

ישעה 14:16
רֹאֶ֙יךָ֙ אֵלֶ֣יךָ יַשְׁגִּ֔יחוּ אֵלֶ֖יךָ יִתְבֹּונָ֑נוּ הֲזֶ֤ה הָאִישׁ֙ מַרְגִּ֣יז הָאָ֔רֶץ מַרְעִ֖ישׁ מַמְלָכֹֽות׃

טז ראיך אליך ישגיחו אליך יתבוננו  הזה האיש מרגיז הארץ מרעיש ממלכות

ראיך אליך ישגיחו אליך יתבוננו הזה האיש מרגיז הארץ מרעיש ממלכות׃

Ézsaiás 14:16
A kik látnak, rád tekintenek, [és] elgondolják: Ez-é a föld ama háborgatója, a ki királyságokat rendített meg?

Jesaja 14:16
Tiuj, kiuj vin vidos, rigardos vin atente, kaj miros:CXu cxi tio estas la viro, kiu tremigis la teron, teruris regnojn,

JESAJA 14:16
Joka sinun näkee, hänen pitää katseleman sinua ja katsoman päälles, (ja sanoman): onko tämä se mies, joka maailman saatti värisemään, ja valtakunnat vapisemaan?

Ésaïe 14:16
Ceux qui te voient fixent leurs regards sur toi, ils te considèrent, disant: Est-ce ici l'homme qui a fait trembler la terre, qui ébranlait les royaumes,

Ceux qui te voient fixent sur toi leurs regards, Ils te considèrent attentivement: Est-ce là cet homme qui faisait trembler la terre, Qui ébranlait les royaumes,

Ceux qui te verront te regarderont et te considéreront, [en disant]; N'est-ce pas ici ce personnage qui faisait trembler la terre, qui ébranlait les Royaumes.

Jesaja 14:16
Wer dich siehet, wird dich schauen und ansehen (und sagen): Ist das der Mann, der die Welt zittern und die Königreiche beben machte,

Wer dich sieht, wird dich schauen und betrachten und sagen: "Ist das der Mann, der die Erde zittern und die Königreiche beben machte?

Die dich erblicken, sehen dich gespannt, sehen dich nachdenklich an: Ist das der Mann, der die Erde erzittern machte, der die Königreiche erschütterte,

Isaia 14:16
Quei che ti vedono fissano in te lo sguardo, ti considerano attentamente, e dicono: "E’ questo l’uomo che faceva tremare la terra, che scoteva i regni,

Quelli che ti vedranno ti riguarderanno, e ti considereranno dicendo: È costui quell’uomo che facea tremare la terra, che scrollava i regni?

YESAYA 14:16
Orang yang melihat engkau itu memandang kepadamu dan mengamat-amati akan dikau, sambil katanya: Inikah dia, yang sudah mengharu-birukan seisi dunia dan yang sudah menggentarkan segala kerajaan?

이사야 14:16
너를 보는 자가 주목하여 너를 자세히 살펴 보며 말하기를 이 사람이 땅을 진동시키며 열국을 경동시키며

Isaias 14:16
qui te viderint ad te inclinabuntur teque prospicient numquid iste est vir qui conturbavit terram qui concussit regna

Izaijo knyga 14:16
Kurie tave mato, įsižiūri ir galvoja: ‘Ar tai žmogus, prieš kurį drebėjo žemė ir karalystės?

Isaiah 14:16
Ko te hunga e kite i a koe, matatau tonu ta ratou titiro ki a koe, me ta ratou ata whakaaroaro ano, Ko te tangata ianei tenei i wiri ai te whenua, i ngaueue ai nga rangatiratanga;

Esaias 14:16
De som ser dig, skal stirre på dig, undres over dig og si: Er dette den mann som fikk jorden til å beve, kongeriker til å skjelve,

Isaías 14:16
Los que te ven te observan, te contemplan, y dicen: ``¿Es éste aquel hombre que hacía temblar la tierra, que sacudía los reinos,

Los que te vean te observarán, Te contemplarán, y dirán: '¿Es éste aquel hombre que hacía temblar la tierra, Que sacudía los reinos,

Los que te vean, te observarán, te contemplarán, diciendo: ¿Es éste aquel varón que hacía temblar la tierra, que trastornaba los reinos;

Inclinarse han hacia ti los que te vieren, te considerarán diciendo: ¿Es este aquel varón que hacía temblar la tierra, que trastornaba los reinos;

Se han de inclinar hacia ti los que te vieren y te considerarán, diciendo : ¿Es éste aquel varón que hacía temblar la tierra, que trastornaba los reinos.

Isaías 14:16
Os que te veem fitam os olhos em ti e te observam com toda atenção, indagando: “Porventura é este homem que fazia tremer a terra inteira, que abalava reinos?

Os que te virem te contemplarão, considerar-te-ão, e dirão: É este o varão que fazia estremecer a terra, e que fazia tremer os reinos?   

Isaia 14:16
Cei ce te văd se uită ţintă miraţi la tine, te privesc cu luare aminte şi zic: ,Acesta este omul care făcea să se cutremure pămîntul, şi zguduia împărăţiile,

Исаия 14:16
Видящие тебя всматриваются в тебя, размышляют о тебе: „тот ли это человек, который колебал землю, потрясал царства,

Видящие тебя всматриваются в тебя, размышляют о тебе: `тот ли это человек, который колебал землю, потрясал царства,[]

Jesaja 14:16
De som se dig stirra på dig, de betrakta dig och säga: 'Är detta den man som kom jorden att darra och riken att bäva,

Isaiah 14:16
Silang nangakakakita sa iyo ay magsisititig sa iyo, kanilang mamasdan ka, na mangagsasabi, Ito baga ang lalake na nagpayanig ng lupa, na nagpauga ng mga kaharian;

อิสยาห์ 14:16
บรรดาผู้ที่เห็นเจ้าจะเพ่งดูเจ้า และจะพิจารณาเจ้าว่า `ชายคนนี้หรือที่ทำให้โลกสั่นสะเทือน ผู้เขย่าราชอาณาจักรทั้งหลาย

Yeşaya 14:16
Seni görenler bakıp bakıp şöyle düşünecekler:
‹‹Dünyayı sarsan, ülkeleri titreten,
Yeryüzünü çöle çeviren,
Kentleri yerle bir eden,
Tutsakları evlerine salıvermeyen adam bu mu?››[]

EÂ-sai 14:16
Những kẻ thấy ngươi sẽ ngó chăm ngươi; và nhìn ngươi cách ý tứ, mà rằng: Có phải người nầy là kẻ đã làm rung rinh đất, day động các nước,

Isaiah 14:15
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